« The Babylon Bee

Episode 6: Faith & Politics

2019-07-22 | 🔗

Join editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle for the sixth-ever Babylon Bee podcast. This week's main topic is faith and politics. 

(8:22) Impressed Military Drops Portland Antifa In Hostile ISIS Territory To Continue Doling Out Justice

(14:10) Christians Should Be More Like Jesus, Who Was Loved By Everybody And Never Divisive

(20:10) Women's Soccer Team Sues To Overturn Unjust Law Of Supply And Demand

(25:50) Topic of the Week: Faith & Politics

(39:09) Hate Mail

(45:33) Subscriber Exclusive Segment

(46:23)  Genetically Engineered Dinosaurs Break Out Of Creation Museum, Live Peacefully With Humans

(51:15)  Food Possessed By Demons After Family Forgets To Pray

(55:40) Unpublished Headline reading


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In a world of news, this is news you can trust your listening to the Babylon only in there at the news source here are your infallible hosts hi man and he's the Nicole I'm comin, and this is Ethan Niccolo yeah yeah come back and I were like the Kool aid man busting through a wall except instead of Kool aid, morbidly obese, we full of juice instead of meaningless commentary on the news. That really has nothing to do with anything, just us trying to entertain ourselves. Yes, so you meaningless commentary on the news that really has nothing to do with anything, just us trying to entertain ourselves. Yes, so you listen in while a couple of guys hang out we're on our third or fourth
in our air conditioned studio and not really, we are broadcasting live, but not actually live from a hundred and fifty degree garage in southern California. Yes, we have a garage that we record and then today is like a hundred degree day in the garage is close and we're recording from so feel. Sorry for us this is our white privilege record crying because we had. We don't have it they're gonna in studio, to record from it's not actually that hot. If you can get the recording done before five hundred am, but we were a little behind, well managed chicken, yes, so we're starting starting out very energetic and then, as a podcast goes on. You're just gonna hear slow, starting melting. We going to get more and more it's going to like. You know how cold in this gets to your bones. This is where, like the hot melting, it's like your flesh starts to feel like like a sack of chicken yeah, so we're starting we're starting out very energetic and then, as a podcast goes on. You're. Just gonna hear slowly starting melting. We so you're, weak, Kyle, you've been gone, a lot yeah, so we've we've been on vacation and ah it's been a great Saturday night me and my wife went to the five iron frenzy concert. Oh this episode brought to you by five arm frenzy there back. It's not they're, not really back, but uh yeah. Well, they played a
Saturday night me and my wife went to the five iron frenzy concert. Oh this episode brought to you by five arm frenzy there back. It's not they're, not really back, but uh yeah. Well, they played a Saturday night me and my wife went to the five iron frenzy concert. Oh this episode brought to you by five arm frenzy there back. It's not they're, not really back, but uh yeah. Well, they played a that's. Why people dread there, multiple vacations illnesses that's kind of a couple weeks. That's California! Privileges is great. If I could, I still do yourself or is like the most amazing place on the planet. It is pretty amazing, even though some people are trying to ruin it, except for the price. This really is the prices yeah. The p in some of the people suck Saturday night me and my wife went to the five iron frenzy concert. Oh this episode brought to you by five arm frenzy there back. It's not they're, not really back, but uh yeah. Well, they played a Saturday night me and my wife went to the five iron frenzy concert. Oh, this episode brought to you by five arm frenzy there back. It's not they're, not really back, but uh yeah. Well, they played a
so they do they do this super it. So anyone who doesn't know five iron frenzy that christian Ska band less lest you think Christian Scott is extinct. It is not still holding on it's holding on for dear life, I mean it's kind of on. Lifes saw them again. You know your fears after that, and so, but as saying their last, everybody at this concert had hired a baby. Sitter, probably it was impaired, saying their last everybody, everybody at concert concert had hired a babysitter, probably it it was. So I saw five when I at the same venue like twenty years ago, when I was in junior high and then saw them again. You know you fears after that, and so, but as you go, you know, the the concertgoers are aging, and so now it's it's kind of sad. It's like all these guys who are maybe four thousand and forty five wearing converse it and stuff. Now yeah and the crowd was like almost so did, know. Skanking. Then there is wilder and there were skin. There was kind of a skank pit right in the middle okay. Everyone
glaring at me like. Why are you moving where the chairs here so we're old ever yeah? It was uh. I was kind of depressed, but then I realized, like I'm aging too. I wasn't over in the pit. I was kind of off to the side and I was I was right up front on the gate and I was kinda. I was doing the skanking yeah and people around me were a glaring at like. Why are you moving you where the chairs here so we're old, every yeah? It was a. I was kind of depressed, but then I realize, like I'm meeting to so yeah, you know you're on the young end of five iron fans. I'd. Imagine yeah, I probably I guess I don't know. I was one of the younger people there. They were huge for me and my group of friends. I was in multiple bands. I was actually in a band that was pretty much attempting to be a five iron frenzy rip off. It was a Scot band and was called the twelve multicolored frozen Christian, rubber chickens and, I think, find a bass player. So they had me play bass and I had a rubber chicken on a football helmet and like a lone ranger mask and a cape and like knee pads, and so
I play this disguise character, name chicken acts. I played bass in this band, that's kind of always the qualification for basis. Right, like you have you you just you just barely exists, yeah, so you're the basis. Yeah so yeah we love the five iron frenzy, my my cohort, that was in the band I was in like multiple ban. He was in almost all of them with me. My friend Anthony was like Reese Roper Obsessed and we finally play a show with them at one point who played with Roper his band Roper, they played in our hometown and is really awkward moment. He finally got to meet Reese Roper and they were just kind of casual comma station in our drummer lock. Something goes hey man he's like obsessed with you middle class on, I didn't even about how like awkward that made the whole thing ruin mood. I'm sitting here like I'm all excited that I got to go Steve. I murdered you're like oh yeah I played with I played with I still it's a good job. You know it's a good joke when it takes you nine months toe, understand. Well, my yeah. I felt like that. Maybe in this case this joke, it's action makes a really profound that it took about nine months. Toe
hi will this, but it's roper that really count. Yeah no perspective him covering old, like covering pop country, songs. Anyway, fine we have to do a whole five iron show at some point yeah we do. We do need Christians. I I said on Twitter this morning: I'm I'm going to be the guy who brings Christian Scott back like if you ever saw la land, I'm going to stop you Ryan Gosling was like trying to bring jazz back and I'm going to save jazz yeah. That was that was this thing in la la land. So that's me, but for Christian Scott, okay, okay, we have one other note before we get into this week's stories and that's um in a stupid, twitter follower pointed out too. That was that was this thing in la la land. So that's me, but for Christian Scott, okay, okay, we have one other note before we get into this week's stories and that's um in a stupid, twitter follower pointed out too so for one eight frank climbing on the reading back. It was strange headlines and is the first one you read into what the bad submission we were. It was just it could have used all of us even
frank, and I still can't even read it without cracking Judge Kavanaugh kicks pregnant woman in her stomach multiple times over a period of weeks. One day he gives it his all now screw metric starts crying. It is crushing her chest with his weight. It's so bad and then in a twitter follower said he's like it took me awhile, but I figured out it's it's. It's Kavanaugh's mom yeah, it's talking about his birth. It's talking about. He kicked the pregnant woman from inside they may then he burst out crying 'cause. He gives it all it all it his all these brushing with the chest in the weight of the a heavy baby. I just it's a good job. You know it's a good joke when it takes you nine months toe, understand. Well, my yeah. I felt like that. Maybe in this case this joke, it's action makes a really profound that it took about nine months toe it's a good job. You know it's a good joke when it takes you nine months toe, understand. Well, my yeah. I felt like that. Maybe in this case this joke, it's action makes a really profound that it took about nine months, toe
yeah yeah. What about Robert Vellum yeah, the the most pro life joke ever written yeah, and you know it's funny so that joke action was going around quite a bit during the Cavanaugh. The confirmation hearings there wasn't the muses mom yeah. So this is something where they were kind of making the same joke. Everyone else was, but in a really really convoluted way. So this is something where they were kind of making the same joke. Everyone else was, but in a really really convoluted way. So this is something where they were kind of making the same joke. Everyone else was, but in a really really convoluted all right. Let's do let's do our weekly stories every week. There are stories. Thes are some of them. Our first story this week there didn't get it, but it it makes it it doesn't make any under the makes a better, but it now we understand yeah and we the universe, is right again for a little while
all right. Let's do. Let's do our weekly stories. Every week there are stories, these are some of them, a first story. This week there new employment opportunities for Portland Antiphon, that's good to hear yes, so the military was so impressed with into files, violence that they dropped, Portland and a fall off in hostile ISIS territory to continue doling out justice. That's great that's great, to hear I'm glad that you know you're doing the Lord's work out there on the streets of Portland are young. Man can can be proud and serve their country, often off in the Middle EAST. Let's just great, I like the idea of them just like waking up like in their in helicopter, and then they just get dropped. What you've done is great, there's like a loud chopper in the background in a good job son and they just dropping like. Where are we? What are we doing? Just keep doing what
you weren't to know what you're doing, but now you're in hospital ISIS territory, so this story that we're again we're on a little bit of a delay because of the recording schedule, but but this should still be relatively fresh. When you hear this, so there was a journalist in Portland who ah got beat up by ISIS, yeah and yeah and yeah I was. I was not a good situation. I did. I save you when I was writing this messing up in switching aunt, Yvonne ISIS, not really yeah. Maybe there's some commentary when I was writing this get messing up and switching ISIS Nisus Overlin yeah, maybe there's some commentary. The similarity are kind of, like diet, License ISIS Talia Nisus Light ICES zero yeah, zero, zero calorie yeah. One thing I forgot to leave out here is that they're going to be going into a hostel ISIS territory with like bike locks and were there other weapons they like to use yeah milkshakes, the other code I didn't, I didn't put in the vegan coconut milk, shake 'cause. That was like specifically what the New York Times article
like listed. All these weapons, like batons, mace knives and innocent vegan coconut milk, shakes the call out that they're vegan they've, even in the coconut flavored I saw they were passing around the like. You win in a fight guys. These protests they like pass around. This is the approved recipe that we're going to use. That. Did you see that yeah like this? Is the recipe with something going around, and I guess I don't know something about about whether or not they had some like chemical in the milkshakes or something yeah. I think that was a little different, but yet someone was saying the Pope. You were saying that they were adding submit oh yeah to the milkshakes that so you hit her. No, I do. I do like the idea that you're going out in order specifically to commit violence against people and you're really concerned about the a coyote, and then you have to say look upon like just chill out or area three threes, the others are all icy winds to make yeah hey, makes sense kinda.
I do. I do like the idea that you're going out in order specifically to commit violence against people and you're really concerned about the like what the heck are. You, man even even stand for anything yeah I mean. Where does milk shake thing come from like? Can you just throw like what the heck are you man even even stand for anything yeah I mean. Where does milk shake thing come from like? Can you just throw ok what the heck are you man, you even even stand for anything I mean. Where does milkshake thing come from like a kid you just throw, can you throw any? Did you throw anything like milk or like? Why does it have to be milked? This is only milk Shannon and it sticks in a certain way, or I mean I I don't I don't. I don't get it. We we tried. Let's go look six and it is cheap as thinking maybe guacamole, but at the expense of yeah. That would be an x about proud boys and all right and everything equally. Otherwise, your jerk, so yeah those guys are jerks to their go way should just have. Ah
guacamole be like a two hundred a you have to really hate the person in order to walk them. One criticism: it always comes up when you talk about aunt, because you have to talk about proud boys and alright and right equally everything equally otherwise, jerk yeah, those so yeah. Those guys are jerks. We go there. We should just have a pre disclaimer, also entered on the problems are proud boys in the alt right and all those other guys are jerks too. I just. I just want to say that there's good people on all sides woke I'll whoa. I just want to say: there's evil people on all sides, everybody's evil, Ical and ah photoshopped it and uh and stuff, and I think when he pitched it. I was like this ice is still a thing: they're pretty mess, the other pretty like, wiped out pretty much gone, but the joke store, Belinda and photoshopped it into and stuff, and I think when he pitched it. I was like this ice is still a thing and I I they're pretty messed the other pretty like wiped out a pretty much gone, but the joke store.
So I I worked that in the story that they were in suspected areas that they could be in time they crop up. You know we got and further to take him out their bike locks. That's why we wanted to be careful with our satire to so I I, where I work that in the story that they were in suspected areas, so they could be and how may crop up. You know we got into that they're taking out the bike locks, that's what we ought to be careful with our satire to the facts. Right, 'cause, there's always going to be some jerk in the comments you know who says actually yeah I feel like. I can go off on Antiphon there's something about it, because I'm from Portland and it destroyed me crazy. The the the attitude, the just the the complete just the complete a Parker see Evan. All I don't know whatever it is crazy to me at that. They've come like some of those videos. You see it seems like they've taken over the city. You know the yeah
ages are thing. The mayor isn't really do much about it and the police seem to be kind of standing up. The side like what the heck sounds. Weird, it's a very strange. That's Portland! That's just porpoises Portland Fauria! Let's move on to our next story. We have an opinion piece that ray this week, do not add ins and it's an op, Ed written by a a fictional character, and he has some really astute words of wisdom for us. He said Christians should be more like Jesus who was loved by everybody and never divisive as well. That's what some wisdom right there!
That is indeed so now is this at all. In response to the fake christian hash tag we came out, I think, on in order for a day, yeah I'd, I believe so there was a full day were twitter- is going straight christian hate for like just mad, like Tasmanian Devil tornado? Yes, so what? What? What? What? What was the bulk over the book of the complaints about Christians on the fake christian hash tag? Most of it was linked to was going on the border okay, and they had this image of I'm like blanking out on the presently MIKE Pence, the standing there looking on offense and is always people in the fence is very crowded and he I've. I found a very interesting people. I've noticed on Twitter MIKE it's just kind of he never says a lot and he's just as Qantas quiet guy. In the background, you just kind of see him every once in a like. My analogy is he's kind of, like John Locke, from the first episode of lost this kind of cuts to this
shared that yeah yeah, very popular, very profound. The weird thing for me is it feels like people are sharing all that to try to make this point that ah there's a these theories. Yeah, have you watched it with somebody and if they were like that, guy's Hitler, anyone to kill babies and he's a murderer, and it's like how do you get all that you smiling at the camera for a minute yeah that so yeah in fact, there's a photo of him, looking offense with all these people in it, and then it's juxtaposed the picture like I think it's similar and as the concentration camp as if because they're, both standing in kind of the same position and there's a fence there in this be refined. It makes it the exact same thing yeah. I think Alyssa Milano our favorite, a a list. Actor was a. But it is shared that yep, yes, very popular, very profound yeah. The weird thing for me is it feels like people are sharing all that to try to make this point that there's this racism in the Trump Administration and they hate the hate. Mexicans
administration main point that there's a big crisis at the border, and when I see that video I go and there really is a crisis, the board like they have these facilities and they can only hold so many people like when I look at that. I go like maybe offenses in such a bad idea like this there's a ton of people there so you're saying you're a racist, and is that like that's, not that my immediate reaction isn't like how racist at all this is like? I I I, the immigration equals racism argument drives me crazy and also the flipping legal immigration for immigration. It's like the most disingenuous argument. You can use. Well, it's not the most. Just it's pretty! It's pretty bad, it's probably more like you, you're Hitler
yeah. You know I do like the idea of Christians get going on twitter or social media and then just like wringing their hands and desperately wanting to be liked by yeah world like why? Don't all these people, like me, yeah you can you you look at Jesus you're like well yeah. They didn't really like Jesus yeah. He wasn't like the Johnny Depp was time or anything. Well, I guess Johnny Depp's a good, not a good example. Now the rock is like loved, whose universally loved, so it was really funny about this article Christian, should be more like Jesus who is loved by everybody. Never divisive is that Ben Shapiro graced
with the re tweet on it and like right away. We ended up with all these confused commenters wait. A minute he's got crucified man, you know because we've got our small little twitter reach and then you get venture yeah, what five million six million followers or what I mean yeah, whatever crazy number followers. The as the is. Let's see mostly post real news stories, I think we're probably the only satire site. The shared I mean he's often joking around and stuff wants to order, but, and so people are coming like Jesus was loved by everyone- tell that to him as he suffered through his crucifixion. Thank you. Yeah really appreciate yeah explaining the joke there, that was nice yeah. I saw a lot of Christians jump, jumping on ban on the bandwagon of the fake Christian Hashtag, yeah yeah. Let's just say it most: Christians are homophobic, bigots and blah blah blah blah blah, and that drives me crazy.
Do you really know like that? Many Christians that are just these like seething, homophobe, bigot yeah like sure they exist, but it's like the it's like the Kerr. The uncle that is the moon landing didn't happen right like just this like it's just pocket is nine we're, probably talking about in yeah. We amplified amplify by giving that kind of thing so much attention when most people aren't like that, this reeks of like begging to like be accepted by this culture like yeah. I hate Christians to go, and everybody tries to virtue signal on B J, I'm jumping on the hashtag fake christian bandwagon. You know I hate those hashtags and just the idea that that all these blue checks from Twitter or like going to lecture me on what real, christian and everybody tries to purchase signal and be a day, I'm jumping on the hashtag, fake christian bandwagon. You know I'd. I hate those hashtags that in just the idea that that always do checks from Twitter. Like going to lecture me on what real Christian listen to some Robbie's aka rafts they're like yeah they're, like I think the Bible is false and Angie's Jesus didn't exist, but, ah yeah, you know you're, not a good Christian. Okay, interesting,
listen, some Robbie that grass they're, like I yeah they're, like I think the Bible is false and in Jesus Jesus didn't exist, but a yeah. You know you're, not a good Christian, hello, okay, interesting in rated some controversy over how much they're paid versus the men it's the whole. They like one. They want something right. I don't follow sports all right, so we move on our third story of the week. The women's soccer team sues to overturn unjust law of supply and demand, and this is in response to the US. Women's soccer team ask some controversy over how much their paid versus the men it's the whole they like when they want something right. I don't follow sports. They they did something to kick the ball. I don't follow sports and they have
see. I only involuntarily follow soccer a bit, because my step son is obsessed with soccer. So does he follow that he followed the women's team or what kind of soccer does he follow? Yet only falls women and that's why women aren't making as much because your step son is a big yeah. What a jerk doesn't want the women soccer. He plays FIFA like nonstop, and I can never tell if he's watch when he's watching soccer or if he's playing FIFA, that's how old I am I'm like. Are you watching Saco, that's a video game, so the women's soccer team was complaining about the pay gap and it's it's funny cause it's kind of. Ah, it's kind of a complex. If somebody in the face right now. Oh, no, that's just one of them, that's one of them video games and you are dating yourself. Yes, so the women's soccer team was complaining about the pay gap and it it's funny 'cause, it's kind of uh, it's kind of a complex
situation and they might have a little bit of a point because there they do have a much more winning record than the men and the men make more than they do, but men soccer worldwide brings in so much more money. It's like four billion dollars hundred and seventy million. That's like is that the measurement like if you have like a softball team from ah you know the the like Hanson Hills, Trout, ah Baptist Church, and they have a one hundred percent winning streak. Should they get paid more and I think they have better record men, then yeah, then a major league soccer team that doesn't do so well. Are there church soccer teams? I don't know just made that up. This is sound real, the Hanson Hills, trout! Well, we know real Christians don't play soccer. So that's not true. The devils game is the Devils game. Real. The Lord made arms for a reason: boy, you know,
leave your arms out of the game, yeah soccer's for women and Europeans, but I repeat, myself yeah. We had the joke, also that Megan, how do you say your last name right revenue? I I've been saying rob and you know that she she had this quote where she said that she's willing to have an open conversation, but then she kind of like said that, basically she built with her and everything that was while she said. She'd never talk to Trump, but we will have with her and everything that was wild. So weird, she said: she'd never talked to Trump, but should be willing to conversation with somebody who and then basically agree with her and everything and yeah like who wants the same things. We do yeah he's with the because it's like so you yeah you're, only gonna have an open conversation with someone is exactly like you yeah, and so our article was that, and he was Ethan's making happen to such is totally willing to have an open conversation with a perfect genetic, an ideological clone of herself, and then we've got her sitting next to herself. Talking to you,
that's what open civil conversation is all about. Welcome to the spotlight, Megan Rapinoe, if we've just you just gotta Babylon Beer, while she got a couple of them, I think now she's going to get famous thanks to us. You know it's crazy to me so that all this civil about these, like controversies and all the common just gets totally drowned out in all this outrage and doubling down tripling everything dividing everybody and it's a home, Josh yeah on its face that the thing about these debates every time for me, because you can't both make the argument that, like these air, greedy corporate. Just gets totally drowned out in all this outrage and doubling down tripling everything dividing everybody and it's a home, Josh yeah, on its face that the thing about these debates every time for me, because you can't both make the argument that, like these air, greedy corporate, just gets totally drowned out in all this outrage and doubling down and traveling down thing fence, dividing everybody, and it's now home, gosh yeah on its face and the thing about these debates. Every time for me, because you can't both make the argument that, like these are greedy Corp Oceans and they choose to spend more money on men, because, if they're greedy, they would go with the cheapest option, same results for cheaper, cheaper pay, then the greedy guys would go for that right, yeah, and so that's that's where it always like. That's never addressed in these conversations
same results for cheaper reason, cheaper pay, then the greedy guys would go for that right, yeah, and so that's that's where it always like. That's never addressed in these conversations gets like yeah, but the gender. The idea that there's just some evil guy in a dark, closet somewhere and he's paying men more than women because he just is evil and he likes to spend he likes spending extra money on men because he hates women yeah yeah. I almost wonder if it's social media is kind of the root cause of a lot of this yeah. I know that I know that people have always made bad points and people have always been outraged, see people like my dad who doesn't go on social media. You know yeah. I mentioned a controversy like this and he's like what who's that I didn't know see people like my dad who doesn't go on social media. You know yeah. I mentioned a controversy like this and he's like what who's that I didn't know the people like my dad who doesn't go on social media. You know I I mention a controversy like this and he's like what who's that I didn't. You know,
don't even know the women had a soccer team. It's like there's this there's this bliss that comes from not being in those places. I have noticed that crapping on soccer get us a lot of shares. Everybody shocked you every shockwave people get paid to play soccer or paying money for this yeah. Where do they get paid from? Is it? Ah, I mean is like our taxes, everybody shocked the average shockwave people get paid to play soccer, we're paying money for this yeah. Where do you get paid from? Is it a? I mean there is like our taxes for now I have because I don't have a whole other issue with yeah all right. We, our main topic conduit and now the battle laundries topic of the week, and here we are their main topic to death in my throat very slowly, melt to death in this Agra and melting through
through my brain cells are slowly shutting down and which is good because we're gonna talk, but something that doesn't really require that much thought Christianity and politics, something we can just breeze through breeze through that no big deal. This feels like I thought to be inching talk about this, because it's kind of like to blue for Christians. Talk about politics right yeah are your. I feel there's either like in Christianity there's either like you're, like Ann Coulter Christian, who they always they mentioned. Everyone saw their Christian, but then they mainly just own lives, all the time yeah and then there's like the Joy Macarthur type guys are like never, it is Texas. Far as I know like it right. Just kind of you know you don't talk about it yeah and the weird thing about the b and one thing I like about it is, and it's made a lot of people met yeah yeah, not that it makes people happy, but I'm that we do go into politics, but we're also, I would say we aren't that jerk voice, that's trying to
the snarky mean and there's a lot of those in the concert right. Yeah. Yes, would you think tiles around? For Christians talk politics? I will come out and boldly state that we are not jerks. I will agree with that. We're trying not to be jerks anyway yeah. You know it is weird that there are so so many christian ministries and websites that I don't know if it's weird it's it's about. What I'd expect is that they don't want to alienate you know, so they stay away from the political stuff, and I you know I kind of appreciate it, the piano the source. Actually I I agree with in the sense of that. It's like a Holy Place church is like a place to like go into the family, youth, Jesus, the thing and just worship and all that Monday in political stuff. It's just not. You know it's below it and then on that on that, since I agree yeah well II, one hundred percent agree like a church. I got a guy from the pulpit, he should be preaching the gospel and he shouldn't be. Ah you shouldn't be really talking politics now. Christianity is always gonna touch all aspects of life. You know whether that's politics or if you really believe Christianity is reality and nothing that you just do on the side. With your life yeah yeah, then it's gonna, it's gonna touch everything. You know one thing that struck me: you know people complain a lot. The Babylon Bee does too much politics or you should stay out of politics and just make jokes about worship. Leaders- and I was you know I go back and I was really been reading essays by like C S, Lewis,
the guy I I I a hundred percent agreed like a church. I got a guy from the pulpit he's. The should be preaching the gospel and you shouldn't be. It should be really talking politics. Not Christianity is always going to touch all aspects of life. You know whether that's politics or, if you really believe Christianity is reality and nothing that you just do on the side. With your life, yeah yeah that it's going to it's gonna touch everything. You know one thing that struck me: you know people complain a lot the battle and be does too much politics or you should stay out of politics and just make jokes about worship. Leaders- and I was you know I go back and I was re. I've been reading essays by like Cs Lewis. This
and you know a bunch of them, aren't even christian. You know what he he he assumes, God any assumes. The truth about the Bible and Christ yeah in his from the outset, yeah you know, but but what he's talking about is he's just talking about what what are the implications of that for how to Christian lives out life in politics and in the lives of life in society? So I think it's interesting that you know it's like you guys should not talk about these things. Other people should talk about these global. Who, who do you want to talk about these things? Who do we want to control that conversation? Yeah? I'm a big Chesterton fan. Obviously, then, through that many times, but don't try to one up is a little mention with Chester did Luis. He was a gesture and fan boy yeah, but he
things in a timeless way like he believed, in that eternal wisdom, that the Bible is built on this idea that there is a wisdom built into this world by by its creator. That's why it's worth writing a book by all these different authors over like thousands of years, because we believe there's like a re things in a timeless way, like he believed in that eternal wisdom, that the Bible is built on this idea that there is a wisdom built into this world by by its creator. That's why it's worth writing a book by all these different authors over like thousands of years, because we believe there's like a will story being told of and Anna wisdom behind it all that's timeless. I believe when you are in know and words making dirty jokes, but like a somebody like Chester's, and I think what was amazing that he did is he could write an art about something going on contemporary in its time, but he's actually making an eternal point and that's why his articles they're still so ah, a lot of them are so readable. Still today, yeah, I gotta admit I have some trouble.
Reading Chester TIM, Butta yeah, it would also it's. It is hard is certain stuff that he writes is so contemporary referring to things going on, but we don't have any prairie yeah. It was at that time yeah now it's retro that is the hardest part from Chesterton and and his style writing so different than what we're used to yeah and the same thing with Luis when you'll read some of his radio addresses and you no the names that he's talking about yeah or who is responding to or why but the eternal truth that he might point to still resonate today and I think that's the unique thing that Christianity has to offer is like, we believe in eternal yeah. You know and that's going to play out in politics much differently than someone who doesn't have an eternal truth. Yeah, that's. The other thing is not to be in Chester in the old time here, but he talks about how he talks about how like uh people think that if you have a worldview that just is nice and tidy and it all kind of comes back on itself like a circle like a nice clean circle,
he says you know who has a nice clean world use the madman like in yeah. That was one of the violence. That was one of his big things. Wasn't it yeah, and so he talks about how, like you know, if you, you can see everything through the narrow of ever traded, a small little world that you live in, like it's a tiny and he says that the madman has the most tighty of all like a tiny little world. He lives in and traded a small little world that you live in, like it's a tiny, and he says that the madman has the most tighty of all like a tiny little world. He lives in, and he says that he sees the symbol of Christianity. Is the cross, it's forearms arms reaching out in all different directions. There's a paradox at the center that there's more mystery to it and that there's that it's it's not nice and tidy, like the there's mystery in God and anyway, I'm like you to put in the organ like coming into the background. I think it's interesting to think of you to put in the organ likes coming background. I think it's interesting to think of
have that idea. I I say spike. I see all over our culture the the little narrow way of seeing things like they see everything through race. We see everything through pay, yeah yeah. I think another thing that Christians need to think about with politics, and I I hope this is what most of our satire does. Is it's really important, I think, to not put trust in politics like I know. Some people are more politically involved in some less politically involved summer, more politically aware summer, less politically, where that's fine, I I think God uses all types, but I think sometimes we we put much trust in politics. Yeah you know like, like government, is going to save us from this problem. You know you bring up a problem like poverty or homelessness, or you know of the immigration crisis, and our first question is well: what are we going to do about it and by we we mean what is the government going to do about it? You know, and that's all we ask our our politicians like what are you gonna? Do it to address this?
So I think the disconnect for me and a lot of people on both the left and the right is. My question is in like what is this politician going to do? What is your party's answer to this, but it's like yeah. I do this, I'm a question. I I I I I've. I've checked out before that point because you have your party, I don't have the answer. Yeah yeah, I mean I believe in almost every case, the answer is almost always just people doing. The right thing government tends to kind of tag team off of that half the time. No, but I think that also what happens with politics? Is people create teams us versus them yeah and I think, as a Christian, that's not what you're supposed to be doing you're not supposed to be playing us versus them games not supposed be turning half the population of the United States into you know some drooling in feel you get a lot of times from people from Christians on the right yeah. I think one thing just that whole idea that you know if you voted this way, then you're not worth my time. It's like sorry like, I think everybody was create
by the same God and he loves them all yeah. It's definitely infected the church. We see people saying how how can even jail because of poor trump yeah, and it's like if you support trump you're, not a true Christian, you know and people do the other way they did the same thing with Obama. You know yeah and, and a I mean you about make arguments about certain policies or certain issues and topic. Obviously hot topic stuff like well. There's there's, there's like a there's like a little massacre happening happening on our hands yeah. What time you got a tribute at all, also, the people's ignorance and we've got to educate people on what exactly that is without, without necessarily demonizing people and saying you're evil. For voting for Democrats, yeah yeah, I think it's kind of a. I don't know if it's always missed, but I feel like we. We make a lot of jokes about how the idea is that, like christian politics are that's that's a big amount of the humor we get out of the right as you, you take Trump and you make him into a Jesus,
but I generally find a kind of funny that that Christianity has he's a set of politics yeah. We would make fun of that a lot yeah yeah, the that's, that's a big amount of the human we get out of the right. Is you take trump and you make him into a gs? Yeah or you know, I think we had one where missionary goes out and he's converting tribesmen to tribesmen to republicanism put in the pudding, make America great again hat on Aug Tribes minutes yeah. That's definitely like feel you get a lot of times from from Christians on the right yeah. I think one thing, but I'm I'm proud of that we do is that we do kind of sit back and we try to make light of it all like the politics. People are so serious about it there it's that's there, everything and anything. That's that's for that's for to me. That's like our job is to kind of like point of the humor much we can both sides, but I think that also because there's so
there's so many jokes from one direction we kind of do. You do tend to make jokes the other action more, but that we're finding that. The absurdity in at all and just trying to that reminder that you know most every generation has gotten most things wrong. So the fact that some things that are so right about so many things they're probably wrong on a lot of stuff too yeah. Only one article we run this week was nation relieved as politicians too busy bickering to push their terrible ideas on the country and the image we used was accosted. Cortez. Is that that time? It's that time again, you know I've got hate mail, intra music, but we do have Dave saying I really miss Adam for hey, we'll get a jingle going suites off at Atellan Omar and then she's fire and tweets back at him and there you know, and then all news articles are like watch this powerful clap back as Trump swing back on Twitter against you know, and it's just what a time to be alive. So I, like I like
article like that, can go. You know yeah, you know what you guys can fight yeah go ahead, just stop, but to me yeah! Yes, I don't know I mean I think it's I under I. I actually really sympathize with the opinion that we shouldn't be. Are the you know that we we don't need more politics yeah? I I get the to add on to one extent I completely agree, but I also I do appreciate that the b makes jokes in areas that most other people aren't touching. So I feel like that's a good, that's a good thing to do. Yeah I'll just finish with one other thing on this mention like hey, I was thinking about this a lot. This week, I've been reading through the book of acts and way read your Bible, no axle a x e, okay, I'm they're not going around a supporting particular policies for the nation, but they are going around saying um
how held at the same time a subversive and political. The disciples were, you know like they. They subvert politics, the expectations of politics, because they're not going around saying you guys need support my candidate or you know yeah, but the thing is our lead candidates back then user is not the true king. Jesus is the true king. You know it's on and it's like. That's that's one of most political statements. You can make yeah so I like, when we can, we can touch on stuff. Like user is not the true King Jesus is the true king. You know it's on and it's like. That's that's one of most political statements. You can make yeah so I like, when we can, we can touch on stuff like well, then you know we'll just conclude by saying yeah the the we're not gonna solve this. Will we will go ahead and resolve all of the political squabbles in right now by seeing Jesus king? So yes right are we got some hate mail.
Is it that time it's that time again, you know I've gotta, hate, mail, intro music, but we do have Dave saying I really miss item forward will get a jingle going. Okay, so here's one- I don't remember what the context was, but ah they say this. President Trump is a great president. Graves in all caps, great, isn't all camps, and your christian quote. Unquote: golden code self Righteousness will walk you right off the cliff to the fiery gates, God, okay, so here's one. I don't remember what the context was, but ah they say this. President Trump is a great president. Graves in all caps, great, isn't all camps, and your christian quote. Unquote: golden code self Righteousness will walk you right off the cliff to the fiery gates, God the context here, another angry term. Every hate mail we get is angry about Trump. We have done a lot of anger. Trumpet me off and I do have a few from the other side, we'll we'll get those red. So, okay, so here's one- I don't remember what the context was, but they say this. President Trump is a great president grades in all caps. Great is in all caps, and your christian quote on quote quote: unquote self righteousness will walk you right off the cliff to the fiery gates. God
raised an imperfect man to lead just like he raised Mozelos. Who are you never trumpers to question God, so we last week we did this great swashbuckling dave yeah. He did. This awesome read, could be we've kind of pre recorded the Hughes and do that, but he also in the subscriber portion we work in if Dave sends me other takes that are great. I worked those in given the subscribers. You needed this amazing taken one degrees like Liam Neeson, oh yeah, that might be worth doing it taken take on this one yeah. You guys attacked President Trump and I have a very particular set of skills, and if you don't take it back, I will find you that I will kill. Do that Trump is a gray president christian Self righteousness fuck you right off the cliff
gates. God raised an imperfect man to lead. Who are you never trumpers question God? I like that every time we criticize Trump, the immediate comparison that he's drawn king day is a king day are Moses. I don't have it under Moses, too much yeah. I've heard Moses as much with Moses some perfect as he he he had a speech impediment or some right yeah. He made mistakes like we never went through the old guy yeah yeah. He killed someone, that's a big deal, no big deal Nbd in VT so are like and you know just I know this is like a logical fallacy, but take this hate mail and apply it to like. If we're in Nazi Germany to Israel, 'cause he's pro Israel, then, like you, just have like it's just it's in the Bible. It's in green are like, and you know just I know this is like a logical fallacy, but take this hate mail and apply it to like if we're in Nazi Germany
they're like and you know just I know this is like a logical fallacy, but take this hate mail and apply it to like. If we're Nazi Germany, God raised up, Hitler he's an imperfect man. If you, if he's in charge, raised to up right who are you to question the greats, the greats Adolf Hitler? Now, I'm not actually comparing Trump to Hitler just to head it off before we in your I'm just pointing out your logical arguments, not very not very sound there, so I don't know that we're technically never trumpers yeah and that's the weird thing it was a year. You know they'll meet, you call you want. If you don't free from with every breath you breathe, I see them on Twitter all the time like as guys it. It was maybe a maybe trumper or something like uh. That was a big divisive thing during the election is like. Yes, people broke off and said we are the never trumper most people didn't you know something, but then, if you criticize Trump, your ink never trumper and we've done articles in support of trump or at least making fun of the crazy criticisms that people give
most people didn't. You know you have some small yeah, but then, if you criticize Trump hearing never trooper and we did articles in support of trump or at least making fun of the crazy criticisms that people give yeah totally, I don't. I don't think you can really read our website and go. You are never trumper, but most people who send this stuff don't read our web sites. It's true and probably definitely listen to our podcast yeah. I hope not. I hope not one of these. It will read it and then we'll get yeah. I hate mail response. Email, then will just be every week for reading from the same guy. Do not mention when one of the phenomenon is that a we have now started getting fake hate mail. Have we yeah? Did you see it? You see this in the mail. Maybe we we've been, we've started to get you never check your emails either, but we started to get like this. A like figure like people. Trying to
you know it's like. Oh hey, you know your newspaper is so bad. Yeah Trump is amazing. Scent from my ipad yeah, it's like okay, I get what you're doing so stops in it's fake. A male. Only really hate mail will be read by day. It's kind of like bad movies like they have to be made in utter sincerity. Otherwise it's just not you know. It's like, oh hey, you know your newspaper is so bad trump is amazing, sent from my Ipad yeah, it's like. Ok, I get what you're doing so stops in this fake. A male. Only real hate mail will be read by day yeah, it's kind of like bad movies like they have to be made in utter sincerity. Otherwise it's just now good that you can't make a bad movie trying to be a bad movie all right, so we are going to move on to our Subscribe Horsham. Now we're going talk about a few different things, including genetically engineered dinosaurs, food possessed by demons and we're doing, and it still might be you someday or whatever it's just kind of like a fun. It's reacted headlines from the last week, we're going to go through some form from our writers, ones that this weren't there still funny, but they do
weren't quite there, and not all of these are necessarily rejected. Some of them are, some of them are like, maybe still in the word, and it still might be used someday or whatever it's just kind of like a fun. It way to give him a little more life. If you would like to see I've been here, the remainder of the podcast, you can go to babylonbee dot com, slash plans, pick a plan any level and you will have access to the full podcast where we go on for another large chunk of time discussing about the good stuff. So please do that. Yes, all right so, but with that I am E.
The coal and I'm comment hi in either would like to thank Seth Dylan for paying the bills Adam Ford for creating their job, the other rider sport tirelessly pitching headlines, the subscribers and the listener until next time. This is Dave, see Andrea the Voice of the Babylon, reminding you to go forth and share the Good NEWS of essential oils.
Transcript generated on 2019-09-14.