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I'm Spartacus!

2020-05-05 | 🔗

Spartacus was a real dude. He led a slave revolt, and was pretty successful to boot. I'm Spartacus. You're Spartacus. We are all Spartacus.

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a pipe radios house enough work. Do you walk into the podcast, I'm Josh Claude there's, Charles of each browser? It's just the two of us. That's ok! because you're here gear listener insert your first name after that, and this is stuff. That's right, Stanley Cubic Addition sort. If I went to go watch that last night, oh yeah, and then I was like we that's really long. So looked at the wrong time ass, I could not watching to see it here. Watch pairs of glory instead That is the one about very linden. Now that was very London. That's great do! But if your gun, for early cubic. I would say killers kiss if you want to go through
early and then paths of glory, which is the other when he did with Kirk Douglas the World WAR, one trench, warfare, helmets, great, ok and buried, in which is just a masterpiece when that Rhino, Neil yeah boy, it's good here I don't want my fair removes all time. Peppermint, that's right and one my favorite movies, the main event. What was that I was around calm. He did. Is we played a boxer upset, the barbarous tries it was she who boxer now have it was? It was not great me. It was finally on the seventies wrong comes gacha, but not one of my favorite movies by stretch speaking of rom coms, but minus the wrong part. Just the calm heavy on the com have you seen, Eyes is less injures, sketch show and Netflix. Now. It is very good that how do I know that name, she's key she's got a pretty big as a stand up in the last couple years
He view having discovered a yet you're welcome, she's, really great I'm looking her now to something. I don't normally do you. I don't think I recognize her. Ok, what she's got some stand of specials that are definitely worth watch it, and then she just stay Buddha season of a sketch comedy show it's pretty good, definitely were you have to check that out. Rhino Niels, not in it yet, but, like I said, let us one sees we want to shut out life science. By the way we used a house of works article on Spartacus in this great life, science, article, one Spartacus, the real spartacus, not Douglas. I also read article from a guy named Kenneth. Spartacus Kenneth P check Cecy, easy H, like check the Czech Republic. I guess maybe that's where his family's from who knows
but he rodent an article back in the nineties about Spartacus. That was very exhaustive. That was helpful and there's also a historically very Strauss. HU. I read some like interviews in articles from him to his bit of specialist on Spartacus so shut out to those cats as well yes, the story Spartacus. If you watch this the cubic film, it is not me there are bits of true in their, but is definitely not some real truthful by object of his life good movie, but we're going to give you the real story of Spartacus his life, which is that of a the leader of an uprising of slaves who said Rome we're not going to take it anymore. No, we ain't going to take it. That's right! We're not going to take it.
And he was in Rome in the original title I think come and we we met. I go. Oh actually, we pass that guy backstage. What's member decide is right, but she was at the whatever. So I think is Jeff broached. What none at all, It was the whatever show with her. I was it with their own, whose at Martha Stewart daughter, yeah. She has a first name, Alexis Alexis and in Jennifer Bright Jennifer and Alexis Yes, for number we re on tv every now and again we ve beyond that. We were on Jeff probes. Do you remember the Jeff probe, so he was interviewing us so now so hard. I almost said, like Jeffrey you, ok, while we were talking yeah and wasted. Occasionally we'd be on CNN, they would have assigned to do like talking had stuff here then. Yes, everyone just sort of stopped caring about it
we are really part where we get really popular podcasting in there just said her well, whatever we don't need the Scots yeah that's agenda. Now, if I don't want to be seen, enter any news network, we are, we run the solid at O. Brien show we were, if you'd, like writing, Roman she's she's, like super legit journalists, devils prevent so Jeff broached right. The tribe had spoken yet anyway said who else in that what he said The tribe has spoken yeah and then he seemed a candle. He kick you in the seat of your pants on the way out, and you would thank God, cuz what a relief to be kicked off. That garbage show me and it was good, the first season or two. I think I think it did watch the first couple of seasons, but you know I'm not going to
the army there's probably still survive. Russia is going on for another. Are they I think the most recent season they brought together like pass champions or pass people who got kicked off one of the two and said who's. Gonna in this time, yeah are don't the only one I do like that is top chef, which is still maintained its integrity after all these years and ever became dumb. And then for a little while I did that discovery had a show. I cannot remember the name of it where it was like a post, apocalyptic scenario where they would put people in this area. Unlike occasionally, they would send them these mad max type, people the mess with them and take their left off and they had to build things. Find themselves cabs. I called it was really offer work where the people Naked Cosette
Tell you the name of the show if they were naked, I have watched more than one episode of naked and afraid I haven't. Did they just like like blur out there they're good parts? Are there bathing suit covers but now there completely make it in its just shows Dong out the whole time. Lego. Voyager loan record is blurred to end the kind of the first thing that the Ladys do is fashion some sort of eve like covering gotcha on her on her bits and then the man either do that are their dislike pay, whatever these the forget, the Jim that has a town like over, shoulder, but not around his waist at that guy, that guy weighing ten issues with no socks
A man who were proud of their genitals dong out for though I'm guessing Spartacus is probably Dong out. Oh sure he was them forward where we back the Spartacus now think. Ok, so Spartacus was guy who everyone knows the name of an you may know that he was a gladiator. Maybe you know that he he led a slave revolt, but this guy, was really nuanced, really detailed, and actually, even after a couple thousand years of history and now since you know, following in and out in favour of different cultures, they come and go he he stands the test of time, pretty well, even after being draped in you know a lot of people's hang ups in you know, held up as a prime example of the ideals of whatever group are revering em, like even after you strip all that stuff away. Look at the historical figure. He was still a pretty
pretty interesting and in kind upstate. In guy. As far as leaders of slave volt go that's right and it's a good way to He was a Thracian, which means he is from Thrace. We dont know attack Bout, his early life, because they just didn't, bother recording the history of nobody, slaves in ancient Rome. Why would they took it? to do remarkable things for historians to take notice with their their quill and paper and the Romans at the time. This is an area The Thrace was in Southeast Europe. Were there, we're trying to subjugate this error of Europe and for a century b c, and it was just, just not a good scene if you weren't a sort of it but echelon, roman at the time no in Thrace was I get there person that it was not really on too long.
Under roman yoke. But I think I also have the person that they were. They were in league with the Romans, but it was kind of like one of those. You know we can either you can either be an ally of yours or you can conquer us kind of thing. I think there was a bit of a tense truce, and there was a young I don't. I don't think any contemporary text about Spartacus is still around today. Most of the earliest stuff we know about. I'm comes from at the earliest. The first century see and he was living in the last century or the first century BC. I'm so people are writing about him a hundred two hundred years later, but one one of those old text says that he wasn't born a slave, and then he asked He was a three see in a soldier who was an ally who who worked in the auxiliary or fought in the auxiliary for Rome, so he was of
soldier under roaming command at some point and they think that that he was drummed out of the the army for some reason. Unjustly this ancient authors says and that that kind of lead on this path to him becoming a banned it in a criminal he was like the guy in the new star wars movies, which one which one the guy that that was a storm trooper and then said you know I m not a storm troop anymore. I wanna kill storm troopers. Ok, I mean I've seen the, Who is in the lead? Those that I one yet at one? Ok, but there was a young. There was like aside store. Right. That was one of the actual cannon knows it did. Last year I was they made three main ones. Apart cannon and then a star wars. Friends, you have words Robbie things
rogue one was the one that was outside and enhance our outside and not outside can and is not part of the whatever that those movies so rogue. Wine is the one I'm thinking of that was really good. There enjoy downgraded I the other one, though I don't think I've been able to make it through a single one. Yet area yeah I like em, but their star wars movies. I don't I don't expect greatness, others think they're gonna fun. I mean I love the first three nature, but not the fur. Three sequentially, you know the first three that were released ever you liked won through three sequentially are not squid, yet I'll. Tell you about a vain a menace. Yet it is the best of the voyage our aid, so he's like the storm trooper guy in these Newman, that is no longer a storm trooper and wants to kill storm. True version captured at one point in a gets sold into slavery in Rome. And then there was this man that I love is article, says a man
or two at times as vodka. I guess it's his name or maybe just had a bunch of names, but The upshot is this: guy had a gladiator school and capua a hundred and twenty miles South EAST of Rome in that's, where Spartacus was set to train to be a gladiator. Yes in Hawaii right and I feel like we should take a breakin, get our star wars, facts straight and come back now it's? Ok, we'll be right back. Mother's day is Sunday may tenth. Macy's has the gifts that you'll love to give the right. There are a million reasons why you care, and really just one perfect,
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I looked at her in anything, but it does it. Take me out of the moment, Tibet, but it's a it's like the eighteen oh yeah, I probably would like it it's like a week. The adventure of the weak tapping, ok, cool yeah, I am I am. I actually check that I've been looking of the new I ozark and unlike man, this is really dark. Yeah. Where are you now with episode? I think a season, one, ok, darting burn truces in one or anything now been taken, as for that year being you might not have been taken in small doses. Here there, yes, income, we like to first for, if that the latest season, ok and by the way, correction, I think I said it was like Hartwell. It is like Al Tuna kinda makes way more sense cause. I was taken out of tune yeah between, as you know, our tunas
Some for damages yeah out in her heart was up near Tokyo and it's not the same like yak is over. I have friends, we have friends who am have a place on Hartwell. I was like. I don't recognize it, but then I I probably wouldn't recognises about any lake selfsame. I just anywhere with our well is fine or there I am waiting yet another from what I learned. There is no such thing as a natural lake in the state of Georgia. It right there all and most of them were from the Georgia Power company. Yet so creepy. Sometimes too, when yours swimming in the lake. If you start thinking about what's beneath your feet, it makes you wanna get back on the boat. Sometimes you mean like a former town, yet town or the words or something TAT car, how man? How do we get off track? Ok, so we're tongue? What Spartacus, who has-
he'll he left her was drummed out, the army became bandit, is captured and when is captured, he's taken. That gladiator school, that you talked about on by a man, sometimes call this call and sometimes referred to as vodka and the thing about gladiators is thanks to movies like gladiator or another movies about gladiators, airplane original airplane right. You we have. His conception of gladiators is currently this autumn thing, but if you were living in in Rome around it, In the last two millennia ago, you didn't think of gladiators very highly. There were some that rose to incredible prominence like the rock stars, port heroes. All mixed together of today,
It could rise that level, but it was incredibly rare for the most part they were criminals. Prisoners of war slaves and they considered the lowliest of the low, where the the their owner. In this case, Badia who owned the Spartacus A basically said, the only way for me to make money off of you is to make you fight for clearly, eight or battles and in either bet on you or license you or something like that. That was it, but yours as far as the even the they cast of slaves went, you were at the bottom of you, gladiator, Yeah- and you know gladiators, if you seen the movies it's almost always depicted as a fight to the death, does not necessarily the case you could can tap out or if they drew Sometimes that would be the end, but if they drew blood, might also be the interview pre antibiotics, either way you might end up
but it wasn t necessarily always fight to the death, like you said, Sometimes they would? If you were a great gladiator and a great warrior, they did note your facebook like, but you had this cool mass, that you identified by can like wrestling or something like that right. I guess the leech labour, though I have always had the mask here, but I can't believe we did an observer met so funny it was given to. But you could If you want a lot and you had a cool helmet, you could be a pretty big deal. The point where you might have slaves. Can care of you and you might lead a bit of a better life right, but you're still owned by someone else? Yeah. You re wave, your a prisoner of war, Yuri criminal and but when you were taken to gladiators school, it wasn't like yours is kept there than yours
thrown into the to the ring, the fight like you are trained. You were put on a diet. You were, you were basically put through boot. Camping in you were introduced to the specifics of certain time, Claudia tutorial, combat, and apparently there were a handful of different types and one type of gladiator only fought one or two other types of gladiators, type. That Spartacus was was a murmur low, which meant that he fought with a helmet very long tall shield I, the roman centurions war, used and then a short sword call the glad he s an that's. What he would have fought with. But there were other kinds of gladiators too. I ran across the super cool one There are already read ready Arias and they would have tried it in a net. In a dagger
So you know like those gladiators that that, like fought with a net, I think it might have been a mad max or something like that. That is done an actual type of clad here that used to fight back in the day and again here in the twenty first century, we can sit there and think like while this is really interesting stuff, but yet to stop for. Second, in think these people were being forced against their will in to fight to the death, sometimes in front of spectators for the sheer bloodline, of the crowds there was it in. You can't really forget that, because we really put you in the mind of somebody like Spartacus, who has been captured, his prisoner, potentially unjustly, according to an ancient text and being forced into this life of fighting, sometimes to the death for the further the joy of the wealthy crowds who came out to sea everybody. That's right in that
as Spartacus were one day and said guys we're here at Gladiators University, you hate and another. Super cool, but I see where the and is for all of us, and that is dying for thee entertainment value of rich Romans, What do you say? We get a group of us together, like maybe seventy of us, we get the hell out of here and let us do it guys and they said. That's a great idea. I don't wanna go diner ring, so they got together in seventy three b c. They hijacked a caravan that just happen, to have a bunch of gladiator weapons in armour, and they said, hey, you know what we are, where a little army troop all of a sudden, think about the luck that that took like they broke out. They overpowered their guards with me, cleaver that they stop from the kitchen and broke out and as they were breaking out, they ran across a supply truck of gladiator, armor and weapons.
I feeling that was targeted. That was not the case. No, it happened to becoming in as they were leaving and they were like. I will take this or else they encountered on the road headed to the gladiator school. The timing was it really fortunate well, at they got all this gear and all of a sudden. They were kid it up. I think one of the people who use with well with his wife this lady sounds very interesting. Like it, we said we don't know a lot about the actual historical record. We no actual name but Plutarch. I was a writer who wrote that neglect the spartacus. His wife was a prophetess who was possessed by ecstatic frenzies that were part of the worship of the God, diagnosis which you now you know that mean see she liked to party he did there was the party call for sure, and he apparently was one of the priestess of this cult in Thrace. She was three seen as well,
Ecstatic frenzies over those core, but she her name parent leaves is totally lost, no one, any idea, what her name is or what became of her, they assume that she probably died alongside the Spartacus, but she being a prophetess priestess, apparently foretold his rise to power whatever, even while he was a slave and the gladiator can't play she lives him there. I guess all you see being one one night or day or whatever a snake coiled itself around his head and she was like well, That doesn't happen every day and I'm pretty sure the dying. Ices has something to do with this, so my husband's going to be pretty important at some point, also going to have a very unfortunate and two that the snake for tells it turns out. She was right that right and then said so long ago have an orgy with all these people drink. Some wine with some go go fellows.
So these these dude, the subtle, can have provided better term battalion. All of a sudden, they start to train for combat their near perseveres, which don't don't be afraid of Volcano everyone. This is about a hundred years before that happened in that creepy, though, to think like this historic thing took place near tramping all over Vesuvius to have they had no idea what was coming just like a century from then eyeliner. I think it's amazing but now facilities at this time, what we're saying, as it was lovely and it was lush- and there was you- could farm there was very fertile- was covered with vines, and they were down their training and eventually Rome takes a little bit of notice. Although they weren't seriously worried yet They were hiding out and they were training and one of his.
Cycle leaders. This guy, who can of factors in is one of his big co heads of state. I guess in a way a mouse. I think my own amiss. I think I made in the first time there is like an extra syllable in their area yeah, but that what this way you said the second time sounds better, but will to stick to that ok, they would go around and raid for supplies. They would recruit slaves eventually and will see later. They got so popular that they could even getting and slaves to join up in their rebellion and Rome was not super- worry that the kind of heard about what was going on, but they were busy. They were fighting in Spain. There were fighting creed, they were fighting in South EAST Europe and this little ragtime group of former slaves wasn't that big of a deal now it was so the fact that they were fighting elsewhere, like Spain, Crete. That meant that there It is the military leaders and those,
military leaders- armies were away. They weren't in ITALY, and I, like you at the time they weren't taking spartacus in his his runaway slow the band seriously at all, but they did, you know, take enough notice that they sent a Prater therein. Prater is like a very high up, elected official right under council, which is, I think, the highest elected official in ancient Rome. So there really super high up, and actually they might have been lateral to the council's. I'm not sure, but it was a very important person, but who I think I get the impression he was a very kind of low on the scale of important people, because they sent him with a few. A few roman soldiers and said hey when you get to Vesuvius, just recruit some locals two to go fight this this band runaway slave, and be back by dinner time place. Yeah was you know, let the National Guard
not knocking them, but it can. I reminded me of you know sort of sitting in the National Guard to take care of something rather than the marine Stormy Beach, it's basically story of John Rambo in first blind trust. Me, I thought of that more flights or a bright any by the way, when I last week, what How did I now hear that I think it's? Sort of been under the radar with everything going on wasn't from carogne of ours. Now, I think, is like in his early eighties and just passed away while our IP for sure good. I definitely a definitely thought of Rambo a lot. While I was reading, this difference is, was it Spartacus? Had a team to aid in his uprising in Rambo was, of course, a one man army in eighteen? If you will but at any rate they didn't send the best of the basque Zeroual busy labour
the little army these they said. You know what we're not even going to attack Spartacus, we'll just block off the rout up to the serious we're gonna. Our tents, we're gonna, hang out and get drunk and he's gonna, starved to death and that's kind of gonna be the end of it. So we think you use a labour labors their Prater. His name is Claudius Klaiber. He sounds like it in an apt a person that you would send to take care of our single labour exactly hid, his name is, is to close the glove and that accept so Glauber said. Yeah it's exactly. We said he posted a couple of guys on the road to Vesuvius. Only wrote in or out of the mountain and in the rest of the group is at camp in so Spartacus in his band. Are they know that they can? down this road, but there also not about to starve at the hands of a guy named labour, so they actually fashion rope,
a rope ladder out of the vines that are growing upon Vesuvius and they cause I'm down the mountain to a different spot and they come up behind and the young the guys who. Guarding the road kill them. Week into the roaming camp, kill their mother bathing and sleeping and have done two things they just wiped out the soldiers of a Prater, very high elected official, and they just captured a roman camp with all of its supplies of his weapons of its armoury. And then these were really to really big first strikes. If you allow it- and I will so noted- Thank you. It was a really big deal because in a word gets around and for the first time waves and ITALY. We're thinking wow There is actually someplace. We could go. It's not it's not right
in America, where there were slaves in the south, mainly and naked, escaped to the north right. It was, like that, all over ITALY, so they had no, where to go. They had no safe harbour, no quarter. If I'm allowed I will allow them to work and they said bow got a place we can go. We can go join up with this guy Spartacus he's out there. Sneak up on on labours and kill em, while he's taken a bath. That's pretty good to me. I want to get around the fun yeah bidding No, if it was this historic, in Erwin from Murray State. If it was part of the article that somebody says at some point. There I'm sorry, not Erwin Aaron Urban as the new the historian, but somebody says some point that those slaves, because they, had nowhere to go like you're saying, but also because of way that slave uprisings were really dealt with that later, these very free,
they didn't even route require supervision that they would be there were whole rural areas in towns that spartacus was moving around to where the slaves vastly outnumbered the freed people. And they were able to sustain that disproportionate population distribution because the slaves in Rome had such little hope of any different life than what they had and so, like your think, Spartacus provided then something different and all of a sudden. His little ragtag band of slaves in their slave uprising suddenly became a very large slave uprising. And in a really short time. They tracked it something like forty thousand slave, from these rural areas up around Vesuvius,
and in northern ITALY. I think northeastern ITALY that they would just run away, and now they had a place to go. I e Spartacus his camp and they would join up there and show up with, like kitchen I've in farm tools and something then they would be trained in combat and now all of a sudden it goes from his ragtag band of gladiator slaves, who had escaped to some they met a lot like our actual rebellion and that's what room, Sir did think that maybe they are dealing with yeah, and I get the ideas around this time that sparked Spartacus becomes kind of an idea, even more than an actual human being, because you know that word, is getting around. It's not like that. The newspaper said front page headlines or anything. You get these whispers and you get these stories in the spark of hope among the slave, and this idea that there is a rebellion and he's a great boss. He splits everything right down the middle
and he's not some awful leader, he divides all the spoils equally and he's getting. Non slaves to join up, because even if you're, like a. You know you might be a slave, but if you're a very poor farm hand or something it might look appealing all of a sudden because you're not part of the elite, roman kind of upper echelons class yeah. So the idea they splitting the spoils with people like that's huge and apparently they athenians up that basically all The ancient sources agree like this: guy took all his ponder: undistributed heating keep her from self it in terms of into a king. He was running round freeing slaves and that you know that one of them This is why he he did like you have become a hearer, an idea and a hero that still to this day, groups can the latch onto so he's attracting more more, people I'm one of the things in one of the ugly truths about this. Is that
they were going round to the small town. In these rural areas, freeing slaves them to join the ranks of the is also a lot of plundering going on and they were not merciful with the slave owners who own these big enormous. This states that they were plunder and they would engage in rape they would engage in torture They would engage in murder and from what I saw it wasn't spartacus. That was doing that that he actually commanded against that, but that his. Army but had a mind of its own in a lot of cases and that they would they would be pretty merciless and brutal with the young. The freed people who, whose stuff they were taking, yeah, I mean I'm sure they're like no Europe and pillage that's what you do right, that's what this is, how it is right now
even in the movie Spartacus, he he refuses to take part in that, So there are a few things. You know that that cubic didn't write the screen play. It was actually Dalton Trumbo, but here, He had that in the movie, so they were bits of true throughout for right, so this is gonna round. Finally, as Ike Are we really deal with this guy? Can someone can someone? Please go kill Spartacus for me right labour clay. Such so bad guys. We gotta get a nice labour in there to take your business and they did. They think, publius Virgilius and, the public a he, was another Prater, so they're sending like pretty important guys along with their soldiers and varieties.
He was almost nearly captured, which would have been enormous. He was so close to being captured that I believe Spartacus himself grew stole the guy's horse. He got his his horse and yet I was us Virgilius put Hubley is published for any US and there was a huge A black eye to roam the like narrowly is is this: you know band of runaway slaves, they will Blake able to engage Rome in battle, but that he stole your horse in your insignia in an almost got. Your guy has a big deal, and so all these these victories a with each victory, Spartacus Legend just grows and is able to attract more and more people. I think, within a year that historian Kenneth check
says within a year may be a little more than a year. There is as many possibly as a hundred and twenty five thousand freed. Slaves are: slaves escape slaves in commoners who had joined Spartacus his army, a hundred twenty five thousand Stanley started with seventy gladiators the year before yeah. Seventy, not seventy thousand just reiterate, yeah nice worth saying so spring of seventy two b c spartacus as these troops are some of them stay in the south, with his body craigslist and then he said there s. You come with me: we're gonna head toward the Alps, because this lovely this time of year an link at the time who they bear. These guys have great names, Rome, Syn,
misled by Lucius Jealous, probably public, all our political in nature, ass, Cornelius, linked to us, Claudia US, is our great names. Those guys were councils, so they were. The highest elected officials in Rome. He had elderly theres. Many is like a thousand guys put together like this issue, his business at the time at this time to go. Take error of Spartacus YA think when he almost capture Virginia s there was that really caught Rome's attention for the first time. Unfortunately, these two councils, or the names in check Let's just call him up what color and cleanliness? Ok, fine, they
no better equipped to fight Spartacus either. I think, by this time he had he come close, two hundred twenty five thousand people yet, but he was up to forty thousand and of both of the eyes and heard here, peaches and heard nice, they underestimated. How many troops he'd had they are. So we are unaware that he'd wintered in I think, the north of ITALY and head spent the winter stealing horses building up a cavalry unit which they had. No, dear. He had this hum Another thing he he put to good use so remember this guy's put finally a roman army veteran from Thrace, which means is Millie with guerrilla warfare that the three scenes practice and conventional warfare, which the Romans practice and he's like commanding tens of thousands of troops to to great effect, build the cavalry
and he also so like some of those commoners who joined up who were slaves, but they were not well off and they wanted to fight the fight the power, so they join they were usually like, herdsmen or shepherds, or something like that from local area who knew the the areas really well, so we, them as scouts and peaches and he had no idea that this again this band of runaways slaves had turned into an actual like will a jet army under the command of somebody who knew what they were doing and he ate, Both of them alive yeah. Well, actually was, he was Canada because Just went down there to the southward. Phrixus was an filled him with a lot. Rebels and then Herbert came in from the north of Spartacus, where he was headed toward the Alps came. You know, he was ahead of him. So he came south from the north and he came in and Spartacus was basically trapped between
these two armies that had better equipment. Weaponry, better armor, more munitions and food and water and everything and wine, and- had no idea that this Calvary was waiting for him that he had been working on was gonna his little cannabis Trojan horse in a way They had never seen anything like it and he beat peaches. I think, or was that herve now market views he be ok. He beat Herbie and got the supplies that Herbie Army had and the and it was. It was on a big big way, so I misspoke by this time. Yes, he probably had close. Seventy two hundred twenty five thousand people in his army, but they had split off because Crixus. Who was one of their gladiators that you just mention one of the original gladiators he broke out? A grant glaziers go with and who basically co, operated the the army with them
He apparently wanted to split off and take it straight to Rome wanted to attack Rome and Spartacus. This whole thing was like no now, let's go north to Thrace out of ITALY, We can be broken Biller army up even better there, any they're just hang out and Thrace and be great, or maybe and we can come back to ITALY and they had a disagreement. Had a falling out aimed they split up. Increases took thirty thousand men like you. I don't remember foes peaches, her Herbert who got em, but the crisis in his men were were killed but as simultaneously, even though Spartacus later be that both of those guys he had just lost thirty thousand of his troops, which is a pretty pretty big, true production especially basically overnight. You every still one in the end and that battle he did, he fought very bravely. He rushed either peaches or heard broke them down.
Captured their supplies, and then we don't know for sure. If he defeated or not or if they just retreated, but at any rate sorted into them and they are allowed to go on to the Alps right. So you wanna take another break yeah. Let's take our last breakin Willa, we'll wind it up here with the last stand. Ok, though we're part, these days was sharing so at Geico like to say thanks. Thanks for sharing your savage dance moves thanks to sharing your d, I why haircut fails thanks for sharing your inner lip sink stop now. It's our turn to share with the Geico give back
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medical response capacity, food insecurity, access to learning and providing support to Barnabas populations. I'm came as a really listen to hear something good on the eye heart radioactive apple pie cast over every listen to your favorite shows. So, party kisses not only now beaten providers that the Roman sent his beaten councils in their armies in Rome is final leaped out. I don't know if they knew that crisis who, by the way, was a cult which I find immensely interesting but I dont know if they knew that he was coming toward Rome and if they just narrowly avoided being attacked by that contingent. But it
Definitely on their mine that Rome was left unprotected cause. Remember the best generals in the best their best armies were in Spain in Crete, and there was a really really angry group of impoverished and an escape slaves, but who were who had assembled themselves into a pretty respectable army? possibly coming toward roam. The air in Rome was on thin ice. At this point I mean they're still super powerful, obviously, but they make a good point in this article. They can rely on the fact that everyone thought they were great and was super scared of them, and they have these big scary armies and once started getting these defeats and once they started getting defeats, especially at the hands of a former slave who was leading this kind of ragtag team that was given, against them. There's little trick that armor and sport
This is another winning battles in every one hears about this, and that's it big deal around all of a sudden. They seem like their defeated yeah, which, if you are, if Europe society include Delays in the slaves are kept in line by the idea that you're undefinable that's right, and so there there they seem like their defendable. Now there stormy and generals at are away, and they could We find anyone to really take care of Spartacus until this guy stepped up he was a wealthy prayed, her name Marcus Crisis, and he said you know what I've got the dough and I'm a pretty it'll leader in my own right. Maybe you ve heard me and so on finances army and I'm gonna go kill that guy increases If there's a villain in this story, it is crisis. He was a terrible, terrible person, possibly the richest person. Rome has ever seen. I read somewhere that he he would go to places that had caught fire with his own personal fire brigade.
And would negotiate with the owner of the the house or whatever to buy it and if the, if they would negotiate, had extremely cheap rate, to sell their house. There was on fire, then crises or crisis would have his fire brigade put it out if they didn't negotiator cell. Then he would just leave with his fire brigade light. It burn. Here's that caused the crisis is like hey man, this places on fire and I'm offering them to buy it from your rights, a fire sale. You shouldn't, you should take them yeah, but if they wouldn't, if they be like, though this is completely unacceptable and immoral, he be like all right see you later and inspired. We gave it leave, that's just not good stuff. That's the kind that, if you do that people continue to talk about it in a negative light. Two thousand years later found some dumper gas, so crisis
also my recognise his name. He was part of the first triumvirate with Pompey and Caesar he was the third guy yeah. I remember him so so Crasser steps up any says. You know what my father got a triumph, which is basically like a military. Parade for a great military victory and I've always been envious. I want mine, I'm going make mine the defeat of Spartacus. I'm gonna go get em when a finances army go pick up. Some of the other armies. There have been defeat The kind of left scattered around ITALY reassemble them, and there was one in particular I think it was some the army, of the Prater, who is almost captured, Rennie S some of his people ran away and crisis got them together, I believe five hundred people who had been used of desertion and running away during battle, and he brought
of the old steamer trunk in old technique for keeping your troops in line called decimation, chow, which is a word that we ve misused for years on this progress. But this is the real all that he was doing yeah and another creeper misusing it for years. I think it's now part of. Popular terminology- justice not necessarily reduced by ten, ok, fair enough, but what he did was. He said. Ok, all of you, five hundred break up into fifty groups of ten in every group. All ten of you draw lots. Whoever draws the shortest, like its executed in the executed. Fifty out of five hundred deserters in front of his troops. To basically say hey, let's get their morale up. Everybody does what happens to you if you don't fight valiantly- and that was the kind of leader that he was Sousa Real Jerkin, this in a real jerk on the battlefield to even with his own troops and a very selfish lover from what I hear
really was he be like? Well, that's for me good luck to yourself so he had a real in his bonnet to get that victory parade. He goes and chases Spartacus all over ITALY and some in fighting going on, which is what can happen a lot of times in a rebellion. You don't keep everyone spirits up, so that can a weakened his army a little bit and said inelastic effort. Spartacus said you know what we need to do is we need to go, kill crisis in front of everybody and that's that'll. Do the trick of everyone's he's? Crisis is gone. You cut off the head. Maybe another one will not grow up in its place here. And that didn't work out for Spartacus, he was actually cut down in battle. His army was finally defeated hunted down all six thousand of the survivors of the army and crucified them. He was not himself crucified like in the movies. Articles, and there was never that great moment in the movie. The I'm Spartacus moment that never really happened in real life, unfortunately
never found his body, which has soared over a sad end to this to a leader. Who some pretty great things for a little while, but not really, though, because I read he was last seen, he was really close to crisis. He was headed to crash to kill him himself and he, I think, killed two centurions in hand to hand combat on his way to crisis before he was swarmed. I'm like Hollywood style and cut down by like just a mob of due to overwhelm them you know, you're, not a sad and know if you're living by the sword and dying by the sword. That's the way to go for sure, ok, I'll betcha he would prefer, to kill crass assurance. I give you that, but if he was never faded to kill crisis, if that snake coiled on his head in four told that he would not till crashes, that's the way to go. Well in the end, he is gone. His rebellion squashed, but some good comes out of it
Rome can have says you know what this taught us a great lesson witches maybe we should listen to the lower class a little bit more, it wasn't some huge sweeping reform change or anything like that, but one I like sugar coated by there were a number of reforms that were passed that did strengthen the voice of the people as a whole and they had a little bit more say in their government because they didn't another spartacus to come along And then, over the years, like many thousands, Years later, like I said he was kind of held up as like this euro. This ideal, so like the abolition, movement in the United States held them up as a hero because he was known to free slaves I was Howie assembled his army and he was a necessarily freeing slaves for the ideal ending slavery. He was frank slaves to help build up his army. But I'm sure there is a certain amount of like this is a good thing that these slaves are no longer slaves when You know with me that he must have entertained
least and then later on. Like you said, Dull Trumbo wrote the script for the nineteen sixty movie directed by Coup Rick on Spartacus Indulge Trumbo was blacklisted from Hollywood, because he was a communist or he wouldn't name names. A care member in Dublin. Trumbo wrote that script based on a novel remind him Howard fast, who had written while in jail, because he wouldn't name names on the Mccarthy hearings and so Spartacus kind of became like a hero of Marxists because he freed slaves he over through the oppressors, but he also took the oppressors wealth redistributed it. Among you know the lower classes which marxist surges bonkers for pretty interesting stuff. Yeah there's plenty more about Spartacus gladiators all that stuff. This is really thick stuff in this establish notes. Now, Do we just kinda given a review? So if this flow
your boat at all. Go look up, Spartacus start reading and you will be fascinated in since I said that simply listener men, I call this wastewater operator or former now retired wastewater up hey guys, just finish. Listening to the sort of wastewater treatment with a critical ear. Having worked for over twenty years, is both a dummy, Debbie LAB, analyse and operator We stand your aiming for the least knowledge. The common denominator in your audience, I feel, like you, did a disservice to always water treatment plants and employees by failing to mention that every treatment plant in America must abide by strict regulatory permits issued under the clean Water ACT, tailored to the needs of the of these specific facilities. Implement your words, make it sound like we and operations made our own decisions as to how clean the war how how clean as clean enough- and that cannot be further from the truth- I'm stop here cause I don't feel like we did
Did we? I we certainly didn't mean to I don't careers is like you nose up the text, in the levers to decide woods clean enough. If we did sorry, we definitely not think that now we didn't, in my position is analysed. I perform an average performed, an average of thirty thousand standard. I rejoice per year to maintain permit compliance and support operations. Amber increase dramatically when there are operational, upsets process, changes, influent variations, etc, addition, operators collect and analyse process control samples several times per shift. For the same reason, I think we need that stuff was going on right, yeah and one of them defensive, but the dispersed listen or just say. I see this title, here's other things are going to go wrong now, as I think that wasn't a kick it thank you for attempting to educate the public on the vital role, clean water and sewage treatment play in the health and prosperity the United States. I firmly believe this is what truly makes America
great you, don't hear people saying they need vaccinations and antibiotics to fend off waterborne illness. When visiting the United States, sorry to rant on appreciate or time thanks for real. And please put out a big. Thank you to all wastewater treatment operators about Nobody is paying attention but whom everyone needs, and that is for. An Danielson retired operator and analysed thanks a lot. Amis good stuff, and yes, read if everyone does another, we need wastewater treatment people when they are not paying attention. So like to you and your colleagues from agreed. Yes, another there's a. A lot of work in analysis in testing. If we didn't hammered home enough- and we are now yeah well, if we missed the mark on something or you just want to add something or just want to say: hey, you guys nailed it nailed it. We love that you can get in touch with us. The email rapid ups banked on the bottom and send it out who stuff progress- and I heard radio doc,
Study should know is production. I hurt radios how stuff works for more podcast, my heart radio is it that I heard radio apple podcast every listen to your favorite shall hear something. Good is a new show from the Seneca women Podcast network, and I hurt radio it's a great way. To start your day on. The positive side of life were so grateful to Bank of America for supporting here something good and for supporting organisations across the country were on the front lines addressing medical response capacity, food insecurity, access to learning. And providing support to Bonn rouble populations. I'm came as a really listen to hear something good on the eye heart radioactive apple pot cast over every listen to your favorite shows. Here's something good is a new show from the cynical women podcast network, and I hurt radio. Each day we aspire to bring the Good news
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Transcript generated on 2020-05-05.