« The Potter's Touch

Position Me

2017-09-24 | 🔗
Until the favor on your life is positioned correctly, it’s not much good. Pray that God position you where the favor He has already shown you can be most effective. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.lightsource.com/donate/973/29
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I define success as making a positive impact in the world being not only financially but emotionally stable happiness in your life. Success is what you see on the side, but trigger allows us only all you have to build your bridge about to become more juicy bishop t d jakes is providing you the tools. You need to build your vision out with the sword experience along with other top entrepreneurs. Bishop will speak finance, business practices and wisdom at an exclusive one day only event at the potter's house of dallas on october. Seven, entrepreneurship is not about a business alone. It's really about a mindset where you take responsibility and stop allowing other people to control your destiny. Your purpose for only thirty dollars. You will not only get practical strategies, but you'll also get a copy of bishops, new books or log on to t d jakes that all the boards last tour to register today,
The board the prerequisite of favour the prerequisite of faith Now you can run around here and talk about, I'm bless them, for they will bless. Amount of data Everybody militarism everybody is out less than half afraid because if everybody was blessed, how we favour the favourite would be normal and how is it a fake. if exceptional in exceptional is normal and if, as normal, it ceases to be acceptable
truth about areas some of us have been, To walk in levels of favour that people are destined to follow in. If you were meant to shift something, If you were born to provoke shame god would favour you for your assignment. Everybody can't walk in that favours. Somebody has to follow that faith say everybody wants to be favoured. Mother supportable. That's why we that churches own every corner
Everybody wants to be chief, nobody wants to be endives. Come on talk to me, somebody everybody wants to have the big seat up front and nobody wants to follow, but it is just as good to walk in somebody else's favor as it is to be a favor. I don't have to be more I'll, be one of those songs. Oh, my god, I had a lot of talk about the bible, but I didn't drown with the stub cause. I was followed in favor of somebody else cut. All the Favor you, are either to be favoured or to follow someone in favour, because if you follow someone in favour, you get bless because in their favour.
that was when she got to bethlehem to Israel, but were bought as she got up onto his scotch all the blessings the boy has came upon her just because she was boas his wife, the one in the feel that she used to work in the show is not about big, as a little used is really about god's divine purpose, and I want to give you the we represent a to those of you that were born logistics. There were born to shiftings. There were born to create a door for other people to run through. For this we gave you a favor. For this it gave you favour. it doesn't mean that you are better than your brother went before?
His plan for your life- he has You with a level of favor. it makes you effective when you do something That other people might not be effective. That favour makes you effective. favorite makes you effective. It draws people lots of class, they they've got all kinds of doctorate, theologies and masters in divinity, and they speak greek and hebrew and they can understand how my country itself is still up here with all these people in the church when they have gone to school they're, going to everybody at school, for everything but more learn and then create more burden. I'm going to say that again, more early create more berlin. If you've got the burden, the learned will help you, but the learning won't make you burn. If you're not burning before you went to school, school won't make your burn put on
Moreover, as gobs investment in a rust fun if got word, to invest in a trust fund. The mummy He invested in the farm is only safe. If the trust is there. While they call it a trust fund, And the more at first, the fun. The more in fast. in the fall so what I want you to understand is that favour people. First fun. It simply means There is something
about you. God, can Trust. This is a prerequisite of favor. Why gotta pick Joseph over all of his brethren here The first born. He wasn't. The only board. He might not have been the best looking borne out, although I will see. But god and taking all the criteria that people prick. This might help you are, who you pick. God picks people, he can trust. god trusted Joseph. That's why I say do here: Well, that Joseph would not get so bitter.
We'll get revenge. Can god pursue. With a favor get you pray for. god is not gonna, give me the framework, because you're, smart or because your cue Well, because you wanted. He's gonna give you the favour, because he trust you. Not to be selfish. It leads to trust that your heart is big enough. They'd all set up trust funds are not like savings accounts. When you setup untrustworthy, it is for a cause. God can trust some of you, because. If he gave too much to you, you it was for you
Let me stress told you about the two have been talking about excited about this. Let me tell you why the bible says liberal souls she'll be made fat. The liberal soul shall be made fat. That means. god will always give to giving people, god will always give to giving people. Because he can trust you. It will give you things that are not even for you because you can trust you. now. How do we get? The prerequisite is a heart matter. Is a hard man? Some of us are good people.
We cannot be trusted to be generous. I will play for flavour we spent a while and money on all the full favor. I read that as it gets slain in the spirit for favor, and we had a little only classes made on our head for favor. But we never see the favour because, god Doesn't trust us enough to First it us. Because he's seen what you did with power. Let me tell you who got this favor to it's, not that people are pollyanna, us, they don't have resentment and they don't have pain and they don't. At bitterness- and it's not that they don't think about getting even
When push comes to shove, they just find themselves doing the right thing and you do it wants it.
Even when you don't want to do it when you get mad at yourself, because you do it when you lose respect for yourself, because you do it and you look at a bear, say that's what's wrong with you, you just let everybody run all over top of you and you're embarrassed that you're that way. But that is why god is going to bless you because he could trust through that. Eva was somebody heart you, you will rise above your feelings. Do what's right, find out how you feel if I'm talking to you, give it thirty seconds the negativity in my mind. Sometimes the circumstances I think self doubt might be. One of them got your vision and you ran into trouble the wheel. It just means that much is required of you to get to that next level. You now have the opportunity to reach the next level. With the thor experience he received t d jakes, along with other top entrepreneurs, will speak finance, business practices and wisdom and an exclusive one day. Only event at the of south of dallas on october, seventh, entrepreneurship is not about a business alone, is really about a mindset where you take responsibility and stop allowing other people to control your destiny. Your purpose, your value for only thirty hours. You will not only get the practical tools to get your dreams off the ground, but you'll also get a copy of bishop's new book thor log on the t d jakes that old forward slash, saw to register today the number two.
about the pragmatism, afraid. The pragmatism, which is I want to bring favor from the euphoric perspective. Of unwelcome in favour got of god bless wonders, I'm. What does that mean? Does that mean that you're better than me. Does that mean that what does that mean the pragmatism of favor. How do we turn our gift into a the service. oh wait a minute! At favor service. Before I turn to trust. now, I'm talking favoured to service and And some of you don't want favor to serve. You are favourably.
Your favorite stand out You want favour the basic superior. So I want to talk about the pragmatism of favor. How do you turn your favor into something that is practical? But you can sink your teeth into. That really adds value to your life too, The stated that what David, what Joseph D it is over the course of his life. It started out is You for it fabulous in description in the fire? Annabelle uphold mimic, colors, I called him in a close look at what my daddy made for me. I got to call many coloureds I want to see. I got on a coat of many colors one coat of many colors. What good is that.
The pragmatism afraid remains until that coat converts into conduct. favour leads. To serve somebody. So let me tell you how god knows about favour here. you're so highly forever. Use out a vision that your brothers were bound down was it. You can do that so much favor. you are so highly favorite. I will make you a slave. And when I get to make you a slave and will sell you two part of her so But you can turn that favour from a code into a conduct.
I do too, and all of a sudden. He is robin. part of this house with his favour. It is controlling pot offers affairs with his favor. I guess what hairs. The benefit, if you gotta see a bit of a service here, Just stay of a house with a mortgage. Live now, Interact people that he would have never met because He turned his paper into service, his gift, I think, before. That is all you use your good offices to intimidate people, but men too. You never discover the pragmatism of favor, it's weird.
The war, the boy with. Where the boy he made his flavour pragmatic the more he got, it. To better people with Who take to highly of yourself to serve. cancel out opportunity to grow, because discover you new major fibre, pragmatic, practical, simplistic functional. What are you doin with what you get? That is always gods. Question. It is what do you have it? What are you doin with what you ve got How are you making your favor pragmatic, practical, effective,
Now, in order for it to be effective, this is one you will. Only a merger of fact by results and you Have results a low results, Tat something pay, something something. Oh it's a fact of cut at all. It's a fact of it moved. It is a fact of it painted you gotta. Have it to have an effect us S, gospel more favour, but like people I'm going on I'm going on. I don't want to make your own way. Man. Joseph this is distance. I'm tournaments regularly. Everything I gave me.
Joseph favour laid dominant, less it was planted in the soil of someone else's, need. The only time Joseph favour activated was one This planet in the soil someone else's need at all, from the beginning are the answer you later problem. They use them. That's what they're supposed to do his favour only activated in when it was planted in the soul of someone else's me you're only valuable when you needed ok number three. I want to talk about the pain of faith.
Joseph favour only activated when it regarded someone else so In every element of his story he's a key, you throw him in a pip. He gets out. you put him in part of this house, he runs potter. Four sets you put him in the prison he's run in the prison you're putting In the palace he's run in the palace, here is something all almost began to gather up. If you gave me too much causes I wanna get down and everything every I'm. U turn around Joseph has given up above the pit about a partner for us house. Up The prison up in the palace than wisely is crying because Joseph
it more effective at alleviating other people's pain, then his own. The text opens up with the man of faith and ever put in everybody out is screaming. So loud they could hear him all the way down. All because favour has pay. So I want to talk to you about the pain afraid. people, usually when your favorite. People take it for granted. When you favour. In some cases you open up their dream.
They get out and forget you afraid, you'd troubles I why you're supposed to put in a word for me. But the worst part of his pay. is it. He ran partner for us house here. Jail to say, potter, first, marriage. He went to jail so you pot offers marriage. He's in the prison as an inmate. All the while he for he got one everybody's house and couldn't get his bag.
He help everybody else: choice. Wonder is my father did. See my brothers again. Maybe it's meant for me too. everybody else. Maybe I'll never have anything for me Maybe my joy. Is yours when his brothers walked in that
He started screaming Because it was say I get I'm goin to restore to you,
The years the canker of the palm of your hand, the locusts, ate up in your life and everything that you thought you would never get back and you've decided I'm just going to make the best of a bad situation. I am going to restore it back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over and your latter day so be greater than your former day, because I've got a blessing for you. I use you to bless everybody else, but I have not forgotten you. You have come into your season that right early and every day that you have secretly whispered to me about in the middle of the night shipping it in your direction and I'm going to cause your heart to rejoice in the god of your salvation. If you receive it, give him a break the I want you to understand
cyprus, a favor it purpose. I you went through rules are so low posterity. Who did it thought agenda like that?
That should be to break up I'll bring up over whether you know a lot but really changed the guy. You failed when data and adds a bad allowed in a day when you say that you ve got to say tat, I had read everything you planned system was a licence for what he is about to release all I ever knew he position to receiving that. You have frequently whispered to me about the men of the nine big it ignored the worse. For you give to the ministry of any size, you will receive a piece of cake bin laden, mercies, position you and CD encased in favour, bravery, he'll successes in your struggle. When you everything you been punctuality, and when you give this ninety dollars more, we will be substantially message: series position, por, favor, on dvd, you had a season a turban days, everything open seas of his term. However, when you get is one hundred and twenty dollars more, you will also receive these beautiful weather favour journal. There is no limit to again. Will you in your life when you position for thing just say, I got somethin sat side again wherever you run around, that's where he runs in as long as you I'd like you to run out, you don't give him no place to wonder what have you open up his arm out of another over what to do under the princess I can read together came in with your running from nice.
it following him online, so I've been online member for probably five years. It saved me and I think that's why it's important to be a partner, because the money that you give every month to help somebody else never compares to what the ministry has given us and god god saved me, and he saved me for a reason, and now I'm going to do the same in other people's lives. I am from south africa. We would love to hear from you share your story on how today's message has blessed you connect with us on facebook, twitter and instagram. We look forward to seeing you next time on the potters that the The.
I define success as making a positive impact in the world being not only financially but emotionally stable happiness in your life. Success is what the trigger allows. If only all you have to build your bridge about to become more juicy. Bishop Td Jakes is providing you the tools. You need to build your vision out with the store experience along with other top entrepreneurs. Bishop will speak finance, business practices and wisdom at an exclusive one day only event at the potter's house of dallas on october. Seven, entrepreneurship is not about a business alone. It's really about a mindset where you take responsibility and stop allowing other people to control your destiny. Your purpose for only thirty dollars. You will not only get practical strategies, but you'll also get a copy of bishops, new books or log on the t d jakes that all the boards last tour to register today.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-29.