« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker asks: What happens if Democrats achieve unlimited power?

2021-01-05 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host discusses the Georgia Senate runoffs and preserving the integrity of elections
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight its election night, once again, the poles have just closed in two Georgia, special election Senate races. The two of them will decide in effect, who controls the entire federal government. The stakes are: not low. Officials are counting millions of mail in ballots. As we speak right now in those ballots all night, they may be counting them all week. Confusion, uncertainty, massive wait times. They are all normal now at least thats what we have been told to believe, but this isnt normal it wasnt, always how things work not too long ago, just a few years ago, Americans expected to learn their election results on the night of the election, and usually they did were voting machines that much more efficient back in twenty twelve know they werent the difference was we required most people to vote in person back then in person voting reduces fraud and reducing fraud and the
appearance of fraud was important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue, but then everything changed. The main driver of the change they will tell you was the corona pandemic simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. Think about that for a second. It doesnt really make sense. If you can go to the grocery store and most people can and do, then you can go to a polling place. Theres, no medical reason. You cant vote in person, its not inherently unsafe. Obviously almost no one in the media has ever made that point. They know that mail in elections help Democrats and they are for that thats. The whole point: when republicans complain about it, the left doesnt answer the questions. They just get hysterical and start screaming about racism. You may be wondering what racism has to do with potential health risks of in person voting. First of all its a racist question, so dont ask it ever again:
instead, we are going to let Jon Ossoff explain the answer. Ossoff is one of the Democrats on the ballot tonight in Georgia. He is unusually oily entitled young man who has never in his entire life from what we can tell done anything meaningful or impressive, or even had a real job. Hes got a list of credentials the length of your arm, all of which youre supposed to be impressed by, but not a single actual a compliment in a world of shallow politicians. Jon Ossoff is lighter than air. He meets Beto Orourke, look like Teddy Roosevelt, but he does know one thing: if youre worried about election fraud, you are a racist here. He is in an interview yesterday, my opponent and the other senator Kelly Loeffler and Georgia Republicans have been filing a lawsuit lawsuit to purge the roles to make it harder for people to vote. It is an open attack on black voters in Georgia and its a disgrace and its an echo of the legacy of Jim Crow. Oh the legacy of Jim Crow so lets see not to be to
Pacific about it. Specific about about the Brown versus Board of Education ended school segregation in nineteen fifty four that was sixty seven years ago. If Jon Ossoff had been born. That decision came down. He would now be old enough to qualify for Medicare, but he wasnt born them. Jon Ossoff was born in one thousand nine hundred and eighty seven a year. Some of us remember very well. This was a free country when Jon Ossoff with was born in fact freer and much more equal than it is right. Now, in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven Jim Crow was a distant memory. It is ancient history. Now get the day before the selection there was Jon Ossoff, invoking Jim Crow, like that diabolical Kelly Loeffler is this close to turning back the night riders and segregated water fountains. Almost seventy league years later, youve got to wonder how long can this scam continue as long as people keep falling for it and they do keep falling for it if youve been keeping track at home, youre, probably wondering what is intent, echo of the
legacy of Jim Crow. At this point everything the Democrats dont like is Jim Crow. Just in the last year, they told us that in person voting the filibuster, even mispronouncing, Kamala Harris Name name by the way she cant pronounce Herself- are all vestiges by Americas, racist history, so whats the remedy for a history. This evil, you guessed it more identity. Politics cant have enough. Okay, we are going to play along just for the sake of amusement lets. Consider the identity of some of the players into night S. Election lets start with the strangely famous Stacey Abrams. What is Stacey Abrams identity? If you ask CNN, she is a brilliant novelist with the grace of a runway model, Ifif you SK, berms or self, or the many sycophants around her her real identity of the governor of Georgia. She ran for that office two years ago. She lost by more than fifty thousand votes, but in the Democratic party they have decided not to notice without voter suppression.
Stacey Abrams would be the governor of Georgia. If this country wasnt racist, Stacey Abrams, would be governor, it was the voter suppression, particularly of african american communities, that prevented us from having a governor, Stacey Abrams right now. Stacey Abrams ought to be the governor of Georgia when racially motivated, voter suppression is permitted. We cannot truly say that we live in a democracy yeah, so Stacey Abrams is the actual governor of Georgia or would be if you werent, a racist. So governor is her identity. Abrams sister, a woman called Leslie Abrams gardener. She is an actual federal judge appointed by Barack Obama and, as luck would have it because this is an amazing time in our countrys history. The judge is now overseeing a case on election integrity that involves a group funded by and we are not making this up. Stacey Abrams the celebrated novelist
runway model, Governor Gardner, has refused to recuse herself from the case that involves her sister heres, how she explained that refusal one can only assume that the argument is something to the effect that if my sister is actively engaged in a cause, I cannot be impartial. This argument is mere speculation, laughs, just mere speculation. Okay lets move from the speculative to the actual. What is not? Speculation are going to be shocked to learn this is that judge. Gardner has just given her sisters organization. Precisely what they wanted, weird, how that works, not speculate on that or Republicans argue that thousands of voters in Georgia should be excluded from participating in the election. For this simple and obvious reason, post office change of address records show they had left the state. They were no longer in Georgia. Therefore, they couldnt vote in Georgia because theyre not in Georgia that seemed simple and obvious, but that standard does not meet
the burden of proof in Stacey Abrams sister escort. Therefore, thousands of voters can vote tonight in Georgia, even if theyre, not living in Georgia, arent Georgia residents, all they need to do is identify as Georgia voters you can change her gender. You can also change your state of residency just by identifying thats how identity politics works. It goes without saying that the actual identities, the real identities of tonights democratic candidates, are off limits. True things, cant be spoken, thats, the rule. You cant talk about them. You can call Raphael Warnock, for example, a pastor, a Christian, a pro choice, christian but dont. You dare mention the words he actually utters in church sermons. If you do, that, CNN would like you to know youre, probably a political operative working for the hard right, in fact, youre taking his words out of context, Reverend Warnocks, pro choice, stance and his words from the pulpit, often taken out of context, have been the target of the fiercest republican attacks,
often taken out of context so whats. The context. Welcome in the interest of objectivity and fairness, we are going to play one of the clips that CNN just told you is being taken out of context its from one of Raphael, Warnocks sermons a few years ago, as you listen to what we are about to play, try to imagine a context in which this would be okay to express in church. Listen if it is true that a man who has dominated the news and poisoned the discussion for months needs to repent, then it is doubly true that a nation that can produce such a man and make his vitriol go viral needs to repent. America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness. Oh America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness. Okay with that time. So let us know when you discover the missing context here: oh its, not hiding somewhere in the
video. We just showed you the relevant parts of the video Raphael, Warnock doesnt say just kidding after his racist scree with CNN means when he says they are admitting context, is that we dont fully agree with their preferred candidate, who was Raphael Warnock? We are not telling you that, yes, America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness. We are appalled. Anyone would say that, while wearing some kind of clerical garb in a church, it is transparently racist. We dont see the country the way that CNN producers or Raphael Warnock does we dont believe its a fundamentally racist country of the police officers are gangsters and thugs. We believe the obvious immigrants come here in some cases risking their lives precisely because America is the least racist place they could find, or it was people like Raphael. Warnock would like to change that and how about Jon, Ossoff whats his identity, thats, not an easy question to answer when the sum total of your personal achievements could fit comfortably in the ashtray of a sports car. At various points Ossoff has
claimed he once worked as a senior national security staffer on Capitol Hill, which is pretty funny because, in fact, Ossoff was what is called him Washington, a legislative correspondent that job consist mostly of responding to letters from constituents. In other words, he was the male boy and not in a very impressive office, either Jon Ossoff works for a Georgia, congressman called Hank Johnson who is easily hands down. Ask anybody in Washington, the single dumbest member of Congress and thats saying a lot back in two thousand and ten. Just in case. You think we are overstating the case Johnson. In a hearing which was on television, asked a Navy admiral with deep concern, whether the island of Guam, which is an island, not a floating platform, might capsize. If too many troops were moved onto a base, there watch this tape, youll see the gears slowly. Turning in his head, as he asked the question during a congressional hearing, Congress and Hank Johnson Democrat of Georgia made it hard for Admiral Miller to keep a straight face
being asked about moving troops from Okinawa to the island of Guam. My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize. We dont anticipate that my fear is that the island will tip over keep in mind. This was before legalized marijuana that happened in the Congress. Moments like that did not deter ambitious young Jon Ossoff from applying to work with that man, cumbersome and Hank Johnson, and why would they deter him? That moment became a blueprint for Jon Ossoffs entire career lean into your mediocrity dont, deny it embrace it and when youre challenged hide behind identity politics that works. We know it does because thats all hes ever done. Two years after leaving Johnsons Office, Ossoff took shamelessness to a brand new level. He went on on twitter and
encouraged people following him to support one of the leading propaganda outlets for the Communist Party of China, and just in case you think we are exaggerating heres what he wrote, especially during the eighteen Party Congress, follow chinese state media. Most politicians might feel slightly hesitant about endorsing chinese state, run, media and public, but not Jon Ossoff. If you learned anything from Hank Johnson, if youre going to do it, you might as well go all. In last year we learned that Jon Ossoffs media company is media. Company received thousands of dollars from a Chinese, backed media giant Ossoff didnt even bother to claim to care about transparency. In fact, he refused to release any more financial documents related to foreign investors, but stop asking questions. America is racist, thats, the answer to everything. By the way it would be nice if someone disagrees with a claim which we are all the time, because that claim is totally false, its poisonous and its wrecking what has been for a
couple hundred years now, a pretty great country buried ours, but increasingly no one pushes back. In fact, recently, a lot of republicans have been saying the same thing last night again to you one among many examples: the republican leader in the Senate Mitch, Mcconnell didnt, bother holding hearings on election integrity or mail in balloting that mightve been nice. Instead, he was busy attacking police officers in eulogizing. George Floyd. Remember him St George, the convicted violent felon who apparently died of a drug o dot d in Minneapolis, big conservative that Mitch Mcconnell defender of America. Then there is Senator Mitt Romney of Utah. He was on the street mounting Blm slogans on camera kind of his Jane Fonda moment. At the same time, to a public and senators should have known better, called for a place on Columbus Day the day that celebrants the discovery of this country with something called Juneteenth, not a terrible anniversary or anything, but no one had heard of it just last year, and everyone has of course, already forgotten about it. We dont know whats going to happen tonight.
We do know that if Democrats win the two elections on the ballot today, they are not going to be too concerned about Juneteenth. They never cared about that. They have much bigger goals in mind like a limited and the filibuster, letting them do whatever they want. In the Congress, adding new states to the union changing the flag, packing the Supreme Court, ending the independence of the judicial branch in more than anything, giving citizenship to tens of millions of new foreign nationals illegal aliens now known as their base. None of that should come as a surprise, weve seen it coming for a long time. The question we need to ask.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-05.