« The Potter's Touch

Guided By The Light

2018-04-01 | 🔗
Enjoy this message from Bishop T.D. Jakes at The Potter's House. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.lightsource.com/donate/973/29
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dedication is what the Wright brothers had when they finally got their idea off the ground and into the air. They were not the first ones to do it. They were not the first ones with the concept. They were not the first ones with the idea they learn from all that had gone before them, but the difference between all that had gone before them and failed is that they kept getting up and kept going after that they kept on until they want, and it is their dedication the coming up on the potty stat. That is true that a whole lot of places you can bet by now, but amitabh you've got in the wrong place, just kind of
everybody who understands what I'm saying today was not now mom. I signed up to follow the line, It is taken. May somewhere
the family, I'm past record jake omen and you are watching the potters touch. God wants you to know that you are not an accident. He has a plan for your life and guide you every step of the way and because he is guiding you you will not fail. My father's message today is called guided by the life out of Matthew chapter two listen close closely so that you can near with god, help the focus match.
much of the birth of crisis, s belinda, wrists and wondrous as it might be, not so much on the swaddling clothes and the major and all the imagery of I suggest that are drawn from the understanding that the king of glory chose purposefully to be born in a barn rat, not in fine the coals. What dirty milk legs. She came in. This world- and none of them wags in the stitch thereof, could stop the glory of his comey and his splendor is grace. He understood who he was. He was not defined by what he wore. He was not define where he lived. He was defined by the EU. Frazier that possess to soul, you to focus only on the magic, the that the wise
I mean the the whole process whereby they came to find the baby Jesus they are guided and when you have that guidance, it's a kind of guided that is anchor for your. So if you will understand this new did not get to where you by your six, that you have been I did all of your life when we hear scriptures, like the steps of a good man, are ordered by the lord, I have been labeled in his way. Sometimes we hear that, but we don't put them. You have to take those scriptures and understand that your steps have been ordered or ordained by god, not just the good ones.
You shouted, so god order just steps when something wonderful happens and you got the praise for it and when something bad happened, you say it came from say that, but that is not true to say that I cannot get you off step the steps of a good man the lord, even if the good man is going through a bad place. Oh you're not going to talk to me this morning, you're at your step. Somebody say he ordered mustapha job said that lord knows the way that I take and when me she'll come forward at that point. Joke was broken, Joe was bound them out. Children, what did everything was going crazy? His property was besieged. His house was burned. The jobs, it god knows where
ozma good times, but time is rising. Sure he knows my financial situation so situated of. What's going on in my house, my both my heart paid out. The turbulence is going on in my body and with my children out, what's going on, I out how I feel in my affairs how I feel in my heart hit out. What's going on in the family situation out, what's happening on my job. My career was happening in my ministry, Is it me the same? What a wonderful
It is to be tried by the lord to understand them are going out is determined by the lord. No wonder the bible says I'm blessed in the city blessed with the feel blessed. A mild rising bless my down shedding blessed and my going in and blessed when I'm coming out what that means is everything doesn't feel blessed, but I just call it. what is less what is placed in the city, blasted I said I know how to base that know how to bow. How do how do I know how not to her, because I know that god is I don't mean to get excited, but when I think about how he got it my whole life. I found myself getting emotional. I know that god was
speak to you and tell you when the bee steel when go forward and women oh you're priests weight on me and trust me, I use a little patience, Nevertheless, this, I know that I am able to live together like this. I don't know. There's somebody word. I feel it is not a system. Madame immigration system, gotta in turn, lift. not a drawing all growing was a light, not a big light, not a bright lights.
I don't like big, like the sun, where you can see details just a twinkling. Stop this the blackness of payment, told me come stances. There was one twinkling Oh hell movie, breaking move your life, but in fuel stale that one one quickly twinkling, almost blinking flash shooting on again in africa. it is there that is there, but I can see it well enough to take another step. I can't see every rock tat can see every part I didn't see that total. I know that possible, but I saw on the fly to take another step
children through dog places. Dont places so strong you will take. The darkness would destroy the light, but we have a light that the darkness could not comprehend Johnson the beginning with the word, and the word was with god, and the word was: god If things were made without it was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men, the light shine in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. I don't care how dark Things might be it whatever swallow up the life of a blood again tat spirit. fail me about god what did to lie in the hospital, the nursing a whole.
the latter to be as there are still too. Who should avoid praising from the light from the line for the guiding light before I formally in the memory? I knew the eye or davy s sake to fund the to be. It unto the nation that you didn't just happen. You want an accident, you want an answer. Did you want borne by happenstance you're? Not the result of a mistake whether you otherwise do not, whether your metro, father, not whether you know who Finally, a lot, whether you would pass from faster to foster whole house to house now feel like you weren't accident. That's it I plan to pay.
I created you, though, jill day, do that a tat by tat by step by step, I gotta go for somebody will be delivered to trauma you're your right on course. You write one course. You're right way is I used to be where you're supposed to be here, you're right, of course, that's why you don't have to be bitter at anybody or anything, because all they did was keep you on track. They might have admitted for evil, but god made it.
I want to talk to. Somebody does We have always had a feeling that you will die the suffragists through you. a whole lot of places you could have been by now, but every time you got the wrong place, something just kind of even know you got yourself, but suddenly just you about preaching to this moment he drew you.
Away from people, you watching laughed you. Don't want a mushroom breeders more, you don't want to mess with nato's people. You away from people that you love to you. Wife and friends. That thought were really your friend. Sometimes. Do you want? about what, When you see me, that's what I'm sorry about when waiting for your breakthrough remit Jesus is your hope for tomorrow, for a fair one, already apparent weapons,
where they give to the ministry of any size. You will receive Bishop Jake's message for and to us on cd, as well as our fresh vision for two thousand eighty calendar at all It must be said that speed them and they lack the public, was weight. was this and when your gift is ninety dollars,
or you will receive the inspirational three seedy theories. Your hope that tomorrow the miracle still happen dvd series and calendar. What about, however, when your gift is one hundred and forty dollars more, you will receive your hope that tomorrow the miracle still happen. Dvd series are fresh vision, calendar and this significant joshua twenty four hour display for you failure is not an option, because Jesus is your hope for tomorrow many all the times they would have destroyed me, but the light flickered just.
From tat day by day, step by step. Sometimes he moved me but I didn't want to be able to push me out of my comrades all tat. I had to play to follow him. but the flickering. I have brought me to know the witches hated it The warlocks have my enemies. I heard about it. They were just about to snatch me and the light moves me. The everybody who understands what I'm saying today will say: I'm not mount the
I don't make my own choices. I don't make my own decisions. I signed up to follow the life. I want the devil to know. I want the enemy to know how I was excited to know that the light has taken me somewhere if you're on your way, subway give god a place in the
going nowhere. I send you away my feel something in this way a sit out. While I can. I can stand up here. We all have to be there, because I know that god didn't read this if we were gonna drop me, he could go tell them: heh, heh heh yeah, somebody's mamma would Obama would mama.
I, on my way, I'm on my way since I'm on my way, I'm when I say this one Nevertheless, an amazing races, my favorite verse through many. Just about through many dangerous clauses radically twice. That broadly says, that's bad guys.
That is why a city that's right He's gotta writes about is how the dublin Moreover, all right I'll, see goin through those revival.
The sunday I still see got to deal with. Why are we talking about all right, ass, fast, ass? His money is a sound one rights somebody's gotta get here. somebody's
The why, So not yet
may not be there. to turn back
the guy had a bad day for me, but one body may appraisal that money made knight said this, but I know it's all right
I The words were guided by flickering light to right where Jesus was gone said. If you follow me, I will bring you write to the spot of your predestine. Please would the data job. prize when you lose the right when people tat many lies
when I walked out of me. You gotta, say creature, madame appreciable, a brief myself, but I said that when they got to Jesus they brought it gives fragrances summer laid it down. Maybe three lessons: this land is not about what I withdrew. The get here is not about how bad things got for me to get here.
all about you. Jesus, it's not about me about you is not about who is not about is not about the mountains about This is not about what I don't understand is not about what the light didn't show me. I thank you for the flickering flashing lights brought me to rob me out of this brought me through their rob me round that right, thank you because when you let me down eventually, you lead me back up again.
And new said, if I acknowledge all my ways, you direct my path- and I just want to Say is not about me, it's all about you. James is not about thousands of current husbands of boyfriend. That's all I'm saying who obey them. lovina, who I wish that seen all that common. All that go is my first day. Protein. It's all about. You Jesus follow, You know all about you. I didn't come this far out to bring my gift to lead, adult and worship you all of you who are you and bless. Yo hardly saw all about you if the murmuring, I'm sorry,
if I don't complain about through is not about what I went through its it's about you trees. Thank you for that phenomenon methods. Many of us have become wanderers randomly try one thing after the next having no clear direction or go in life, believers were born to be guided. Where ever you are right. Now, god is there with you even in the places that are dark search for the light of the lord, it will reveal the character he is establishing in you, the discipline you need to succeed and the wisdom to choose the right opportunities. God is guiding you and he will keep goin guiding you through. So speaking of guidance, I want to tell you about gps. Our global partners system. Gps, allows us to extend gods, love around the world medical centres and water whales are being built. The poor in hungary are being assisted the you,
are being empowered and so much more. We urge you to go to tj partners that, or it can become a global partner today, let's change lives. The cap, when waiting for your breakthrough, remember Jesus is your hope for tomorrow, Were they give to the ministry of any size? You will receive Bishop Jake's message, we're onto us on safety, as well as our fresh vision for two thousand eighteen calendar at all, you'll do those things that are that's the gun and the black, but that the public was weak
It probably was loud and when your gift is ninety dollars or more, you will receive the inspirational three cd theories, your hope for tomorrow. The miracles still happen, dvd series and calendar the one about the last. However, when your gift is one hundred and forty dollars or more, you will receive your hope for tomorrow. The miracles still happen. Dvd series are fresh visual calendar, endless significant joshua. Twenty four art display for you. Failure is not an option, because Jesus is your hope for tomorrow. Dedication is what the Wright brothers had when they finally got their idea off the ground and into the air. They were not the first ones to do it. They were not the first ones with the concept they were not. The first was with the idea they learn from all that had gone before them. The difference between all that had gone before them and failed is that they kept getting up and kept going after that they kept on until they won, and it is their dedication. The you'll find that you are much broader, that you're much deeper, that you have more going for you than you think it's a wonderful opportunity to be able to speak to like minded leaders who are all attempting to do the right thing and you and do it well, so we can go to our congregation before so that we can give them more.
plans to take your leadership to the next level. By registering at pastors and leaders, dot org. We can't wait to see what god has in store for you in twenty eighty feel free to reach out to us on social media and share your story of how god is impacting your life. We look forward to seeing you next time
matters. That delegation is what the Wright brothers had where they probably got their idea of the ground and into the air. They were not the first ones to do what they were, not the first ones with the concept they were not. The first was with the idea they learn from all that had gone before them, but the difference between all that had gone before them and failing that they kept getting up and kept going after they kept born until they want any these their dedication to build the plan.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-29.