« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 65: A Full Figured Gal

2017-07-11 | 🔗

She had tons of suitors because men knew that with her - anything was possible.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Hey, there's, micro! This is the way I heard it's the only podcast for the curious mind with a short attention span: hey if you already picked up my book the way I heard it. Please accept my heartfelt thanks. I am grateful and if you liked it I'd be grateful again. If you took second to review it over at Amazon by publisher, says the reviews are really important and I'm trying to impress my publisher if you haven't picked up a copy, you can find one at micro, dot, com, slash book, book itself is a combination of stories from this podcast interrupted by a series of story
from my own misspent youth and dubious career in the world of nonfiction television, eight brag, but it is new times best seller and my mom says it's. The feel good hit the holiday season had an about that, but we do have a few autographed copies left at micro, dotcom, Slash book and I'm told they would make ideal. Christmas presents hashtag just say and pick up a copy micro dotcom, Slash book stuff me in somebody stocking I'd, be grateful. This, the wired
Libby was a tall drink, a water, no two ways about it. A statuesque full figured gal who was in the words of Rogers and Hammerstein broad were abroad should be broad beyond her classic beauty, though Liddy possessed another quality that most men found irresistible equality that suggested anything might be possible with a girl like her. Fred can see if Libby twenty years ago and though her mom was never really in the picture. It would be unfair to call Fred a single parent Fred loved his little girl as much as any father could love a daughter, but it was Gus who actually raised And now Fred and Gus we're trying
to a range of marriage searching the world for a man who would put Libby on a pedestal. For a time it seemed like that man would be. The governor of Egypt is mild. Partia was handsome, charming and clearly enamoured of Libby. He said all the right things and promise to build her, a fabulous home right there at the entrance of the new. Completed Suez Canal. Fred was delighted, obviously, is my all was a muslim but libyan care about that. In fact, it was agreed that Libby would wear a veil in public. If doing so would please him. But after two years of courtship it became clear that Egypt was not the right place for a woman like Libby. For her part, Libby took the rejection in stride, but Fred was beside himself. He had wasted two years with a smile and his little girl wasn't getting any younger. So
Fred and Libby sailed to America to find a more suitable suitor there to everyone's surprise and delight the mayor of Baltimore proposed, as did the mayor of Boston, the mayor affair. Welfare and the mayor of San Francisco Eric and mayors, it seemed had a thing for full bodied gauss who radiated possibility, but ultimately it was a hungarian Jew who persuaded Fred New York City was the only sensible place for his daughter to call home
a glance. Joe was not an obvious match, a slender man he was once described as to scrawny for manual labor and next to Liddy Joe look like a kid, but Joe knew exactly what he liked and precisely how to get it back. In Missouri. As a rapporteur for the Saint Louis Post, he had worked hard saved his money and eventually bought the entire newspaper. Then he bought the Saint Louis Dispatch. Then move to Manhattan where he bought a newspaper called the world. That's where Joe first laid eyes on Freds daughter and that's when he proclaimed on the front page of his own newspaper that Libby would stay with him in New York City again. Fred was positively delighted. Obviously Joe was a foreigner but limited care about that
there was only one problem when Fred told Joe that he and Gus wanted to see Libby on a pedestal. He wasn't talking in metaphors. He was talking about an actual pedestal, one that would cost the city of New York no less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That's the equivalent of six million dollars today, at Joe didn't have that kind of cash lying around, but Joe, was a man who knew exactly what he liked and precisely how to get it. So, a hundred and fifty years before, crowd funding was even a thing. The former journalist from Hungary turned his newspaper into a go funded me page and challenged his readers to help him keep Libby in New York City. Philippine Ezra Bender were among the first to contribute with fifty cents each Joe printed their names
Along with his thanks right there on the front page next to a photo of Libby, their kids pitch than as well so Joe printed, their names to Anna twenty five cents, Franny twenty five cents, Leonard ten cents, Frank fifteen cents, Alice ten cents Ralph zero dollars and ten cents carry zero dollars and ten cents and Miss Nicey, also good for twenty five cents. All in all, the benders kicked in two dollars and twenty nine cents and everyone read all about it. Soon, hundreds of new Yorkers began donating their pocket change. Street sweepers carriage drivers, stone, Masons housewives, ordinary men and women, with only pennies to spare
Anyone who donated saw their name in the newspaper next to an image of Libby within months. The necessary funds were in hand and soon after that, on a place called Bledsoe Island construction began on a mighty pedestal, a pedestal sturdy enough to support the full figured gaol. The Joe was determined to keep in the big apple, the four hundred and fifty thousand pound. One hundred and fifty one foot statue called Lieber toss, Frederick Bartleby conceived her and gave her a name. Gustaf Eiffel raised her and gave her a frame, but it was an immigrant from Hungary who gave the lady from France a place to stand
without Joe Libby would be in somebody else's harbour, Philadelphia is probably or maybe baltimores or maybe in somebody else's country. She almost wound up behind avail standing at the mouth of the Suez Canal, dressed in the robes of an arab peasant. Instead, she stands at the foot of Manhattan where she welcomes the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. It's funny an immigrant famous today for the poor
Ices still bestowed in his name is largely forgotten for his greatest gift, a Kickstarter campaign that kept our favorite lady right, where she belongs. Thanks to thousands of new Yorkers with pocket change and a man named Joe Pulitzer, we can say that once upon a time, America put liberty on a pedestal and that's the way I heard.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-31.