« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 182: Mother Knows Best

2021-01-12 | 🔗

After reading chapter 5 of his bestselling book, Mike surprises his two-time bestselling mother with a phone call, on which they discuss the perils of prevarication, the joys of growing up Rowe, (on a budget,) and Peggy Rowe’s unsolicited review of Mike’s new show, Six Degrees with Mike Rowe, which she may or may not have actually watched.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This podcast dynamically inserts audio advertisements of varying lengths for each download. As a result, the transcription time indexes may be inaccurate.
Hey guys, it's micro. This is the way I heard it. The only podcast for the curious mind with a short attention span, Tell you the true story of a patient man who met a girl, fell in love and what he had to do to make that girl and honest woman, then another true story about another pay. Man a patient man with limited resources who employed a unique parenting style that left son, convinced that rich people were more He pitied, then envied that man happens to be my father, John ROW, who is still against some very long odds married to my mother. Peggy in fact Peggy row herself has agreed to join me for a profoundly on scripted. Conversation about whatever it is, and sons. Talk about these days when the mother-
The best selling author and the sun is a guy who invites her onto his podcast for a quick catch up its episode, one eighty two it's called mother knows best and it starts right now and by right now I mean right after I thank my friends at net sweet for by this episode look of your business owner you don't Made me to tell you that running a business is difficult, especially now, but but you might, making it harder on yourself, the necessary dont, let quick books and spreadsheets slow you down it's time to upgrade to net sweet. Why? Because net sweet by Oracle The number one cloud business system period nets we'd, gives you visibility and control over all your financials, your hr, inventory e commerce, everything all in one place instant obviously doesn't matter how revenue you're doing you can save time and money right now
with nets we'd, just like twenty Four thousand other companies are doing net sweet time, not upgrade they loved to show you for free how they can benefit your business with a product or it nets. We dotcom slash MIKE it's a free product or you can schedule it right now, at net sweet dotcom, slow. MIKE that's nets, weep, dotcom, Slash MIKE and this well, that's the way I heard it chapter. Five, a patient man. John was a patient man, his attraction to Peggy had been instantaneous and profound their courtship, a whirlwind of barely suppressed passion and now, as John stood at the altar, watching the object of his affection walks slowly toward him. His thoughts were those of a man whose patience was finally about to pay off, as Peggy drew ever close.
And the organ heralded. The coming of the bride John recalled the day he proposed at First Peggy had demurely. She said she'd think about it tomorrow, but John was listed as well as patient, and eventually she said. Yes, how happy had been how relieved he knew that the most eligible debt it time in Atlanta had accepted proposals from five other men all with more to offer than he could ever hope to match. He knew that she had broken off all those engagements, but now they were Peggy in her wedding, gown and John in his tuxedo standing just a few feet apart ceremony was a blur. Scriptures were quoted, songs were sung, the minister spoke sacred. And all of Atlantis society bore witness. Then the tricky part came before he got to the vowels, the minute
stir regarded the congregation and invited any one present who might object to the union to speak now or forever hold their peace. John glanced but the faces of those assembled in the crowded church and held his breath. He that several of Peggy's previous suitors were in attendance with they object. What would he do if they did? The moment passed? John exhaled only and when the minister asked the groom. If you would love honour and cherish Peggy from this day forward. John stare, into the face of his true love and said the only thing he could say nothing because the preacher was not talking to John. The preacher was too
Can the John best friend a man named burying upshot read to his friends today. Red was the man that Peggy was marrying. John, had plenty of objects, genes, but disinclined as he was too forever hold his peace. He had no intention of speaking now. He proceeded with his plan. Instead, he smiled he handed read the wedding banned at applauded as his best friend Mary the love of his life, the following days weeks and months, were difficult for John. He knew his true. Love was in the arms of another man, but John couldn't really blame. Peggy Red was a charmer. He looked like a film star. He had made a fortune as a in addition, air a bootlegger and he possessed a mercurial quality that made him irresistible to the fairer sex John Marsh. On the other hand,
was a mild mannered public relations, man who dabbled in journalism as baggy. Had old John. When she broke their engagements along with his heart life is under no obligation to give us what we expect. Indeed, but with respect to expect stations. John knew something that Red and Peggy did not. He knew them. He them better than they knew themselves or each other John knew that Red expected a compliant and cooperative wife. He knew that Peggy Exe. Baghdad, a tolerant and devoted husband in time, John believe their expectations would go unmet and when they, did, he knew that Red Upshaw would no longer give a damn about his sacred vowels he'd, be more likely to give is blushing, bride, whack and Peggy would never tolerate that too much
went by before red ran out of patience with the fiery woman who couldn't help but speak her mind when she showed him a bit too much SAS. He showed her the back of his hand, and that was that Peggy moved out and John was waiting to pick up the pieces before long He proposed again, Peggy told him she'd, think about it tomorrow, Johnson called and said, had heard,
that one yesterday Peggy smiled back and this time she said yes straight away and they lived happily ever after. Sadly, ever after would last only twenty four years, Peggy was killed by a drunk driver when she was just forty eight, but during her time with John, she didn't just find true love. She found her true voice with John's encouragement, Peggy started to write, she wrote about love and passion, pride and prejudice, war and death, hope and all the things in between some say she wrote the story. Of her own life. Peggy. Never confirmed that, but then again the most famous character she created was strong, willed southern bell, a beautiful socialite named pants,
whom every man wanted to wed Peggy swore up and down that pansy had nothing to do with her, but she did choose. Four pansies husband, dashing mercurial bootlegger, who she swore had nothing to do with red. As for the character, the desired, but could never possess. A man married to her best friend know that I wasn't inspired by John Marsh, not at all whatever the truth was the publishers loved These manuscript, they only had one change to make when it came to the one thousand thirty seven page novel, which went on to win the Pulitzer Prize and so
thirty million copies and the process they thought the name. Pansy was too weak for the fiery character. Peggy had pulled from thin air and John convinced Peggy that the publishers were right in real life, exactly how it happened. A dashing, bootlegger name read up shawl frankly, didn't give a damn while average Joe named John Marsh New with certainty that tomorrow would be another day as for Margaret Mitchell, she'd written herself, as a pansy, though her publisher knew she was really a scarlet and as for everything else, well that is gone with the wind If you ask the other John and Peggy my parents how they ve met, just stay married for well over half a century, they'll credit and unclear.
Reminding level of honesty with each other. If you press them, though, you'll learn that their commitment to the truth did not extend to their children. When it came to raising three boys on a public school teacher salary, my parents lied like rugs. I remember television commercial that used to air during Baltimore Orioles Home games. It was for an amusement park in Ocean City Maryland according to the announcer of his there would amount to the time of my life, but that particular moment, my life had amounted to about nine years. For the most part, I was satisfied with the way things were going. Then I saw the wild mouse. The wild mouse was a giant roller coaster that threaten to leap from our black and white television and smash through the wall of our tiny den it shared the Oceans boardwalk with the round up the till to whirl and other mysterious contraptions that plan
and spun this way in that ever seen anything like them, a parade of machines devised for no purpose other than pure enjoyment I remember the camera zooming in on a kid about my age. He was strapped into the wild mouse next to a pretty girl. His excitement, teetering on the verge of rapture, I was transfixed Hey Peggy get a load of these dingaling on the tv I think they're going to puke on each other. My parents were sitting on the sofa behind me. Oh those poor children, mom said Why would anyone stand in line all day just to get vomited on? Obviously peggy? Those kids are deranged. Look at them. I searched the sea of jubilant faces for lines of idiocy or naga, isn't it sad John? How some chilled
need machines to have fun, it sure is peg. It sure is later another commercial appeared this one for a movie called Willy Wanka and the chocolate factory it was playing at the senator and According to the announcer, it was a thrilling film for the whole family, a must event. I had never been to the senator before or any other movie theater. I was captivated. Tell me something big. Why would anyone want to see the movie when they could read the book instead, books are so much more interesting. Well, John, as I understand it, movies are for children who can't read very well that sad, it sure is bag. It sure is in eighteen, seventy one we didn't the money for amusement parks or must see events, but I never felt bad about missing such things. I was too busy feeling sorry for peace,
who had to endure them. Hey dad. Can we order a pizza tonight a what we had never eaten a pizza before much less ordered one? The concept of food delivery was completely foreign Bobby Price says his mother. Has a pizza pie delivered right to their house every Friday night, I said, and chinese food every Wednesday my father's side and spoke with a hint of sadness, look son, Bobby's mother, doesn't know how to cook it's not her fault. They can't have normal food, then, quietly to my mother beg, maybe you should call Miss price. Give her the recipe for your meat. Loaf casserole, of course, John, that poor boy deserves a home cooked meal. He sure does egg. He sure does. It was a strange sort of snobbery to develop its an early age. This sympathy for the more fortunate, but that
precisely what my parents engendered with duplicity and guile They turned envy to pity, but, I was eleven. I felt nothing but Compassion for classmates of mine who had been forced to wear the latest fashions. Sadly, they had no older cousins to provide them with a superior wardrobe of softer sturdier broken in alternatives, one Sunday at church our neighbours came by with the slide show from their most recent family vacation, hundreds of photos from Yellowstone and Yosemite. The bran Higgins had stayed for hours and hours and told stories about Indians geysers, wild bears. My brothers and I were spellbound when they left dad smiled and waved as they pulled out of the driveway when he turned around. His expression spoke for him all those poor bastards. It said like a greek chorus of war.
My mother dabbed at her eyes with the Kleenex GOSH John. Can you imagine lying all the way across the country. Just to take a walk in the woods now honey, I sure cat but and again not everyone has a forest in our own back yard. That's a good point, John. That's a very good point. My parents shifted their gaze toward the large tracts of woods just beyond our pasture and looked with satisfaction at the epicenter of the sensible, affordable amusements. That cap My brothers in me occupied on a daily basis a swift running creek, a swamp of frogs and cat tails. An old wooden bridge at the maze of hidden trails that might lead anywhere later, when I was less gullible than tv commercials were more persuasive anew parent
style would evolve, one that included phrases like now and because I said so, but when I entered the sixth grade, I did so with a firm understanding that movie theatres were for the illiterate, vacations for the unimaginative and home delivery for lazy housewives, who couldn't cook as for amusement parks that were probably ok if you didn't mind, waiting in line all day for the chance to vomit all over your friends the story? You just heard is true. The way I heard it anyway and in approximately sixty seconds, I'm going to call my own mother to see how much story. She can actually confirm. I was supposed to collar two hours ago, looks like, but I got jammed up. So if you want to hear Eighty, two year old woman, yellow her son you're in the right place.
If you want to see my new show six degrees with micro than you'll want to check out discovery, plus the new streaming app from discovery got over. Fifty five thousand hours of cod over there, including my show six degrees which, incidentally, it was originally called the way I heard it because it was based on the stories from this podcast, but then it turned into a bigger project, as these things sometimes do and now six degrees best described as a history, show for people who don't watch history shows in each episode of travel through time and trying to act, two seemingly disparate objects, the review have been great, and the shows a ton of fun to produce and watch actually, and you can check it out for free during the free trial period
you get when you sign up for discovery plus at discovery plus dot com, that's discovery, plus dotcom, sign up for your free trial and watch six degrees for free, and now I'm calling my mother and hoping the next voice that you here will be hers, How are you doing mom? I'm doing? Okay, how you doing I'm doing all right you're on the podcast, I'm on to podcast yeah. It's happening, oh, like right now. Why wait we're busy people? Okay, all right? Well, what do I do well pretty much whatever you want
have I called you at a bad time. Well, you told me you might be calling me two hours ago, so I was ready two hours ago. If you check your email you'll see that I sent you a zoom invite, but you didn't respond. So I Well, you probably don't want to zoom. Maybe you just want to talk so now, I'm just calling you and and recording our conversation, because literally dozens of fans of the way I heard it are desperate to hear your voice and wallow, well. I'm sure will be a long list of words and wisdom. I'll golly follow this now full of food at my desk here I'll try not to disappoint that call you in the middle of dinner. Well, the preparation and dead sleep, so we're ok, well
sleep and you and I can chat now, the the the the part TAT s. What I like to call the listeners have just heard chapter five of my book, which means they heard the story. I wrote about Margaret Mitchell and then the story about you and dad trying to raise your three sons. Are you familiar with that body? I am familiar with that gas. That story with its story was funny? I enjoyed it. It more or less the way you heard it the way you As far as you know. Well, I would There's some slight hyperbole in their explain, What hyperbole means to some of my listeners, who might not No, that kind of hyperbole is a
adjuration, it's based on fact, but but there's a little bit of exaggeration in there I'd say just a little like what parts well, Michael, you make it sound like terrible pyramids like we. Never we never do, they think good for you. We deprived you all kinds of entertainment. So I mean we, raising children on a shoestring Strang, that's true Father was, it teacher and teachers don't make a pile of money and you their stay home, but the children know why suddenly talking about yourself in the third person I dont like come, he said particular I I'd say it's. It's a tell you have, because when you lapse into bouts of hyperbole exaggeration because your
on the mentally honest. I've noticed that you refer to yourself in the third person. I think that gives you a certain extra agency to were to prevaricate. I just said that your father was asleep. That's errant person now and your mother had a mouthful of food in the store. You know where he is it's. It's rare that you must speak, but when you tell me that, my father is asleep: that's not third person! he's my father and he's not talking to talk about yourself and the third person is different. Isn't it a little bit? Alright, I didn't know you were going to be so specific
May I just wanted to say that you portrayed your parents in a light that wasn't altogether accurate, although it was a stone, it was based on fact, but you did prevaricate just a little bit look, but the broad strokes withdrew dad was incredibly parsimonious You both were very inventive women. You did in yonder in me a certain pity for the well off. Are you? He did what he meant to or not, and I I thought that was kind of ingenious, really believe that was our intention. You know it's a fact: we gave our children a lot of experiences. We went, we took lots of places. We gave you a lot of you
nice. His dream, like you, did a lot of stuff growing up. I mean we took you to the circus on reach. Into the air, we took you to the zoo. We joined the. Why cs so that you could go swimming every day in the summer and have swimming lessons. So don't come off as this can know this poor. Try to child which you weren't should now. So it's true that when we took you to the circus, we take our own snacks, we didn't, we didn't die in the cotton Andy and the pump. And cracker jacks with Jackson, peanuts that words so expensive. We had our own little bag of treats. So that's true, I you know I confess to that and when we went to the fair we kept a picnic lunch and they had picking table. And instead of buying incredibly expensive food and of fair, we had our own picnic basket. Vividly
member all of that, but the thing that you're, forgetting is that you took a step further like I never when you pulled out the popcorn, I remember at the circus, you pulled the popcorn out of your purse and and the whole proposition. Wasn't oh, no we're too poor to buy the expensive popcorn it was. Our popcorn is better. Beer, it's more convenient. We don't have to get up. We don't have to pay for it. Obviously that damages one small thing, but it was more about look at all those poor people standing in line waiting to buy popcorn where we had with us right now, because we're forward thinking people We plan should be reminded that I'm on your side, you confess tat. We
We might have led you to believe they knew were altogether fortunate for having a special popcorn that king from your mother's purse yes right and an and never never did. I feel like, I was missing out. You don't go to the YMCA and Swimming, and I mean that that was the whole point. I never felt neglect until I got older and realized the degree to which you weren't, manipulating us, but Fundamentally. The whole story is a compliment on child rearing. At a time when money was tight, and you didn't want you kid to feel like victims yeah, I guess that's true unequal type. And we tried to give you the experiences that were wholesome for children without breaking the bank, so to speak and our popcorn wasn't.
Area it was, it was better than the other, the other was filled with utter and flavouring ours was just playing popcorn and was much better for you wrote because good, It allowed us to use our imaginations to wonder what normal popcorn tasted like the kind, with pleasure, the creature didn't when you were missing, because you never had back I'm and when we took you to the movies we always took on snacks to nowadays they don't allow snacks. They come in your purse day. A frown on that I want you to buy in a back then when's. The last time you got actually went actually a to. I mean I obviously pre coven you haven't been out of the art. When's the last time you were in a theater, oh my goodness, snake fine, you remember what we saw. I can't even remember you know, maybe about five years ago we might turn movie terrible war.
I remember you telling me you went to see you wanted to see a film and you wound up walking into. Was it something about Mary oh yeah. That's right! You know when we go to movies and were we're on vacation in the winter When we go to Florida me stay with your brother for sometimes a couple of months or a month sometime we'll go to the movies Heinrich out there. If we did, we went into one movie and week we who have really shocked it was something about Mary. Somebody was standing. At the door and they had something in their hair. That was really discuss king.
Think we turned round and walked out and we went into the little gear right next to it. It was one of these complexes where they had five five movie. Theater is laughable all wage and with respect to the next one, and we like that movie better. That was Mr Harlin's opus. It has been a while, since we regret that it was good. So you want to see a heartwarming story of of a music teacher and wound up seeing camera ideas sharing out the door with a suspicious substance, causing our heritage stick straight up. Yet absolutely right took Applin first, something about Harry because it sounded wholesome. I probably thought it was religious films and dumb and we were shocked we turned around and walk out. We can stay real long. I'm sure it was a good movie and we did give us
your chance, Butch Mister, Collins, Opus was really great. Ogre will look you're on the bad guys, because you were the subject of the previous story and I I told the people on Facebook. I was going to invite you on an and they want to be ask you all sorts of questions, but it's all book related. Everybody wants to know if there is a third book coming and we know what it. What it feels like to be. You know is ancient as you are, and somehow or another begun a whole new third act in your life and so forth, and so on. So if you want to drag yourself. This is the time to do it, but I am still upright. You know. I didn't good health and I do love to write and I seem to be able to do it fairly well, and I am on my third book. I have finished, build up. I've done about ten story. But a few of them need more work. So I'm finished
seven stories, but I have a long way to go, so it will probably be another year before it's ready, and this is the one part I mean. The writing part is really, and you know that yourself, it's really enjoyable to sit down and write. The not so fun part is, after you finish, and then you hand it to hand it to the publisher and he has all kinds of requests and then you've got to log it. You have got to flog that thing until you hate it and then you have to keep talking. About how much you love it achieved a you know. This has been really unusual because my book was launched April fourteen this year. At the same time that the pandemic came about, or, if you like to say the plague, the plague was launched, the claimed I my book was launched and
no marketing a book during a pandemic is very interesting and campaigns for zoom. I've done a lot of book events on soon, but I do miss live audiences life people We need a lot more. She back there's so much more interesting than the dead wood Well, you know what I'm doing tomorrow, This is a Sunday. Right now, when you and I are recording this I'm spending every day this week, I will be talking about discovery plus and six degrees, and it's going to be super weird, because obviously there was enormous news last week and that's going to be sucking all the air out of the room. Think about me I'll be on the today show at some point today or Wednesday. I think I'm going to write that down MIKE on the today show. Okay,
okay, Tuesday or Wednesday I'll look it up. Look it up you going to be anywhere else, yeah, there's a whole long list of things. There's a satellite media tour on Wednesday or Thursday, which means I'll just be. You know, on dozens of different stages
all over. I just sit down here in my office, where I am right now and I'll be skyping and zooming in, and it's really funny, because now I don't have to get on a plane. I don't have to fly to New York. I don't have to check in an expensive hotel and I don't have to spend four days and cars running all over town. What I do instead is, I just sit here and reach four times more people, but go completely out of my mind because you're just sitting here for twelve hours in a row over and over and over yeah, it could get boring. I think. Well, do you have a minute for an unsolicited critique, because I have had time to watch your first episode of six degrees yeah. I finally figured out how to do it. I haven't figured out how to get it on the tv. Yet I know we can do it, but so far I've just watched it on the computer that hasn't seen it yet, but
I really enjoyed it and so did my dentist. I went to the dentist the other day and he asked me if I'd seen it yet I said yeah. He said we really enjoyed it. So that's that's good news and I think my dermatologist might have seen it too. She was in such a hurry. You know she gets you in and out in a hurry, but anyway I loved it. I didn't realize it's very highly produced. I mean the so many special effects and its informative and its educational, and I love chalk every time. I turn chop there's another character and you know it's really funny it's kind of funny, because I saw it. I had a drink time. I I felt shock was like a little drinking game by Spain. I thought oh Mary there's
I have a little sick, this Dutch yeah, that's the policemen. Look he's got anyway. I liked it. That's not became you. Wanna play with this augurs. Jog is literally in everything up staging me every possible turn but yeah. I know I'm glad you like it. I hope dad likes it being a history teacher, you know taking it pretty hard, I'm going to show it to him tonight, I'm going to bring it up on my computer again tonight and we'll watch the first episode again I'll. Let you know I'll, let you know what he thinks about it, but he'll like it. I mean it's hard for us to be objective. You know like every thing. I must say that I cannot endorse this. Is this is not true? You ve been brutally honest with me over the years on a number of occasions about various ways: ivory disappointed. You
in my chosen field. Well, I have to say that this show is a lot cleaner than dirty jobs. You look a lot cleaner and you haven't done anything things so far. And you really look good MIKE. You look really sit well and so does chuck. You know what Chuck lost thirty thirty thirty five pounds, I think thirty pounds, wow yeah Well? Maybe you were good instruments. You think the fact that you I know I was you know. I hadn't bit of the office for a long time and I went down there. I lost forty, and you know, Chuck was just enormous. The time thought now. That's no good, so yeah during the pandemic he's walked like five or six miles a day oh that's good! You know over the course of my adulthood, I've probably lost about five hundred pounds. I've gone on a lot of diets and really
would be the size. How little the charm I got the charm on a charm bracelet, I have lost years, but I just can't seem to stick with it now who gave you ready to it one right when you feel like it say whatever company, I won't be three in a couple of weeks. Isn't that scary? Oh, my god! That's right, and you know what this year just sucks, so bad wait a minute last year. I guess well this year's not off to a great, start, but you guys had your sixtieth wedding anniversary. Well, if I were you I now, I will I'll catch up. What we now get get I mean in the gift category gave you be able to give us something. Pretty said we are trying to go
a place any place in what I did, the screening we went to church and guess who we took with you'll. Never guess you physically one week, quickly went to church. This morning we ve been doing that. Is large and we have a skeletal congregation coming? Maybe twenty people The rest are on zoom and we took someone. Near and dear to our hearts with us. This morning we kill Freddie. You sent us too Freddie masks and they had pictures. I mean these, Real like photographs of Friday, so we took ready to church this morning and he said well, we ve never seen a place, but he said my pipe at every case either to urge very funny. I think he enjoyed it. There was a solo today,
It was called on his eyes sparrow, and I think Freddy, like that, cause I've seen him eyeing the birds in Europe Well, I've seen them more than eyeing them, in fact yeah. This is terrible. I don't think I ever wrote about this or certainly told you, but he's we were coming back from a walk and there was a rustling in the ivy any and he jumped over the retaining wall and of a bird fallen out of a nest. The baby bird and read up the bird in his mouth and I still wasn't sure what was the any ran over to me, and you know what kind of reared up on his hind legs and all that was sticking out where the little birds feet, and I said off Fred, give me the bird open your mouth and he bit down,
followed in the bird was gone well, yeah Adam, so his eye was reared. The edges and his teeth her on this major delay care. Look everybody, thinks he's just this adorable little creature, you know, and- and he is, but in the end he'll. He leaves you alive. Well, I mean it is nature. Really. You know he program, he programmed to catch to catch small things and he can, and that means, hey, if you have anything else, you want to say, go ahead and say because we have talked for twenty minutes. I can't imagine but he's really going to listen us do this, but you really never know, sure they had not long time ago were they turned turned it off. I don't have anything profound to say I have to
in the kitchen and fixed from supper for us, your father in your mother, MRS those leaving. I don't hear him so I think he has had an extra long walk today I was so legal he's pushed. Would you haven't for dinner, pretty maker? I'm just going to have a family but forgot to buy tomatoes. So I'm having some rose he's sandwiches and rural platter of cold judges and dip. I've got broccoli and carrots and some cauliflowers so were eating helping you don't have to worry about his occurred, organ for I say goodbye. I need to remind people that dumb they can now download my book, listen to the audio version of it wherever people do that and them back. As I promised a publisher, I would, I will tell
that so I promise made is a debt unpaid mom, as you may have heard? Well, Michael, I don't know why you guys didn't send me some books. You sent me one book and I gave that to my sister and now I I thought I had a book I thought I had a book on the table because I have read it, but it was your book. But it was on a dummy block. It was another book inside it was very disappointing. Just tell me this would so people know what happens is before you get the book off the press. You have to start hawking it, so the publisher sent you old books doesn't matter what it is and- and they put the cover on it, see, have something a hold up right when they take your prayer, and so
that's what we did and we weren't Baltimore. You were there and we were doing it add for the book and you must have taken that book home because Chuck told me when he told you that I want to call your talk to you about chapter five, that you picked up the book and started reading chapter five, which is not chapter five in my book absolutely not. This was about women being in charge and it didn't make sense- and I didn't remember a title, as you know, from your like this anyway, so ok, so maybe chuckle send me another park. You might not? You know I got one here I'll, send it to you because my sister was desperate for twenty four. Ninety five, oh ok about tax in the mail don't expect at any time soon. Your brother's does got their Christmas gift Actually, you know what the paper bag versions coming out also sit tight. I get one of those for free.
Oh that's even better: that's not his heavy for our three. They can. I read that in books yes, I do need to read it again. I gotta go. I love you I love you too right enjoy the said still there. He took there. No, no he's. He was back east, but he's back he's back in LA waiting for me to finish this recording. So I can send it to him, so he can post it. Oh, ok, all right! I got this was fun. You call me anytime dragged regarded each time. No, no Don't in fact I prefer you not to, and if you do you let me know ahead of time, because you never know what I might say thanks for coming by my humble little podcast. Mother, I do I wouldn't miss your guess: love them right. It's it's! A privilege beyond it by growth, goodbye goodbye. Where she is my mother a joiner. I miss her and up.
The eyes for the audio, but I couldn't figure out. Normal microphone. Some just talk me off the computer anyway. How boring this was over on my facebook page. Thank you and I'll talk to you next week
Transcript generated on 2021-01-20.