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S5124 - Suburb Declares Its SECEDING Due To Crime As BLM Riots And Woke Cultists Drive The U.S. To Collapse


Suburb Declares Its SECEDING Due To Crime As BLM Riots And Woke Cultists Drive The U.S. To Collapse. Democrats have been running these cities and states into the ground.

One thing all the secession movements have in common is anger with Democrats over failed policies.

BLM Riots tear through our streets and democrats only care to support more destruction and ignore the plight of the working class.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is June. Eighteen, twenty one in our first story, a wealthy sob but land has announced it we'll be seceding from the city to make its own jurisdiction due to rising crime. Meanwhile, the may is signing a bill to make all bathrooms doll gender bathrooms. Many of these issues aren't addressing the riots and the skyrocketing crime and the Woke cell. Three is shattering this nation. In our next story, a sigh It admits people did not want to admit. Trumpet could be right about lab leak theory, because then people would think they were trump supporters that's right and scientists were lying to us out of fear being seen as Trump supporters. They hated them so much in an hour story, Joe Rogan Slam, CNN Brian Spelter, over not
being a journalist and for having a terrible show, while Chris Cuomo gets dragged on social media for being a liar. If you like this show, please give us a good review, leave five stars and if you really like the show, share it with your friends, it's the best way to help. Now, let's get it at first story, At this point I am sure most of you are already aware that crime is skyrocketing in major cities. Its lead to a suburb called the buck had to file. four secession from the city of Atlanta to create their own city, their own police force, and it's not too, similar to what we saw in the Pacific, northwest with the Greater Idaho Movement or in Colorado, where one county is trying to join Wyoming. People are not happy with Democrat leadership if there's
one thing that ties all of these secession movements together. It's that Democrats are running these places and people don't want to be a part of it anymore, listen bucket, it's not necessarily to form or join a republican government. They just don't want to be associated with the failures that is Atlanta, I'm just getting worse. I mean in New York. Homelessness is up across the board. Room its are still sweeping through Portland and we are seeing what appears to be a crumbling of american society or cultural institutions in Portland, the entire police riot Squad has resigned from the team, was got lockable worried because tonight there suppose be some kind of big anti for riot, and there is theirs, literally no cops to come and deal with it. What can they do? I guess ask their crops that word originally team adjoin the team, but I don't think it's working as a vice
video out of New York of a man robbing and eighty two year old man, stealing his cane. and then we get Mayor Lorry Lightfoot. What happens in response to the massive crime waves. What happens in response to the failed leadership, nothing, but more failed leadership, mayor Lorry Lightfoot, adjust, declared that racism is a public health crisis and divert nearly ten million dollars from their covered response to create equity zones in the city, because that's exactly what people are concerned about now, many people are adding to secede just from their localities. it's not necessarily to the point where we're gonna see outright secession but at least in Ohio. One state rap is calling for a convention of states. All of these things, while seeming different are grains of sand that are forming the giant sand heap,
two saying for those who have been heard me use the analogy before how many grains of sand make a heap as the saying, because at a certain point you just know you got a pile of sand, but what ten grains it's just scattered sand in the table, each and every one of these stories. Is a tiny bit of the bigger picture and on the road there, not that big of a deal in some of these arming the suburbs trying to separate itself from Atlanta. It's the verse of usually see small suburbs get annexed and eaten up by the bigger cities. When you all these things together, what do you see cracks are forming the knighted states is not in a good position, During the election, what with with Trumpet Biden and and legal disputes we had. I think it was forty eight, Its were involved in a legal dispute suing each other taxes started it. I mean that's crazy, and now we can see. What's happened to the economy, we ve got natural disasters, man, I'm not tie
early pessimistic that hold on short term pessimistic, perhaps long term optimistic, because the night is always darkest before the dawn Perhaps this is some kind of realignment that we actually need. Perhaps people need that hard wake up call, because these cities can't just keep doing these things forever. I will stress to you When we hear about police brutality, when we hear about climate change, these are problems of big cities made by city folk who vote for Democrats. These are the p who need to have a hard reckoning as to what is happening and what they vote for. Maybe that will change the system and then they can learn to leave people alone. We got a lot of talk about, let's get started with this wealthy Atlanta suburb and why they are declaring they have that that I think there are right saying they did succeed, but their hoping to get a referendum to make an official. Let's talk about this and then go through what's happening to these big cities,.
and why Joe Biden? Yes, I know cliche, but Joe Biden is making it worse before we get started. My friends had over two TIM cast dot com become a member and get access to exclusive members only area we had a great bonus segment with Michael malice. The other day, you know me, eleven recently brought on Cassandra, fair banks to lead our newsroom and we're, hiring many more people we ve already. I think, confirm me, two or three more people, Jordan, the newsroom, your membership doesn't just get you access to these podcast shows it allows us to expand higher more people and do the real journals. When the fact checking- and we will and will do- more the more view sign up the better, the more we are able to hire real journalist to do good work and the more we will be able to report fairly, what's really going on so it with. That being said, let's stop at this first store, but forget like this video subscribe to this channel and if you,
We think this work is important. Please share this video. I think that it is fair to say we hear at TIM Gas deserved it more views than CNN does, but there being propped up by Youtube. What we can as leverage all of you who believe in the mission in doing real journalism. If you really believe please share and not an end, not just my content. Anybody else's that you think, is doing a good job. You have to actively share the content so that we can challenge the establishment. Here's the first story, as reported by the daily mail, wealthy Atlanta suburb of Buck, had files divorce papers to split from the city and creates own police force after jogger was shot amidst skyrocketing crime rates, interesting. They want their own police force not to do so, what we're seeing from this story from TIM cast out. Come Portland police quit protest response unit in response to officer being indicted, cops across the United States, not able to do their jobs anymore
so take a look at it at an Atlantic, crime is skyrocketing and what I think it was Atlanta that were raised had a drive by shooting and the cops just watch did happen in Portland. Not only can the cops nothing about the riots every night, their action. The arresting the police now for doing their jobs. Now, We can argue that I do their jobs well, but come on you throw, but you guys do a rise to another deal with it and then happened. What someone got hit so like ok, arrest, the cop who would want to walk into that situation, you let me nuts well. Here's the locals are saying in the Atlanta suburb a leader in the movement for the wealthy Atlanta suburb of bucket secede from the city as blasted the mayor of a rising crime in the area sang a divorce is inevitable. Quote we filed our device. Papers at the city of Atlanta and our divorce is final, said: Bill White, the ceo of the buck had city committee in an interview with Fox NEWS on Thursday
White slammed Atlanta City leadership, including mayor key, shall Lance bottoms, accusing of ignoring soaring crime and bucket and presiding demoralized and underfunded police department, it those a shocking shooting in bucket on June. Fifth, when a father of three Andrew WAR was struck twice by bullets, while jogging around eight thirty five, a m- you survived, he survived and has since been released from the hospital to recover at home. They are just not paying attention to the crime. The leadership vacuum is substantial. White said of Atlantis elected officials. I dont like saying anything bad about mayor bottoms, I'm sure she's a nice human being, but she has completely let our officers down. He said
Now, my friends, you know that I'm from Chicago I bring up every so often, and I can tell you this some of the highest crime rates in the nicest areas. Now, how can that be you'd think it's the poor areas suffer the most in terms of crime sort of, but not really, you see the people from the poor areas go to the rich areas to rob people so violent crime and robbery and possession crime a property crimes. They tend to happen in these. Wealthier areas now a lot of violence does occur on the south side, do gangs and honour attacks, and things like that, but to outside us a grip on the south side. Only ten got mugged. I was actually hanging on the north side and I was mugged by someone from my own neighborhood, it's kind of weird how that works in it I'm not surprised at these wealthy individuals, wealthy are saying I dont want to be dealing with this anymore quote. They feel too
or a list underpaid under recognised and being told not to fight crime in the way they would like to. We love the Atlanta Police Department, but we'll form buck had city with its own police department, with significantly greater presence on the streets Spokesperson for mayor bottoms did not meet. We respond to an enquiry from daily mail bottoms who was on President Joe, but in short list a potential VP picks, has remained active on other fronts this week on Wednesday, an order declaring all of Atlantis City owned a bathroom all gender, now that's exactly the kind of leadership we need good job mayor bottoms, while a jog. A man jogging down the street was shot twice. The one thing we're. Concern about is bathrooms. Brow I don't care about bathrooms. I really really don't May I use a bathroom guy and use the bathroom we serious crime. We got people get shot. Oh I see your priorities are in order. The crime spike in buck had so far this year has alarmed residence through last week aggravated assault rough. Fifty two percent of the wealthy
life compared to a rise of twenty six percent citywide. A call to an analysis of police data by W x. I atv every city, wide, were up just two percent, but in buck had there are thirty nine percent, while Larsson, from automobiles rose, forty percent in bucket and twenty seven percent citywide here's the proposed city of bucket the residents gonna, despite a referendum next year, will allow to secede from Atlanta. The boundaries of their propose. New city are seen above that's interesting. What the limits bucket has a neighborhood. Basically, this is sub robots pie but Lambda so what's to stop them from going to any other jurisdiction. surrounding the bucket area and asking them if they would like to join this new city high. I
I'm a programme manager, Google right now, lots of people are looking for ways to learn new job skills. That's where we created Google career certificates and online training programme for fast growing fields, like I t, support, project management, data, analytics user experience, design and more you dont Any prior experience- and you can be Jobbery in about six months, so put your skills to work, go to grow, dark, Google, slash certificates, I'll see why they couldn't now. This is different than the other secession movements, this a city, an estate. They dont need congressional approval to move between states. They could just potentially Megara, random and leave my personal. My personal opinion on such a movement is that a government requires the consent of the government, which means,
greater. I dont movement that the EAST eastern organ votes to succeed and they did that it's done. As far as I'm concerned, we operate under the consent of the governed. You don't just gotta tell us you can impose or will on US law abiding citizen to pay taxes have the right to choose how they are governed if they want to change so be it granted. I understand, I do hope, gets a say in the matter will see what they say and the federal government has to recognise it. So there is some complication there, but I think, as far as I'm is as far as it goes with with and if the people say, we no longer feel your present us well, then so be it took us out crime and land a year to date, annual change, it's it's gettin crazy. The people of bucket have had enough said white. The criminals here feel emboldened, White estimated, nearly eighty percent of community will vote in favour of the separation from Atlanta in a referendum expected to reach the about next year. Currently, a bill authorizing referendum has been introduced in Georgia, House of Representatives and the legend? It will be able to vote on it in the twenty two session. So maybe.
Maybe we nothing will happen, we'll see Of these essential movements could just be the precursor, because I assure you that if the people feel this strongly there, not just gonna, stop they're gonna sit and they are going to scream and the sentiment will only rise in Portland I can only Madge. What's gonna happen there tonight, the entire Portland least protest responded. It has quit. The team makes one simple because we had covered is quite a bit. The entire riot response for Portland has resigned their still cops, though there not quitting the resigning refused to answer riots, because one officer hit some one who they were a journalist during a riot and this officer got indicted over it? Imagine that now, when I find about? This is the cops still deciding they're gonna stay honest cops brought. Maybe you should quit if their arresting and indicting your fellow officers for doing what they are asked to do. Riots are not easy to achieve
since I have been in many situations where cops, have been very disrespect disrespectful to the press, but there I think, there's a certain. We can be reasonable in certain terms right if there is a large with people and their throwing bricks, cops and you're standing alongside them the cop. run up and shove everybody, including new. Well, if I were to turn off, I'm not gonna, be like oh no they don't I back. While I was standing with them, replied a notice they may not have, or maybe even care the point as target overshort. Now, if you're journalist walking around filming and your by yourself and a right cop shoot you the bean bag, yeah, ok, that's happened that scumbag sorry, I was in Ferguson and I was wearing a bullet proof vast, with a big press badge on it with a camera crew and a cop goes. You can't come over here to press online on come on press nor, like where's your press card and, unlike the eighty, it's not a requirement to have a press card to be a journalist and he grabbed the police. Patch
ripped it from my chest and threw it out from the ground that I have big press velcro, unlike did activist start showing up with like Beige bulletproof tests and camera crews like this, they do walk around with care and sometimes they there are activists, pretending to be journalists for sure. But I've seen bad cop situations now. What are we getting? What what? What? What do we get politically as our country is fracturing core. This is one of the most shocking things I've seen yet mayor lorry Lightfoot declares racism, a public health crisis in Chicago its literally killing us. No, it isn't. This is evil. This woman is an evil human being dividing people. Stealing money from the cohesion Fund II vote
dialogues, stealing our resources. Why are you all funding your own oppression to good question right, asked by Laurentian Sea Bass, Chicago reports, Mayor Loi Life on Thursday declared systemic risks of a public health crisis? cargo, say: disparities and access to effective unaffordable healthcare, the impact of race mental health of people of color and the subsequent difference in life expects expectancies literally killing us and almost every point in our cities, history, sadly Racism is taken a devastating toll on the health and wellbeing of our residents of color, particularly those who are black question, which political party, run Chicago for nearly a hundred years. The Democrats and people keep voting form corruption, that's something I can save life. said without formerly acknowledging its history and reality, and the continuing impact of what in four of the infamous legacy The root cause of today's challenges? We will now we'll be able to move forward as a city and folly provide our
It is with the resources that we need to live, happy, vibrant and fulfilled lives Mayor made an announcement in the North Longbill neighbourhood, near the site of where Reverend Doktor, Martin Luther King Jr and his family lived for six months, and nineteen sixty sixth joining a campaign against racist housing. She's in declaring racism to be a public health crisis, Lightfoot Joint, several other cities on the nation that it made similar, proch proclamations, crime, skyrockets, and what do we get across the country? I'm tellin. You man, if you're, not paying attention or embassies, are flying black lives matter flags. It is a cult ray. identity area ideology and you will not want to live in this system and if we don't speak, stand up and say no now it'll be too late. Unfortunate the people of Chicago anything because most of em privileges contests they're, probably in the cult. They don't care about politics. They care about policy. They don't care about the suffering of the innocent. They simply care that Orange man is bad and trumpet. Sir bad and the other is wrong. Republicans are
awful. That's it. You ll notice that would have been the media. They say Republicans all the time they don't seem to talk about us, disaffected, liberals, intellectual, dark web types, the politically homeless, just the can it is over and over and over again it has been Shapiro, while other people exist to yeah what's happening. Lightfoot the city's first black woman mayor and first openly lesbian mayor noted her parents grew up in the submitted deep self and both had dreams that we're never realized law Julie, due to the attitude that nineteen twenties so that our mother, one to be a nurse in her father, wanted to be a lawyer. tell you what I find particularly interesting. My family wants you through similar things, and they do not believe in what's being espoused here. Racial into terrorism was was rejected by my family, two generations, not lorry Lightfoot, no Here we go Chicago Department of Public Health. Commissioner Doktor Allison are Wadi, said the death rate from diabetes. Blacks, is seventy percent higher than non blacks in Chicago
The homicide rate among black in Chicago is nine times higher than among non blacks. Black infants are nearly three times likely to die as non black infants. Black people account for half of the city's residents living with HIV and opiate related overdose deaths among blacks as more than three times the rate among non blacks. There is nothing natural about these statistics. unjust and they are preventable, are Wadi announced the city will allocate nine. Six million dollars in covert nineteen relief funds from the? U S? CDC to establish healthy Chicago equity zones, six June, areas covering the entire city, Bolivia groups in each of those six areas of the city will lead efforts to come up with target strategies to improve community wellness city patients have chosen six organizations to lead those efforts in each of the six how each Chicago equities owns MA. Say the Far South near South North Central Northwest Southwest and you end and West Zone. I should Jacko Executive direct,
West Side United set. The goal is to decrease the life it to decrease the life expectancy gap. Twin the loop and west side which currently stands at fourteen years by half by twenty thirty I garbage cargo and all about it. There are very poor white areas. Why don't? They get acts to this equity money. Why? Why is the mayor taking money and allocating it towards minorities, specifically the black community in Chicago? I would not want a white person to do that for white people. I would not want the US for an Asian presented with a Frazier people class, is the problem. Now there are a lot of poor areas, Chicago that are predominantly black, but there are also some poor why areas as well. If we focus on class, we make sure don't leave anyone behind, but you know what these people don't want, that these people want racial disparity.
As I was told during Occupy Wall Street by a young black woman and activist, she said it's our turn. Now your turn yeah, that's the way they view it. The only problem YO, not everybody is, is part of the group of people that was oppressive to you. There was a guy. in Alabama and ethics in Georgia Crossing state lines targeting white people just because he hated him. That's bad racism is bad violence. We don't want that or people like lorry Lightfoot. and these other bottoms in in in Atlanta, their racial identity. Arians. They want this, they want more of it. They want racial segregation. Kendi Ibram, X, Kendi, has said he wants to reinstitute. Racial discrimination
That would mean they need to overturn the nineteen sixty four civil rights ACT, but don't be surprised if they actually push for it. New York has just get bad men. Kane fief demands cash from eighty two year old and Y, see coffee, buyer shoves him to the ground. That's messed up, I saw video absolutely messed up. These cities are being run into the ground daily mail reports. Yorkers demand action as eight thousand homeless people remain in hotels in midtown, where crime as spiked one hundred and seventy percent. and my oral hopeful Andrew gangs has residence should be able to go out without fear of being attacked while
I believe our american budgets judge would be. Others would have to say that you should be able to live here without being victimized. Are you implying that happens to basically everybody? It happens, a lot it's getting worse and these measures on solving these problems. I like Andrea in his very comp. He had a very comprehensive campaign. Us position. Policy list has impressed by not a big fan of EU, be, I think, but he seemed to have a lot of good ideas entirely convincing to solve. These problems are not convinced that just having permanent permanent Democrat Super majority in all of these cities is ever gonna solve anything because they will remain behold into the political party that things may change, but These are all fractures in the United States, from the Advertiser Tribune Maclean to introduce convention of states, resolution state, rap, reared and Maclean said he and State Rep. Craig rival will introduce legislation
tweet designed to rein in the federal government. The size and scope of the federal government have long been unsustainable and we have waited long enough for Congress to fix itself. The second term lawmaker told the Advertiser Tribune, Maclean and Right L will propose a constitutional convention take place where, like minded lawmakers from all fifty states would meet and propose and potentially adopt changes to the bill of rights? The legislation complies with article five of the. U S: Constitution, Maclean said an article five convention of states right. Now the republican legislatures ran the states. Republicans control, just shy I think they need their me, that member state they have many of them, but they need a handful. More states I think this can have any any many big impact, but my question I spoke for you is: do you think it ends here? Do you think that story is just a one off compared to everything else is going on, or do you think of the next two years next for years six years,
do you think that more and more people will start getting angry as the left continually loses its mind, shrieking and screaming stealing taxpayer funds to put ideological symbols and streets and on and on our embassies. This is not a popular movement. Black lives matter anti far these these these things they are not. popular in the sense that they have a minority, a fringe minority of support this country in twenty eighteen, the number was eight percent. Eight. And yet there are stealing taxpayer dollars to paint the streets without approval and people are upset about it. So what happened and Republicans, who apparently now have just raised record amounts of money stage, a comeback. What happens when thirty eight states have republican legislators and the convention of States kicks off and that's it may make a big change. It may come
Quote the road this end will be long and arduous, but the task at hand is critical to the to the sustainability of his great republic that share. Maclean serves district. Eighty seven, which includes Wyandotte Crawford and moral counties, as well as portions of Marian Seneca Counties, the Ohio House of Representatives he serves on three committees, there's the six. piece of legislation, the Mccain, as has been a primary sponsor of Antonio anyone, not have move past the house yet so maybe it goes nowhere. Maybe this is just a unfortunately, a feeble attempt. Maybe it's just the beginning, because I can't imagine things are going to get better now. I'm not gonna hurt too much on this point, but we are seeing very, very serious crisis in California, a massive drought, historical CNN. What's a ranch, is running out of water in the West's historic drought in eighty five years has not been this bed. California produces a lot of our food. There's already
food shortages. Now, there's a massive drought in California. I think things are going a lot worse and I think what we need is a big push away from these cities, but while the people want to live there, why don't you keep your cities and leave the rural folk to their rural lives? You know I I gotta garden. I got chickens or get solar panels installed. We got our own water dont need to live in your big city with all of your problems with all of your pollution in your drive and your slime and your crept cops. So you say I'm really deliver that way. I can be. possible for myself on the middle of nowhere, and I can rest a against. Yes, my had easy sleep. Well, knowing I'm not contributing to any the problems you claim are happening. The left likes to come out and claim that the right wing is a bunch of fascists brow. The It is profoundly in rural areas where they mind their own effing business. They have their own law says that they have everything like a lot of these houses are off the grid to a certain degree
Britain sends where they have their own power. They have their own water, they have their own septic systems, they are not the ones pumping out the trash destroying the world. That's you in the city. So imagine you'll get worse, it's not just the drought to natural disaster. I can't blame anybody for that which, at this up great resignation, wave coming from companies really right axioms for sports companies that made it through the pandemic in one piece of a major new problem, more than a quarter of their employees may leave. Workers have had more than a year to reconsider work, life, balance or career paths, and as the world opens back up? Many of them will give their two weeks notice and make those changes they ve been dreaming about. The great resignation is what economists are dubbing it. Ok, So what happens when par economy retracts by twenty five to forty percent, because nobody quits their jobs, will, you think happens? Maybe the government's intervenes and starts through
money at people again like they ve been doing, which leads to even worse inflation. In the governance, a throw more money at people cause that's what they ve been doing, and then you look at happening with black rock and the buying up. All these are all these homes. Let me put it this way Those of us who are anti Establishment b, a politically homeless, individual, a disaffected liberal, a centrist, moderate republican conservative. Wherever we must win. If we don't, then what happens is authoritarian take over United States, it's happening already
like I mentioned a small fraction of zealots ideologues were violent, have been stealing have been seizing. Institutions have been stealing taxpayer dollars, they're getting away with it, but I think there is theirs. There's reasonably optimistic in the event that we cannot defeat the colt and the idea logs, that are supporting establishment, see the seizing of property from the working class and in and stealing that relief funds for their weird race programmes and the event we don't stop them. Peaceful divorce is still on the Tipp of many people's tongues. When people have talked about it until we see these local jurisdictions and counties now voting to succeed, it seems like in the next four years it could become a much more serious movement at the very least what man of happening as
maybe the colthursts can keep their big cities and then the United States fractures into a bunch of different local jurisdictions and it's bad for the world in a lot of ways. Maybe China then moves and it takes over, but The very least it's better living under the boot of the colt. Take a look at the story from business absolved from Bloomberg. America should become a nation of rain There's the very features that made houses and affordable and stable investment are coming to an end. Bloomberg says the numbers paint a stark picture. After picking and at sixty nine percent, the homeownership rate fell blah blah blah blah blah. Yes, isn't article from Bloomberg, saying we should all be renters. Several articles have cut come out recently saying millennials hate, owning homes. Really, weird. Let me tell you millennials, you want on property if you buy a house and you ve got a deal in your like. I can't deal maintenance
and the ensure eyes is ridiculous. I want to deal with this. I want to move Susie, you call a rental management company they take over. They cover appears you don't even think about it anymore. They they get someone to move in hats, renting that red money goes towards paying off the mortgage. You gotta you gonna, cut. That of that Runt saw a small percentage. Percentage will go to the management company So why tell people not to own property? They got the story from Bloomberg opinion. Why become a nation of renters? I mean somebody owns the property, who is it black rock pension funds, banks yeah, because when you don't own anything? Well, that's what they right you will owe nothing you'll be happy. You'll have no one to transfer wealth to your children, and I think that what we can expect unless we stand up and say no People who live in the middle of nowhere people live.
Rural areas, as I mentioned, aren't the ones destroying the planet. So why should they not be able to own their own property and transfer to their children. Why should this right before beat be given to massive multinational corporations? Nothing of this for two seconds? What's the logical conclusion of a nation of renters, Imagine if no one owned any property it was owned by massive multinational corporations day. There is a crisis and a lock down again. People can't pay the rent. So when there's a massive debt accruing and they can't pay what, if the government just says, we're going to seize up all the bad loans and buy into these properties? And now the government buys the debt from the business in a bail out. Blackrock buys up all the houses right, people can't pay their mortgages because they lost their jobs because their residing in mass or because they just don't want to work
or because of a pandemic. Now black rock city on a bunch of bad debt. Oh no, we're going to collapse, and if we do, the economy goes with it. If I don't ever comes in and says we're going to bail you out, but that means we own a percentage of all of these homes. Now, you officially live in government housing. Now We don't want to be a nation of renters. We want to be a d central, lies network of capable personally responsible individuals at the right to keep in bear arms and express themselves that keeps a strong. This is an authoritarian take over. As for these cities is the fissures, the cracks, the spider web of farming in the glass- maybe, as I often say it just ends here and next year about, while I would expect Laurel, I don't see why that would be the case, though the cracks don't just he'll themselves, make it worse, but maybe right I can't see the future. Maybe this is the p
maybe what maybe we're not gonna, go right down the back into that bell. Currents gonna go back to normal. I can't I don't think so. I think crime is gonna get worse. I think the mayors are going to introduce more zealotry. People. Are? to reject it and instead of solving the crimes at land, has gonna be changing bathrooms or somethin. Then you're gonna get more secession. Cities will be breaking apart from city states. From you know, Frank fractions of states will be bad with each other, but eventually the? U S just shatters, not a good thing, not at all, but we have no cohesive culture and we have a bunch of corrupt democrats running too much. The Republicans are pathetic in my opinion, but the democratic establishment, the NEO Council joined them are evil. I live there. Next segments coming up tonight at eight p m over at Youtube Outcomes liked him directives thanks rang out, and I will see you all them. The crackpot governor of New York is willing to kill you because he doesn't like Donald Trump and not exaggerating. He put sick,
that patients in nursing arms killing around fifteen thousand people. Let me say it again: Cuomo killed about fifteen thousand people use advise that putting six people and sick people in nursing homes would kill people and he was like well what's the alternative, trot, looked good, then hated trumps. So much he was willing to let you die, your friends die. Your family die. Now we have a story from the hill. Harvard scientist says Trump hatred motivated exe. birds who denied whew Han lab leak theory at the time. it was scarier to be associate with Trump and become who will for racists, so people didn't want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins. I'd like to give us ending ovation. Do all of these psychotic individuals, It were willing to. Let people die just so that they would not make Trump look good on credible is that
now we have this story from the hill talking about Trump hatred. But can I just point out: do you think the Trump hatred is gone? Do you think that Brien Spelter the crew? pot trash anchor of reliable sources on CNN is changing his tuna? You think Cuomo on CNN has set it to turn a new leaf. No, they haven't been starting point. The finger Audrey, Taylor, Green Tucker, Carlsson and from ISM the same stupid, psychotic paranoid delusions are driving the exact same thing. So what supposed to do when it comes to news about our health, where instead of my doctor telling me what's right. For me they are talking politics. I would we had- and I want much private information to all of us- are stop myself, but some
people that we ve talked with an arrow. I guess I mentioned that when they talk to their doctors back has given political opinions and they have to remind them duck. I'm looking for a medical opinion. Oh and the medical opinions are very different yeah, because people are scared, the cowards. They fear that if anyone thinks there from best store on other it'll, be the end of their career grow a spine. But people want so people fear loss its creepy, but this story should be a warning to each and every one of you. The hill reports a canadian scientist and Harvard posts, doctoral associate said she and fellow colleagues feared localizing support for the one lab, like hypothesis out of fear that it would be viewed as a kin. holding potentially inflammatory views espoused by former president Trump. Not it's not just that they were like while traps that it no, they thought,
against the narrative. It anyway would make them a trump supporter. Just like coal bear did to John Stewart. You see that one John Stewart said lab leak. Theory makes the most sense aren't over does I think it makes the most sense. I don't know it's true John Stewart very much alive Like what else could it be an Colbert? When did you start in turning Veronica Johnson? These people are psychopaths. There call look there. There are our creepy conspiracy, people on the internet, who support Donald Trump but you can disagree with them, call bear while your your republic hidden. Why? Because I disagree with you on some news story? Are you nuts? Yes, they are gay, Alina chant. Isn't it eighteen experts who signed a letter and may calling for a thorough investigation into the origins of the corona virus, but, prior to the letter.
Gentle NBC exports were cautious to lean too close to the former president quote at the time it was scary or to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists. So people didn't want to publicly. for investigation into the lab origins. Please, my friends. air. This please show this to each and every one of these people who thought they were right and they were high and mighty show this to every one of these people who are like John Stewart spouting hateful speech. Many of these people are colthurst, so Breaking someone out of a culture is very difficult, but I'm You know many regular people, friends and family, who just dont, know unbelief stupid, crackpot bs. Here you go friends, I just came forward and said: well, we just don't want to look like. We are supporting trumps. We lied everything they were saying last year. I wonder how many times these stories can prove to be false,
The media can lie and get away with it, and these psychotic contests just keep going. Well, all checks see it out and see what they do have to say, special shot out, to build bar on the jargon pot guess when it was like I just turn on the tv every two weeks and they say we wear mask aware, mask: congratulations, that's the kind of stupid it gets us into this mess. In the first place that you don't take any responsibility for your own committee, I just turn on the tv and say What are you gonna tell me this time well what they were saying was orange man bad. Therefore anything from the orange man we will deny. in say is wrong and I love it. A new study comes out from tat crunch talking about a potential new treatment for covered and Donald Trump. Come comes and goes great news. Frankly, I've seen it it's wonderful. Things may be improving very soon
and the media immediately flips and says it's fake news, trumps lion. What's your lab like something that scientists found she had talked to even said it may be a lab. Lik even voucher himself says he's not entirely convinced it was natural covered and we went through a year of denying everything simply because they hate Donald Trump. This isn't that the most infuriating thing to me. We know we know they do this, but think about the destruction. They have wrought on our society on our country, because they are whiny, pathetic spineless cow words that couldn't just say it I love it. I think it was Matthew, a glacier formerly of vocs who are intent on sorry. I've been as recline sang liberals can't give Trump one day, one day after Trump took out the leader of ISIS.
Were attacking Trump and criticising him, and it was like, what's the dude just took out the leader Isis is horrible, my story of a human being and they attack transport. They attacked, and it could give him one not one, because they are in a cult and they don't. principles. They are not here to help you they are here to demand. You bend to whatever stupid whims they are dealing with. Today. They go to say the loudly theory, which I Papa sizes of the novel kind of ours accidently leaked from the one instead of Iraqi, has gained traction in recent weeks, circumstantial evidence, including a Wall Street Journal Report, The three researchers at the one lab fell ill in November challenge to convey theory that virus jumped species. Naturally, this has led to president by and other world leaders to call for further investigations. Jen cautioned, however, that despite emerging calls for fresh investigation
there is not a singular piece of evidence that definitively proves the lovely theory and I think, that's fair, to say their point. Madam no, we don't know for sure John Stewart when uncool bears show and just said when the virus Lee maybe you look at the lab that deals with these viruses. When the story first broke, look, it's entirely possible that the, if you tell me, there's an untainted Terry what market and the virus emerged from it? I think it's plausible and to be fair when you ve gotta biosecurity level for lab, nothing is more likely that a virus would come from an unsanitary market than I level for security lab. You know it's like where our p oh illegally entering the country, not the places that have walls. You get my point like the places that don't have the walls, so we build the walls there, however, Some new information began to emerge later on one we're learning now that bats weren't even sold, apparently according to, I think the guardian, studying their bats,
even sold or penguins in the wet market. Ok, it's a background. A virus but bats were brought to be studied for quota virus. You see these things change and I think it's fair point that out and say we're not sure but its plausible, but yes, I know it's not true. It's a conspiracy theory and the media kept lying lie, lie lie nonstop for a year and there are just really dumb. people that turn the tv on like billboard, Jaws and just says whatever the tv says, although well one of these days, tv is going to say once go. Walk off a cliff and they're gonna be like to be honest and walk up a glimpse, though I did not. My legs are broken because I work enough for you. They say I know a lot of people want a smoking gun. Gentlemen BC. It's more like, crumbs everywhere and they're, not always leading in one direction. It's like the whole floor is covered in breadcrumbs, but the Harvard at MIT credentials expert, believes last month's letter open the door for fellow scientists to step away from fears of guilt by association,
The latter might offer credibility to alternative theories. I think it had a big effect. Channeled NBC. I think it literally help all those people wanted to investigate this. By saying this is not bogus top scientists think this is plausible. This is where we get. This is the key Politics that we are dealing with this is the fracturing and the collapse of U s. I know maybe a little by happy about four hundred matter, but come on think about it. You ve got people who will literally set fire. Ok, ok, who will figuratively set fire to our institutions to our country because they hated guy? That's it. We ve had bed president's before do chill out in care. These are people who would watch you die in their hatred, Donald Trump. These are people like Cuomo, whose
back and was warned if you put the sick people in the nursing homes. You will murder people and quality look them in the eyes and said I want them dead before I make Donald Trump look good. These people Our sociopaths, Won't literally murdered these people because he did not want drop to look good, now this and now we get more stories like this, a leadership or he worked simple. Reed people think we supported drum. and every single one of these dead people can be on you. I let's talk about the dancing nurses and doctors yeah. I said last year, dancing on the graves of the victims of covert and the left out, so that their just trying to relax themselves and release stem they were it huh metals there was a video where a woman was like. I need help. Is this? Why
can't get any help and she's foaming the doctors. Do this stupid, shuffle dance like there's, a woman this video she's film yourselves. I please we need help and their dancing around. This is the book the United States has background itself. These people are sounds watching them dance through the halls of a hospital, there was one video where they were carrying a faint dead body that had like a toe tag on it, and I was like what is wrong with these people. Yet they make up a large amount of the voting base and they vote for lunatics and desperate and psychopath, and this is the country that we get. I'm sorry, I'm just really mad the more. I see this in others, the story, about Andrew Como, murdering all those people. He is a serial killer and he's gotten away with it. He's got away with it. I mean they're investigating, will see what happens, but I
not believe this. This mass murder, the serial killer Cuomo, is going to face any justice. I just don't see Sarvant pessimistic after seeing stuff like this. Let's talk about the weird stupidity. That's currently going on in this country. From TIM cast outcome, Mitre Checkout TIM cast icon become are we at an article Bruce Springsteen, requiring vaccines for New York concerts, but fans who took asked Rosetta jab our band? What ok? We wait if you got the wrong vaccine UK. Go to the concert, I'm not a doktor anything, but my understanding is that you can't get more than one of these vaccines go talk to your doctor for your health recommendations. Don't get it from me, but let me just say: I'm my understanding is. If you got the ashes Attica, you can go then get modern or Pfizer whatever okay. So what do you do if you so rotten vaccine
in a grey. I guess you'll never get to see Bruce Springsteen again and I don't think you're probably care all that much shore, but they're, probably lot of peace a rude wake up, call right now, where there are like wait, a minute, I'm vaccinated, but I can't go to this concert. No sorry wrong. One Cassandra rights for two guests com, Bruce Springsteen fans, are required to be vaccinated to attend as upcoming near concerts. But out of luck, if you receive the astronomical The musicians, five night run of Saint James Theatre will only be opened. A people who have received vaccines that are approved by the FDA. That's Madonna, Pfizer, Violin Tack and Johnson and Johnson or the fire biotech, is one vexing at the direct of New York, State Springsteen on Broadway, and these Saint James Theatre will only be accepting proof of FDA approved, covered nineteen vaccines. The standard reports that Canada, canadian fans have expressed his appointment as the country is just hours across the border with one point: seven million people having already been been given the
Sport, developed vaccine Toronto, STAR newspaper, reported on the policy with the headline burn in the EU, I say writing the show must go on, but if you ve got the ashes of axing you're not invited on Tuesday, people were sceptical of the vaccine. Protest outside of food fighters concert in California that band on vaccinate advance quote Dave grow as an ignorant. Punk who needs slapped, pouring discrimination. No violence get out here. That's the former child star, Ricky Schroeder wrote a face were put on Sunday, referring to the FU fighter. Singer ignorance, com all shapes and sizes Kurt Bain is laughing at you Dave, along with millions of patriots full. I wouldn't call Dave all a punk is the opposite, as is like establishment. Schroeder was present approach. We also got to go back scene has come under intense scrutiny because of a number of people who have taken it suffering, a very rare form of blood clotting, Forbes reports that it has now been restricted in Australia, ITALY, Greece and more think it may have been reinstated on not entirely sure, and I want to stress it is very
very rare. I look. I've warned about this many times in the past. We don't want to the situation where media manipulation and panic caused us not to think clearly, you always get your medical advice from your doctor and not from sensational click, bake garbage what you did understand something these media outlets. Every thing they see shock and scare. You is money to them, so they will go after it. I dont do videos every single adverse reaction to the vaccines. I have no problem mentioning that they exist, they are rare, but they do exist and this, of interesting data coming out. You can check it out from the vaccine. Address of reporting system and are the latest easy data. But again told me about you going to your doktor, making a sound informed decision with a medical professional and not someone on the internet or not someone from CNN or whatever one's a patenting as you'll get a bunch of news outlets that no these shocks stories will get clicks and they'll
money off them. So that's. Why have to be careful if a hundred million people get the vaccine and a hundred of them have an address reaction in a specific way like a rare blood clots, that's a ridiculously low percentage. Keep that in mind now. If you ultimately decide it's not right for you, whatever that's entirely on you and you should have sound information, just be careful because there's something like you don't want to the mistake of what people will go on twitter and they'll, see thirty tweeted them all complaining and think everyone's yelling at them, because I ve not experienced this before. or big corporations we'll get a hundred email saying you know you're a big it so they'll panic and that your statement not realising that out of the million customers. They have a hundred ain't that much. But I think people should haven't mix railed, make informed decisions and we have to look into this news without without fear, censorship and talked to a doctor and make sure the doctors giving you a medical.
Advice, not political advice. Several countries have opted to allow the cheaper vaccine for younger people, but it turned out they were the group of the highest risk for clots. The Forbes Aport added that regular There's have repeatedly emphasised the safety of the ashes, ashes, Attica vaccine and underscore that any benefits outweigh any possible risks. It's a tough, tough call when it comes to vaccines for sure I was talking to a guy the CDC a long time ago, and here And yet he said I was one one of their exports he's like look, lot of people who make very far fetched claims about vaccines. There's been a lot of you, no conspiracy theories, and he said vaccine injury is a real thing. Of course it is like an
medication, there's gonna, be side effects and what happens? Is people hyper focus on these? These like handful of moments, cause maybe it's a decent amount of people, but how many? How many people have gotten the vaccine? It could be. I'm your hundred million and we get a thousand people or second, it's like so that's like point. One percent is very very low, but the challenge she said was that if we are looking at a like two percent mortality, or a one percent, or even a point, five point: two percent, then what we're really trying to see as there is a hard decision has to be made, encourage people to get vaccinated, tell them the risks and mention, if covert, has a point to you. No risk great innocence, appoint one well you're, cutting your risk and half of its tough. It is, and so that's that moral ideas. You know how to actually solve these problems when there's always going to be some kind of side effect, but it may be the side effects. You know,
they say art there they're trying to outweigh the risks properly. I'm not a big fan. Ultimately of you know the idea of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, because that that allows essential a desperate to target and individual and say you are a problem that could affect millions on individual human who has knowledge of some conspiracy. Well, they decide will get rid of you because your knowledge could disrupt society whenever an unlike. You can't do that to a person. You know. Individual rights exist for a real they where they exist, they as they do in their protected for a reason, so it is changing, but I do think people should be allowed informed that it should be informed consent. They should consent of medical and they could talk to a doctor, get sound advice get a second third. Fourth, fifth opinion. However money you need, I think, that's that's fantastic and he talked much doctors and you'll he'll hear from a lot of people. Surprisingly, doctors wilt well beyond,
with you, some of them will be as well as anybody else. If you political opinions, if you start hearing politics in and from a doktor just go get a second opinion, because you want medical advice is what will ultimately comes down to when they're talking about scientists refusing to accept the truth or even question the narrative, because I dont want to be seen as associate with Trump. You have to be careful because Doc, our people to how are you you need to be careful, because this woman, the scientist, is saying outright that well, if it weren't for Trump, they probably would have approached this very differently, but they did not want to help racists trumps on a racist trump supporters. Aren't racist some racist, tromp supporters. I love it. There's that mean they're, like not all true supporters are racists, but all racist or Trump support Islamic. No, they aren't have you ever talked about this budget is raises people there was that there was a bunch of prominent races to are complaining about Trump stupid, fake arguments,
You know a man, I suppose this is the of. If people are willing to stand up and pushed back and challenge lies, then we get that we get the country we deserve right now. There is a large faction of people in this country, people who voted for Joe Biden, who don't care about. What's true what honest what's factual and what will help you? They just don't want to be seen as a part of your group. Well then, this country falls apart, but leave it there next month, up at four p m over at Youtube COM slashed him guest thanks, rang out- and I will see you all then, ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a too for one deal here, not just one CNN personality but to Chris Cuomo Channel. The internet, to name one time, he's ever denied facts it and agree with, and of course, the internet went nuts. laying out all the times the dude has rejected reality, o Brien Stealth, theirs.
Roasted by Jo Rogan for not being a journalist, and this is this is just great. I love you love to see it right now, Joe, it is, not a political scientist. He is not the euro. A political political personality in the sense that he's actively involved in forming policy and going on journalist, shows he's a dude with the podcast talks a lot about the empty. If you ve watched a show and he's coming out slamming brine stout they're, saying hey mother, ever you're supposed to be a journalist us right. Why? Because brine stouter is not a journalist. Well, maybe Jos wrong, I don't think brains other supposed to be a journalist, at least in the perspective of sea and enzymes, they're, looking for a bombastic personality, who fits a certain narrative that they can use to make money. I wonder how long Brien's dollars shovel will remain on the air, considering it ain't do all that well, but let's be let's be real year,
people. Don't seem to understand that, even though brain stutters ratings are in the gutter and seeing an across the board, their ratings are in the gutter there right are still up from where they were before. Donald Trump media was aflame, it was collapsing so right, Others writings may be way way way down. He still do not for his Charlie's compared to where it was a few years ago and I'm sure People who are you know a run of the books at sin and know that, but that is not a journalist and to pretend that he is would be to just lie now by all means. The left is free to criticise. Me. Income the Pandit or commentator, and there is some journalism. I do, but you Albert mainly I do commentary. I know that. However, I do think it's fair. two to say that I I'm a journalist and Ryan is not I'll. Tell you what I actually make phone calls and then call for quotes and issue corrections. Brian something is makes. Did he just lies? He just goes on his show. He was like he watches Fox NEWS,
that's his job now, perhaps in some parallel reality there could be a position and what I would be doing something similar may be. The reason why that's not reality this reality, at least, is that I'm watching all of the media, including Fox NEWS, and I'm the role of the media as a whole brine spelter serves as this kind of dappled gang. Bizarre row, media critic who actually stands in the front of all of the massive media conglomerates and attacks, one individual gentle for the most part, where's the story from mediate. Rogan tear into brains out there, hey mother, ever you're supposed to be a journalist. They say on Thursdays, the rugged experience. Speaking with cow Kaminski, Rogan Rough, it's an unspecified segment on CNN, about the popularity of many tubers and pod gasters, who wins cases receive more views than large cable networks such as I see it, and I love this because last night, until Guest IRA go check it out on you, do it
go malice and he mentioned that on CNN. They did this segment where they were really mad, that many podcast are getting more views than they are now. How concerned they were wounded at sea and on terrify the ratings are in the gutter, so we were talking about similar things. That Joe was talking about quote this, because the market has spoken and your shows effing terrible, said, Rogan addressing the ratings battles, brains, authors show, keeps slipping and slipping and slipping in ratings same with Don lemons. It's the same thing: everybody, I was there not real they're, not real humans. Ah, yes can confirm Rhine stouter. Did this really ridiculous? Pr stunt, where he's like some changes, are coming to download, and this will be the last episode of dawn lemon tonight or what art or two to well tat. I was colleagues tonight with down there's something and he was like. And I just want to say it's been wonderful here and I am grateful to everybody and I call it a star lemon quitting and then the next day they are
We just change them. The show to be like its Thou Levin did Don lemon is like the worst person on tv. There was one where he won the award for worst journalist of the year, because the dude is just awful, he's wrong. All the time I mean look CNN. If you go to see an end to get information. then you're, getting the opposite of information, very least when it comes to like Fox NEWS. You get Brett. Bayer is a pretty good job see it as a whole, as their whole network has desperately tried to just milk going after Trump. Now, of course, stouter and the likes of many. These leftist critics or democrat Critics- we'll say Fox NEWS as a propaganda arm for the President, blah blah blah brains out, there would be like a state run. Media side did there is like
Three shows on on Fox there's there: that's their prime time line up like you got Tucker Carl's and you got Lord Ingram you got Hannity is at it. I guess you ve got to the five Jesse Waters and you have throughout the day. Fox news is just news: what to see an undue throughout the day CNN during the czech presidency was just panels about Trump, drop drop drop at all, they did and they want to act like Fox was bad now, yet Brien's delta licking the feet of you. What are we doing wrong? Is journalists just tell us about it? Do our jobs? Well, that's what gotta, Joe Rogan, enrage another right word, but to criticise sprang, shelter, Rogan, also still prefer a recent interview with White House press secretary density and what she asked. What does the press get wrong when covering buttons agenda? Critics pans Delta has fawning boot licking an gooey among other imaginative descriptions.
How about brine stouter talking to the press secondary saying what are we doing wrong? What are we doing wrong, like hey Mother effort, you're supposed to be a journalist, RO guns. Harsh remarks may have been prompted in part by stealth, their mocking him last month for suggesting that he could be cancelled by what culture Walter, said that on one level, it's just comical hearing this rich and famous guy express worries, even though he is paid to talk for. He's going to be silenced in the future. This is an unfortunate side effect of being seen, I don't know about right, saunter by what you're Rogan Joe Rogan, what Spotify and one of the reasons we are seeing. A lot of people trying to get away from Youtube is the threat that you, too will delete your account. They'll just purge you and they ve done it too. Many people for bs and fake reasons you tube, is not a safe place to
your business can already hear people saying but tenure on you too bright now. Yes, this is also on Itunes and Spotify, and all podcast platforms. And of course, we ve been pushing TIM cast dot com very, very hard, but attempt guest come become a member we gotta newsroom started Cassandra. Fair banks has begun writing articles for us unwittingly, hiring a bunch of people and she'll be helping run that show as editor. In chief. and are you also get access to exclusive podcast episodes because Youtube is not a safe place to run a business, let alone speak truth to power. There have been numerous instances My videos have been removed. This is brine, smelters, big lie, was bearing the do just lies all the time like you couldn't get in a brain set as a kind of guy we're, like you, family guy joke where you're standing in a room and then he farts and then brains are their looks around him to use. You like I know I didn't know who you lying to, I don't get it. The dude lies at times are so stupid. You're like who were you talking to? I guess the moron
who watches, show and believe what he says, because I don't read news elsewhere, although you go, you cannot take responsibility for your news, diet. So I give you one really good example that I love to go when it comes to brains out there he's the guys I dont know watch the other shows only we can give you the context I'll do the exact opposite. My friends, please watch Kyle Kaminski. I think we have some political disagreements, but please watches show understand what he thinks. Maybe I'm wrong. Watch Joe Rogan Watch David Pachmann Watch, Stephen crowded Watch sticks Texan hammer. I always encourage people you gotta, get a healthy and and and complete Newsday You can't just watch me, although a lot of people prefer to as part of the problem and are not- and I get it- I get it like. Some people come back me in the long term. I tried watching me. No one of those if this channels, those awful and I'm like well, you, gotta know what their thinking it's about its about understanding having perspective on and on the world- and I agree- you know a lot of the country-
see for many of us shall, I think, is just wrong is what it is. I will say one thing funny, though: the leftists really don't like me, these young guy, so I can start right, but when I actually have conversations with real leftist personality, the honest once they're like we can't fix rather what it is you or do you know how you talk about news, but you are clearly not a conservative you're, not necessarily defending liberals all day, and it's like I don't know. Maybe it's like principles Maybe it's like journalism. The left is mad, because a ragged Democrats all the time but shouldn't I. The Democrats are the political wing of leftist establishment culture. The Democrats are the party of the ultra wealthy Republicans, sit on our hands and do basically nothing their speed bumps for Democrats. So when the left controls all the cultural institutions when the left now controls are set at the Congress of the presidency, what am I gonna complain about? Republicans for all I know, belies when they're like
publicans are trying to suppress the vote other not that stupid son of a maybe for sure, but what's happening across the around the country. You have these these voter bills there, sickly, just reverting the emergency provisions, but of course, when the media lies, defend Democrats and NEO cons who have joined the Democrats they'll then finger. It means I see he supporting Republicans. Maybe it's just true. Maybe you guys should stop sit down and think look in the mirror and realize you believe fake garbled trash, and because of that, you can't imagine that you know other people may be telling the truth that you might actually be in that bubble. Take a look at my my blind spot rating from ground, not news. I mostly interactive leftwing news. I read Leftwingers over time. They lie all that time years of Russia,
This is what we get there. We go quote there obviously being told a certain amount of what to do said. Broken have stouter and cable news generally, and I mean maybe he'd been injured. guy. If yet is it if he had his own effing podcast? If you could just reliance personality and be himself, I don't know, I can't imagine doing that gig any of those guys that gives a strange gig. That is. true and correct, Sir Joe, and then we get this store, which I absolutely loved him. His out name, one tik Tok CNN Chris Cuomo asked to name times he's denied facts. He doesn't like an mercilessly ripped apart on social media, I tweet something I'd like to just say Chris Cuomo, you are evil. now is not a word I use likely. You are a villain when, when a reasonable human being reviews history from this era. They will say that Chris Cuomo Guy was one of the darkest and most evil individuals and
and we wonder why he did what he did well, perhaps as the banality of evil, perhaps It is the reckless the desire of power that mean drives Chris Cuomo to be such an evil. Villain made me I've given into much credit to say that is an evil valid, but he certainly is the bad guy and I'll. Tell you what first he outright pretended to be incorporating. It was fake, goes reality tv This was a man going on national news. Pretending to do news, pretending to be importing. He wasn't. We know he wasn't. He apparently admitted it his own ideas on radio show witnesses saw him. He had left his house and again will fight with somebody, and then he too about it on his own show and then it's amazing when one CNN refuse to acknowledge the whole thing Chris Cuomo walks up What music on here it is, I'm finally out a quarantine- and I remember people much like you, can see his son and his sons face. That is such a thing.
My dad's scumbag. now now ass. I was actually thinking what people have pointed out like the site, that the look on sons face. When you see Chris Cuomo walk up the stairs pretending to have been in corn team. Would you think, restore the sun son? I know that I haven't been court, because you're out with me when we went when we drove a half an hour away from the house, but we're here lie we're here to control the pie. relation and make sure they don't have access to information, because we're smarter and better than everyone else. That's called me in the bad guy. The good guys are the ones who are like. Let me inform you. Let me give you information to the best of my ability so that you can choose for yourself. There's despotism Terence, let us not forget Chris Cuomo, going on tv with his brother and laughing about the giant keeps while his brother was like
actively murdering people in nursing homes. Yeah! That's true! You see, they warned big brother Cuomo that medical professionals said if you put sit, sit covet. Patients and nursing homes, they'll, died and, of course, Trump set. The mercy hospital vessel and the Javert Centre was open, but quabos like I'm not gonna, give Donald Trump of victory, I'm gonna make sure fifteen thousand elderly people die and his brother was yet Andrew, kill all those people will laugh about it on tv talk about the most vile, and gusting, scumbags, fifteen or so thousand now's. The estimate right Andrew Cuomo could have put sick people in the Javert Centre. Instead, he said well, we don't make Trump look good, just kill fifth thousand people think about what that means. He was war not to do it. He did it anyway, so assuming its true, but he did it because you dont want trumped when these people are willing to kill you Chris
Cuomo is the little brother of the man who did that and he was the guarantee be violating every known, journalistic ethic by making a mockery of it laughing about it Essentially, providing cover as his brother murdered people and then he lies what he does. In fact, let me show you a bunch of the things people are saying here. We go. A random jos S pretty much anything related. Your brother's governorship, fair point drew Holden, Rebecca Jones, belies Carol markets as you Roque, Quarantine, while actually sick with covered Christmas at your brother, killed thousands of nursing home residents, nailed up access. Remember that time. You left your base with common actually to fight with someone, so there of other ones, like onto a runner up ever pulled up Euro dissatisfied. Job and Andrew you push Rebecca Joneses lies telling your brother to claim you as the target of council culture. You claim the GNP wants Jim Crow, you didn't know one a protects, peaceful protests
You claim frayed, I wasn't ethnic slot, remember that he got called frayed or the Dutch, like does like the Edward for italian people. Talk about a hot headed scumbag someone said almost spending all day, demanding people show proof and ignores the dozens of people that show proof enjoy the ratio about any of the four hundred story: related under Biden says Tom Elliot. I dont think this tweet is going so well. Chris Cuomo is just absolutely one of the worst of the worst, but is it surprising, if any of you not surprising to me crisp, almost not here, to help the regular working class Joe Joe Chris Cuomo is not here to help regular Americans survive a pandemic and make it through their day. He's here to cause maximum harm. That's the that's! The young visit there's a journalistic ethic called minimize harm. Why should the call it's like one of the journals ethics is to minimize army means giving example. If I'm gonna reporter
or let's say, there's a woman and she lives says an old lady and she's posting things on Facebook and it turns out the posts choose interacting with were light made by Russian. So to minimize harm and get the story out what we would do as we would go for interview with the old woman, it wouldn't show the old woman we wouldn't show her home. We would just say we recently spoke with a woman, and I think a camera was was Minnesota whatever, who had been posting faint posting things on Facebook that are alleged to have been from the Russians. Her response that is not true. You could you could you could blur? How should we shall only the audio the point as you dont need to reveal the identity of some random little old woman to tell the story. In fact, you could just blow everything and change the audio or just relay What she said instead CNN literally went to the whole of this woman, showed everything she's just a
low lady that's maximizing harm is one of the anti journalistic ethics that we see from people like Cuomo. They want to maximize harm, meaning they want to want to make sure people suffer the most through what they do. So, for example, when Anti far is bright, smashing windows and setting fire to buildings and black eyes, Marilla with em Cuomo sad that there there. Just the good guys are fighting hate. He lied. Why he's to maximize the amount of damage if people knew was actually going on the riots they might actually demand change, but believer out there a lot of people. I know some of these people and I you know, hey the riots all last year. They go. What rights that the black eyes met arrives, the George Floyd rights. Would you Talkin about the protests in there. I know their approaches I'm talking about when they went unburned down all those because two billion dollars and damage. What would you talk about? It never happened. That's the goal of people like Cuomo to MAC.
the mice, harm. They want to make sure that information is obvious, gated, that individuals can choose for themselves and defend those who would seek to destroy their neighbourhoods and burned down their buildings. Cnn are the people who want to make sure that they'll publish, publish your face your place of work your age or phone number, whatever there was one guy who posted a meme is of Nancy Playthings of Nancy Policy where it was like slow It's just a regular guy working a warehouse and see it and published his name and information, as I think it was Sienna, could be wrong. That's maximizing harm. The goal of maximizing harm is to make sure that people know their place, that you shut them down and say we will destroy you. If you dare defy us, that's Cuomo he's a villain. I found a fascinating that you actually have people who are watching corporate oligarchy press and then saying that random guy is based, but on Youtube. He is the bad guy.
Ok, maybe there's some bad people sitting there basements on Youtube bullets. I mean if I found to be biased ominous I, but I think the massive multinational billion dollar corporations- probably not the good guys, in any story and regular people speaking out in expressing themselves more likely be doing it based on principle. Mrs amazing, what happens? it's starting to me that you actually have people that think their fighting the good fight by standing with with Goliath, and not David, like you are standing with these or Terran powers you're, not standing with the little guy. You weren't
Lobbies stalls you are this year that you're the S s like you're, the secret police, you're, the Gestapo, the people who watch CNN R, R r, like standing walking in lockstep with the authoritarian crackpots, who would seek to store their lives to making, though you eat, when it, when you stand outside the matrix you see, they have a game is played the market, manipulation to steal from the poor to make sure they always stay in their place. It is fascinating in some sense because Although the system is far from perfect and we have these nasty villains and disgusting people like Cuomo, you still have upward mobility, though they are trying to destroy it.
Now they're saying millennials don't own homes. Great now Joe Biden wants to implement a new tax which Shotwell will be a type of tax in the middle class, especially the next few years and their telling people it's not. No, no. No! It's a wealth tax that worried to death tax. It's all lies there, just trying to make sure people can't move up. They want to quit a permanent nobility class in this country and they're doing it and it's there to people like Brian's doctrine course Cuomo, because they think you know- and there are probably right- there are going to be the wealthy nobles of that new era. They get paid well, they wherever they want natal care about you. They would prefer that you suffer user nasty people, man, nasty nasty people are leaving their necks segments covered up at one p m on this channel. Thanks, frank it out, and I will see you all them.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-25.