« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - Dec 18, 2021


How the left is single-handedly dismantling the republic and trying to blame us for what they are doing.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dan Bone GINO. Welcome to the Bonn GINO Brief damp on genome the media is trying to portray the Republican Party and conservatives is doing what they are doing in an effort to distract you're. Really disgusting peace came out yes the New York Times, trying to insinuate that the collapse of the republic is our fault, its title. How did tat when your country is passed, the point of no return. Well. If we are passing point of no return we're at the point of no return or past it. Because of you, because view when you're declining credibility. I want you to think for a moment about all of the things as a matter of fact, not opinion. As a matter of fact, the Democrats in their media ask history have been up to in the past few years right. We know they colluded with foreign agents. Reno that right, Christopher Steel was in fact a foreign agent for the british government. He had retired the time that he was a foreign agents. We know colluded with him right. We know,
They colluded with him to interfere in the twenty sixteen election. We know those are facts. Those are facts, however, uncomfortable for the left wing media. That happened so Democrat circle, looters and Democrats interfere in elections that we know we know democratic, have a warm on stinguished history of challenging any election at the national and local level that they lose. All I've got us what kind of that come up next, so the demo as we know collude with foreign agents. We know we they interfere elections, and we know they challenge the integrity of elections when they lose elections. So there's a three four right there. We know that Mc Grath have a long history of, advocating for in some cases and in many cases apologizing for street violence and allowing it to happen police. Go violence to that's a fact. Video. coming up next receipts always attached folks, we The Democrats also have a Hiss
if questioning the vaccine. Why do I bring that up? Because if you dare question the vaccine you're in it Baxter, some ridiculous conspiracy theories right, which is strange, again, there's a long history of Democrats when Donald Trump was in charge questioning the vaccine? Yet they accuse you of doing the same thing kind of weird right again, it's a matter of fact fact: The facts exit: oh no, no, they weren't questioning vaccine. There are questioning Donald Trump Ball. all back and watch what they were saying, Democrats having three violating rules and norms. with Barnes already talking now about packing the Supreme Court, could she doesn't like decisions from the Supreme Court on abortion that haven't even happened yet one of em. Axis One, but that was more about procedure. Also, we know the Democrats have been ignoring protocol rules and quote norms forever. Listen. This may sound like a wonky story. Skate club summoned up quickly.
But it's a very disturbing story. There is F B, I chairman they haven't a procedure for putting out new rules, one the Biden appointees who's running the e f P consumer financial protection. Beer has basically given the double barreled them friendly middle finger too, If the icy and said we are not doing that all process anymore, I'm taking over the F B, I seen here's what I'm gonna do unless I know you guys are really wonky which no doubt all it believe me DC its raising and allow a lot of armed alarm bells. The guy has hijacked hijacked. If the icy, because EDA wants to supervise bank mergers, the demo whatcha. Doing this I say Screw them where call them out here from York ties peace notice. How now, but I just showed- I just showed you the facts and provide the receipts in a moment s The Democrats or media asked kisses now have accuse us of everything needed here from the New York Times,
peace there citing a couple others in the pieces. Well, they say about Republicans they are much less likely to be thinking about the health of basic pillars of democracy that sell areas electorate integrity, the rule of law, the legitimacy of the opposition and the integrity of rights. You ve This has to be a joke, political systems in crisis, and we should be shouting from the rooftops about coming together to save it yeah. I agree save it from you, idiots He also addresses the sky at vocs who wrote we're expire. The failures on the elite mass public level. He wrote as report. What kinda leads have chose. To normalize the violence committed by their extreme right flag on January six normalizing violence that is free King hilarious, you have got to be kidding me big time. egg. You MA, speed. Joking talk about projection.
like we ve, never seen before more in a minute, but first The bonds know show is proud to be supported by Grand Canyon, University and affordable christian University in one of the largest and fast This growing universities in the entire country locate beautiful, sunny, Phoenix Arizona GC. You is ranked top twenty four best college campuses in America and offers four, two hundred and seventy five engaging academic programmes with over two hundred forty Ahmad GC, integrates the free market system, with a welcoming crew gin worldview perspective into it, academic programs? You can put your faith into action and help Trance I'm communities in twenty twenty Grand Canyon University students received over too hundred and ninety million in scholarships with many attending gc you for less than the cost of a state university. Fine, you're per so Grand Canyon, university, private, christian and affordable visit G? See you don T, you slash my offer to see scholarships you qualify for that
gee, see you got a deal. flash my offer go today. You need evidence, you Should I always produce the backup. Evidence are well known leave. You hang out there. The evidence, ladies and gentlemen, is everywhere. With the right normalizing violence. We're doing that. I don't know anyone on the right. Normalizing violence However, I know a whole bunch of people on the left and in the media normalizing vows again, I'm not only tire. This crap, I'm tired of being turned on the left, is discussed. They are single handedly dismantling the republic and trying to blame us for exactly what they're doing don't accept it turn it around and stick it right in their mugs. Here you go Chris Cuomo asking. Where does it say our protests have to be peaceful check this out and play show me where it says the protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful says on the constitution, but don't let that get it. But remember it's us, it's Us republicans. Normalizing violence.
You heard me say that, by the way. Have you ever heard me my show. I challenge left is to say these words had yet your protest be peacefully, should be violent. If you ever do you ve heard me say: diver. Yeah, I know you, I thank you even with me from episode one. There never said that. Never matter act. I've been the one decrying violence for a very, very long time, because once you go down that road, there's no turning back Lot of people on the left and anywhere on the political spectrum calling for violent. Sadly, many of them have never experienced violence up close and personal. once you go down that road, there's no turning back. That's a river when you cross there's no going back in the other direction without drowning, where the ones quest. Elections in questioning process. You sure about that. There's. A super kind of things is a gravy and one that Tipp item. Here's a long history of Democrats. Cuts are a little bit longer today over Meda. Their important because
proving to you, the port, proving to you. the hard evidence that it's the left, that dismantling norms and Lee to the destruction of the republic. It's not us are Democrats ranging from Hillary Clinton Gore to Maxie waters to a whole bunch of rum questioning, basically every election in the last twenty decades. Let us twenty she's me. Twenty years two decades by man that was liberal map that they ve lost check this out of action now who won the election by Al Gore was elected. President knows they rise was encounter. You know we were. There is overwhelming evidence that joy step you boys did not win this election. You think Republican saw that election on two thousand, I wish the United States Supreme Court it let them We're carrying the boats Supreme Court denied the actual and grit. Counting of votes of largely of Catherine Harris JET Bush, Jim Baker
the Supreme Court can tampered with the results there would be presenting an election has been Darlin, raw, it wasn't a fair process. It wasn't a neutral process. Was a process that was rigged against swedish president or why they saw as we look at our action system. I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about it. accuracy about its end, hey greedy, pay you to keep it from being able to be in a position where they can achieve relator rigidity. Why was governor I to replace all the machine to many? Voters have cast votes on machine the jam or malfunction the votes without a trace, one,
Take note on that as well, while there's a certain irony in the twenty twenty election, a lot of the shenanigans with mass mail and voting in the corona virus pandemic and things that should have been question each one: the other two thousand election for President, the Gore Bush election There is serious evidence whatsoever, Cyril, that Al Gore, one that election, zero and you doubt me, the only question you ever need to ask your kooky liberal friends, they say well go around the election as Bush, Please showed me show me any evidence ever of any. Recounted Florida. There were a number of em that started in stop of one recounts total. Where Gore was ever a hadn't Florida away, they won't find one because in light of what we are discussing now into twenty
where there were known issues with the election, mass mail and balloting for the first time. We get that question that you're a conspiracy there's you can kiss my ass. We will talk about whenever we want. Your citing an election in two thousand, which is a total conspiracy theory. Your theory you want there was never, I repeat, never a single recount. Now one in Florida, not one we're Al Gore was ahead, not one There are liberals who stole out now that there's another one republicans are the ones who condone violence. Really you listen to this show you listen to people on Fox. You were when does that of you're, just you're, making that up not only making it up that we condone violence. It's you who are Grow task advocate: for violence. You have covered for you have apologised for you use
No doubt everything you said every year. Everything on this show you should fact check yourself. I encourage it. It'll only increase my credibility with you. Here's here, its use. Another super cod. legions of Democrats condoning and openly advocating for violence New York Times
thus the miss this one check this out. I just don't know why there are an uprising of the country's. Maybe they will be people need to start taking to the streets. This is eighty. Eight there needs to be addressed in the streets were, as always airs and rested. Our lives enemies of the state show me where it says that protesters supposed to be polite and peaceful do something about your dad's immigration practices. In fact, less legal level. We should resist the temptation to run up and rain react biggest her throat, and this is why most of them radicalized up to the right. I thought he should approach into the faces, even if he lived, he insulted your wife s better, not Mexicans, rapists and earth. These have already been said, I think, of myself in the face and then got the right. You have any hero like a punch. You should have we're in high school. I take you become. The German began, some people in the face blooms. Worse time, certainly approach there are still gonna have to go and put a bullet in dolphins and that's a fact work as his character down to death. Where Wilkes. When you need this, I have thought an awful lot about. Drawing up the White House. Very state senator is under investigation by the secret service. After seeing shield president trumpeters assassinate, take tromp I'll, kill you use and, sadly to domestic enemies to our voting system. Honouring our constitution are right at sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue, they're not going to stop before election day November and they're not gonna, stop after election day. After being, everyone should take note of that on both levels that visit. Isn't it they're, not gonna? Let I want to know why the new year
Times saying the country's reaching the point of no return. Maybe you should ask the Democrats, I mean the evidence is right in front face in Bonn GINO easier. If you like to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike,
Transcript generated on 2021-12-18.