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54 - A Carnival Comes to Town

2014-09-15 | 🔗

A carnival comes to town. Plus the Cleaning of Books, breaking ground at the new old Opera House, and an intern returns... again.

The voice of Carlos was Dylan Marron.

Weather: "Bremen" by PigPen Theatre Co (pigpentheatre.com)

Music: Disparition, disparition.info

Logo: Rob Wilson, robwilsonwork.com.

Produced by Night Vale Presents. Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. More Info: welcometonightvale.com, and follow @NightValeRadio on Twitter or Facebook.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. I want to tell you about two fiction: podcast from night they'll presence that you're going to love. First, there, within the wires. A unique and immersive show that tells stories using found audio from an alternate twentieth century. Our new season season for is out, and it's about a mother and daughter as they attempt to lead an anti government commune surviving on the fringes of society and its all told, via tape, recorder letters home to her daughter and sermons to the commune. Next there is the orbiting human circus, a podcast about the janitor who lives at the top of the Eiffel tower. It is back with a brain New musical story, this fall that asked the question: does the janitor Lee exists, he hoped so too to this. Sweeping cinematic experienced a features Julian Cost or John Camera Mitchell Susanna Flood in many more to find out the answer you can find, both within the wires and the opening human circus in your favorite up or at my mail presents dot com
the secret to a long life lies in how acutely you perceived welcome to a quiet caravan of flatbed trucks rolled into town last night, the trailers were unmarked, except by age and neglect the tree. Export along Banderas Street. In abandoned locked in the heart of the up and coming abandoned lot. Neighbourhood heap
we do not know emerged from the trucks and began to unload tall lights and heavy speakers perhaps Many of you were jostled from slumber by the faint pulse of music that sounded like music. You know, even though it was music. You had never heard Perhaps you woke unaware there ever- was a sign, confused, your own consciousness. Hearing them The echoes of these unknown. Who receives found yourself singing along mouths. Familiar words placed in it familiar order. We do not know what these trucks have brought or what the within them in ten I can say is you should know go near that abandoned lot on Ben Darras Street until we find
doubt more, which might take a while very busy day. We can't investigate every horrifying fleet of unmarked trucks. We ve got more important things like this voice, mail from my boyfriend haste, before I made so much progress today. Doug end, some of the other members of the army of warriors who Rome this other world desert took me to the top of the mountain to the White House up on it. Oh right, I'm still stuck in the desert other world? How are you I miss? You anyway they showed me the photos on the walls inside the lighthouse
all of the warriors, whose name is Alicia and who is not a woman or a man and who is Doug's partner and who has a dog and who is trying to make a new currency based on sand, walked me through the pictures. There were photos of living rooms and parks and lawns photos of night Vale I asked a Felicia took these photos because they were good photos. Colorful well composed alive. Shook their had no and the other warriors and the room pointed quietly back to the photos, and I saw that they were. Literally alive. The people All of the things that were not people moved in the photos: blades of grass in the breeze small bees spiralling a man refusing to smile
I'll and all within the confines of rough driftwood frames inside the lighthouse you can see anywhere, although you cannot go to any of those where's and ass? I leave this message. I can see you see. You saw I'm watching you shave, it's cute, how you pull up your nose like that, but you, Mr Spot, I'm sorry! I haven't had time to go. Looking for the doorway back to your dimension, I'm learning so many things, though I promise I promise to return soon. Desert other world is just so scientifically interesting. Maybe it's the most scientifically interesting community. I've ever seen I love you.
Recalling you again tonight. Is it even nighttime there. I've lost all sense of time. So I don't know all of that and such and now the news The foundation is finally being laid for the new old Knight Veil Opera House old. Men Josie was on hand for the ceremony, in fact, brought her own cement mixer imported herself. Several creature is claiming to be angels wearing, yellow and orange triangles the logo of strikes, Corp now, of course, owned by the same creatures, on hand to assist, but Josie kept lapping there many hands away when they attempted to help her with me, heavy mixer and strenuous work Fine erika I This goal get me some water
Josie, said, wiping her shrivel brow with a green handkerchief. I, that old, she said. For adding a youth. To record castle last night. Make yourselves just double check the tivo before I get home, one of the support was it angels, all of whom our named Erika pointed out that car so is in re runs, and she could prove will download the episodes she missed from Itunes. There was a long pause as old, Josie stared at Erika in silence concrete churning its oh pulsing, hum onlookers, forgetting two exhale, a single drop of sweat rolling down one of Africa's seven cheek bones and then Josie said: ok, whatever is
shopped marathon on tonight and continued report. Angel like beings claim that strict score is night veils. First angel owned an angel operated company. They claim this proudly and even he stayed on their brochures ensigns, despite the great risk of arrest and imprisonment or the colony of acknowledging the existence of angels, complete of the new all night Veil Opera House is scheduled for this coming spring many tone. Residents are excited and confused over the return. This cultural landmark as none us know what an opera is. Is it a type of Dolly asked one I stand here who shielded his eyes and asked not to be identified before
painting into a black cloud and joining the rest of the cowardly air molecules. I opera is. Virus. You get from kissing said another bystander who was clearly former mayor, PAMELA Winchell wearing a fake moustache and clumsily altering her voice. No, but B, but old woman, Josie and her mysterious his friends know what an opera is hopefully will all find out soon night veil. Hopefully it's a good thing. I have my doubts, though, I am sometimes more doubt then man, the stranger at the abandoned lot, have begun unloading the fleet of trucks
moving large metal cases from the trailers and assembling gargantuan machines covered in rust and the faint echo of bright color rest then said the abandoned lot district, who use we just talk openly about a day when they'll be allowed to. Finally build homes, have reported hearing Oregon Music and smelling deep friars. They saw a carnival work. Hers carrying bags of strange, candy and leading packs of Familiar loping the animals into the lot you have the strangers where large wings and bright painted faces they carry food. Hats and mangled balloons listeners. I know what they see is and it is not good.
A carnival has come to our city night veil. I do not even know how you can protect yourself from this wicked cultural affront to our community. I reached out to the city council, but I just got their voice mail, which was the council saying in unison. We are not here any more good luck with whatever that is in the abandoned lot. If you'd like to scream or cry in horror, please do so at the tone. So at their voice. Mail is the usual one, but I dont think we'll get much help from them. Night veil, I have only ever heard of carnivals. I never thought I would ever have to actually seeing one
No one knows what they will do in the face of catastrophe until they are in that base, and here I am still not knowing what to do. Carnival Will all the mysterious lights in the sky. I do not know how this carnival found us nor what they intend, but I am certain that it is not good. It is rumoured. That our neighbours in pine cliff once welcomed a traveling carnival, high
cliff is now inhabited only by ghosts, but I dont actually know if that was related to the carnival at all. They might have been that way already, and you know there is A certain sweetness through the hastily assembled rides to the full of eating air blown pastel sugar, your boyfriend wedding, you a stuffed animal at the bird mocking booth, exchanging known quantities of Vienna cash. More Mehta, Thea Paper coupons, oh, it sounds just. It sounds just Drury me no,
These wicked magicians of the mid way they must be using mind. Control to draw us in do not fall victim to holding hands hotly under the cool lights, the undulating, swirl and discordant. In view of the merry go round about us, Carlos Carlos, let's go to the carnival no Stop it Cecil no night veil a void, the cord of all hide in Europe Holmes, this theirs at the night veil, public library, is the twice annual cleaning of the books The sheriff secret police supersecret special forces unit will be on hand to subdue the librarians.
Regularly attempt to not only undermine our city with dangerous books. But also sink their sharp claws and pincers into library visitors before flying them off to eat or toy with or, however it is they do to their victims. The cleaning of books is our way of double checking that the librarians are keeping a clean stock of municipally approved books such as the Biography of Helen Hunt and all four of dean. Koontz is novels library These are well known for sneaking in books by dangerous authors in nineteen. Eighty, eight too knows copies of pride and prejudice were found, The night veil
No one knows quite how many people read these copies bought. The ensuing riots in vainly hundreds and led to the current cleaning schedule, not everyone is in favour of this practice, though new mayor, Dana Cardinal issued a public rebuke of book cleaning. The mayor, admitted that, while books are pretty dangerous and she doesn't recommend them for everyone. We should concentrate more on protection, ourselves from the librarians themselves who, the real danger teenage book over and heroic militia leader to make a Flynn Also offered her protest of this important event, saying books, Libraries are dangerous, which is exam
me why we should protect them I brains are conniving and vicious monsters They also know how to recommend a good read their methods. You'd be violent, but we must be willing to face great chow. Jeez. In order to achieve great things. To make a continued. We will grow soft without books, night veil he waved her favorite copy of Helen de wits. The last samurai with shielding their eyes from the forbidden, her leadership and I disagree too much with young to Mika Iris act, her leadership and her vast knowledge of books, but not every
wine is cut out for reading difficult literature. Perhaps perhaps we could split the difference we could select just a few people in town who are allowed to read challenging books. That way the ass is, don't have to be exposed to complex ideas and small Committee of trustworthy people like to Mika, can tell us a gentle way, what those books say very quietly, so we don't have to hear them it'll, be all the fine and simplicity of an intellectual oligarchy, but without all the awful reading. In turn. Maureen has returned to our studio. She was so
two way a few weeks back by an enormous gust of wind and we thought her lost, We held services wore her at the wreck centre. Her whole family was there. Many of her free from the night bail Community College came or at least I assume they were friends from school. They all or had human bodies with Coyote heads and they were eating. Armadillos out of a duffel bag college, kids. Well, We were all glad to see. Maureen come home, safe or most of us, her family seemed disappointed. This being the second time they ve mourned. Her death in vain They seemed emotionally exhausted, not angry. They told her This is the last time Maureen this is it
no more anyway today at work, Marines been doing some research into carnivals and according to her or not need money to operate if we not one a carnival in town. Then we should. Not give them more. Money carnival will go away marine has also handed me of report saying oh, my fail. The carnival grounds have been completed. A forty foot Paul, we'll with empty compartments. Spins leisurely and the hot sign as broken spy girls sing. Can coffin is platitudes over simplistic cord progressions harness workers are brandishing hammers. Next to how're inscribed with sending numbers and talked with an alarm bell of an ideal residents.
Have gathered near the grounds, but are not yet and ring of group of the carnival workers with white face. And all this noses and large shoes have opened the gate the carnival grounds and are: who wing and beckoning our citizens to enter. Masked interlopers wished to sway you with broad these smiles They are nightmares night veil, they are lies in Coronet, remember that we are a great town we or a great town that does not back down to grave danger. Are we the same town that defeated a smiling God and a fascist corporate accuracy and once once survived a street cleaning day
I said earlier that I did not know what to do in the face of a catastrophe, but I wrong night veil. I was wrong when I think Lee of myself, I'm scared knowing I am with you, I'm not scared. We are in this together. I have it immunity. I can trust and love. There is no need to be frightened of treacherous outsiders. Outsiders, weight. These outsiders get in. There was not so easily Thoud so How have they so easily found it? Oh, oh, the carnival gates opened all of night veil. Is there
We I sit contained in my book hopeless as usual. The carnival workers, smile, wider and wider, and why you and wider breast is heard. Loud and wet and without an the source and the birds are gone. There is a fearful infinity of an instant. I take you now uncertain of what this next instant will bring. An The view me here, a radio anyway to the weather are we going?
so to doesn't have been slow down to my
we'll see supper. Three star S. People see ass. The three legs rejoicing eats up everything
from me carnival has left night EL citizens resisted entering the metal gates, they fall the semi circle around the opening and shouted inter low per while pointing It is our friendly mandatory. Three way of welcoming strangers soon the painted people backed away closing themselves into their miserable flatbed corral they December their mechanical monstrosities, Andrew them away veil on mass, waved, fists and sticks farm tools and cactuses and animal parts Our citizens hinted curses upon the carnival the full employees, in their haste, left behind
several artifacts of their attempted threat to our sanctity. Our sanity. We found clear plastic bags filled with cheaply. Produce dolls, there was a large styrofoam, stuffed green and orange squirrel as that drove away. Prow The end vigilant night veils citizens set the squirrel ablaze that, on the whole totem of that order, with the sun long gone, presuming scared away by the unexpected visitors the happy fire of victory. Shone out to meet that a lights of the retreating trucks with this is heard, the carnival perpetrators. Saying things like Rhine and get out of here as they
their way to their trucks. Solve the hell is this town and where the hell are we and this definitely not Modesto, and I think We're gonna, kill Us Stacy RON where the verb white flags, signalling our triumph as a town as a proud immunity that stood for itself once again, and in turn Maureen? Who is a marine? You look upset or Europe That is everything. Ok, Maureen does not look happy listeners. I'm not sure why Maureen is not happy about today's victory. She helped bring about. You are part, this marine, this victory
is also yours, marine. Do you not love victory over outsiders who mean us harm Maureen. Do you? Well, Maureen left. The control booth. She just got up in a huff and laughed teenagers. I guess stay to now. For people arguing about sports. Not on the radio somewhere else: somewhere and soon people will be arguing about sports I'd No, what's happening next on the radio I, overdue and, as always good night
night veil good night. Welcome to tonight veils the production of commonplace books. It is written by Joseph Thank and Geoffrey, greener and produced by Joseph Thing, the voice they'll Cecil Baldwin the vote Carlos was doing Marin original music by desperation, all of it we found that dispersion dot info or at dispersed dot band camp dot com? This episode, whether was Bremen by PIG pen feeder company, find out more at pig pen feeder. Dotcom, that's theatre with an e comments questions, email us at night veil, I'm books, dot com, followers on twitter at night fell. Radio check out welcome tonight, veil, dot com for more information on this show, as well as all sorts of cool night fell stuff. You can own why are there consider clicking the donate link that, because of you, today's proverb
Say what you will about dance? But language is a limited form of expression. Within the wires is an immersive fiction, pot Catholic Janina Mathewson at night till creator, Jeffrey greener. Each season we unfolding brand new story strictly via found audio from an alternate twentieth century season, for the cradle is a story about a mother and daughter as they attempt to lead a family centric commune surviving on the fringes of society subscribe to within the wires at night. Bill presents dot com or wherever you get your pod cas, x.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-15.