« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

231: A Cornhole Christmas!

2021-12-21 | 🔗
Mike’s mom is back with another heartfelt, yet wildly inappropriate catch-up with her oldest son. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll dream of cornhole. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This podcast dynamically inserts audio advertisements of varying lengths for each download. As a result, the transcription time indexes may be inaccurate.
Hey guys, just the way I heard it episode number two hundred and thirty one. This was called a corn hold Christmas, a Cornhill Christmas. We ve had some great ass on the park. Yes, this year- and I have read some really wonderful reviews, but no guest has generated more feedback. we're five star reviews. Then Peggy rose from the day she, livered me nearly six decades ago onto this earth. My mom has continued to deliver in every way imaginable, and today is no exception, from an unexpected rumination on children's poetry to the mysteries of blurred, vomit and picks, elated penises and the naughty or parts of the old testament. We come A lot of ground, including some tips on shooting pool and sending chick and through the U S, mail, along with the usual slings and arrows of outrageous technology,.
Here then without any further ado, is an unfiltered and sometimes inappropriate catch up with Eric his grandmother, my mom Peggy row, there's really nothing else to say, except to sit back, relax and just let the art wash your you and if you're wondering what to give your pals here at the way I heard it for Christmas. Well, we don't need a thing beyond your continued support. This our modest endeavour. Although a five star review and a few kind, words about my mom would be much obliged anyway, yours mom, with episode number two, thirty one, it's a Cornhill Chris How are you. Good. I got sidetracked, I just got back then tell me in the shooting a couple of games and pull that go. Did you take me for a couple days? or are there stakes involved anymore? You know why personal not even without stakes
yesterday, the poorest he found again yesterday. I was terrible today I was unbeatable It really is amazing, you're, both terrible pull players by any measure, but the first time chuck that I went over there to visit them in their new facility. They took me out of a pool ha. and my mother with her incredibly arthritic Paul's I broke right right. She sank. Eight, rules in a row. She had every low ball, it real so it was unbelievable like when you see your approach, the table there like she's, not even gonna hit the Cuba there's no way holding it like that, like she stabbing at it like she's holding a spear mom, you have noted make it all, but Well, I was going in yesterday, I can't tell you how bad I was. I chased
his balls round the table forever. Today, in the first game. I didn't have more than ten shots and I won and the second game. I won then I had to leave, but never know it's a game of so many possibilities. You were about to say it's a game of luck and that's not true, it's a game of skill, but when you have to people all that are equally unskilled playing again. Each other then yeah there's a certain amount of I've seen dad makes him a credible shots to, and I've seen a miss the pupil with the queue you just don't know Peggy. I got a suggestion for you. This happened to me a long time ago and Burbank. I was playing at a bar that had a pool table and playing against elderly gentleman, and I was wiping em up. I only had one ball laughed playing a ball and all of his balls, all seven of a more on the table, but I missed the. last shot and he said I ll bet you you don't go,
another shot, this game and I said really and I looked and he was kind of sniggered behind a ball. I thought I don't even see a clear shot, how he could sink any of his balls and so I said. Well, what do you want a bad? He said I ll bet you a drink. I said you're on he very casually hit. The eight ball in thereby losing the game, but I didn't get another shot because the game was over. I give this as a gift. You try at the home it'll only work once on everybody, it put it, but I don't know if I have nerve to do that. I'd probably best the April, I happily what that guy the Drake just for the lesson that is a life. Lesser actually never mind pool that sort of head fake. That kind of reverse commute that applies to everyone.
My mother of ever told you this, but chalk, and I thought I was living and allay, or at least visiting a lot more. We used to go to this place. We call this the trumpet palace, like North Hollywood, Billy Billiards, yet it's now gone, and so you would have been so proud of me. This was a place filled with Paul tables obviously and corona and coronal light, They also had those sectors, so three mexican Beer and Adela too, and Madame many Roma Adela right and it was for. Mostly with mexican labourers and they would come in and they would shoot pool and we're really great we'd like be in there with a chalk, and I were Two of these things are not like the others we were strangers in a strange land. Jukebox was full of the like mexican marching songs, and so we go in for two hours at a time: drake our beer, our pool and listen to trumpet and trombones there is the craziest funniest thing
Do I kind of miss the old trumpet palace? It was great. What you're forgetting is that the jukebox was very eclectic. It had this mexican music, but it also stuff, like prince and and so we would always try to get into the jukebox and drop in you know couple of dollars and we would play prince really and a song that I don't. I always morbid prince and had a big big. It. then the title of the song, which is also the chorus, is you sexy, mother, fucker, ripe, and he really I mean it's a jam, So you got to imagine chalk and I urge you to pull we're. Making friends were drinking beer with all these men. second labours and we ve been listening to this trumpet music hours on end and then with sudden prince come to the? U sexy modify sector by saying that as chicken and egg at its circular song and these they drop their
use and look at us hell let them in those we're good times anyway, mom you're, they guessed. What do you want to talk about? What we started? Oh yeah, we're deepen it oh and you can say that were no, I mean I argue that we should just says we shouldn't. So what we do is Chuck leaps it because he's in charge at Essen, I'm letting him make those kinds of decisions. It's kind of. Like you remember time on dirty jobs. I was on that shark research vessel and I threw up in the middle of a stand up. Oh and they blurted out right. It was the first times I really fellow losing my mind with the network. I was so proud of the fact that I finished my standoffs amazing granted I vomited in the middle of it. but nobody had ever vomited on the discovery channel before. They didn't know what to do. They went off
way to standards and practices that we can't cut around it. And it's a pivotal stand up, so we can't cut it out so how do we handle this? So they pixelate my vomit, which just made it look worse, I remember, but everybody knew what it was. What else comes out of your mouth? the boys fair point. They did the same thing with all of the penises. On all of the artificial insemination shows it literally went to the top of the standards applied This is department and they decided ok, not gonna pixelate, the revolvers or the vaginas on any of the animals, but the penis. these are just too much. I remember that show, but they weren't human, so I should really have shown them. Everybody knows what a horse looks like People are not everybody I'll. Tell you how sorry I am
you wrote somewhat famously in your book. It's very humbling experience. I just want to say this is a heck of a Christmas episode so far, where they were really mark in the holiday Spirit out of the park and I can get them to the mushrooms, sprouted them newer, pile overnight. whether how are you I'm good, I'm good! Yeah! I've got my Christmas cooking out of the way I mean some snack, some oil price? What are the well I don't know what it's called, but it's a combination of crackers and nuts and seasoning, and you cook it. you eat it? Why you watching television made friends I think you mean why you're watching dirty job and coming back on January second Sunday at eight p M soderman, that's what this is for.
how many you think will be left by January. Second, Oh, I have quite a few containers for some friends who, I know will give us stuff Saguenay Atta reciprocate. Is that what you do? do you keep it in reserve and only handed to people who give you something? First there they are having anything. Then I got one alone. You know I'm not that mercenary, but I know that you don't pay the holiday. You love the holiday, you love, Emily. You love the music of the holiday, but it is true. I think that you ve grown too well. Look at the whole business of gift, giving with something like contempt. Well shopping. Forgives I find contemptible. Do not enjoy shopping, don't expect anything at your door this week. Oh, I don't know nothing Well, then, you won't be disappointed because I, shopper
Are you a nice story? I'll write, you a poem honestly, I can't imagine a better gift will be the rhyming kind, is that what you like you know, I appreciate some rhyming in a poem when there is no rhyming at all. It just starts to feel like something anybody could do. I like the rhymes, I like the early stuff, you did I'm working on my third book now and I'm just about their nation and its the story. of my journey in writing from First thing I wrote to the last thing: and early on. I did write a lot of poetry when I was teaching third grade. I wrote poems to introduce units to and can do so, Capillary Larry and it was just a perfect way to get two children's attention and they loved it. They loved humorous poetry,
are you working on poems about shooting, pool and picks related venuses environment and what not? Knowing you sure you know what that's what I want for Christmas, could you possibly find some verse to sum up the first five minutes of this podcast so far, I'm looking for what am I earlier, poems that the children really loved and I'll tell you what really turned me on to writing. They say Nothing succeeds like success, but I had written these problems for the kids To introduce concepts there's nothing better than a poem that gets theory tension and then you weave your way into the real meat of the teaching. We were doing in unit on animals in this whole thing is in my book. And so I wrote this poem very simple turtles
poky wherever they go, they carry their houses. That's why they're so slow when playing? an grasser crossing the street there dragging their shelter on four tiny feed and when they get time wherever they wrong there. We need to have their own mobile home if raindrops should fall when they ve got any goes on like that and so I had used- is to introduce a unit on animals. What do you mean what goes on like that? Keep going I want to see where the turtle goes. I want to see how you lay the blame. All we may have gone the town, they don't the wonder of windows when lead preschool, are or shopping at stores they don't to bother to laugh their front doors. Now the turtles are slow, but you would be too if you had to Carry your whole house with no, I did lots of stories about different animals will What really got my attention was. One afternoon I went out on the playground. After lunch with girls,
playing job wrote had memorized my poems and they looking rope to that rhythmic rhyme, an item stood there. I was flabbergasted I felt like such a celebrity my poems I was famous, and so We encourage me to keep going and then I discovered that boys I didn't have children at this time. I was right out of college that boy, eyes like somewhat disgusting poetry, they do they. Do they like something that hang on a second, there are rubbing the payment microphone. Don't put your disgusting poetry on the microphone tokay.
I call this one. I can't help it good, oh no, oh dear, whereas she gone now, do we loser S for the love of all the totally mortal technology. We lost your right when she was about to confess tat morning. I wonder if it was an end that thing or, if let me just collar real fast yeah collar bone speaker quickly, party going you're pretty fuzzy on this one to yet. I could see you yeah you're, a little fuzzy, but again that's just a connection that we're getting jack. Yes, hi Peggy.
Disconnected will you are the first to hear, but you were like half way through the poem and we were laughin and then all of a sudden you were gone. I think you need to log in again in this connection,
session. Should I say: ok because it will know, because you want to make sure that is uploaded. You want to stay connected. Ok, so I don't wanna disconnect I go on a hang up. I wonder what happened? Did you touch anything on the computer? I don't think so hooker. Well, it's a mystery. So just go click the link again! Oh! Ok, let's see where it is. You have to copy and paste the link and from the email it's already copy, make sure, ok, so pasted into an empty address bar on Chrome, a king. I gotta go, get chrome, you put a man on the moon right, I mean, depending on who you ask people out there right now we're doubting that happened. I gotta get chrome.
Over time the world up she can't area, but the folks at home can taking disparaging comments about the peace. If you'd know it at sea Hugh, yet you gotta click, join the studio. You gotta answer those questions again, sadly, I mean everything should be defaulted because you're, not using any unusual strange microphone or whatever the auditing needed click is. I am not wearing headphones. I've seen. How do I get out here? I guess it's right. There, ok joins Katy Yes, here you are, I don't know what I do. I don't think I didn't I may not have been you could be the universe. It's really just our karma. We're dealing with lots of we ve been beset yet with adversity, challenges, obstacles, bedeviled with technology and, to some extent our own wilful incompetence.
but yeah we're? Typically, every episode starts with MIKE complaining about how long it's taken to get us to be able to start and it's a fair complaint, because sometimes it takes up to forty minutes because were generally just a cupboard complaining. In fact, I was saying that Jacques mom I'm trying to come up with their you're good at this speaking to poetry in acronyms and things I need some sort of pronounced simple maxim, some sort of thing that describes the phenomenon whereby the more famous the guest or likely, we are to have crappy audio. This really became this. Would TIM Alan came on and the audio was so badly think we use it because he was on his computer at an airport. Basically in a flight path, and his microphone was no good. Everything else, and J letter who comes out and a boy that's the worst so so,
the bigger the name, the more frustrated I get because the more disappointing the experience will you be frustrated today at all cause? I'm not a big game? You're not, and yet you are according to our own internal surveys, now's beloved guest on the podcast. Bringing on some of the biggest names in the world and people are still clamouring for more view more more more go mine, you know your father, I am fully but in this case it happens to be the truth. I got back up on that yeah. That's absolutely true! Yet people always say they love the podcast and they especially love it when you're on. So isn't that nice to hear I'll, try not to disappoint good, think of anything clever to say well! You were right, the something clever. Let's go back to your fart poem and take that from the tunnel. the twelve mile I'm trying
to make noise with the papers. You know what kind of new it does. The paper noise is good. Just don't rolling up like you didn't bash the microphone on your computer. I shouldn't do that I'll! Try not people no mind: the sound of papers in the distance, but you know they're gonna be annoyed with that crashing sound you make within this poem is cause. I can't help it and I wrote it specifically with the little boys in mind because they like disgusting things, Where did you write this in your life gives us back in nineteen sixty sixty one, mother I showed me before I graduated from college and. I graduated mid year, and so I went into a third grade class. Began teaching their teacher had left it maternity leave interesting. Also, you wrote this before I was born.
Before the current jobs? Guy was the dirty jobs guy. I guess somehow I knew about little boys and her employer is laid on me from the top it has come. I can't help? It control yourself, don't be so rude. Mom tells me all the time passing gas or being loud is some horrific crime. Ireland so loud in church. One day the preacher stopped his prayer. The noise I made next shook the pew and people fanned the air. I'm scared to take you out. I'm says you bring the family. Shame with kids. How, like my body, said, they bring me instant, fame. Friends laugh at me when hiccups rage in class, they turned stare today. sneezed with so much force. It blew me off my chair, one the school celebrity. My sound bring me attention?
it now and sitting quietly? There's no noise in detention. Imagine your ten, from the hole on the eighteenth green with the championship on the line which a close your eyes. Just before you hit the ball, would you wear blindfold If you were standing at the free throw line at a basketball play off, would you pull your helmet over eyes! If you were in the batteries box in the bottom of the ninth, with the winning run on third base, as you attempt to hit a major league fastball. Of course you wouldn't nobody would which begs the question. Why just Many people today try to run their businesses with their eyes wide shut, because, if you're not using nets, wheat, that's exactly what you're doing you're trying to do a very difficult and complicated thing with limited visibility. Net sweet by Oracle is the number one cloud. Financial
system because nets we gives you maximum visibility. That means more control of everything. Your financials inventory HR planning, budgeting, everything that impacts your business look. Ninety three percent of surveyed businesses have increased their visibility and their control after upgrading to net sweet and over twenty seven thousand as MRS have already made, the switch. Why haven't you right now through the end of the year nets we desire for and one of a kind financing to those ready to upgrade at nets we dug comes lash might at a net sweet dad come slash. Might for special end of your financing on the number one financial system for growing businesses? That's nets. We dad come slash MIKE. That's correct! It is great. You know what I can seriously see that by itself in a book, but what about an illustrated book? I hope dozens of poems.
I've got a whole really. I do have a whole book of poetry elementary school children. Actual teaching kind of poems and then I do have a whole section of funding- Do it! Why are you making yourself crazy, trying to write a book on writing? I think it sounds great I'll make sure we get it out their when you're done, but I think we should find an illustrator chuck yeah like stat yeah and bring that on to life? I mean there are so many talented artists out there. In fact, we should reach out to some of the people who have done the fan art for me they have you seen this stuff mom you ve, seen like Freddy. Picture Freddy yeah? That's a good one yeah right, you remember. This is an audio podcast right, yes, remind that? That's wonderful and Michael,
I have three Subject covers that someone made, and and to you, and they had picked, he's a view painted on them. You say that when I was visiting last time this is so weird bomb- go get one. What's a recent goes cover. I don't understand so you'll see the second, but it basically you just plug it in to a socket. It's like a piece of glass or plastic or something- and it has an image of me, superimposed on so it's like a night light ripe, but the light is below I'd an image of me doing some time in ITALY, something ok, yeah yeah. I know what you mean. Yeah receptacle cover never heard that term before, but Oh you never heard of a receptacle now is that an outlet that's the same thing. A receptacle is an outlet. right and I figured out letters socket Isaak it. Well,
This is an outlet There has on night light in it now Now the night light you won't see the picture. Oh you still. Cs shine a light on the front of at once, just for fun. Well, it's just. No, you can't see it too bad. I can one of my name here worker possibly go wrong with that destroying everything can use various barely I had there. It is from six degrees jack, I'm standing next to the ten right house in the reenactment of ass. I see it now. I see the flag here to civil war university, We know that picture. I wish I knew who sent that are not put the loud down honey, Jade nurse Jane knows let me show you a second one, which you he had seen all year by year,
some illegal drugs. Well look at this, somebody painted this with coffee grounds. Wickedness right, we're gonna hold things done with coffee grounds. That call anyway, I think our work is cut off worse, let's find it illustrator and, let's start bringing some of these loans to life. The alright right after my third book comes out because right I did is in my third book, but anyway the point was that starting my writing career, really by writing poetry and, as my book price, says. I tell the story of how I actually had some success My first big success was with Random house and poetry contest and was one of the winners in a humorous poetry, scientists. That was it
deal, but since then I haven't done too much with poetry. I think you should really do Well, you seem a lot of people like the other kind of poetry, with a lot of, anger in it who likes that It seems to be popular at workshops and conferences. I mean the poetry classes are filled with people who terms like. Tremulous souls of that kind of stuff. I know it's not. particularly appealing to me, but some people do you like it? Well, I mean the entire Canon of english poets starts with Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath in women
Could depress the hyena? I couldn't stop for death, so he kindly stopped for me in our coach. We're just ourselves and immortality. Oh, but that's good good! I actually wrote that one years back now, that's Emily Dickinson! I taught you. I mean who writes upon God. I could not stop for death, so he kindly stopped. For me. That's nice! once again, the higher with your friends at the old folks home. I'm sure they dig it. We try to avoid topic at the home I know I was walking down the hall you brother was here. One day was got Marty. it was on a Sunday afternoon and things her and I said to Scott Scott, the
Those are empty. Things are deadly quiet here I suddenly said: Madame you should use that term. in the home always so I wrote a poem. about a boy who Jerry Bomb and takes off like a rocket? Quite Sylvia, What do you have that when I want to hear that to you never know what you're gonna talk about when you get your mom on the line, but today were check and all the boxes what's this poem called. This is called nutrition and it was for a science unit that I wrote it and the boys, especially love to, but said the girls mine Aber Tom eats bugs in worms and bark from apple trees. You'd think he'd get a stomach ache or catch some bad disease one day chased a little fraud that hopped into our yard, he caught it started in his mouth Blaine twice and swallowed high.
My sister said she saw him need a tiny shiny rock one morning. He golf issue in aid is smelly, sock, last summer on July, before the eight, a cherry bomb then took off like a rocket ship, and now we can't find on the dark side yeah, but I tell you there. our great and they were a great illustrated- oh man and guess what Most of them are done right. You ve got I've got a book of them. I haven't written poetry in quite a while all right. Well, let me go I am on those old ones and let's see if we can find a noble strader and I go back to the publisher at Simon. Large out of him was soon You know what might I already mentioned it to Jonathan and he said well, never really done a children's books, poetry and kind of died there. You know how you had a calendar one year
you have multiple artists, contributing those twelve months. So are there, multiple artists contributing to this, and one could be my cousin Nancy. She is so good She is so good Nancy. If you don't know what we're talking about really kind of took the world by storm account years ago with the painting of my car grouchy. If you remember this, when mom oh here, who's gonna forget that she entered a portrait of a chicken into a portrait contest. Remember it was at the state. fair and thought you ve gotta hanging on your wall upstairs it is upstairs yeah it used to be down here. He called it chairman of the board, that's right once it became my property, it big my cock because its ruler arrive, not a chicken right. There's a dead yeah right
well, technically, it's a cock role of things, would you call a male chicken, a cock role What do I mean? This is famous for saying that she immortalized your clock, now, you're famous for say your freedom. I got from our Christmas. That's promo for the Christmas happy, no doubt about very sure. We're got matter the eleventh! What's under your tree. I want Microsoft com well let's talk to his mother and see if it's available that you snaps my neck. But it's true Jack she's right as always it baby chickens. I think we're baby foul that are male our cockerells. I think, and the females are Pulitzer right. Poland's and Cockerells and I don't know if I ever told you this man but one of the first dirty jobs. We did by the way, coming back the seas in January second Sunday,
p m for reconciling no before chicks axing. That was a big, but we went to a place. Mary Mc Mary, oh, you know what it was checks. Actually it was part of the same episode. I guess gosh. I can't remember I just remember the scene. Of course it was chicks. Axing separating the cockerells from the pole. determining the boys from the girls right, squeezing the who, out of their little tiny, bottoms and then looking for a tiny dot inside their ideals rife, and if you find the dot, it's a boy, if you don't it's a girl, and so you separate them right, is Jack. It's true! When you ship a baby chicken through the mail which many many people.
Do millions of Baby Gray Centre ship you PS, it's made possible because of the white part of the yoke or the white part of the aid, which is called the albumen. That's where all the stuff is that allows these things to live for a while without eating and so their ship through the mail. So you ship the hens girls, the Pulitzer, all go through the male. We didn't cut this into the show because it was so terrible, but the cockerells the boys, those raw thrown into a meat grinder at the end of the day, every day, tens of thousands of them and turned into fertilizer because there is no use, you only need one or two cars for every dozen or so Pulitzer. I. Many days swiss everybody- peace on earth. When you're close in Stephen, He was six years older than you
When he was too were three. I bought him. Six baby chicks, Easter. One year I went to the store where I got the worst speed. And he laughed and they grew and grew. Well guess what of them were roosters and there was only one hand so My uncle Charles took the roosters back home to Virginia with him, and I think you can guess their fate area down their loves, fried chicken, of course, and the hand I kept an lived in the stable with the horses in sheep, of them. She would sleep on one of them since backs at night Baker would lie down. She get up, one is withers: and then she lay her eggs in the corner of the stall. Anyway, that's another story, but pretty good story, though, for a kid who is a cost
to seeing a chicken lay eggs to see that chicken sitting on top of a hill. Sue sleeping, he might conclude. That's the biggest weirdest looking egg I've ever seen chicken There is no right. Stephen was too bright for that. All right. Well, I don't know of any of this was what you wanted to discuss, but I think we ve made a huge strides forward. If everything comes together is planned. We're gonna get a book of your poetry out there some time next year, hopefully with illustrations in it. Was that what you wanted to dig into What did you have some other agenda now? I had no idea we were going to do that. I just happen to have my first chapter. The editor made her little marks and gave it back to me. I just happened to happen here that I could read it to. You know was gonna talk about you. Ah they're going out for a walk. He said walking right now. I left him pool table. An expert came in after
I told him I had to leave because I had to meet you guys. An expert came and he was giving us some pointers. I said I have to leave so I left dad with him and he was gonna show dad some more pointers, so we'll see and then gap is gonna go out for a walk will win. He came home yesterday or the day before, He always has some adventure when he's out there still here call me while he was out there and he said, look up in the air is a hurricane turn it's gone round and round his circling me. And over my head will a minute later, a police car came up today ask him who he was answered. Tad told him he's Well, we had a silver alert and you look a lot like the man dismissing again I guess you must have shown in his little name. Tag He got home. He had to tell me that story, that's a good stuff,
sorry. I wonder how many people have just heard silver alert for the first time. That's the thing: yeah play ball no like a child is missing, been kidnapped or whatever for senior is missing. They call it a silver learn because are assumed to have its just like an amber alert only for elderly people. I've seen it on highways and stuff here in LOS Angeles. Yes, put signs up so they were very quick in responding to this missing man. So we stopped into the centre center yesterday in the late in charge. Julie, said that she had heard the story and she wanted us to know that. Mr I won't say his name was found out on the highway. On the highway, but on the sidewalk he was dead. for that alert with a bunch of
and up roosters yap sound when, under the spotlight she sat down on the highway and then she said he was walking, I way on the sidewalk subtle, you started, that's how I do know that sounded like he was paranoid like really Oda and good, Fellows Yoda that scene with her cobbler, darling, I'm just gonna. Let censure will add that part up, never mind. What were you saying knows what I was going to say. I think I'm going to say is comforting to know that they'll scramble helicopter bright right. That all happen. Pretty quick, very quickly, I don't know how long he'd been missing, but he was a pair, they dress just like dad. Bristow was dressed exactly. He was here. But I know one thing: I want to talk about your Christmas song, people, here had such fun with it. Dad played for the guy's shuffle board the other night, and they all knew all about it. We play
for the guys in the pool. All we the same people. Every now and then in the Pool hall and they're all fans of yours, of course, and they told me said? Did you know that your son has a song for Christmas and it really good! doubtless phone, and I said all this song city have that's all so it's been played in the pool hotspot, pleaded the shuffle board area and it's been played Bible study? I pleaded slightly less because the theme was Oh, we were doing songs, songs and music. Actually we re doing so Solomon. Have you ever read it song of Solomon gets Prick de racy ties my god, if you think the Bible is boring, red, songless Solomon, I'm telling you it's right up there
keeps our invention. I have it on pretty good authority. I can't prove it, but I think Prince was inspired to write sexy yeah dance. They wanted one I could say I can't be sure. now the song of solid you're right, it is peachy. Thirteen Maybe even are rated stop their case. Like I say it holds our intention and not all scripture does, but this interesting. So am I to understand that your Bible Study Class was focused on the song of Solomon. When you played Santa's got dirty job hanging out went down when we first met before the opening prayer. I played your song because I might
I'd be in keeping with well, let's call it a prelude Why not keeping with video you know the flavour of the season of Bibles Study group I just love the fact that that song is setting the tone for a conversation in Bible Study with my mom and our friend it is getting weird. You know on Spotify right now and the other streaming platforms, people I have taken the song and re recorded it without any vocals. In other words, there pudding like a karaoke track. Out there and I didn't notice that I was at a Christmas party, the other night and somebody put it on and the next thing you know I'm up there, there was a banned and that a microphone I'm saying in the song at Christmas Party and its playing it occurred to me. I'm like wait a minute. Anybody could do that anybody go to Spotify
like you guys, could have a carry Oki sing along a sad has got a dirty job there at the hall chalk. You could do it today or tomorrow. At micro works, you don't Larkin single, you guys should posed a version of refund. Ok, we're gonna, do it ok. A couple years ago I decided to lose forty pounds taught me about a year, and, I am happy to say I've kept the weight off. I didn't use pacific diet. Guy did cut out some carbs and sugars, and I also started. Walking a couple hours every morning, but mostly I've kept the weight off because I changed the way I thought about eating and that's what new weight is all about. Nome is not about following rules, are rigid diets or elaborate exercise programmes or any that stuff. It's about changing your relationship with food
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proactive man, I'm committing my mother to an illustrated book of poetry. I'm committing you to do a aversion upset. It's got a dirty job for micro works. I make an stuff happens. Came up while I would play it acquire rehearsal, accepted our music director. Isn't it we into that kind of music. We like additional classical church music they create music, bark and Beethoven and Modern Allison. Well, then, please tell him if he's feeling creative, I'm happy to sign the rights over if he wants to take the song sands gotta, dirty job and the purpose it for a church arrangement, maybe do vocal arrangement of it maybe just make it a little more like it it's not a dirty job. No regrets Well, ok, yeah,
Jesus had a dirty job. Absolutely he really do I'll play. Well, don't hold your breath on Church. Music directors are not known for their sense of humour, know they're not what's up that oughta be done. Where would we be without the silliness of the poems you just read and the taboo nests of the peachy thirteen far nonsense and think about dirty jobs, member the scene and dirty jobs where we were in the chuck. You were up there, but we shall yes in Washington with it. When I see her, I was when actually it was a big hydro, electric damn, and I'd jam myself into another impossibly small place with Doug Glover Dave BAR skin Troy path. We roll down there with these two giant guys trying to get the knot of a bolt and just, was not going well and nobody could move and it was cramped and coal
and we were lying in mud and water, and we down there about forty minutes in real time, filming the whole thing and right in the midst of it, I think it was dug who just forded, you know it was quite moment and it was loud and it just froze everybody. And then we just started laughing and we never really recovered, and then everybody started farting and it was so stupid. It was right up there with the pixelate vomit, you couldn't cut, it so that made it into the show. It was great, it's a really fun clip. You can probably find yeah, but the moral of the story is people throw up people fart.
the misadventures in animal husbandry are the very artificial insemination. I dont think we'd have thanks giving your Christmas without it anymore. Ninety percent of the turkeys and Christmas hams that you get are the product of artificial insemination, laugh about joke about it and write the occasional Paul about it. Well then, where's the funding that anyway I'll be looking forward to your rendition of Jesus Christ had a dirty job. Thank you. I have I'm kind of busy mind, maybe maybe another time you get away with someone stuff? You know chuckling. Likewise young he was a practical, Joker, I'm sure that's prizes. You doesn't bureau tremendously. I can think of like thirty offhand times. Where he's gotten me, one leg into the dinner table: he said to me, and he was sitting beside me and he said you know,
spend feeling funny today like a lot of pressure. Do you know where I'm going with this year's, like my favorite, due to a lot of pressure and all of a sudden, you leaned over your plate? Yen start eating yet and all of them white fluid started pouring out of your eye and I having a nervous breakdown Why do you had one of those little Kremer cops and you Had broken the seal and Did you teach him that chuck shame on you know? I did. I teach him that actually I don't know where they came from police to do that in every restaurant aura. If probably was Fred King who taught us and the other one was around in your neck. Taken the empty one wanted just moving your head in which taken empty water model. You know the drink links. It makes one just either. Have it hold it in your left hand, keep it under your chair, keep out of sight or put it under foot, and when you twist your neck, you got the step on it and it
really I mean, if you time it right, it looks like you're gonna unscrew, your head from your body glad, you didn't do that, one the great gag, the half and half gag. I did at the double T diner one day where you and dad still go. I stretched this thing out for, like fifteen minutes with the waitress, while the waitress was part of it, but I think Liz Boyer was their job across from us a long time ago, and I just started with scratch my eye catching my eye, asking people if it looked red people get real close to say it does look a little red eyes and I feel like there's something literally in their crawling around is made me crazy. People would get in. pull my lit up in a super, close inspectorate and, like I don't know what it is about halfway through breakfast, which we were having a two thirty in the morning the waitress came with more coffee, and I said I look, I can't stand it anymore and I lifted my head and that's why palmed the Kramer you just get it there,
the right angle. So all you have to do is make a fist, and I pushed into my thumb with my eye as I made a fist and that thick thick tendrils of cream shot out from my hand on my pancakes and that waitress scream and backed up immediately fell over what an idiot. But I look it's funny. It's just a funny little gag, and then you came home one day from There are some place and you gave me a prince It was a mug following for Christmas. and you remember what was on that, but I do it was. I think the mug was shaped like a breast now. This was a regular mug. Now because I devil gave you a mug shaped like a breast with nipple on it only I'm lying he tat long at all.
This had your picture on it, and you said I know you'd like to have a picture of me on a mug mom, Here it is at this picture view and you ve got. Noodles digging out EU nostrils dignity. Noodles, hang in there noodles. Why? What that long, either? No it look like sneezed in the midst of a horrible cold and not bother to clean anything off my lip, so yeah mom wanted a picture for Christmas and she got one ass unforgettable Christmas gift which your earliest memory of Christmas Peggy, we all had, he read my first book better say: yes, yes, what was my first? memory of Christmas Chuck. I dont the doktor You know there are so many who can tell what the first one is, but certainly early on
remembering my mother, who was always in charge and always the organizer, and they can. Trawler and telling we can help decorate the Christmas tree, but we can only put on one eye signal at a time when we have your leg, just so over the branches, and that was it wanna icicles and I would complain while why can't we just throw long? She like. The icicle Nancy cannot signals. You could say that So you had me money, given everything We ve says yeah, I think, Nazis fine, we're on the gifts. The things that my dad did with the Christmas card operating the trains and making them go real fast. They fall off the track and yeah love memories. my mother's jumper, cookies Christmas Eve at church, How about you lying what was your earlier memory of Christmas well,
at the earliest, but I think my favorite. There was a time there when we would go to Nelson's and get the Christmas tree. Then there were times wouldn't sometimes you go back and our woods and get a Christmas tree I don't know how old I was, but I remember going back there with dad and we we cut down a tree. I don't know what we were thinking or in terms of measurements or anything, but this tree There was probably in eight foot ceiling in our living room. Industry must have been ten twelve feet tall and that didn't want to cut it. It was this giant thing we just did into the corner. It wasn't even cylindrical. Really it didn't even have the basic pyramid shape. It was just a sprawling thing with random branches everywhere and the top was bad down like you crashed into the ceiling and then it hung it hung down. It just was the most to put the angel laptop there
for the latter to hang or from you know, you couldn't aye, sir, on Peggy S story. Trudy. Remember this well this. to say that the way you even met my memories are different, but I do remember that year we trudged back in the woods and got this Christmas three that was so inappropriate for the space that we had thought it was great redecorate. long as very young ways to decorate those trees. The way that mom wanted to decorate it when she was a kid, so we would take handfuls of my cycles and just throw them. I mean it was great. It was hidden, yes, but it was ours and it really your mom would come overlook that just shake your head. I notifying for but speak of. Ireland, film, a noble, your beloved parents. How are you feeling about the fact that their name,
is now on a very successful or potential. A very successful bottle of Tennessee whisky, the proceeds of which benefit the Micro Works foundation. Well, my father had a good sense of humor. I think he would see some Huber in that the ban. Then, when I was growing up, alcohol was not allowed in our house. there was no language, no swearing know. My mother was very particular about that. And always setting, a good example for the daughters. There, No alcohol until was until we move to the farm and nine. Became a teenager in high school, then, is a different story. That's when really, I should not have been exposed to reckon they waited until their teenage daughter was in high school before they. Let us in the house
dad probably appreciated a drink from time to time, but he wasn't excessive with it wasn't opposed to it and your mother kind of grew into it later in life Oh, yes, she quite enjoyed it that one day when you in chocolate. Invited to dinner. I think that was over the Christmas holiday. as usual. You were laid my you have a habit of not getting places when you say you: will I do that why you couldn't hold a normal. Ninety five job, gravel travelled, a rope anyway? So new and chop were coming to dinner, and say five o clock that dinner was ready table was set, six thirty, there yet Every few minutes, mom would go over and checks the pot of whatever have glass wine, well I'll, tell you by seven o clock when you got there, my mother was feeling no pain.
didn't even care that you relate or how the two tasted, but tell by the way you cleaned up every dish that yeah Chuck is still on a legend in our family for years. For being the I who clean every dish my brother, who eats. We actually took a pretty deep dive on that a couple of weeks ago. Here you know Chuck, I'm not sure I posted a video. I think. Maybe I should. If I have no, you said to me now that hasn't changed. when he walks into at all. You can eat joy. The honor just shakes his head. Then I know: what's coming blocks the front door, he can still do it breast of the noble name. We have some big decisions to make seriously because the whisky turned out to be in to bleed Delicious just so you know, I know you haven't tried it We had a what we thought was probably five: six months supply and we sold out in three days so now the disk
or in Tennessee, in conjunction with some of the other people who are involved were all trying to you're out if we're gonna role, this thing out in a big way, stay tuned. If I do this right, we can get a children's book of beautifully illustrated. Poetry and offer it with a bottle of whiskey. which I think would be a really unique package for next season inappropriate with that day, You could put a bottle whisky on the back cover an opinion dirty job Jesus brought new by before we can make it a pop up, but when you open it up Peggy just reaches right out and hand your shot Oh very well. Donation is running away with you when you go run sometimes mom let it run when is dead. from his walk animals we'll be there.
The pointed he missed you, but I dont know, depending on how long he played pool with generally out there, the ball rolling. We'd, be. You know another, a power before he gets back, and I know you don't have that much time now. I'm not gonna keep you I just wanted to. check and around the holidays? And sorry I'm not there? I love you so sick of this stupid mesquite stuff gown. and it seems like there's not going to be any until it well, there will be came my Christmas flowers, they pretty much pressure euros, I don't want to destroy any illusions, but their plastic and I cover them off bring amount every year. They got real dumping. I believe the answer is no MIKE. You did not send. That did not send those well now, not to the point where I sent plastic flower tat, but it It's gonna put em on my re someday right mama!
merry Christmas, everybody, Why, ourselves among for you, my dear God, what else final thoughts, but over an hour o or the hearing AIDS. Working out. Ok, for that Oh Michael, did you read my post? I did well. It's amazing he's there now- and I know he's listening- to your latest podcast, you know without the ear plugs call those things about there. What yeah, without using those always has to do, is take out his phone and you know, hit the Bluetooth thing and bring up your podcasting right there in his ear. The technology is amazing and now We have to get another television, but I Think our brand of television will support this, but if we get another smart tv with a different name, he can
here the tv through these. He remains with that Do it mom you ve gotta, do it chucks used could about hearing aids that also work on blue tooth. So you can listen to amuse her podcast and if you can tat that into the tv gap, that just means you don't have to play the tv at those window shattering volumes, everybody over their plays your daddy iris. In order to hear at the hall in Tell why don't we have listed so might is sounds like you'd, be the perfect Christmas gift to give to your parents. They would rather these very appreciative so you need a smart tv that you can pair with these hearing aids Well, we have a smart tb and it's a nice tv outsmarted is doomed to make changes. So anyway, it's complicated but What wonderful technology it really is, and he just is made
by carriage that's his hearing aid. Lady goes. Visit her in comes away and you ve never guess what care it did and he took it. These stuck at my ear, and he said what are you here. I said I hear my doing a pine camp with job. If we said Yeah put it back in his ear, he said I have to do is bring up anything. I want to listen to on my phone We need the app and caring downloaded the YAP, so the possibilities seem endless. Why can't? I wear some little apparatus that goes right into his ears and he hears everything. I saw you sure you want that money about it. I think about me, but you probably, can you compare it with anything? So you could probably para to a microphone. Do you really want to go there
far, but I don't think you do yeah. Well, I'm sure there's a downside to whatever you do, but the reason he went back to have his aids adjusted is sometimes they are so loud. He can't stand it so I go from shouting to him when he doesn't have the men to leading to women. the men. I say Nothing in he'll go too loud, so now he can adjust it right on his phone. You can make itself louder, wise, that's great, that extraordinary meal over their chuck not long ago, with my mom and dad and another couple and their friend, all of whom had different degrees of not great ring and boy. It's just so hard to know how loud to talk all of the time and there's so much like.
a lot of liberating that goes on over there in general, which, of course, the masks complicate even more so it's noisy and a really interesting way over There- and I know it's gotta- be exhausting for you mom, because you spend a lot of time talking a lot louder than you. Otherwise would ideal? When I come to people who don't have hearing issues, I have to remember tat it down. You were just gets, lost, Unfortunately, we both had good vision, fairly good vision and I can still hear real well and we can both taste the food we eat, the bridle bench weakened. very always calling dad the boy, a man because he has glasses. He has played with it couple of teeth on it. Hearing AIDS. He has a bit
haste anywheres on his foot, because he has collapsed, arching some ruptured tendons, but with this brace he walked with them. Problem at all, will probably do three miles out there today still I call him my bionic man because there's a lot of artificial stuff on him. Well, I call you my mother, because you are, and it's always a dollar to see you and catch up here on the holiday and closing thoughts for the dozens of people who are going to download this, I'll make a couple of years ago. We went to California and saw you over Christmas, and that was fun and we re tempted to fly to Florida to visit. Your brother and our grandchildren who are all grown up in school teachers, but the thought of getting on a plane is just not to appealing.
If we were to come to see you that would be seven hours in a mask. That's just daunting! Yeah! It's a drag yours to hope and we get through it and twenty twenty two and you can come back out here again. I'm gonna head back in early January for some stuff and I think I'll extend a weekend girl, I'll drop in and say Although that really person, we would like if you would the meaning Christmas is still the meaning of Christmas, whether you have family around you at all and we will go to the Christmas Eve, service and pray. The debate in our Christmas activities at church, but we will miss family. We are spending Christmas day with some friends good who don't? have family in the area accessible, So what are we? Ok, we'll manage but will miss you, I'm sure Michel, German, one favor, if you do succeed in getting sat, has got a dirty job played on Christmas Eve and the church.
All my home last night, could have appropriate. Does please recorded, ok, I will- and I will try to get picture of all the people whose jobs have dropped but they'll be wearing mask searched all of US We must draw dropped, maybe already here's to another year. Merry Christmas hey. I did that all my column later smiling merry Christmas shot. I hope you both very useful and spiritual Christmas. You're right forget that sounds great. All right. The publisher will be of such the publication. yeah you're Poland book areas. That's a milliner lined up already. Oh please just get one thing out of the way. First, I mean in this third book is not quite there yet and there's a lot of work to do on it, and we know what the fourth, what is, if you can maybe.
yourself away from the pool hall long enough to apply a little discipline to the task at hand that would be swell ok, I haven't gotten involved in anything else over here I just play pool with dad in the evening. That's all! What else is there? I do swim it three times a week and I go to the fitness centre, because You know, you're gonna sit right six hours a day. You gotta get up and move the otherwise Stephanie up, but they still play ball. no only in the spring and Far shuffle board young. A shuffle board every Wednesday and Saturday predict arch we're about DART Well, I don't know you know ninety zero people throwing darts, that's hospitals carriage. They do play corn hall. I haven't gotten into that yet, but they enjoy Cornhill, I mean Can't you too much damage with being bank gone astray. Be surprised
have you ever seen the corn whole championships on tv, I didn't even know there were such things? when we hang up which we're gonna do a couple seconds, Google Corn whole championship, and you'll see these people are super serious and it's not uncommon, to see somebody throw three or four those things straight through that all one after the next commission Moreover, may I be lucky inviting even hit the board and rounded it's kind of. Like pitching softball. Isn't it no? No, not at all many picture, softball your throat toward a guy with a bad who wants to get it back. when you throw being bag and or corn hall, nothing app I believe he is referring to the hollered as she's, referring to the arch, the ANG Hermes rose in entire. Yet beyond the target is Similarly, we knew ARC Chuck. Yes, the Ark is exactly what I meant right. The arch is
thing that neither my dad or I have on our feet, which is totally different, totally different. I thank you for pointing that out proceeded you got it, you don't have it. My my fever, so flat. That's what I want for Christmas, normal feet You know, I'm amazed that you can still do the amount of walking you do. Maybe you'll be the exception, and you won't have collapsed starches when your dad's, a very great, I still remember like eight years old and getting out of the pool of why I am so yea and people making fun of me, because you know all the other footsteps look like feet and I looked like the creature. Some black lagoon, slabs of did look like a footprint at all anyway. From his real name. I now I well that's what do you want for Christmas and art, or maybe two. I wanna corn whole Christmas. That's what I want our whole Christmas with two arches
I know if we talk long enough. We finally get the title to the state court, the whole Curtis. It's I'm writing thy Cornhill Christmas with two arches on the side deal it's fast. the Christmas special in the cafeteria? Have you tried the corn whole special, You know what hold the arch Gooden weird MA I'll call you later don't hang up here, we got upload your thing. Oh cause. I don't even see I can get out of it. You get here. Mr guys? Yes, merry Christmas, everyone by. look at you, listen all the way to the end, congratulations and thanks so much my mom appreciated.
So does jug soda. Why I'm just getting about the corn whole Christmas already? Have the corn whole game? Don't send me the corn whole game. I was serious about what I said before, though, if you like this nonsense, five star Reviews really do help. Wherever you give five star reviews, I think, over an apple. Anyway. That would be more than enough for a Christmas present, o o o, unless, of course, you want to check out dirty jobs which is back in new episodes on January second January. Second, next the day after New year's at eight p m, but really is from that and five our view, I don't need anything else. Unless you want to download the US has got a dirty job song, which it can do virtually anywhere all the money
goes to micro works and John Riches Foundation. Folds of honour those three things will be great, nothing more really just the song and watch a dirty jobs and maybe a five star review. Ok, that's it! Then we will probably take next week off. You never know with us, but Chucks headed back east. I got stuff to do and nobody does anything anywhere. The week after Christmas, we'll talk at you in the new year areas.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-21.