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How Marriage Works

2013-04-16 | 🔗

You can tell a lot about a culture through marriage statistics: what age people get married, how many divorce, who is excluded from legal marriage. It forms a picture of how a society interacts with itself. Learn more about marriage in this episode.

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chuck. You know I'm married, you are married, we're married, but not one another industry and in the state that we live in. We couldn't, even if we wanted to hear in this this propaganda on same sex, marriage, a decent amount, because it's in the news and hey it's marriage to write, so we're not gonna, ignore it, but it's not necessarily just about that. It's about just, There is a whole rivalry. Call this one, how same sex marriage works exactly, but now maybe we can not do that when, if we covered in this one thing how same sex marriage works me, I feel like we're. Gonna covered enough in this pretty straightforward stuff. All this talk about marriage
Ok, I'm really, if you boil the whole thing down, it is as far as the government views it very, very, very, very very on romantically, it's basically legal contract between two people. And therefore there are legality that you have to go through as a result of going through this, this legal process. Here you are, endowed with certain legal rights there, that's marriage. There really is, though, and it it's like I draw a distinction. I don't think it's like boots unromantic the card that cause. That's what it is. It's a difference between a marriage in a lifelong relationship or somebody that now that's romantic chuck. I mean that's where the romance is marriages, just some official way of recognising that
ok, so I'm in it. I would imagine it's not just its interests, the desire to be enough to have your relationship, recognising that same way meant that it's a life on commitment legally sure, but also to get the benefits as well as one of the desert, to probably very big reasons that same sex couples want to be legally married, are allowed to legally married writer, so says it's a legal process, shutters I'll think start with an application, all legal processes, by filling out an application and married right, no different. Yet you gotta get that licence. You got to apply to get that licence, and here, in a million out to Decatur it was the sign on the wall. Was marriage and gun licences. The obvious I was kind of funny get both in the same one stop shopping,
but each state has its own laws regarding everything concerning marriage, especially the roadmap, especially with the first of which is the license and application process. How old you gotta be. All that stuff varies from state to state it does and dumb until very recently, Alabama allowed kids as young as fourteen. I believe they were the youngest they. It says in this article that there is a kid youngest aged twelve you're lucky I couldn't Hampshire, I think is right, I think so, but that I think that was like only with like a court order or a court permission like right like a pregnancy year, something well that that's that's one of the surprising things is in Georgia. If you're under eighteen, you have to have presented perspective kitten. I think your parents have to be present both of em unless
there. Unless the bride to be is pregnant and then all rules go out the window, the most states that allowed under eighteen, the parents have the sign off right and it has to be like some reason like we said it varies from state to state in it, take two hours to go over all that so few instinct hitched in your seventeen. Look it up on your states a website you don't want to go over to differ, It focused. Do you remember the the dude from lost and then he was in one episode of x files. I can remember his name, which guy from us, I don't remember, I get in watch lost just now. He was almost and he married he's like pushing fifty I've already something and he married a sixteen year old girl. Yeah they were gonna. There are things that I believe to have a reality. Whatever, but her parents signed off on it? I remember like that. There is a big. It was a big news story. Yes, his
to raise that Mountain Nevada or they went and avoided get married, which is not uncommon. I understand move to a different state noted gotten to go to LAS Vegas. You may be sure people did yeah. So no matter where you are, he felt this application. You pay a nominal fee and then, after you, your ceremony, you get a certificate that says you're married, whose proof show it to whoever you like yeah We need a blood test. We did not need one here in Georgia, but that's what you always gonna hear the old fashioned thing like go down and get your blood test and get married. Yes, but make sure you are disease, free and not cousins. That's right is that what is for to the Czech DNA known They have the equipment to do that, didn't exactly there and you can get
by varying like a bunch of different ways, you can get married by your best friend. If you want to his lungs, it get certified online yeah as able to do that, but which is what we did with her father in law, is to make him experience. That's me, stepfather amazed at the one in Ohio, yeah yeah there all right so checkers another. Now that you're married according to federal law, you are eligible and open, for, I think alike, hundred and thirty eight federal benefit? Is it still correct? I, yes, all over eleven hundred. Is that part of Doma, I'm not sure, that's a specific part of dogma, but it's it's probably a part of many different laws. You know that there is eleven hundred plus, but it's all. This is all specifically federal level. We are yet so, for example, and we'll talk about domain a minute. I believe we should so
for example, if if Emily is in the hospital, you have a legal right to go visiting the trade, I can even make medical decisions on her behalf that I must she has a living well right, which we do together. Anyway, you can get benefits if you're a federal play. You can get inheritance rights property right, sometimes even if there's no well. Yes, you may can take out a life in certain issues: policy, army, church and its legal yeah tax benefits, of course, of being married. You can file that way. You can receive Medicare Social Security, disability veterans benefits if your spouse legal spouse. Yes, you can immigrate your spouse to the United States yet more easily, at least if I killed somebody Emily could visit me in jail, that's right and then prison right as my spouse,
I would imagine, depending on state, thereby conjugal writers were definitely so. Those are just a handful of the eleven hundred entitlements, which again do you know any overall if you are going to have a list of the way so yet there there are a lot of good reasons to be married. You can also file jointly, so you get a tax break the other arm and in addition, it like the legal benefits there have been times in times in times of studies on marriage that show that, like there's, actually psychological physiological benefits to marriage, sure people, people happily married, I should say that is married, like there's a key to what you had to be happily married, they tend to live longer lives through the two parent, a married parent household.
Hence to produce more stable, well, adjusted kids that do better in school near the supposedly sure yeah, I'm in its tons and tons of studies yet, but it doesn't necessarily related same sector opposite sex. It's just married parents happened it to do that. Statistically, the right. Well. People are getting married later and later. I think everyone recognises that, but to the tune of people born for nineteen, thirty, five to nineteen, thirty, Twenty one percent of men and fifty one percent of women were married by twenty and compare that to last year. Where the average age of marriage was. Twenty. Eight point: six four men in twenty six point: six for women in basic Has it been a year since the nineteen fifties where median age has not gone up. We just got up and up and up yeah, and you would assume that it would have continued to go up enough enough prior to the nineteen fifty. But what s really interesting is in eighteen. Ninety,
the average age that a man got married with twenty six in decline down to the nineteenth it isn't sixtys when it reached its lowest level, lowest Asia, which is like, like twenty two or something like that and In answer to go back a right, which is very odd anything where men and women can you think in in olden times you get married at age, twelve, you know so people are getting married. It may be sixteen for immediate needs.
It was more than it was older than than people were in the fifties when they are getting married said the fifties. Man maybe signified summer marital boom. Maybe I guess people decided that they were not in interesting. Premarital sex is decided that yet have we covered pulling. We did a full pike s implore. Black has barely even dimension. That's what I thought when I was reading. This also wait a minute this. This reeks of something familiar, but that is a type of marriage, and I guess I can listen to that. Pakistan, difficult plural, marriage or polygamy. We talked about. It is plural marriage, but we called it how polygamy works right- and I guess it get very condensed form of this- is that it is officially condemned by the Mormon Church these days, although an estimated thirty two sixty thousand polygamous still well, I guess still practice
So there are other types of unions these days there are several unions, domestic partnerships, and regular old fashioned marriage. And a civil union entitles same sex couples same legal rights as marriage and benefit so that you know, like you, said after two things, the benefits and just the common recognition rare among their peers. I dislike you a merry just like you or in this case of a union, would only give you the rights and not the badge of marriage and there's nine states where you were civil unions are permitted for same sex couples, attract California, New York City
even in the District of Columbia, believe allowed domestic partnerships for same sex couples, that's right and actually one of the one of the big same sex marriage cases that, before the Supreme Court right now is a little old lady who lived with her partner for decades and because she has a domestic partnership under New York law she didn't pay. Any tax should have to pay any inheritance tax, but she got slap would like a three hundred and ninety thousand dollar federal inheritance tax, because the feds don't recognize their domestic partnership, and that was that one of the cases of Supreme Court hearing I now while you can get full on same sex married as of December, two thousand twelve in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New York, New Hampshire, Main Maryland, Washington State and the District of Columbia.
And that is for same sex marriage like outright and at the same time, thirty eight states have laws banning outright same sex marriage. You people are really drawn a line on this issue in this country yeah. Well, it's pretty polarizing issue, to say the least. Like nineteen eighty six, I have once that things are changing. Sixty eight percent of people in eighteen, eighty six oppose same sex, marriage and then forty eight percent last year. So that the twenty percent drop in fourteen years, you know in researching this article I really ever it yeah. I've really found out that ninety ninety six, we were a radically different country than we are today there like socialist,
we are really really different. There is a lot of stuff, a lotta laws that passed in a lot of mentalities that we're like supported legislatively that just don't make any sense today to allow more people here. You know, like Doma, share the idea that past, unlike this kind of the meanness behind it is, is it just why guesses picked up hurry. Now I hear the defence of Marriage ACT define marriage as only illegal union between one man and one woman, s husband and wife, and Bill Clinton famously sign that and has put sort of changing a story like every four or five years than Syn on why he signed it is people can become an eye like Billy dude of all president's? Why did you sign it yeah in any?
he said quote I have along. I have long opposed governmental, wrecked recognition of same gender marriages, and this legislation is consists consistent with that position and then in two thousand eight he said All I said was the Idaho did not have to recognise a marriage sanctified Massachusetts, pretty good quantum field. It is like an eel is a man all I'm saying was. It was left up to the states, which was a bitter reversal and then in two thousand and nine. Said well, you know the reason assigned it was. I thought the question of whether I should marry should be left up to States inter religious organisations and that if any church or other religious body wanted to recognise gay marriage they ought to so. This is a bit of a he seen as being spine. Is him coming out? Is like an
gang uncertain levels, and he thing then, and now you're rewriting history in a different way. What a really meant was lifted federally say this and let the states decide, but that's a pretty glib interpretation of Doma from what I understand. It basically removes states rights and that's one of the things that the Supreme Court's looking Our two is Doma Roma and constitutional right and one of the ways that the the pro same sex marriage lobby could actually harm itself is. If the Supreme Court decides to look at Doha as a state rights issues right and kicks it back to the states, then all these bans will be upheld rather than to say no. It is unconstitutional because it bans marriage effectively between same sex people right so that's I mean it's not as it is a state rights issue in a way, but not in the way that Clinton saying it doesn't allow states to kind of make up their own minds yeah. I think let me
I don't think he's super proud of it now and I think he sort have been backtracking ever since and Unreason why he supported it at the time. At any moment, a lot of Congress people have come out since then in reverse their their statements on it saying you know, I've evolve in my thinking to this point and I now think we should look into it more, at least, and not necessarily like fully supported. But there are eleven countries. If you're wondering was like around the world like all across the country, you can get married if your same sex like Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden and Spain. It is a federal, its legally allowed federally surplus in future will about that want to get married, go to Spain. Sure
this thing me you'd have to let go live there because of a chair. I feel United States when we recognise or Netherlands it's a nice place, South Africa. We talk about that yeah, but I mean I think, most people who want to get married it who are of the same sex one, stay home, she's just want to get married a home. You know right. This is in your talking about a Agus being allowed to be married in an entire country. There's been a couple of attempts to ban on same sex marriage as an entire country in the U S but have been unsuccessful, like I make it a constitutional amendment here, and that has not happened now. So, in addition to domestic partnerships, uncivil unions, that's when I find interesting the reciprocal beneficiary relationship
yeah, which is the hawaiian state LAW, and I guess it was kind of done away with in favour of civil unions into doesn't eleven or twelve. But basically it's it's grants you the rights of a married couple. But it doesn't necessarily mean you're a couple in the eyes of the law unless she say we're a couple it it so like brother and sister can can be reciprocal beneficiaries right
an ant in her nephew or whatever it doesn't mean you're a couple. It means that, like right, you can make legal decisions for one another and is for people who are like dependent on one another yeah living situations. They add anything so don't be super crept out by that they, like brother, sister and stuff like that right, you got anything else on same sex. Marriage, oh, not because I am very interested to see what happens is that civil rights issue of our age and that's what a lot of people are arguing like did much to learn from history? Do we have to go through? aim steps for every time. We do this brown with allowing people right, Hampshire, finally, giving them the rights that you know everyone will in the future eventually agree. They should have and should have had all along bright, but apparently where to go through the same struggle every time for each group before they get the their rights, their civil rights that are afforded everybody sure, whether it is
Afghan american sitting where they went on a bus or women voting. It seems like this pops up every now and then in this country, where people say: hey, wait a minute I'll have the same rights as that due to their right, and why not very interesting it is in I'm I'm sure, like they were going to get a lot of us about this yet well, you know we're just put it out there. This is what some people think him. That's what other people think neck is implicitly. We live in a country weakened waste as opinions Fisher. So before we move on their parts of marriage. Again ticket quickly message rig hello, step, you should know listeners. Do you want a new year's resolution? That's easy to keep yes results to help protect your identity and personal info with lifelong identity theft, protection, lifelong alert, you to potential That's too your identity and they see more, though, what you can see by just monitoring your own credit, like your info on the door,
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common law. Marriage in us didn't little. Research on it- and it doesn't make much sense to me- I don't understand what like apparently its origins were: that's what marriage was like two people, just kind of checked up right and they were view. By society and the law as married, and then the the church insinuated itself by saying no, there's no more clandestine marriages anymore. You I do this publicly and declare you know that you be married in there's gotta be a priest and nuts, maybe maybe enough, somebody's gotta be there. So let's have a witness or whatever right and that that's kind of like the rival of common law, marriage in and as its become more and more prevalent come LA merges can fallen by the wayside. Why don't you just have to check up for seven years now? That is a myth, yet everyone oasis, I always heard that yeah
Then I think this is the common misconception. If you want to be common law, married, you actually have to present is a married couple. I have to change your last name. File, joint action turns and basically kind of really live as if you're married, not just lived together in fight over where to go to dinner right, it Polly wouldn't hurt to contact your local probate court and file. Something like saying: hey, we're married, ok right as far as your concern were married were common Lamarck. Now this only works. If your state recognises LA marriages and yet again fewer and fewer estates do these days in some states. If your common law marriage was around before the ninety start, certain dates in the nineties, it would be grandfathered in
Georgia being one of them. Yet, if you were common law married in Georgia before January, first, ninety, ninety seven years still common law married- if you still are nice and states, also, don't we jokes about the seven year thing, but there is now set time in any state that you have to live together. To present yourself has come along and life. Yet, although you know that you do that after you, just Modena gather but you can. If you want more, you know I'm talking about moving together. There is a study that recently found that more and more people are living together before marriage. Get worry. Stead of men right and also apparently one of the reasons we return him of the marriage increasing one of the reasons they think that people are putting it off more moral lately, especially millennials is due to college. That have said. Is that really here,
Ok, so I'm broke on aggregate Maria. I can't afford to get married right now. That's that's terrible, and also what is a costly they're gonna get that I mean you gotta get a ring in there's gotta, I mean there's a certain things to it. I guess that third gas near, I guess it depends on what you're looking for out of your wedding in your rings and things, I have to be expensive now in a dozen happy, but is this college kids, these days of money to get Maria vaguer? Given some advice, the serpent just get married, don't get if you bring and get hitched at the courthouse. So ok! So what were as far as checking up goes, more more people are doing it. Apparently, between two thousand six in two thousand and ten, almost half of ST women aged fifteen. Forty four said that they have lived together with somebody.
We're married to a hundred per cent of gay women. Yeah have another state here that said from nineteen. Eighty two is quadrupled the number of people, and this is people percentage of women choosing to not get married and just cohabited has gone from three percent to eleven percent. And what does this mean to stay married or stay together? Not a lock the door it is hovered pretty close to fifty percent for quite a while, because up a little goes down little here but, as you say, has gone down some it's got a little bit, but it's never like some enough of a staff to like you know, rewrite the record book she now, it's all guys close to fifty seems like and then they
all sorts of interesting things among women. Those at fifty two percent chance that first marriage would survive for twenty years, and now fifty six percent of men of their first marriage would survive. Twenty years. Oh and another interesting thing, they found that your marriages Mikey last if you went and graduated college, so seventy eight percent of women, with at least the bachelors degree made it to their twentieth anniversary, is opposed to fifty two percent. So that's a pretty big yeah. I wonder what the the explanation is for that I don't know. Maybe it takes a certain amount of tenacity to go through college in maybe and take the cinema tenacity to say Mary, If you have kids going into the marriage was someone else, you have less of a chance to say Mary thirty, seven percent
of women, marrying a man who already had kids made it twenty years. So, but if you have kids after you get married, you have a higher likelihood of state together yeah having your own kids good.
In two kids bad yeah this having your own kid is one of the one of the leading reasons that people stay together, apparently years, also couples who drink together ten to stay together more. I belong that, especially if they drink about the same amount, yet that would make sense couples. Few have ironic us two thousand eight study from the university of timber couples who have fun which fund is defined, is basically a spending time together, free of financial, family or other stresses UK. They tend to stay together longer, which makes a lot of sense. Basically, if you go on dates with your spouse, II will stay together longer and religion also plays a part percentage of married women who say religion is imported. Sixty percent in the percentage of married women who say really
it is not important, is thirty. Six percent an interesting leads about ten percent less for men on both saying religions, important religions- not oh you, that's a women's care more within the year. The number one I guess indicator that people will stay together are not necessarily a marriage, but that, like, as a couple is shared curiosity Mary did how curiosity works year years back. One is one of the indicators that are predictor. Sorry that a couple would stay together was that, if both of whom were curious people about the same, for this period, distant general threat and in it like beat out religion. All these other shared things that you would think that would you know tee to people again are you know, make them attracted one another, but it was shared curiosity, a love of just being curious as ISIS
curious about like one who would have liked to have sex with that one, precisely as bad curiosity right ear. So listen. She brought that up usinor another article on how the work that was pretty interesting at Molly Edmunds wrote about the seven year each area did you check them out? I did so basically the seven year. It is this idea that after seven years, people get bored with their marriage in the divorce, illustrator or whatever right, and thereby studies that have found that seven years. We like a a significant moment in the average marriage and that a lot of undue and dissolving at this point
I think the median age in the? U S, seven, just over seven years, so that with suggested, this old yarn is correct right, but it's actually possible that it even less than seven years. That is that there is an indicator that four years marriages start to go. I guess south right arm and there's a and enter poligized involution anthropologist named Helen Fischer, who had a pretty good idea of a pretty cool explanation. I, yes, I thought it makes it go ahead level. It ok. What's she said that, basically back in our earlier,
listening to each took tiktok tactics, error four years is about the time that a couple it's been gathered, conceiving and raising a child, and then it was time to do it again and they typically did it with other people. Right spread the seed so that so fishers basically pressing the point that we are ever Lucian airily hard wired to arm to not last in a monogamous relationship on four years right, which is a pretty depressing idea, especially if it makes sense.
But she also points out that their then being aware of the sir understanding this possibility can let you guard against it earlier. That makes sense like keep your marriage. Exciting, have fun with your spouse, go on dates of your start right now, and you can beat that four years having your richer whenever you just don't like research that stuff come up with your own stuff. That's what I say what research like, there's gazillion of articles like how to keep your marriage spicy analysis. I could you not to read those if you want to set up a marriage, distress and things on your own. Don't read red book, I don't know man afraid book helps in my book. Helps Why yes answered her? It's armada, so you know I had read them, they'll tell you that what did they say? They all say things like it's all like sex.
Usually or actually, that's not true. This item about cosmopolitan, not rybody, more active with your husband, didn't get about hiking here then dressed up as a French made every once in a while. It's like adena. If those articles how'd you, then it's all well and good. Ok, I take it back at what you re saying like the way to do it, go out in a hike or something like that. This Europe is study from tee. Doesn't it The University of Denver pointed out that when you go out on a date, you should be aware that your spouse may not have the same idea of what a date is that you do, depending on your sex sister for women have going on a date is like a chance to have an intimate conversation. Yet is basically friend time. Close ties to know someone, whereas like the dude is more
and to think of data, is like going to a movie or going do a baseball game or something like that right? There you go do together here and you're on a date and you're sitting next to another like healing over and kiss and everything but you're both watching the game. Re just watch the game, bright, yellow at you. I guess again in awareness of that will probably get around any weird situations where you're just like we went on a date. How are you not happy yeah? This good point. I found that sporting events I get kind of chatty, though well, you would be a perfect date enough embryo gotta baseball games, but, like literally the only time I took you to a Falcons, came she brought magazines. People around me we're like. So this is what a waste of a ticket you mean like a perfect woman in their like, will go into shows or something like that she doesn't like.
Should not charity during shows, especially like a concert yeah. I can go in your at a concert and it's like they're playing music in the lab briskly. Immense amazed wants to talk to you the whole time, yet you recently that's pretty also be I'm always right. Next to that person, whoever the most of noxious person in any crowd is, I will be no more than five feet away from your magnet. Add a feel like I am I have tried to install the new policy in my life I used to do is get upset and because a non confrontational with strangers. I would just sit there. My blood boiled, whereas there's three waiting about it, you can do that. You can confront the person to whom german keeping down. I would never do that, but the third option of discovered here, my forties, just move you have to do. It must be like in a reserve seat. I discuss stand somewhere else is just not worth it for me. That's good, Chuck, yeah funded that all of a sudden obsessing over this loud person. Next to me, while Steed Mount Macedonia
story on stage, and I just avoid the drunk as people in the room. That's good, though, is a good model. Thicker there were ass. Yet I got nothing else. We do. We did how marriage works. Marriage good agreed, if you want to learn more about marriage, there's like a whole channel, almost or sub channel or something on the site, I believe, if you will hear more about marriage get married, you learn everything you need yeah, it's like immersion yearning through immersion. You can also type the word. Marriage into the search bar has the forts dot com, if you and your partner are curious types, and that would be possibly predictor of your long term success, and I think I said predictor in their. So it's Listener mail, not quite time for a message: right. Ok, hey! Do you like that Your taxes does anyone know
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only three of ok. What we kicked off here, please Wanna, give a big shot out through a body Rhine Flanders, over mad magazine for sending us a ton of great stuff magazines. Hats, pins, pins, mask buttons, masks and beyond, like the coolness of that fact it because work careers. We ve been able to talk to people
mad magazine and Uncle John Reader and Archer Comic there and like they. Listen to the show is just like that. Just tolling access, we grew up on man and continue to read what young knight dispute. If you can't, we got a delightful letter from a boy named eaten Alpine Windermere Florida, with the request for an episode on mine crap, in the hopes that it will change its mind, opinion about him playing off again. If you ever think you could letter Ethan Physique body of tea in Boulder Colorado sent us the yeah, it's delicious. Wait lofty! That's nice if they ve been looking more severe. Well, you know we get a city and vine on the album. We build a fortress and short notice by the balance of evidence. Awesome. Thank you very much. Yet on the music Tipp, the lobby and sinister city moonshine still and the death Billy's yeah takes it as a package
They do metal, mash up of jukebox country classics, it's pretty cool, listen, yet gallantry they're pretty calls. It gave us a full button. You. Definitely we got a nice letter written in cursive from Larry Nina Ninus. That's what it even spelled out how to say at nine he wasn't Lagrange Georgia and that he was prompted by our episode on memory impassively, since he has some good theories. Katy sinner citizen, I sent a letter. She's, just some really cool Aqaba letter project when she sent a letter to someone who inspired her and asked what are you push pursuing in your life and how do you know when you ve got in there, and she says that letter and Katy? The answer is: we are pursuing podcasting, What's an we owe we're we're. Never gonna arrest like we're not got in there because they still many more things to explore the vetoes on it's a curse and give the profession is that right
see regard a wedding invitation from Savannah Jonathan Mazel Tov Sarah yucca want us cynicism, cool graphic posters. I found those we did get those ok, and she hasn't Etsy job at taco, honest quilling, that every dot com Let us take a w, oh I asked Quilling Betsy dot com and there are really need telegraphic posters. I like how you safely less ninety. We got a postcard from the Trinity nuclear testing Satan Mexico from our friend, Billy RE, Cyrus and another, is one from their nostrils really send us a couple of, you buy and we got a book from Thomas Trask. He sent his prison in the shadow of the fates, nice real collins and are Bobtails here s. The thing I guess is, if you have a lot to say you, through the colony,
thank you, think the Thomas traps for that began anonymous note, suggesting we do something on lactose intolerance. Thank you anonymous right, postcard from an Arctic from Listen Dan from San Francisco, the went there on their honeymoon. Congratulations, nice! We got postcards from Christina Bennet, Australia, road signs, operation enduring freedom, Afghanistan postcards some odd postcards. Thank you anymore. You a you more ok. We ve got some pictures in a nice whether some Adam perverse he's, the chief happiness officer of happiness, plunge dot com. Check it out. Do you remember when we talked about gross national happiness? We asked about people who dropped out too late to go, pursue their own happiness at the happiness, bunch yeah happiness punchline,
We got downloads of jazz animals and Independence Louisiana by birth and grasped the check those out nice tracks. We gotTa Georgia, tech web tv, from gaiety, getter yeah. I remember him yeah, that was very nice and we're sitting by George that chemicals, and I want to do more in Them- will save the respite next time. We got a letter suggesting meditation as a topic from Rob, Hollyhock Holler, baptized domestic? Yes, you have to get back into the nice reflected every somebody's. It was nice this for its administrative details, Gebhardt, two or three will finish up and then,
The output is up between the next great ok. So if you want to send a Sunday, you can get her address out of us by tweeting to ask why escape? I guess you can join us on Facebook that complex that we should know you can send an email to stuff pocketed the scary that camp and seriously can check out our website. It's really neat its costs You should know that cut the more on this and thousands of other topics. As a house have works icon. How are you feeling today, right now How are you feeling about the world living? He went away? world better. Do you know how I'm not sure I do but you know who did Mr Rogers?
I'm, Colonel Wallis hosted finding Fred Pack has not read Rogers Norton million here all ten episodes defining Fred Iheart Radio broadcasts more wherever you listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-17.