« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

The Secret World of Chefs, with Richard Blais and Hugh Acheson

2020-04-22 | 🔗

As anyone who's worked in a kitchen or the hospitality industry can readily attest, there's an entirely different world behind the doors of every kitchen, a world that most diners and restaurant patrons never see. Join the guys as they sit down with world famous chefs Hugh Acheson and Richard Blais to learn more about what really happens behind the scenes in restaurants and cooking shows, as well as how the industry has been been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Welcome back to the show. My name is met, my name is no, they call me, then we are joined, as always with our super producer, all mission control deck and, most importantly, you argue you are here, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know this. Is this a very special episode for us when we ve been excited about four a wild, now today we our diving into the culinary world and anyone who has ever worked as a chef, Raza Cook in front of house or more can easily attest. There is an entirely different verse behind the kitchen doors. It's it's a word old and a reality that most diners most restaurant patrons never really see, and it should go without saying but will say it. The people in this world are some of the hardest working most Riven individuals on the planet. Today we
getting a first hand exploration of this world with help from two luminaries of the cold. Universe, Hugh Atchison and Richard Blaze. Thank you so much for coming on the show today guys extra is up. It's really nice to connect with the US in this video conference, and we were making this recording happened right now. You you both have fabulous looking homes, thank you, your age. I really just have this stove and behind the rest of the houses in shambles, but this is this is where I do all of my work now well, what do you need in these are troubled times in inlet means that you also would have camp fabulous voices, and I want to make sure that in this our first like what is this a six way? call bunker, recording situation want to make sure that everyone knows whose too. So, if you can
introduce yourselves a sore listeners can track who's talking. That would be amazing Richard you want. I want to go first, hey everyone. This is Richard Blaze and no one has ever said that my voice sounds amazing and coming from you, that is high praise, Hugh Abu Acheson. Yes, it's just a guy he's, just some guy named you address in gravitas of that name and their voice alone, meaning you need not say any more honestly, where we're all really really happy to have you both and thank you so much for having is our first ever two guests situation on that they want. You now is an arrogant. This is year. Yet this this is pretty close. This is new, Russia too, but you know we're in a time of new things and innovations, one one thing we wanted to to kick off today's conversation with is: is the concept of celebrity right
I use many allies in the audience. We know you from your. We we may know you from your work in television, I n, and sometimes there may be people listening today who are yeah. I like the way you have put it earlier. Matt who are who are even more familiar with the your television work. Then they are with maybe the dated eight food, we're. Creating. How has your notoriety affected your work as chefs? Has it like helped as it hindered has he ever gotten weird yeah I'll jumpy and I guess richer blaze. Here I mean one has a gun. Weird, I mean, to be honest, guys we're on six ways Skype on a par gas right now, so yeah things can get heard when you're a celebrity shot? I think it goes both ways right, like the exposure certainly create. Ray opportunity. It certainly helps putting people in restaurants at the same time. You know it.
We have a tremendous amount of responsibility, not that you can't live up to all the time to everyone. So I think there is a blessing, not much of a curse but but but certainly there, there's ups and downs to it. Yeah. Having celebrity is such a strange, and I think he any of us want to color so celebrities, I'm just a guy cooks. You know tvs occupied about two percent of my working life, probably even less so you know it, but it like. Like writing a book just gives you a bigger footprint to get to clients and fine cost, workers and have a following. So it definitely helps in a business angle, but a kind of the term comic be cringe. That's that's understandable. It is funny you actually knew about you outside of any of your tv work, because I lived in Athens Georgia for many years and knew about your wonderful.
Trot five and ten, and had many friends that word for you, and so I knew of you more from your grass roots kind of Where can you really are known as being super hands on and not only you know, cooking and designing menus and creating restaurant concepts, but also in culinary instruction, I actually have seen you do a talk at the local farmers market in front of, like you know, twenty people, it's like a very grassroots thing that you do, and I always really appreciate that about you and your olive the I. Why kind of ether, ethics of being a chef and all of these days in principle, so just wanted to point that out there I'm a big big fan, and then I've known you, since you are kind of you now do in that stuff in Athens and involves, can apology from part of my life middle line, you you'd at the end. You doesn't want to say it, but he is obviously a celebrity chef, because I can't book the farmers market like they're, not this this is so we ought to get to you guys
My first job every eye was at a private club in Atlanta called the people driving club any was working in a kitchen there, and I really thought This is what I wanted to do There are a lot of people their listening, who have aspirations of becoming a chef organ into the industry in some way, more Then you know just serving drinks or or food. How? What we're? pathways. You guys took to achieve that, and is there any advice she can give to someone who is looking to to kind of following your ways? And I would definitely advise against not going into this business right now, but there's no jobs and there won't be any jobs, could be a lot worse, but you know I got into this business because I'm the black sheep of a very academic family and fifteen Esther working in restaurants. I just it was the place where I felt at ease and where it gets
and it wasn't school and at what university for awhile but dropped out, but both her the time, edging, cooking and show up- and I was sixteen years old working a french restaurant, be you know, have forty year old chefs be happy, goes their work side by side with them. So it may put sense of inclusion and success, and
You know. I realise that my strange sarcastic personality and things like that somehow also allowed me to be a good leader and then mix that with empathy and honing and on technique of the ears and just reading, you know, I think I just you know it's also about its business. That is its it's. This endless fascination for me, because I can learn about food and beverage and hospitality and design every day of my life and never get tired of there's so much to learn about food, and so, when you find in occupation that that really jazz as you like that, every day it's exciting and right now you know we ve all
changed jobs last month, and I have two months that's exciting to even in even in a crisis situation which it's amazing to me, that the similarities between running a restaurant, which budgetary crisis and trio's oriented anyhow and then true crisis response cause. There's a lot of affinities that ships can bring to the table in that region. To fix problems quickly, and he has a really really great point and I have seen in so many restaurants. A hearing and Lana have to prove it. You know very quickly to this whole very carefully thought, to go model fine dining Russia has a brand new russian right around the corner from me, call little bare the just open right before all this stuff hit and they have exclusively pivoted. You curbside delivery and they do a new menu every week and call in and make your order that morning you could pick up that night. It's like you know it's like seventy five bucks, but it's like a spread,
whole family and something very special and it's been really cool to see them, seed and obviously there doing it with more of a skeleton crew than they would have. You know as a full service restaurant they were booked out months in advance, is really popular spot, but that kind of innovation is really inherent in the scrapping us. Of being a chef, I mean they call them like brigades right, like in the french tradition, because it's like you're at war in a certain way, and you have a leader and you have people they yet to delegate to the whole situation, is very regimented in that way. Richard did you have a skinny speak too, that a little bits and your experiences to that kind of you now that that, at its that can't you added to the really leads people in the colony world to be able to like makes many decisions and really kind of you now just come through. In times address yeah I mean I love, I actually I mean I've, I'm gonna borrow wait. You said there for the future, because I mean being ever every night of a service of a restaurant there's, some
what a drama or a problem that has to be served a mean almost every you, no other guests or other table has some sort of pivoting moment. Our situation that has to be fixed or solved- and I think that again. The into hospitality industries sort of built for this and using the hospitality there, like the old sort of adage that the customer is always right. You know, has you know, really is the backbone of you know being able to consistently have to pivot. Every year, seemingly couple minutes. You know to make sure that everyone is happy, so I mean, I think, that's ingrained in all of us and I think that's the other side for me. If I, if I Look at my personal story. You know why did I fall in love with you know, cooking and being a chef? It was because it was one place where I can Make someone happy right away it seed on their face. I could I could see it in smile, and I got that personal data. Location of it, and you know quite
Leslie. Now we have the ability to turn those but in a way and make people truly happy in moments when they really really needed. Like you know, some curbside pick up or whatever it is you. That's that's well said anything. We're hitting on an issue that is very close to everybody's mind right now. You know as as were readjusting as as we're adapting improvising in one thing that you both you both hit on that really pricks my ears up is you you both noted, like one hundred percent, something always happens right. Every every service there there's always gonna, be something and that's kind of a point that we we opened with when we said you know somebody might go into a restaurant and they might sit down and to them. It seems like this is super easy, this like a lazy to bribe down a delicious river. You know what I mean and have no idea of what's going on behind the kitchen doors so linked with this,
With this in mind, are there things that that you guys Ashraf, snares professionals wish the average rest? patron was more aware of lake wait, what kind of for lack of better what kind of kitchen seek its do. Do you wish that more diners knew well? I'd. You answer this, but I want to just follow up and thank you for the inspiration, because definitely the Willy Walk Chocolate River to bride will now be created at some point in one of my restaurant. That seems terrifying to me. Are you gonna? Have the soundtrack look I'd say: pure imagination is the song, but I don't want you guys have to pay for it. The fact that invest Paul look into that
I made that there's a lot because on behind the scenes at the ethical sir ethic, the number of people that it takes to really ensure good hospitality and full service is much more than people. Think behind the scenes is usually more people than people think and the amount of work the goes in HU, it is, is more people always have an assumption that restaurant hers and successful chef, Sir a role and in it and dad what wouldn't or not it's a very, very low margin, and has only gotten lower ends. You know it's a challenging business was one that people do it because they love it and by the drive, some people, the bankruptcy and things like that. It's never easy. In that way, I mean
outside of that. I think that people generally understand what what people really do need to understand about. Restaurants is their satisfaction with restaurant is really that pass a certain point. It's really all in the consumer So if your customer, you go to a restaurant in here and a crappy mood in your with your mother in law and a four year old, the chances me making you abundantly happy in a relatively find any restaurant or difficult you're stuck in the odds against me. So it's not my job. Let me I can do my job well, but the customers are so gotta played sue in a richer brought up. The customer is always right, and I actually I never. I dont really ascribed to that anymore. The customer is always right when they treated with the respect and we counter with professionalism and empathy and understanding, and we provide good product and we do a good job in its efficient and timely. Apart from that, if the customer has complained about that, that's Lena
Is that so we d you know, so I guess I'm just saying it's. The customers got some responsibility in this relationship to chair. The customer is always right, and so there clearly absolutely wrong right again hey guys. We're gonna pause for just a moment here and check out a word from our sponsor, but will be right back and we're back. Let's keep talking with you, Anderson and Richard Valise are the agenda, something that all of us, I've been dealing with our whole lives is did you hit? I guess what you would consider the adults good marker, where you can go out to a gross, store and gather all of the things that you or your family needs too. You know five for a certain amount of time, you guys, as just a restaurant tours I'm assuming have spent a lot of time
a grocery stores. I know for sure Richard you ve been a whole foods, a whole lot just from the top chef episodes There's you know when We as an individual are going into a place to buy procure food that we are going to cook. You guys, would in a restaurant what need to know about. We go. What strategies we used to like do the best for ourselves for a new Sean Forward are economics. I how'd you make those decisions and what should we do Well, I think a lot of those decisions. It is kind of a tricky question because I think a lot of the decisions that a chef will make is the, pending on the skill and the training that they have. So I mean I just throw one they're right away that, like you know now, buying the most expensive cut of meat or the most expensive fish, because the market has created or in full did that price, and you know a bridge
stu with a piece of meat in some ox tales and bone marrow is probably gonna, be more delicious and probably the type of food you're gonna get at it. A like ours anyway, so why would be its depending on the on the scale of of the of the cook so kind a tricky theme. Say a little bit don't buy into the hype, necessarily even a place like whole foods where you all of those super pricey cuts of me are available and maybe there's a bit of marketing behind this notion that we can be just like pro chefs by buying this really expensive stuff an end and really was most important. As may be educating yourself and upping. Your basic skills said the kitchen. Rather them leaning on buying expensive ingredients, right yeah I was, I would say well. First of all, the hype has sustained my career. So, let's careful what we say. I will say that, like one of the things that has been fun and aid use that word very carefully during this quarantine,
been cooking at home and you know Haiti use it at the top step forward, but doing the quick fire challenge. Where you know found a package of sank behind my dog food been the other day and I don't even know sank still made instant coffee a can of tuna and some white beans, and you know it piece of celery that clearly should be in the compost been, and can I make a deal shouted that, can I make a delicious it's, it's kind of been fun that's right away, have to use all the ingredients in your house or freezer or cupboard, and that's what good shafts just like you do anyway. What did you do with the sank? I love that, because, as a coffee connoisseur, I know I know you adopt. My wife me The law is a delight to go. The two ingredient, coffee and it kind and viral she's got a hundred thousand views on us. You tell us to agree. In coffee was kind of kind of fun. I just what I want to say here. You don't think I miss this
are the video call. You start you you ve got a diagram. Tat will unite galley only more on new brings a visually to progress. But when you enter into a grocery store virtues, torture very, scientifically and economically studied as to what the lay out is here go any walks, walk past floral. The first thing I want you to see its pretty whatever and then you go into Proteus, but The trick is you want to stay in. The exterior wall is pretty much as you go around a grocery store. The inn Isles are where the crap is. So, if you could stay away from that, except for them. Little scouting sapper missions into go, get your olive oil and whatever in your flower. Then you can know of
wait a lot of really what is pre packaged and ingredients that you never will should understand, urged probably shouldn't be adjusting a ton of suspected exterior, but also, I think, the cooking these days and what I want to have in either really impart to people often is recipes are great. I love following a really good recipes start to finish, but what you really need to do to cook well is get is envision a Lego set any one
When he pieces each piece is a technique and skill in cooking. Then you can just assemble them in totally different ways each time. So then, you are not held hostage to the snapper recipe where you can't find snapper the snapper thirty two hours a pound for fillet at whole foods, and you can adjust to that and you something else because really what technique you need to know in that case has had a way properly easier fish, and so we just need to teach America those basics again, so they can all have their legacy Richard and I just have a lot more lego pieces. The most people do it's not that you know and we can cobble them together and in different ways, and we look upon things in a very different way, sometimes in food and that's the exciting part about
but buying from scratch is kind of key. I mean to me the fact that its very hurt warming to see the dried being shelved totally empty because, unlike what how America actually knows how to cook beans, so You know a second to whose Andrew S the other day- and he was like you know- in a crisis- I go down ITALY I give the woman ten timetable, in closing I hammock and she make food, and he was like here you know they don't do that and he's got a point, but I think were were beating that a little bit right now. So it's kind of exciting to see that- and you know I still want you would come to restaurants, it's kind of how richer nigh pair mortgages. But you know it's it's good. The people are learning how to cut from scratch? Again you want it's one of those amazing things has been to just build on. That is the absence of flour. In every single market. Like I mean, even in my house, oh yeah,
gluten free in Seoul quarantine? and then all rules are gone and I'm baking homemade soured. Oh there's, no flower, there's no used in the stores, and everyone is you know home baking. So what I mean people are not gluten free anymore. I know that some people are, of course, but California is it Some people really do have allergies by ninety percent of the people, who claimed authorities no longer have allergy examined Amazon Resilient Albion, email coming about that's the sort of his own. This is so we quickly can you sell us you start with sour do. I know it requires a mother. How do you actually get your hands on a mother and link start the sour do making process? I mean there, couple recipes at its essence, its flour and water. Corrects you get the basically it's robbing wild e, sell the air. So there is more kinship with vinegar and, as I said about the zealous and org obese? This big referred to us,
starter. So once the tartars activated in his grabbed east from the air, it's going to grow in EC into an expanding that point, it needs to be fed. So it's feeding off of the flower and smaller dish. Is that your adding to it every day. So if you can get your hands on some flour, probably make some sort of get uses rang through the air every, whereas, as we talk some people easier than others, you can smell That's it. That's gonna, be my by our contacts quote for this sorry about that one when they finally Jesus has risen made me he's just really easy go. I do have a question to follow up with this, I love that we hit on home cooking because there is a bit of a well there's, definitely resurgence by daring, It's getting close to like a renaissance. And there are a lot of people who would you know ordinarily described themselves as incapable of boiling water who have now like gone into
storage or wherever they kept all the other. It stuff. They got for their wedding. You know decades ago and their breaking it out and there you know getting those cookbooks. I always told themselves they were gonna, read an end there actually working on this stuff. To me that seems. Pretty inspiring, there's a lot of Macgyver inventiveness to it as well? But I was wondering what are some of the things like when you guys are? Professionals are seeing people try their hand at cooking at home. What what are some of the things that you think like they need to know? I'm I'm picturing you, picturing, like you guys having a camera in someone's kitchen and ending like oh, my god, dude. What are you doing? Are there any things like that in general, you think, could help people cooking a home, I guess I can just we can start rattling off a few I mean I just did a video making hash browns at home and it was jets. Just potato and salt and some oil,
a hot hot pants and that there is no true, two, it wasn't a fancy recipe. Like you saying it's more of a technique: it's not a recipe and people. We're trying at home in de I mean me about that pan wasn't working and really it was it's not the pan. It's it's, not the wand, it's the magician, and It is just something like letting the pot letting the pan letting the oil get hot enough so that whatever you cook in it doesn't stick to the pan. It's just that. The thing than when you're at home and there's a pan, smoking and you're about to set off you're you don't you Your fire alarm that people freak out a little whereas when you have the experience of cooking professionally, you know the smoking point certain oil in and that you have. You know that the pans gonna be ok, so little things dad we're it's more again. Everyone thinks they need the tool, especially for me being sort of known as a gadget. Guy gets having done in the last thirty days I haven't cook surveyed, I haven't used them,
liquid nitrogen yet and if it, if I do, before the zombies. It won't be an ingredient in a recipe. It will be done. Disintegrate all the zombies. So I think some of it is just expiring. But now people are getting that experience and I'll send it over to you here yeah I mean, I think that people are they're coming. America's is really intriguing with food right down there trying. I call it The rise of the Alison Roman Empire and I think that its good buddy, I'm aged Americans are still more onto it, comes to food or remember when it published my first book at it like a pair sat down cake, and so it calls for like four eggs in the batter- and I remember the hang somebody like hand write me a postcard saying it was good, but the egg shells were a little weird to get around. Why it's like people as I quote,
This is why it is so important to have magicians like you guys, amongst us who who can provide, guns guys that's a magician, but I guess what I mean is, I think, no, no matter how difficult our situation that you guys through the restaurant industry is going through. The hospitality industry in general is going through. I dont think we're ever gonna lose that need for for people with your skill. I guess I was listening, an episode of the passenger Hugh. Where are your time with Chris Wilkins of Root baking many here in Atlanta and migrants. Dude I mean the reality of our situation that you later with him was heart Changes from somebody who loves food and has enough means too. Every once in a while eat at a restaurant at the door of the calibre that you guys, you know the food you guys create. I guess what I'm
What I'm trying to understand is. Do you think there's a version of this? The way it plays out that, innovation plays a huge role for people like you to still be able to get food to conceal workers and make a living in just maybe a different way. Yeah. That is, but I worry that that is so shallow and basic In the end, it loses some core aspect of what I think is most important about. True, restaurants, witches hospitality, I mean, but we saw those coming before this me. Richard can attest to the Sioux, I'm mean there. Their flaws in the logic of fine dining and what we do every day is, and we see it on bottom line and in that's, You know when we see the sweet Reunification of America. It's kind of terror. To a lot of us, as chef says. Do is: is that really, where we're moving towards cause? I don't want to go there
It is really quickly in case. Anyone is a notion I was sweet. Green is like a kind of like sorted Chapeau Way health food kind of chain. That's like in California areas. Are you referring to hear and understand that that they started Philadelphia and Gun everywhere now, but I'm not dissing them. I think they provide a good service and its a good product in the in the end is just what it lacks for me is service it. It lacks the idea of a chef coming up with an inspired dish and nails yet and in a really impressing that way so weakened come up with a lot of different ways to do really great to go food and stuff like that, as you know, it giving people options. Restaurant caliber me they have in their home edge. I just don't want that. Be everything we do any more, but I'm also terrified that american consumers are not going to monitor
gather rented bar yeah me too kind of Haiti has created. I think that the big the big issue is that you know one Russian, send food everyone everyone's a consumer of food right, so that that's the beauty of the business and well we're? Finally, right now is the ultimate issue. Is that it's it's it's one business that can't go one hundred percent digital right, o k go. One hundred percent online you physically need to have something in front of you. You need to put it in your body, so I mean I think, that the massive challenge, but you were saying all we already is like this has already been happening, party delivery services for some of my places were you know thirty to forty percent of specific locations. Business ready. So in one way we ve seen this coming. You know third party delivery pick up to go fast, casual food and, quite honestly, through the last, you know your horrendous
moments you know, after nine, eleven people had to adapt. Fine dining took a massive it. Two thousand eight. I think that's when the single subject you know restaurant was was sort of born after that. I think this is going to come It's ok, I'm kind of excited. Although it's gonna be a challenge. What will I agree with you, as I'm kind of excited This is the challenge of you know. Can you create some sort of restaurant experience, perhaps at home and you know it's never going to be the same. The challenge itself. I find somewhat inspiring just get it dawned on me, as I gave Semitism meal prep services like blue apron, which unites ethic. Is it? Is it interesting idea? It's like our job is to the point of what I was saying earlier about not by you there
banana, don't wanna put any of you guys his livelihood a risk, if so hilarious, that blue apron and all those meal picture response are literally every bad gal. I now her I now don't let it let it fire. I wanna hear what you where I come from. I think blue apron and groups like that were becoming untenable before this. Now they are there. Probably the happiest companies in the pandemic economy other than three m zoom, Oh, it's it's! It's interesting to see how long that's gonna! Last I don't know. I mean what what is this is going to completely change our industry and I may well I'll come back. They woke Bobby. Ok, I'm not worried about reopening I'm worried about six months to reopening when the landlord still trying to lean on me because he wants to a slight up taken.
And unlike dude, we're doing sixty percent of what we did last year. You can't raise the rent on me because Nobody's gonna open up a restaurant here until you know, I think we are empowered right now, because you know what I used to hate when bosses would ever say this to me is becoming true, which is I ve? No landlords need me right now. They need me, so they have to make me happier that's really important, but it used to be like a bad. Says: well be saving like those ten other people behind you for the job. That's like! Well, that's actually gonna be true right now. Neither actually can actually heard an interview on and PR today about a property owner, a commercial real estate owner whose tenants who were business owners or not
to pay, rent right now and he's like ok, that's s, house gonna! Be I get it! I support! You are not going to collect rent this month, but then he in turn went to his bank and the bank. And giving him a break in the bank. Isn't passing on that too? I'm not that noise is a its everyone's getting here, but its fascinating to see how this is to play out. Eventually the banks are going to have to play. Nice is just double like ad woods. What's the alternative, I don't understand you know of a future where the bank's hardline everybody enclose every thing down. You know tat your world maybe I'm being naive, I'm interested as business owners what you guys think about how that aspect plays out well mean that aspects really interesting, I'm glad you're speaking as a lobbyist for developers and landlords of the world back at all. He had realise that, like our our bottom line non profit Poverty is a lot lower, then landlords developers
There, I just think there's this needs to be given take, we filled their coffers, we filled their buildings with aspiring businesses that employ people and do well Dean Open, they need us and now more than ever, and I think that they have to pony up envy willing, I'm gonna lose some skin, and this I want to see them losing skin hope I didn't misrepresent. That's. That's really will my point was as that. Eventually, even the banks are going to have to lose some skin everyone's gonna have to kind of get on board with this chain of events you now the bank can't hardline everybody, the real the property owners can't hardline everybody. Eventually, everybody in this chain has to kind of be like ok, we're in this together. How can we kind of proper each other up in and help each other out I think the one really good thing we talk about before on an apple so here, the really good thing that we have here, I think for humanity as a whole. Was that we do have a you know,
scenario. A common enemy that happens to be a microbe in our unity that is smaller than you would able to see whether a microscope it is affecting all of us in it does feel like the only way. Out of all. This is a tremendous amount of empathy which I think we you know and as a world ass a species, we could certainly use a ton more of it. It is actually a way to hopefully foster more of that and if you know, and if we can achieve that, then we'll have a major problem with the banks, because their compounding interest anyway so will be. Ok. Maybe the great war I wish. I wish this was a visual pike like the others, those those of their tasks, Diego email details, but thank you for that kumbaya moment
yeah we do. We do have a common enemy in this in this din covered and we have a common enemy by at least fifty four percent of us and the black Lester present the United States, but I dont know I mean I wanna see empathy I want to see compassion. I one see patients and people I don't always see it seems people angry driving around and stuff like that. I just want to be like we ve mellow, though really how to drive and are an angry dear boy? I now should be home, what are they doing side idiots guy, I've been driving around a lot because I've been doing meals for world central kitchen everyday. So I borrowed a van and drive around to needy organizations in Athens and drop off food. So I see a lot of stuff going around.
That's something that's key. I am really glad we're getting to this part of of the conversation, because one thing that we ve seen you're in the? U S and abroad. As been this, this not just like a re purchasing from a business active away, will take my earlier, but a re purpose, seeing for community support now to a degree the stereotype about the American South. Very true horrible things will happen here, but you're not going to go hungry because everybody is always going to be like trying to help you like RO food at you, wherever you go and end what what a star did me recently here in the south, but in the rest of the world as well, is seen these. These initiatives that kind of grew organically, but so quickly where, where people are, you know doing what you're? describing who they're they're saying, let's, let's make sure that people who
are elderly or euro compromised and can't get outside? Have you know if not some sort of human interaction they have something to eat and it may be. It made me think about how intertwined food is, with community outreach, this sort to your point, richer where he said you know everybody is a consumer of this. Oh some like community outreach things that that you guys have seen that you know that that I dont know. B to lay pollyanna, optimistic or naive about it. But what are some things that you ve seen or you participated in that have inspired you in in this current situation, Jamie As I mean, everything has been well documented, but it's the guilt feeding in for restaurants
workers and employees. It I'm sending. You know food, you don't to hospitals to take care of health care work as you mentioned earlier, Jose Andreasen You know the support that I've even received on my platform to get donations to world central kitchen ya mean what again you know, cooks and just because what trying to do each and every day when we're not in a crisis, is just me, people happy! You know we. Turn that up. You know a couple of levels when, when we have to you know bring someone, joy and and and good food and hospitality can do that. Ok, we'll be right back after a quick word from our sponsor and then more with Richard and Hugh the Danish Fortier hosts of the brand new podcast popcorn, both club like so many books. These days are getting the Hollywood treatment and I am one of those p all that has to read the book before I watch the movie, so I thought
four of my smartest. I funniest friends into starting a book club with me. We read it. We were buzzy books and talk about them every week is getting getting anything in writing and then write a book about them. She breathed before we go to the rest of the budget. We must offer our favorite rough allows. My is brown, eternal sunshine. The spy glass at is good, but we start June, twenty ninth with normal people by Sally Rooney. Oh my god, if you have read it, you are absolutely going to love at irish teens and love totally irresistible. You might fall in love with colonel and if you watch the tv show, I'm telling you now Marin is gonna, make you want to cut your on bangs dont. Do it trusts me? It's a mistake, so June. Twenty ninth listen to popcorn book club. The eye heart, radio, ass, an apple pod casts or wherever you get your broadcasts.
Ok we're back. Let's go right back into a with Richard and Hugh. Can we switch there's four seconds. Yes, Richard you said. The phrase quick fire, I always had a question because out of the three as here, we ve we ve been on set before for these things and no, I'm I'm I've always had a question about cooking shows. Somebody you stop chef as it as an example that just because you guys are both had experience being that show in various capacities, You probably answer any competitive cooking show into this for this question by generally, you will see a segment where there are contestants chefs cooking their hearts out, for you know, a longer period of time and then afterwards, there's a whole different camera set up, there's a whole different. Feeling in area were where
nothing is happening. I know for a fact that takes a long time to get right in to continue moving to shoot. Something like that. How do you keep that food? There was just furiously by these shifts. How do you keep the integrity of their food? being over to some other place and then can a sitting out in waiting as you go down. The line of you know a judge's. Judging that food I mean it, you know that there is. We are not, as a judge, you know, you're, not judging food on temperature. Usually temperature is the one thing that everyone is, although different shows are a little bit different. That temperature is the one thing that everyone is you're standing that hey. This is not at its optimal temperature right now. I think that's Where are you going with that? You know people understand that it might have been. You know five minutes or ten minutes or fifteen minutes that the food or their plate sat there before
was judged, and you know that can effect. Also, lay the inside baseball school as you know, has a cook in a chef. We know that you do a taste changes something's hard or when something's cold. So knowing that or knowing that the type of food to cook can sometimes become an advantage, you know I mean there's lots of contestants. We know myself included, probably who know that, like our well a very cold, you know rod see food dish. I'd be a good thing to serve right off the bat, because it's gonna be called their judges unit tasted. First, let's go hi acidity. It's gonna sort of you now affected palette of what that judge taste. After this dish, softly and diving too deep into the game right there, but judge. We all sort of understand that hey your temperature is into be considered most of the time getting about Thou, say more Adam, don't work with this.
Anyone neither do I quit furniture and starts, and then it stops and then they breed everybody rules and they Risa cameras. New and those that have a thing happens. All the time. There's other strategies involved Richards actually got a classic strategy which I ve picked up on, but I dont know if anybody else I don't even know if it's his strategy on his point, but in a scenario where we're cookie. For a lot of people- and they d have to approach us for that. Haste to whatever were doing and then they're gonna vote on mass later on. I am always of the mindset that, like I just might get it as much as possible Richard. So much because you never told how many you have to serve so Richard slow roles a little one played up minute. Another put up.
I've got twenty in front of the underside. Pushing going crazy. He's is sailing, he's fine, deep breath and he's just slow role. They use to nationals of top chef. That's what we're getting zero. Will that kind of thing he's so interesting to me when you're thinking about trying to make a television show and put out free food? Do that to me is always interesting. Just how you actually manage the food itself. Not you any use breaking down. A big part of the show is that you know how to use it to me. Chef who cooks in restaurants- and so do you this sort of brake yourself away from maybe the type of Jeff you are in your restaurant versus the type of chef you are on whatever show it is that you're cooking is used, this right now ahead as people of this event feed all of them- I want to get some food. I want to make them all happy. Quite honestly, I could care about the three
sound bites of the three people who don't like it. I only care about the for judges that are rolling up to me. He in this context, and I'm going to pay very special care to you, know these four six little so it goes deeper than even what you suggesting tat. Not only do I slow role at, but I preserve the four six little bites for the important people at the most important time. I've always wondered if in these shows, where so much dramas created by the clock and they down and like oh, no, I have to redo my batter whatever all of us, that is this an accurate time. The line that we're seeing like as a viewer like? Is it be preserved, or are there moments where they cheated a little bit and stop the clock and that gets caught out? It's it's generally pretty accurate. They get to realise, like the dramas created in at its it's either. So many different, spectres. You know, I mean a show like Topshop has probably eight cameras going. Your film
in much longer than the Reno whatever that forty two minutes of television is for an episode, so they ve got. You know eighteen hours of tape that their Widdle India forty two minutes in their angle. Is they want to find drama? They want to fund humor, they want to find mistakes. They want a fine burning up completely botch scenarios. They live this regime to wash your face? They are done I just feel like Hugh things, I'm accompany man now, that's one and all the faces nodded a guy. I've just always been known for being totally irreverent and not giving it so fair it out there that's. Why does this special, but you I know that the timing, specifically on my top its legitimate and like you, can jump carton put some music drop in anything to make it seem pretty drama but I have hosted making shows where it gets really I, you have to make a time announcement. That's like our big
as you have six hours laughed and you're like word like does not have any always. You started my starter, yeah right, I'm just gonna go walk over to the flower. Now and, like you know, if you put the right music on it, that six that that's that's dramatic there we go so when we were on this point, you know You think it's something that a lot of our fellow listeners have always suspected in her probably grateful to get like some first hand, information, as you said, richer Logan inside baseball on some of these things, because its it goes to a larger point, link its fascinating. The way that, in at it's like you mentioned, you is with
is fastening the way that reality can be altered for four broadcast Udo and I'll say even sometimes on podcast. We see this right in podcast are often lay with lake in all of our podcast, we're we're pretty sincere and were ultimately trying to two edged ill, I gotta fill so Corbeille say, but we're try to educate right at some point, and I just I don't think changes, anybody's enjoyment of shows personal story, you guys remember the original iron chef with a guy like staff, the bell, pepper and he's got this weird complicated back story about he's making people cope with NATO and stuff did. I am yours, the chairman, yes, like about the chairman. Son does
shove, America Ray I'm a dead guy he's an actor. Do I thought he was really the chairman son. He was thus double dragon lovey. That's what story is like the original iron ship. I grew up thinking. It was totally this. There was this like bond, culinary supervillain who, for some reason, was driven to these extreme lengths, and you know I wish I still thought that, like I didn't, I had. I only wish that helping you. You can still believe in it like it's. Ok, they gets up who keep whenever you feel good, especially in these times the chairman real my belief was even one step removed from years cause you're talking of the original chairman. I didn't even know anything about him. I just knew the son of the chairman. I thought he was real and then and then I realized he was Billy from the double dragon movies. But you're saying the original chairman is also some kind of some kind of actor
I've I've done it simply one. Eighty Richard you inspired me with your vice, I'm choosing to believe it's legit, it's real. It happening You know why there was a brief iron chef, America thing on Tv S, I believe, were in Shatner was the was. Main guy now, thou I didn't fall for, although I've known private chefs that have cooked for Shatner and you're, not that far off this is what I want to get. This is so yes, the zoo get you wow. We, John Hydro on the show a little while ago, and he told us about having dinner at sea society. Where was it? What was it called? The snake involve egg booking snakes, society. Have you guys ever found your shirt? it found yourselves either cooking for or eating at of innovation in place in a very strange world that you didn't expect that
Nobody else can really get in there. Unless you are you have you got it? with the Illuminati, I think that what is nobler out of ask like something strange that would be just interesting. I have never been invited to the arts alone party. Although I've heard of these you know the words alone, the smaller the ok. I know I don't know this, what it, what is the orderly and you can you don't have to do some research? You guys are the experts in research, but it's a tiny bird that you're not allowed to eat that from what I've heard and may be seen once people, eat and cherish, and they basically eight that's a very small, but They eat the whole burden. One bite may put a napkin over their head while they're doing it, so there is a specific incredible tool that maybe I have seen once when I cracked a door open that I shouldn't have in a french restaurant.
Oh yeah! That's the napkin over the head! If I've, if the stuff I've read is to be believed, is to hide your shame from God, because it's such a decadent acts to eat this, any burden. It's really meant to be something that only the busiest of the beast. Can enjoy, and it is in fact a illegal now, but it is something that was very popular believe during the renaissance, if I'm not mistaken, early stir in that's kind of when it started its a hide, your sin from God, so that you don't have to live in shit. That's right. That's right! That makes more sense. You haven't you any any any crazy behind the curtain glances at me now, weird, society, banquets journey, strange stuff that you ve happened upon and catering or even just
again. I guess it's your restaurant without naming names just to give us a little taste now. How may not? Really, I don't know- maybe I just Lila boring existence, but now it's not really just, then I wouldn't tell you had to have at least serve Michael Stipe before can we at least assume that that's the case, a YE ass, a cat grape, He has never done anything. We're these data, weird guy, he's really nice and pleasant desire. Seen imposing around town one item multiple times: lovely, lovely guy, we'll guys think were wrapping up here. Is there so both of you have pod out there. There are pretty new you, you ve got, passenger, can you tell us a little bit about what's going on with that show right now in just what what it is. The travel shares its high because nobody traveling. Nobody wants to hear my traveling
It's a show just about places I go and what I see and what I do where you should go when you get there, it's just discovering that every place you go. Has this heart beat that you want to find, and just the I'm your true again, I would you saved it's it's better than he is selling it right. Now, it's a great show of illicit. Every episode used got that's a classic restaurants or than you under promise in over deliver. He does it all the time I work with the skylight amazing park ass. His food is amazing. We're just say specifically because you're listening to the show, I would recommend listening to the moon, the two most recent episodes of the passenger. Just because it is a. A very serious look at what the rest. An industry faces right now, but will but just keeping in mind. There are some good things out there too, but you, I think you We be to tell from this episode Hugh
need this mean to speak out her. But you, your outlook is a little bleak, but it's It's very straightforward. It's it's an honest negative perspire, I think this? Will we need the we need? We need on a related activities and that's where will you know there's this thing I learned about recently or someone said, I'm so tired of all this toxic positivity. Sometimes it's ok to just be angry about and that you know that they meet that stayed with me almost as much as My my ill fated appearance on your podcast Richard food cork with Blaze now is a fantastic, severe test each year an agreed Zimbabwe. Like my boy, found no lie I had a lot of fun. We were able to preserve our relations. But there were moments. Where are our friendship
was in today or straight over our profoundly personal feelings, wet with what is Food Court Richard yet food court is my new podcast that add one We recently hit number twenty four in the comedy category, We I we. I waited for some studio. Applause, like you, can you guys will rightly, I believe we will put it and impose their data and food corridors where we take celebrities like yourselves, shafts actors, writers, comedians, come on in a debate, some Syria hard hitting food topics like you guys did like what's better bacon, passage flower tortillas, verses, corn, tortillas, so real Heavy heavy hitting serious topics get debated on who'd court and then at the end of course, I make a decision that most people disagree with that it is the general. Ass many of the shell, but we are having fun doing it and thank you so much for being a part of it here we are it's you on the
on the on the on the analysis, but let me tell you what I put my hat in with your producer Tipp to be on the show, because only happened in on a recording a little while back you're making, and I so badly want to be on the show. Is a lot of fun. Ben Ben says ill faded, but everyone that I've taught you says they think he made a better argument. I think it's just. He waited saucer sausage and he was bacon, and I think I swayed judge blazed with the idea that sausages more adaptable someone more variety and sauces and there is with bacon. I think that was kind of what the kicker was. But then you, gave me an absolute run for my money and I did not think I was going to emerge victorious. I wouldn't look at it as it is a negative thing at all. No and beyond, as are the honest man, even he said he was siding with you. The whole time such as it was it was the topic verdict I had to deliver, because you guys, with your background and experienced, come in with information like most of my guess. I just
from the hip and you guys came in with actual facts and I think the next you come on the show. You need argue as a team and we need to bring in another celebrity, do or trio to go up. It gets you guys allow. Love that can we do Simon much under? I just saw you had him on recently and I have always found him to be delightfully prickly. I would love to go head to head with that guy. He is even more so now because I've, u gotta his instagram page he's not shaving during quarantine, so he's above man who now has lots of her. I do the do save their actually guys, always as I met these now, where I'm impressed when I hopped out a collar Sunday when the first things I notice win Hugh and Matt popped up on the video call I was like, while these guys are still shaven, they ve got there together. I need the lake I heard it was safer. If that's all it is, used to be, but I think I'm gonna become it out of this, looking like a character from the old testament
You look like a really cool college. Math, professor thanks like the cool everyone stand on your desk, ok, Rodya, textbook away he's got the dark Manhattan background, you signed up when you ve got a blue penis dangling infirmity. This is where we are one on this episode, but we do of that there are a lot of people who you are not able to work in a restaurant right now and make money they used to make. So Just want to put this out there that the National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation has set up something called, restaurant employ relief fund. It's it's something that you can. Donate to and hopefully benefit from. If you are having that experience right now and in having some hardship in the wake of the corona virus disease and go to our e f dot. U S to both donate and worse,
assistance there, and we recommend you do that now, if possible, to please don't if you can I know we're gonna be doing that here. On our end, You do need assistance, that's a good place to go. Are there any other things you want to shut out here. At the end, all say, as just remember, in I'll try using a colony area sort of analogy here, but like the forest burns down every once in a while, and usually after that Morales grow and like you're gonna get through this. Like you mentioned during their our conversation like things are going to come back, it's going to be different, but we will get through this and we will get through it together, more of the burning the forests down myself for I know, but I agree. I think that people just to realize it's it's not that a lot of us won't have trouble reopening it's that. A lot of this industry is gonna, have a lot
Triple six months down the line after reopening. Unless consumers really make a a good effort to to do what they always have loved doing, which is going out and eating good food one way or another you're going to get it, there's going to be ways to get it, we're going to come up with those ways and a safe environment, and we just need your buying as eaters you now here I heard about great perspectives and EVA that's really the case, for this of reopening the country, reopening the economy. You can't just flip a switch. It's about peace, and thereby and in general, whether a spending money, whether it's going to restaurants, where there is going to ball games, are movies, are concerts again. It's all about winner people gonna. Be me now comfortable enough to tourism that now about what the President says, you can't make people, you know just magic he rejoined life. The way used to be so there's gonna be like a kind of us. A pendulum swing is certainly not going to be like a rebound, but I think
a cautious. I try to take the presence of cautious optimism ready for that switch to be flipped, and I know that I'll be in I'll, be out there doing those things, but it's going to be interesting to see we want to. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you Richard. So much for your time today, I you know, I don't know about our fellow listeners nor MAC but I learned a lot of stuff that I didn't know what you know that's a very low bar, so nobody get away. Big head about that. It's easy for me to learn new things and we are going to we're going to call it a day, but just because this episode is over, it doesn't mean the show is over. You can find hue and Richard why you can learn more about their work. You can find their new podcast that we have talked about. Do check them out,
We're we're not recommending them just because we're we're friends with these guys. These are fantastic shows and a lot of work has gone into them, so check them out. Let us know you think they're available now, wherever you find your podcast? In the meantime, thus, in the usual places, where we're all over this, this internet thing. We think it's a fad, that's going to really take off in a few years, so we're on Facebook, where an instagram we're on Twitter. Ah, we lost our pinterest account, Yes, are about that, that's my father guys. I was inappropriately posting some things about magic. During their loud. We re hunting, yachts, fight. You minors on all those places where conspiracy suffer conspiracy, stuff show, if you can all right now, if you want to or number is one eight three three s t d, W Whitey K, you can leave us a message. You make it on the air or maybe you'll just send a message to us, and will it get to listen to it? You might get a call back I'm gonna board at nights,
I am Sir see how that plays out. Where, before we enter, are there any? Do you guys have any? open restaurants that are doing any kind of where to go or anything right now that we can the poor or the people would want to support deep, that you'd want to call out the people people in southern California, in the San Diego area, can support juniper, an ivy which is doing a weekly menu and curbside pick up as well as couple of locations of crack shack in San, Diego and Orange County, California is well may know just to an average emergency food. Please support restaurants of begin in any restaurant, really like where my family is trying to do take out as much as we can afford right now, just to support our local businesses are just reckoning. Trying to do it as much as you can too If you don't want to contact us, you don't want to do that stuff.
You can always in as a good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy, radio, dot com stuff, they don't want. You to know is the production of Iheart radio for more podcast. From my heart radio visit the I hurt radio app Apple podcast, wherever you listen to your favorite shows never has the world of golf and more fascinating or more in flux, thanks to a suddenly newfound appreciation for sport than millions love and even more millions of Miss watching my new podcast, the shack show hosted by me. Jeff Shackelford will be that say space to discuss matters both vitally important and totally escape us. So as
progress towards ease back into business and recreational golfers rekindle their passion, forgetting outdoors and getting easily aggravated em, maybe minus view bunker aches and cart sharing or those awkward chest Bob's. The shack show will be in your too ready to offer the sports last independent voices sticking up for what really matters each week in our view, a wide array of Gaul smartest funny. It's the most compelling mines as we attempt to gauge the state of the game and sometimes I'll just chime in with a quick take on those inevitable first world golf dramas, so listen and follow the shack show on the eye higher radio, apple podcast or wherever you listened upon Guest
Transcript generated on 2020-06-24.