« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1093 - Ben Bailey

2020-01-30 | 🔗

Ben Bailey and Marc share a particular gripe as comics. Both of them became widely known for beloved projects they started doing on a whim. For Ben it was Cash Cab, for Marc it was this podcast. And as much as they love those projects, they really just wanted to be known as stand-ups. Ben tells Marc how he got his start answering phones at The Comedy Store and how he really wanted to be a marine biologist before he got into comedy. He also describes his lifelong fascination with fish tanks and other tank-based aquatic environments. This episode is sponsored by the Unspooled podcast.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey folks unspoiled is the part gas were comedian, Paul, sheer and film critic. Amy Nicholson, watch the greatest american movies all time, they're going through the F eyes top one hundred films west, everything from citizen Kane decide. Go to writers of the last arc, discovering how these classics hold up and how they influence the films of today. They also have great guests, like Spike Lee discussing, do the right thing and Ryan Johnson, who directed the last jet I and Ives out check out unspoiled on your favorite podcast, app with new episodes every Thursday, our right, ok, Let's do this show all right. Let's do this, how are you what the fuckers, what the fuck bodies, what the fuck's yours what's happening? I mark Mare- and this is my part- gas w tia- I'm not
I gotta be honest with you, as maybe you can tell from the last. The sort of my show if you listen, I've been Craig you little out of sorts little on edge and I M still that, but try to track it, and then try to try to be here before all of us. That's what I manage to going to try to be cheaper where everyone I'm in Atlanta. I just got here I'm here for one more day, shooting of the film respect It say the church seem it's gonna take place what it's, what its presenting? What we're fill me is a wreath of recording Her amazing grace concert which, oddly I just watched on the airplane flying out here. It's kind of found in a way- and I tried to fight Jerry works were among the people in the film Sidney, Pollack, shot the film. I guess spiky had something to do with furtive, resurrecting the
pieces of the film- is something went wrong with it. I don't know the exact story. The record is great, that's been re issued in is the biggest selling gospel album of all time. To this day about the film was- somehow incomplete they they they put something together. But it's interesting to see a wreath of doing that concert or that search really. Bert Service, knowing where she was at her life and what she was going through and how much she needed to connect to her spirituality and just seeing her digging within herself to find those songs to connect with those gospel, songs, itchy known she was sent you Kid was done. It was kind of wild to watch it with new eyes. After having done this movie for awhile and know the story of a bit more about where she was at what was going on and theirs in workforce in the documentary very little, I was hoping to glean a bit of information terms of,
What am I be wearing her? How my facial hair looked by think we're just gonna, keep its steady and I'll be wearing something. Seventy dish- I'm probably not issue problem exactly from the seventies, I'll be wearing something from the seventies. No doubt some here in Atlanta and I'm a little unhinged I've completely. If all of my righteous eating behavior, I think something to do with my back being fucked up and not being able to exercise and you're having gone through the holidays and not quite wrangled. Back in I'm strung out, I'm fuckin sugar in meat in garbage can feel that our coming back and for those you know me not a great place to be not a great place for any of us to be weak.
This view it happening. You can't stop it from happening, and I am thinking about is fuckin ribbon into those kid cap bars in they, whatever you call it yet I got some shit in a room already went through the cash use. The game you sums trail makes as a welcoming thing. It's fucking theres many twigs, there's cave cats over their Pringles Ongoloo, Shiva Pringles care about chocolate, chip, cookies, fuck man, now everything's, look in pretty good not true it's not so I think there are looking good, but let's go over these dates. Ok, like tonight, I'm in Cleveland, Ohio, Theodora Theatre. There might be a few tickets wept. I dont know tomorrow
Grand Rapids Michigan at the found street church that's Friday night and there is definitely tickets wherever this I've. No, what Grand Rapids is all about. I've done. The festival there I can remember it was ok seems I remember, being a clean city by donor with how they feel about Mark Marin, I've sold about six hundred seven hundred tickets and place it states like eighteen hundred I could do some more people there, but not there going to be shity people, I'm glad you're coming, but you know I don't need it. I don't need that the half hour cuz, I could have smaller place if there was maybe there wasn't one, but that that's a situation. I'm just let me know where a man now not all comics. What you know look I there some cities, I can sell a few thousand tickets or some cities, egg cell eight hundred. What are you gonna? Do I'm fine
And with it- and I hear that they also have a meetings at that church, so I might double up gonna, do a show and give fuckin straight with the sobriety thing, maybe unload some of this vile. Maybe get myself out of this dry zone. This brittle resenting self loathing zone into something more self, loving and open. And ready to share zone yeah. Maybe quits of an ship, my mouth for five minutes how it happened easier, no one! He was Scots in that shows tight. That's your mama! sold out over their turner a ballroom Saturday, night February, First Then I'm in Orlando Florida come down. Nice to have you February. Fourteen Valentine's day show promised by them I feel really for love that I will share with you all: I then I'm in the cap reform the strands. That's who can goodbye tickets sold their February?
fifteen Portland Mainstay Theatre February, Twentieth, Providence, Rhode, Island, that's looking Good Columbus Theatre February, twenty first New Haven, Connecticut at College Street musical February twin Second, I, without in New York, the paramount February, twenty third being go to deputy ipod dot com. So I, tour for links to all the venues, and I you know I can't promoted any more than I have. I mean if you didn't, if you non come in. I did everything I could dimension I guess it has been badly. I have always liked Ben barely he's a host of cash cab. Many people love that show its and it's on Bravo right now. It's so he's also on tour crossed a country you can go to the real Ben Bailey Dotcom for venues, Inter dates, but vice outdated, interesting guy, funny guy tall guy, but something done
can brooding inside of it. I didn't know what it was, but we talked many years ago and more vulnerable points in both of our lives it here. Sooner remember. But I remember what I remember when or where it happened, but we got caught up in a goose, be got pretty interesting. There was a fish involve coral. There was coral involved in a fairly profound laughing, but that's coming your way about to happen. Enjoy that I'm in this fast the room- they put have been stated this hotel on not for months now, and they put me in this dead on the top floor and direct We across from me, is an apartment building with a wall of windows into apartment, so I just see like your hundreds of little boxes, of different lives, and some the lights on some tvs wrong kind of working for people. Can around by any amount being weird, I'm not dead and I've binoculars. I'm not gonna, I'm not sitting here with the lights out in my windows, open
looking for something to happen. I will, I would be nice to just work across. Maybe someone sitting at their desk compose? Have we eating shit? That's not great, for them maybe also doing a podcast. What are the so that, sadly, very high there's got to be some one in that building across the way, that's doing a, maybe not right now, maybe not tonight, but tomorrow the next day. That's where we're out of the culture. I am pretty sure that in that building that looks like it as by the forty floors. In maybe five six hundred units, there's gotta be someone who calls himself a stand, a comic and maybe two people doing podcast. That's what I say, but I don't see anybody just sitting there eating. Sadly, wave to him I, but that would be weird right. If I just sat here and I locked into somebody over their gis
sooner eating ice cream, a kitchen counter, and I just stood up and I started waving my my my arms frantically just connect with them, but it did sort of like save me. Save me. Can you help me please and they would call the police in centres someone in trouble on the twenty floor of the lower hotel, maybe should send somebody over, but really the cry for help was was from myself and that's what I would tell the cops: the ok sir yeah it's just. I was in trouble us kind of drowning and in my own sort of self regulation and self pity in darkness and self loathing. Sir, I was actually just waving. I was trying to connect with somebody fell, felt this
the way across the way, but they obviously misinterpreted it, and they rapid me out. They knew what was going on Khazar in the same place, and they thought look that sad, fuck drowning in himself call the cops make life difficult for nuts and it there's a thereby actually concerned. None of this happened, I'm making it up. So I am looking forward to going to Cleveland. I think I'm an toying with the killing myself with food, its where'd you get to made a certain age here, I'm right on the line. Man, I'm fifty six years old
see it's starting to happen. In my face and my head, my you'd, I can feel like yours, a transition Ebay while I was your middle aged and he just sort of become all by still I'm holding up. But there's pardon me like, given the fact that I gotta know kids again, no wife got no debt, my cats are diminishing slowly and the world is a difficult. So why not eat what I want to the point where I just clog my hard up in its seizes. Why not enjoy within the other part of me is like two doesn't feel good to be healthy, doesn't feel good to be in shape, doesn't feel good to be skinny began, but it from two skinny. I would really old has weakened and pictures myself. I was myself on tv. I last year glow
that's easy! Aglow! I looked a mediating weird. My fingers were skinny in. It was odd by felt great. I was looking to myself in the mirror thing, and this is fucking perfect. I look seventy five years old, so maybe if I can just accept the fact that put on my ten twenty pounds, my face or get fat, my pants get tee my shirts or give fat and tight and I'll be all fuckin Khilakku young breathing badly in sweaty Jesse of getting up to go the bathroom by womb. I'll, look my! I won't look old I'll, be filled up with fat, pork and butter just puffy from butter. That's what I'm gonna be. I wanna be puffy from butter and a widow out of shape forever, a sort of shine to me. There was just put butter on my face anyway, enjoy that fuckin ice cream over there and that apartment building.
Look at me waving at you. Look at me wave unnatural help. Help me from my back fears were better thanks for asking so Ben Bailey. This is this a good conversation they ve been. They ve been good. Rightly this is the one thing. Maybe when I get to the stone- I you know my need for connection is, is just like the old days old, W P S really gotta get in there really gotta can We get to feel the humanity of the people that I talk to. So, as I said before, Ben is on key scab. Some Bravo unease untoward now in these before, while you can now, you can go to real Ben Bailey, dot com for venues, Inter dates, and this may be in the year in the house,
Ben Bailey, you I wouldn't you. All you do is go back now. I, for my recollection, you did cash cap While you're out there was no cash camp yeah for a long time for almost four years. And then the dark period. It was a little dark a little bit of relief, though on, because we had made a lot of episodes. I had spent a lot of time in DR have in people gotta be a geographic they would they do yeah. I did But you know you could burn out on some specially. Some that says involved is allegedly I I've been doing this fact, as ten years barely listening to you, so you want Sometimes people get but the cab and cruelty. Talking about the people that we're just day. I am, I gonna know you two, who were
When did they say images like it? Had I missed you just on autopilot, I get it now. I've defiling, I'm still still engaged you're still engage yet like I'm trying you like. I remember like do you remember when we first met cause you're, not like you of, a generation you're like the next one after me, like I'm, I'm behind, and I remember a generation of comedians behind you. I remember you when you are younger man and you were a hat off and I believe I did. Oh, my god. I forgot. I forgot the backward hat. My grandfather gave me that was like a cap. Yes, It was in baseball, covers I irish cap cap, where it was yet. I still have it you do, but the hunger I hung it up here, but, but where it where'd you come from originally, while I've come all over the place, a unique coastguard yeah, but Osborne Kentucky of all places. I lived in Michigan US and TAT.
Who is your family in Kentucky my fellows, mostly in Michigan Michigan people yeah, you Michigan Irish, more about the Bailey. My Bailey is more English than Orange, but it's probably Arthur Barnett, our irish Baileys. There are yeah yeah, but not yours might no minor. We looked down on the irish paint there there. Crazy. You can control the Irish Baileys. But yes, mostly Michigan, but then ended up living in Kentucky. My dead got a job for general Electric, which, from general motors to General Electric, so he was like a corporate gay. He was a computer guy oh really, wind can when their cards. Yes, yes, one of them actually is interesting story. By added they went dead. My passport went to Oakland in Michigan Oakland University NEA, and he stayed for this her, and they got some on some program. They got one of the first one of the two first computers in the car
like the idea came to the giant like the universe gets a whole room. You know he is, but is there wasn't lightwood stacks of cards? It was they get acquainted with right. He and the other guy spent the summer learning how to communicate with the thing and and- and they actually got to do some pretty amazing Staffa, so pretty cool mathematical stuff that they were noted for, but they had to make cards at a punch, hole patterns of holes in cars and feed them in and like so, let's where he started. That's where his love of Peter started, so you many sail in it now. So you know, as I ground zero for computer tat thou now he looks at our enemies got a supercomputer in their pocket or it is. He as does the understanding evolution of it he does. I would do so one in May. When they got rid of the cards, they went to discs or floppy user friendly. In which was it a beta. As our cobalt cobalt here, so he was up to speed with others, he was you I my basement. No one had a computer before we had computers in
schools we had our base was filled with computers, like look like yet terrorist eighties from Radio Shack, ah as what he was using cause, he was in others, work. He was doing. Those were the ones who can get access to and use. A thing is in an earlier daft, her yeah uh computer did. He might honestly. My dad is like a computer of genius like yeah. He just knows them so well, yeah from that starting point that you just like, if you if you're one of the first people to learn how to communicate. It had told him if we have to learn how to talk to this machine like we were giving our time the kids like there no games pretty cool but there's no game, so he like wrote a programme and made centipede on the computer yeah out of brackets. The centipede was brackets. Those were in place of the mushrooms and you had a little bracket, somehow turned up that you fired from. There was a man We are thus like how at the latest,
made it. He roared. The actual game, ignored centipede already exists in the report, may other breaking suit baby, so that was impressive. Yes, we were like only humming really is good. It is just to my sister Anna. What she did. She actually does us kind of public speaking as well. She trains people to use different types of software and stuff she's, a computer Burton. Yet she travel around US freelance new laws, because your Mama computer burden no now she's like creative type writer, oh yeah, yeah she's, a writer they still Mary. Yes, there is an amazing. It is amazing, my marriage is over. Ten years is still going like you and I had a conversation during a period when I was George? I think we did yeah. Maybe I don't know a yell door. Mazeppa was maybe they feel like It was like more in depth and that their I don't know where it would have been. I don't have it was here. You think
You know it was sad. A party maybe did maybe we're decanters was it. I think we d counters one night with who may you- and I was like there's a third Nate BAR gets. You need brigade. I call on yet that makes sense near here. We had was right around the time that I was sir I've been through it, but it was still lingering. Why does Remember there was a time where reside Europe, Inga Tarn yet of the ban. Then a studio, your house- and I don't know the others things are still truly woman was irresistible problems that quota books, your lean and into the guitar little more. I was really was yet we ve. Now now, maybe that's a conversation I dont remember. We really must have gotten into it. It was, I was maybe a little drunk. Don't we out when we had that voters I really was. I went like went to a very dark place through my divorce and I wrote some dark music gotta get worked up
Ok, ok, I Sarah! That's! Third! Actually, ok, ok, you're grown up in Michigan you dead The G M Michigan views that General Motors back then in Michigan and administering school and stuff out, but when he saw he had you and he was pretty young, they other pretty young. So that's why they're like a vague girl? What in their seventies, yet seventy five will younger than my folks so I'd. So when you move like one, does he go to General Electric When did you move seventy eight and your move to wear to Louisville Kentucky seed? it high school in Louisville. Now I know that we move to Michigan back to Louisville Inventor Jersey, which is based. That pretty much where I grew up through Josie nine, I think LISA Jerseys, the bulk of it yeah. Guess I'm in Jersey boy! You are right.
Why not you had on our I'm in Michigan and Kentucky, and earlier I dont, really pickup, I'm having a thick jersey. Is your accuracy accident? There is ya, you think I think point people haven't you. I don't I get. My parents above from Jersey. Add enough! I have it. I know it sounds. Like is close to me. I don't think you have now it's closely or it would cry come out. If I you may it sort of like filiation go. Kind of like between our geographic. It's been, we fill in New York, not quite as awful its Philly, so slightly worse than your sword. What did you do not want to high school you in trouble? Yes, you! I was a troubled school all the way through pretty much like the ones middle School hit. What's it like made other kids, like your large guy, grieve fighting guy, not in high school, how good nine Highschool emu and later
in college. I really you put it off at once in a while. I've just got in what these dudes in college and that's what we did. We drank and fought people yap unprovoked. Now ever everyone was kind of every kind of looking for it. Situation in a bunch of young men. Looking for trouble. Looking for trouble summed approve yeah. So, however, nice going overly gunfights like I was the opposite, kids would try to boys because I wouldn't get. I didn't want to fight and your huge, but I was Alice then make money that I grew. Lady Russell years amounts tall, how I was tall and if graduate ice course like just about six foot, my weight of one hundred and fifty pounds, and then I grew so as our main was one of the taller kids at six foot. But now I'm like six six to twenty. Eight, I didn't have any of this when I was a nice, what we do in high school,
drugs are no, no, not at all pose no drugs at all. My friends, I would we are we drove years. Surely we drank beers, he had people, basics back outside the weakest for each year accident or we go into the city, would take the train into this area. You drink. Eighteen, then, maybe now or we can go to like a daily by in our case, away with it fifty box, or is it not only? What do you know you from Jersey? It's like you're driving our in ten minutes just to get the fuckin beer. You come back in and you're a hero My friend and I we want invigorating eleven thirty. At night we dated twelve back my friend, I took the training and we brought a hockey bag. And we loaded it- we don't even think about it. We noted it has got as much as we could beers beers wine coolers share. Whatever we could get here. Have a party but you bottom it wasn't we're audio and on our steel and we bottom for like five times what they should have cost.
The dangers of the air like a little out of usage chinese couple on the place here and we knew there would serve us, but we couldn't carry the bag and we put so much into it. It was too heavy we to carry it like thirty feet at a time, somewhere down the path, the tramp train. You look like you. Somebody somebody get, you knew what it was because every time we set it down, it was crying railway. We didn't get. Said, somehow we made it all. Across our little hometown everything I'm looking for a couple of you, maybe they're so now interesting, comedy and icicle. I I I was interested in being fought. I knew that I like to be funny. When I got my may, the other kids laugh at school was that's when I kind of felt the best, and I knew that about it- you could disrupt a class with some confidence. I could you, and I can say somewhat
While I make the teachers laugh, the that's always been reluctant laid their pissed off at your disrupting, but then he laughed and it doesn't. It doesn't even while, like that, it's not like they're going to write an area which you get squeak by now. I got kicked out of class a lot you did yes, I go. I would still do ok because they wouldn't affect my great right but they'd be like Youtube, you're, ruining your killing. You need to get out of here killing to get out so, but as far as extend up, I don't see that much I mean I saw like some whatever I could get away with May I Caroline Leisure and richer, provided it wasn't. Naturally, it wasn't like my. I loved stand up and then always been very self centered It was always about me. What can I do? What do I want to do in right, but we in the in terms of just life yea so like Stanhope, but that that seems at exactly what you need for stand up yet
I don't. I really stumbled into what my eye was left movies. Most. Would you see just went to college with no goer driver what college to be a marine biologist, believe it or not, and for how long did that dream? Last the first year and then I got an idea of what it was gonna, be in areas like how much he had a study. The site No I didn't mind that I, like that part, but I'd I didn't want to be like broke on a boat by myself. Just like you know, compiling data like that's not the truly meds ever wider, totally counting algae, how many diseases and now what? What do you think? Maybe you do that to begin with, I always loved jars. Like you marine life, I have reef tanks to this day. I still I'm seeing what you do. It's a rift in its second fish tank, exert more about the coral
That is what the fish wait. You people living corals idea if salt water tank, yet any manages who's, taking care of him right now that kind of have created this little system, so yeah, there's not as the maintenance is not as much but like when I go home I'll, be home in a few days. Yet how you know you'll get involved some maintenance working on it, which I like it's like working in a garden. It's like peace of mind, cunning history of living, coral, yet amazing. There, like the coolest thing on earth me they're, like somewhere between a plant and animal. It's here take a plant that moves around by itself as elevate they move. They do you Karl move, yet the move around they attack each other, they fight over territory. You found
The rocks in the ocean, not the rocks, the rock. So there is no such thing as live rock, but it's not actually that the rock is live. Just has a whole ecosystem within Bosnia. Coral is in Cairo around Iraq or coral is its own thing, though, that live rock is kind of where what coral ends up as but no the corals are the bright, colored human immersed, off. Some of them are hard to hammer nowhere and their very much alive. The hard once don't move, but the soft ones do see of much soft quarrel. I do. I have both moving area other fish involving the standards only a few in their real, because it's not really about the fish we'll come over and you get explained to him with their work in an amateur they're interested. You know, you're not like where the in fish there are really no longer allow. These corals are amazing. What are these there's a lot. It's like a really huge tank, hundred cab, money hundred fifty cutlets hundred fifty gown and that's wages in here by by today's fish. Tank standards is not unusual whose judging whose standard
because others you might have to gowns you very big to me. It's pretty basic about. Haven't you got me how many, how many months I've too, to tax two hundred fifty guarantees. You have like a functioning aquarium, be at your house. I kind of you can have kids over and educate. I could I have your modem Come on in kids were overcome, our quarrel sorrow and I can do. I can tell you now that court, relatives nephews, nieces yet now and they come over and enjoy the crop. No one says, whereas the fish, no everyone says where the fish ban and look it's not about the fish ship. It's up the corals really, while in others the proper there's a few fish in their about eight or the clown fish. Dancing. The nominees Devon emanates. I do. I have read Bubbletop Anemonies ha, which for what for hear me. I had one of em and it didn't they split with how they They were produced a split off here and not one, didn't it tints, but offer more than a year.
Maybe a year and a half way what uncomfortable. Now I guess you, but it got comfortable in it like boom, like the whole thing, is of an oil tanker sprinkle is an invasive, or is it just pretty it's a little both are out there all a little bit invasive. They all want to expand, and, unlike claymore twenty everything's, you haven't, they tell me the names I like there was at the red tape the Red Bubbletop, lemon Red Bubbletop, an eminent he had plenty of those such where clown fish hung out they hosting it is the three o clock I do there are you only fish? I have left a couple, a client whatever neo once they died and and here's a problem here, I don't have a good quarantine tank, which you need to introduce new fish, also adds I'm just kind of stuck. I would be a good one, the other I haven't to have a quarantine tank, but it doesn't get as much attention as the other tanks and its often the water is not hospitable for fish. So I can't just by inefficient, put him in there. What can you do?
Keep an eye on that tank communities it because I'm gonna tell you doing cash, cabin trout, finer. And they went to her- I don't have. I don't have much time for it, as I would like that a quarantine tank, but the other stuff sort of self sufficient. It's more self support because I made it that way. I I've a system to mix the. Why, if the make water, if the purify the water and then add the salt holy Shit, so I've kind of created a system to make that quicker. You are marine biologist. I guess I hear on a very small level and in my own little world, I'm I'm really not just with that's fucking awesome kip! if that uses all that in one Zachary I haven't noticed, you're, living your dreams and you can have it both ways. I think you know you have to spend it, I found a boat, you have enough You got an aquarium at home, coral that you keep up keep up with in observe what are the other Carl's? Ah, there's some frog spawn how nice
which is for its existing there. Yet freshwater equivalence of allow these things. So there's like freshwater frogs bond Lena Deal official, it's not the same stuff, it's different! If not prettier, it's not it's pretty! That's the great thing about the salt water near the those like brilliant colours. Frogs by frocks bar at level, two red bubble determining banalities and actually have a whole bunch of new instead I don't even know what are called because I found a place. I can order them and they just sinew what they call frogs. Yet little fragments of different ones are try to keep them alive and that's that's the sort of like that. The nerd word that people who are in the cargo understand like rags, yeah, yeah, agony of summer, Frank, savvy guide. What kind of framework? four eggs. You gave an answer. You don't know you don't know what they are under Canada, slacking on Europe. Marine biologist duties.
The drought in the tanks. You what happened, but she that's gonna how I am like it's a hobby that I put a lot into everything, but I'm not crazy over the top into it. It doesn't like dominate me like. I don't feel the need to know the exact name of everything, but if I can sit and look at it in and by then that's it serving its per right. Well, I mean: have you met people in the coral community reef geeks? Yes, reef, geek! Yes, it's a real thing. It's a term! You and I have, and they would know be so ashamed of me yeah they what they would be, not ashamed to be perplexed by me, because we like. Why are you so into this? And you don't know the names of the fucking corals matter? It's simple, Ben to publicly We do have one thing to a very specific thing, but he can't not. For me, I know as much as I need to reef geeks, but they would know that I can probably like posted picture of my tank, and people were like our that's and go through an label? I want you to that. Ok,
I'll. Do it now ass? I could send it to your mama. I just want you to keep up so before you got involved with the tanks. I this is your version. This is this luxury for you. This is you made a little money. You now in your liking, gonna get the tanks. Yet what it's interesting say that, because the tanks originated when I was like in fourth grade, oh well, then, when I was in high school, I had fish tank surrounding my bed really yeah I would go in and lay down and I would be literally surrounded by a new parents reduced. Should I get good, he likes fish, I think by then they were like glass twenty June to right now we always like dough hard into stuff but ruin stuck around and yet but I didn't have tanks for years and years, but these were not these rights are water tank know. Those refreshing back then we can hear it. I wasn't responsible enough debate, some as a kid, no course not by you, built you added surrounding your bed. Yet I have there were fish tanks on all sides,
my dad and did you. Why do you think you underwater it felt like it? If you like? I just love that I wanted to be on our order. Fourteen well, some, like I know, we'd, know we'd nontoxic, that can later the fighting in evaluating the we do now. Those in got together can account you're kind on data GM old. I must I'm a strange animal, but I think what we were were worth damaging is dead. Fish tanks have always been party life, except for college when you're kickin people's asses and smoking weed yes well, and I didn't actually get back into the fish tanks till after my divorce and then the time of the guitar and then I was like noise play guitar the whole time since I was twelve, I play guitar That was so. Do you obviously looking around you do too? I did not know that you didn't know nothing. We discussed it
I think maybe our night. I think that our radiation ownership jam- oh my god, you're right, you came. Oh, you were like people come over and jam, sometimes in New Jersey. You have my place use. We should do it in a MIKE, ok We never did want. What am I gonna? Do I really how Fournier me? I don't know why we have this conversation, but it seems we did because I know thing yes I'd, so bizarre. I don't remember the conversation. While I don't know what an I would play a musical along man me too, since twelve, I love it. But did you play bands yeah in high school or welcome? I mean in college. We were his funny Mary demerit. You know Gaffin spittle yeah. He had a bit about like the bands of banned the place. Party in high school here. You liked this new songs but chasing dreams. The dream chaser Something bit just some. Like what being in a band air
yeah? I was like for me and I spoke as we weren't very good. We went to a much, but we will play like a pint of one of our three sounding already. We play a couple of songs in areas like our it Stop please stop, please! Never like you were there. There were deaf. We got nice girl, I do in it like we romance yeah, they could play like a bunch of shit. I was not one of those two thousand in the kind of banned you just talked about. Maybe what we knew like force on your way to couple parties now is the end of it, but I'd say similar for me to all my other things I didn't want to learn how to play cover tunes. I want him the right. My own make my own. Why, now you know. I never was a guy too, and I think it's funny that's interesting, because learn, leads like I learn lakes area and have put together a lot awakes him, but I never sat down and will in due time It or invent hound waiter mark not for leader MIKE Amber weed! I never! You know like I'll. Do it with some blues wakes but same way, and I think there's something about that. Like I think, there's some
about comedy word sort of like you know. This is further. As hard as it is in this crazy. It is it sort of like the path of least resistance for those of us who want to work, hard at other shit, right oil and who are like individuals like right, royal, individual being a gig like once, you start doing comedy and you want it. You know it's not we're not gonna whack, often we're gonna work hard and in which we have a bite, but it is sort of like it's totally up to you exactly. Note I will work hard, but not on someone else's turn jack my own and with guitar it sort of like Board United play this way. It's like. Why would I want to do that when I can make my only up? It's like me, who gives a fuck about your way to my job, the bothers me I'd like to be better get your eyes always hard. I myself about the guitar and not as much with comedy, but still with comedy too yet? I am not doing this, I'm not working hard enough her. I should know more and more guitar. Yet I do the same. You do I do, and I am now it's funny later in my life,
kind of had a little fun learning more covers right, sorry, that I really love and I go wait. I think why do we do this when we I'm the guy Nora, I could figure out by that- have been planned driving? Really that's what what you just have to practical thing about the the about musical instruments they're out there always the same, now, if you could do it, you should be able to figure out tube yeah and you say like learn how to play whatever there's a guy gaunt. Ok, nursing morning idea, which guy cries domino British guy I want is always one british alleys, capital, thirty guided so little bundle if I've really a lot of fun with that in the last few years, what mining songs my boys come over and I feel like I've got another one one way you know, what are you gonna jump have a drummer have based player. I have a couple of guys. He's your gallery, each, not all your life, my job
guy. The drums way is a professional drummer who have known since fifth creator, sunlight and l IL fuckin swan they out with you. He will as an idea. What we had a good time. I started a Sabbath, a black Sabbath covered band. Like ten years ago now I message my body, the drummer Billy and my body back the base play area, I think it is just like I just found Sabbath. I never was added to them before, but I like Washington along authority. Gimme too, did you really here I didn't appreciation for them. When I was a kid there's a lot of things that I not missed by just didn't know and like I knew Sabbath enough to believe. I think I saw them once when I was in high school. I wasn't it. Abbott Guy, you know I wasn't either. I was more of a Zepplin guy Fisher, and I was not allowed to us. There is no easy Osborne was allowed in my house. No, no, like my mom, like heard the story of what are you doing
No, there will be no really yeah legislating, no, not really just Jerry. Sarah, like moderate, a religion out, not obsessive, lay much yet. She just thought it was weird shit. You know, while the hype about him be sure, Satan, worshiper, unaware garbage Montenegro can do now and then stick with fish is focused on the fish taxi until they until I left one for so long that the filter backed up unlike flooded the house, destroyed the ceiling downstairs nice. Then it was like our it. Maybe maybe not made sample back this whole back on the fish, the fish hobby, but so I'm message by is, it said: hey I'm thinkin about they can we should do a Sabbath covered by India talked either one of them in a while near in less than thirty, seconds they both well, I mean. When do we start, and I was like no shit, so we did it There are some of the most far reaching out my lab ethics, yeah yeah and it was like
If when we started it was like art there's. If I think we might be able to deal with two or three socks here and weak by the end, we did like everything really yeah, while the way through yeah like a bit of finger like how well do you know, Sabbath, not that will last track on the first album via a bit of finger. You did this X. Thirteen and a half minutes is all just crazy, guitar rifts. In its I mean it's up, it's fucking off what guitar deeply? I have an energy. I too have you like crap out a marine biology after first your college, would you do if you just be people up in smoke we kind of kind of theirs. Beer and bonnets and fuck this world was a dreamer and I had a period where I got angry at the work. As I didn't think that really yeah without what that time, just genuine. When John, I think I would have. I got my heart broken for the first time. How who was her name, Jean Maria stolen touch? No,
Molly was fine, she was of yeah, but I it's totally derailed me, like I hadn't might just didn't. I hadn't had happened before Firstly, I when I got my broken just shortly after college, I became unhinged yeah and are committed to a life of cynicism in darkness. That's where I was and booze. Yet we are drinking and frightened and fuck this world, shit, yeah refining, her. She just like it wasn't even like this too awful thing. It was just like that, first time somebody dumps you is like pretty fuckin brutal in I mean not like I had fourth grade with some trouble. Rightly efforts first time, there's like real, emotionally vestment, you have when you can drink and stuff. Yes, we're here, adult feeling fifth grade break up now, after a day of is sitting on a bench. I can't take this start hidden. Mouthwash
but I'm not sorted derailed me in to be now not a great play, but I also it there was no emotional baggage from stuff from earlier. I didn't realize it then, and we figured out until later I go away just like some pretty heavy shit I really want to, but I had will like me: comics danish damaged goods shirt like I developed making. People laugh for a reason to get over yeah avoid the feelings yea I'd get together. I was comic relief lot of fighting here. My house open up here. I was comic relief. I would shut down so I didn't like it wasn't. Therefore it right and then I was like ok, it's done, now do my little song and dance the area try to fix everything right and right here view there yet the new wine making a very bad.
I did young area because cut their dysfunctional relationships have one behind or another. That's how I would make myself field myself feel better was to try to make sure that your that guy, I was yet that's hard. It was art, exhausting the end of angry yet and then, when you have, when will you go through a break up? Good relationship does work. That stuff is sitting right there. And you can make your when I don't know what it is and you can't you can't reconcile it with those current circumstances. Any can't quite blame yourself. Yeah, I didn't understand it. Even just pack got thrown into a bad spot and I was like angry and and convert a madman How liars mean that was college, and then so. I would have been nineteen and men five or six, you carry with young years, not you, but was entirely new and fully understand that stuff. Until years later, when I went through my divorce, that's kind of figured out.
Other the childhood trauma yeah show and why These relationships had been so turbulent and difficult because you want They try to make everything good. I want to try to make everything good at when it went wrong. I wanted to try to reconcile these these left over right, emotional room but anyway, and it didn't work because they were not connected to that's rather connected other things. So you're just like trout, and I don't want to go what to do so, you trying to get something you didn't get. Early on or to recreate something or to create something perfect from your head dies was in reaction to what you went through his kid, with these different p and there was no way those feelings could be resolved by those people yet so it felt very much the same but other. Looking back it's it's there clearly different the other one, that you have the feelings and I'm gonna go with them their clearly different. It's like: how did I not what because when I was in the throes of it and also by liking, you get wired is a kid. I dug its programmed yeah sure programme.
This way. Your hearts workin for certain thing and you will converge like you know closure on matter or to recreate something to get something to eat and have now. You know that you felt how you do know then tell somebody hips you to the way it works and usually that's after you ve destroyed everything yes released once yes, that's true to ran into the ground answer. So what do you do after college engineer in this kind of compressed angry state with the way wordy end up by Europe? I still have my dream of getting into show business and and making movies being a filmmaker. That's what I want to do from that's very early on our love, nor you have movies were my escape. Also, really get out of you and many of us now enjoy them here. I love, I love them yet, and it is interesting to look back. They ve deftly influenced me a lot of good and some.
If we really yeah like him all these staff self after bad people, or like I expect things to be: expect real life to be like a movie plot, so everyone's everyone's figure control Gunnar ulterior motives or social issues here, while you are no doubt definitely definitely wise in this. Exactly like, I anticipated to be well known, while everyone cheats, everyone wise everybody will rip anyone. Any chance they can be. I know it's like the sensationalism that goes with good fiction. Yeah. Doesn't it Real life is not necessarily like that, but I do know movies we're where I hid That was what I wanted to believe. India has invested in it. I get a little like need now that I'm sorry more emotionally vulnerable and a little less fucked up. I give like movies, like I get deep in a meter. It's fuckin we his only like something. Why am I getting so upset about that? You will take me hours to get out
to get out of the reality of the movie, and then you like have Who are these people that I have in my head and its carries out regime like I'll? Take like an hour for me just a kind of like realise my life is just what it is like. You know, and I just drag through this whole process of this movie, and I entered my life and unlike I'd like a very emotionally yet this now is a good or descent like making not wanna. Let that happen again. No! No! I think it's good. I think, like you know, I I I think more open to it, but I'm surprised like it does like I've just started recently, letting myself indulgent entertainment ran away Can I get a watch live tv shows really for a while. There is as working I didn't make it. I got. There was too much, but now I'll fuckin just sit and like most people do in watch movies or two and be like that's great encode, completely get lost in it in I rise like well, that's what it's four and then I can appreciate and on deeper levels to you,
steadily and intellectually, and what not, but but some movies, I'm just sort of like why can live there? Why am I back here at night? place to be right. That's the thing I get like you know like you, I get immersed in to the point where my eyes, I cannot just be the movie right and you just watch it later like a regular person, Vienna that was good, add and care for them. I can't do that either. It's like I'm too far in yeah that's what it was to me and that's what I wanted to be right, and you know it's harder. It gets harder and harder to let yourself by into that and escaped that's bought me, especially if you're like at a movie theater leah and everyone around you like chewing and even the ongoing pillar, when paper and whispering in as this I can't do this What are you? Why are you in here with me
goobers exhilarating, my mother superior that gone too media and get up, and I don't way out, but so I I like. I moved to allay on a whim. Well, I went through another painful relationship, break up scenario in this after traveller college back home in June. I drove I had a lot of different driving jobs. We drove I delivered to everything. When we like prescription drugs to pizza, to flowers, to you just leave, always because you are driving yeah yeah. The driver, so I could get my license. May I just drove I love drive. I come in Do you always want to drive it's? Why it's the same thing with the movies driving? It's like magic, yeah yeah, I'm gonna get you nanny That's all you, the ages think yeah yeah yeah, that's
turns out. That's what I really liked to do alone, but it's kind of that's true. Here we get out. I guess you know you Well, maybe that's why the cash Kevin so good, for you forces you in the relationship between comes in God they just leave. There is truth to that sure gets me back out in the world will that same leader, I guess he saved my life like that yeah yeah. Just like us. Miserable bitter fuckin, as people come over anything? That's, it sometimes the whole idea yeah got problem sell me out come on over here. Through the veil of my style, they are brilliant move. I give his impulsive and dad desperate by the worked out. That's awesome yet so huge success congrats by the way. Thank you very much, commissioner.
No, no. It's great blue have sat here or wherever the gesture that shared yeah, Barack Obama yeah on that area. The donation unbridled enrich Voss right there. On that you are so you move here on a whim. I moved to allay that must have been a disaster. It wasn't it wasn't. So he had it was literally like had you started doing comedy? No, no! You may be accurately, like I can't take this anymore here. I keep waken up with this girl, get back together with her thing, one Jane now different era. I said I'm gonna get out of here. I'm in a move tell I hear and I literally like just got on a plane and flew out here and with no plan. I looked up my one friend that I knew lived out here. What was the jar builder, but what you gonna do movies. What was it? I didn't have a plan I was like. I need to get out of here need to go somewhere out, you're all fucked up. I don't have a girl what the fuck I'm gonna do. I'm lost Lamb, the sun
Moving to LOS Angeles, sad move. Do too I found my way one way, by doing that, yeah yeah I moved out here. I was looking for the workplace to be lost. I was looking for. You have right now, it's crazy to think that I was like one of those young people who said I'm gonna move to hear Hollywood right, pursue my dreams and somehow it worked out for me. You know, like I stumbled into it, I I I had worked in hotels threats, Sperience working in a very nice hotel back injures you did they gonna Hilton, at short hills right across from this, the more we have at short hills. I would like running room. There wasn't my title, but that's service, basically doing my title, but that's what he's doing so. You came out and then what happens? You get a job. I looked for jobs in hotels, thinking I can support myself and try to find some way into the world.
Show business right. They had that much of a plan you I can get a b and show based I'm gonna, do something maybe I'll get a job building sets were cause. I always was glue handy yet known, confronted jobs. I came out of what was then the high it next to the store, didn't the job, a hotel like way below the level. What, but I had a lot of good experience in good references known cared about my references for you, withdrawing the higher. Now you came out of a high it right but I am an interview here and carry through direct their chatting to a guy named Jeff, who was manager at the candy store yet Jeff and it's not seem Jeff, it's there now, nothing panic where no now get another guy here and he gave me a job answering the phones get the fuck out of here yeah. He said you have a good voice, you want it. Can you answer the phone for us? We need some these three nights for hours and I follow you
Fifty in our what year was ninety three I shut. Ok, yeah sure, that's how I dont understand up really do and have thrown job. I took the job and then I did you really here- was it when the green movement, I like the palm trees and stuff up in the back here Becker's off line was recorded right outside of MIKE Becker's. I asked my Becker's off a I done over Missus Office, yeah yeah that job in a seven. That's crazy right! No doubt about me. I was a doormat at the store two guys from Jersey. Here about here with the same job that the comedy store he fired me. She was already mighty near. She fired me a lot and then Polly would come in and say you're not fired also. This association wiring everyone, you can't just if everyone, but she fired left. We would there be known here. Are you like that? Don't leave so that was before the kind of it was getting a little weird to get a little weird there right
Yes, I was always we're, but it was diminishing, yeah right yeah. Well, she was with Kennison dead ongoing at that point. Yes, he just. I show you a few years before accession struggling, but she wasn't men little their traumatic yet now now, but it was like it, Gary over their yeah. Now wine, shoes, gas, air tissue kind of fire, everybody a lot and then Did your drive, the carver GI run errands. Now I never did not. I wasn't there that long bizarre, but these by did you try stand up. I did you member you ever Skippy Low, YAP, Skippy Low, invited me to do hitching a value. Yet he thought that I was exhausted about telling a story, because you are the funds of how I am up in our story. The girl in the air and the flight with no plan and all that here and I can add some people listening by the UN and they thought I was a comedian which I was not at the time Skippy low said he should do my shall come to my show Saturday. I was core petrol.
But you're in it. It's even five said that I said no, no, no! No way I can, and then he, but it gave me his card here with a picture of him sitting on a bus bench that had a picture of him on it. What are you doing? Game lacks a Chopin and the next day was like what am I doing, I'm not doing anything. Maybe I've always liked make people laugh. I got me in trouble, but maybe I could maybe this is meant to do it so switch on it. I call them. I did has shown the belly any longer there in the rolodex and we should even with just one card on my card board empty literally cardboard box here, so I call them and he put me on
did. I did his Saturday shown the belly room like six times and work out worked out. I got a laugh at the first thing I said here and it was instantly hooked, wow Yom any store, guy yeah, that's where it happened. I didn't I did like six are those saturdays and with Skippy Low and then in one country will buy you addition from its he yet, past me like very quickly. Do Jerry Soongoora, Gunnar right you're, but I didn't understand what that meant it. I didn't know yet that that was like such a big thing I left out. I was like that's what I'm gonna do, but I can't I'm always make enough money to survive out. He's right. You're thing practically no alarm, I back home in pursuit of them and in New York, but he had no sense of the store that I heard the store really a little bed. I knew it was a name is a name. You want us to be afraid of Missy. I tend to resist system.
No, that that her passing me was a big fucking deal and I should have stayed here. I don't know when, through some dark times after that, right. So that was ninety three stored idumea area. It was, it wasn't like the best of times when I was there wasn't like thriving so no right right yet always like you know, is like half filled rooms at me now ass, crazy, but that man it was like I used to go there. He's got back delay now in two thousand and two and I was working and I was like I like to be there's no one with Bobby right. Just go in and perform for half a room right yeah. That was you your work done. It was was worse than that when I was there first, it was like they come, those only crowd on the weekends and its and not totally sold out. I think a lot of right, I used to go. That's how it so I have the feeling of a dying play.
But it also had what it still has. The pictures which has just like this feeling of of like authenticity, authenticity and like some real history and such There's a yes there's a lot! There's a lot going on there that I liked him. What you say, but so funny you went back to New York. I went back to New York. I moved back into my parents house. I thought in the basement, fish no, no fish. No, you know what I did. I have I oughta item fifty five gallon fished in the basement, my parents. At that point. In my life I had forgotten eyes to cool stuff. Ok freshwater start afresh water stingray, ah well, which was like unheard of time may and then I have had some cool stuff like snake in now. That's a lot of fish that it's only each other fish in a real get as big as the tank environment.
Allow why get huge like an arrow wanna, it's like a really long kinder. It's really long looks like of like half Snick Hagfish, remember gone the pets store. When I was a kid seeing the era yeah they only fish. That's a lot like that and they had. There is actually a thing with snake heads, so many people bought them. The IRA very popular with kids in a meeting with the tax. Then they would get too big and people would put him in arms and stop fucking. Eight everyday ruin the ruined population. Now it would I go. I take my kids. We go and walk by this pond Jersey here and there's Africans secludes, but they that's a certain type of FIFA advocates. Category of fish that are african. The whole population is pond in central New Jersey. African fish, yeah yeah, there's like hundreds of them in their dead, as other people know this, so that you think it's gsm. Dump, their fishing yeah. Absolutely Now, there's like a whole, while you know
ecosystem. Those should be awarded yeah Let's phenomena carver give depart again we New Jersey tests. Are you aware that, guy Certainly raises. Is Ben Railway who's this guy? living in a basement. My parents and I said happy now good, pretty good I mean I'm still he's got your biggest down out of angry it, but I've found stand up here, and I know that that's what I want to do and they are accommodating there. May I found something I'm not yet I'm also working. I was to learn pizzas, so Stiller. Whatever I could get DR then I ended up driving. That's when I started driving them yeah and after our party's bashful parties eat mostly like corporate to the airport in backing Newark, but a handful of yeah back and forth in work a lot and like fat enough, twenty percent would be like couples going to dinners and chosen the city, nothing perverse.
No, never our runaways. What's the matter was there and I'm gonna hey? Where can we get blow? Can you guess there's some of that? There are some alike. Can we find some drugs right? Can you know nowhere. Yet it will open up to you and your derive right now, you're driving again professionally. Yes, sir, my dream come true. We're gonna get out of my job as a driver and people driving driver get the fish. We got to get it the voting guitar Darwin There is no more than the other man, yet it really, as I feel very fortunate by its always, you start to strip no, I went to of all places that I went went to the Boston, comedy club, sure any ordinary. How I knew so first place. I want, I think, that's where I met user, that we had the hat backwards, yet he eyed that that was a thing. My grandfather passed away right around the time I started, and he had given me that hat so recycled
security blanket service. I forget that some people like manner in areas where they had every night I didn't think it was like you headed down vesture, something I probably headed down vessels of vessels from the situation no, but but I remember year a meme was it like we're we're talkin like that's like ninety five that late ninety sick. That's when you start in, I started ninety three store, but by right without adding ninety five, when I was in New York and push in China, definitely around then yeah. I remember seeing your u, I moved back there and I was chicken guys out watching comecon. Definitely there you were there, you and new round of thy eyes like to write this guy's good here long people. I was The guy can hang the iron and some of you guys had been at it more serious and in good at it sure- and I was like oh boy
remember the guys, I'm proud of terrible another big now gather like movie STAR area as it is so weird I've seen people get funny yet oil, while guys, like you just sort of like brown of, is going to happen with this guy enough, then click yea always knew ten years in prison, wait I've only while you're fucking funny now, I always used to say they cross that came up with the across it and I have made the mistake: it. I've had a month several different types of shows, Rome host Am I who it who would have thought you? Would it with less than I do that, because I did it's a great answered with its true though, but that's what he's going by thought it when you said if they knew the whole time I was like. I have thought about it. That way. Of course they did they wouldn't let on quality early its awesome air so, but but How did it all unfolding? In I mean you're New York State knew I was in New York for a long time, plugin away.
The clubs do your Letterman's in here now. Never did it never did crushed crushed on auditioning, for although sugar but and have management. I do know tat shelf I've, It show now, but not to do stand by, did it with care for the capture panel than talked about and stuff, but I did like Carson Daily. I did Craig Kilburn nor the evening at the Providence tougher. Those things were done. Those were done, but here was like late Friday. He did star search was a big thing from early when Cynthia was hosting. I to the end in wine, but I on my way normal time, isn't awhile, though, like you know, because even me, songs, I've been doing it and, having done all opponents everything else that you all of a sudden you, in the most successful party or life, is based on this other thing, I you know, I broke through doing a podcast, my garage, and there was this period. There will be
we're like a really your great interview and unlike barometer media yeah. There's that moment you must get that, to my mind filled with empathy right now. It's totally care that was very much that you're doing good, but you frustrating it's likely. I do comedy yeah, it's so funny, Joe, but a man. I don't need to talk to me I've been to accommodate all life it. Yes, yes, it's very for I wrote in his job done, but what about the I'm? Still I've still grapple with that, yet it would put. But there is a point where it was very tough because I know how to know where you were when like Flash forward ten years for ninety slogan, away in New York. I. Finally, in doing you'd, be doing what are you headline and be rooms, and what do you do? I wasn't really I don't want to. I was like I want to die, just want to crack the rooms in the city and stay here, but you do that. I did-
took me ten years, disappointingly, regular strengthen seller and she do on Friday and Saturday at the seller, near reptiles, clubs. Ten years ten years about from when I was back in New York, and I had my delight Mary had evolved into this either. Very announcer voice, so it never all of my jobs in this area. Deliberate tone and was created was organic. It just happened here and the jokes hit harder work with them. Yeah cash cab comes along. People know me for that. I can't do that anymore. My crowds come out an election when we from the shutter like. Why is he talking like this? Is so what they know you as you? They know me as me here and it's. It was tough, but it forced me to just be me on stage and it made me a better common but as a very confused in theory. It knows what the fuck is going on and I can't do this Nor am I go to all these years. I can't do it. I was any of an audience and audio those. You
different way than what you ve stab. How did you get the gig to begin with? ask him just audition for it. You know what you did. It start. Two thousand five I remember when you got in then why our sun? It was a thing yeah to think whether what is was on? Discoveries were started here, total fluke than had ever got picked up by discovery here, but there we were. There from oh five and no thirteen to them told his on thirteen. What yeah a nurse yeah and then they wouldn't get picked up again after eight year after eight years, and then, when I won't it it's twenty seventeen April. They brought back. The union gig now she couldn't get the insurance Ah, no! Well, that's interesting question immunity.
It's a union gig, I'm thinking. It's not because I'm not getting there's no residuals is no any that, but what I do have some health care and organ in salmon. I've done, are they gonna say, but they have to pay me through right. How do you get your future insurance, which is that's great great? You right, yeah yeah thought themselves, while some, but during this time you get married, the you have children. Yes, how many to that was what two thousand and seven my kids are: thirteen and eight, so my daughter was so six so right after the gig, who is the woman, he married a French of french lady really. Would you meet her at a bar in Jersey, wherever one me french women, of course, and that was good yeah. That was good, but I was too I was
es. I didn't know what I wanted are needed from a relationship right. Just like I was too young and not, and none in control of how long did it take furtive go south we stay together for fifteen years. That's not nuthin known. I was good and we're still we get along fine. We, together with the kids, yet we're back and forth live on other option in the same town. Oh you encounter yeah. We both she lives in the house that we bought together. I moved the crosstown to another place, so now kids go back and forth and I love them dearly. I missed them by their ok gather to great rate yeah. That's a good story, gets it as far as divorce stories. Go, it's pretty good, so wake. What would happen, though, because, like you said it was a dark I'm like shouted like what how to get away from here a web. I just merit. I just figured out. I wasn't happy and I had just didn't
face. It didn't do not even want to leave that to her dad never do with her problem. No, no it just one just like like one. Why do my life this? Isn't this isn't right? This isn't. I can't just stay here for years and will have this continue with you the area bringing little people in their idea there, some kind! this idea of what a relationship is supposed to me is not going to be a good one, and I can't do that. That's why I'm here right so where I in this place. You know, sir, right, so I don't write or european ness eyes like I got it from your vermeer upbringing I gotta go and an end, not very tough, and then he entered darkness, nor is I was like I thought I was through the darkness and didn't realize Neddie Didion full
understand what was going on with me and till we're getting divorced here. I agree: let's go to council where we go to the first one. Yet afterwards there shrink poles me aside and says: I'm gonna recommend someone else for you to see here about your depression and that's what I do my what I'm not depressed achieve sniggered even caught. Yes, you are like no one. Even as I'm saying no, I'm not I'm like. Oh my god, I absolutely em. And I didn't know I was like so even now, manage it like we do. I comics manage booze. The ever in near the aged. It yeah turn if that's the whole turn feel at home. So by choose right so I went saw somebody then changed my life. Really you, but when did you I went in there like this is bullshit
and I sat down and from this guy and I just the first little bit of conversation. I just cried for like yours, a lot. He asked you some general questions about depression and you're right. That's me yeah! No. He I think he was like. Why are you here, yeah right just like all everything has came pouring out, and then I was just like out on the street like what the fuck did moment. What is going on, but then from their like. I can, I understood all those things in it. You get on the medicine, no right now, nomads said that read out a gate, no nomad see did talk therapy until you get straight,
understood it and then there in a measured upper yeah. Yet why have done that? Previously? I had. I had gone to a point where I was a real mess, and so I didn't rinkitink, I didn't touch out all for five years and that also changed my life. You know that I, like just the clarity the ages, one called Turkey, India thing, Yet warning it took a lot of tries to do that Europe. But finally, I did hear my eye was like I'm. This is gonna ruin everything we worry about that now. Now, I'm I'm like. After five years I mean it. I'm like I have a couple of beers mere you know it When did you write the dark songs of divorce divorce? Time of before you went to the depressing depression? Yes, oh during the divorce. Yes, yes, I had built this addition on my home which was unfinished light years. When I talk to you there's got to be one and I must have been drunk cause,
nowhere we were given, but anyway I bid. So that was just now you earlier was is: did you get two thousand and eleven the centre right yeah yeah, I know I was out in their my family was visiting. Here is the worst part of my divorces at my family blamed me and and didn't like thought. It was a mistake and didn't think I was gonna write your parents. Yes, if they ever hear it was in his village. What's no, we did not put us who I was like hiding. From my now ex wife and family ass, I was out in the unfinished thing like change smoking,
playing a guitar and drinking whisky and just like what the fuck is going on in my life wasted. What does this not gonna be how I feel what point you know and jam, and just german written and singing, and did you record that stuff? I have recorded that as of Sunday. I love it. I love it. It's one of the things I most proud of my life real album of tunes, but I put out there, but I I published a wide and put my name on it. What does it mean? I mean I just put the name of a band and where is it it's it's everywhere, but no is listen to what you people could, but now you're gonna? U still connected up to now I wanted to like live on its own and has gone fine Finally, I have to. I don't have any expectation some
So how is about making it? How I'd be our minute since August? Oh it's new yeah, Johannes Year, I finally poorer, I spent three years producing mixing, mastering it with those guys yeah with a drummer in the base where and his day, just the name of a band. Yes, they you're, not gonna, say I don't want to. I would defeat the purpose of me not well how you promoted, then I look out. You're too promoted people find it may like it. That's great now listen to it now, but how do you get the fire started? What do you want with people? just gonna brows bite on. I do not about that. It was about making it, but it's on Itunes. Yes, I told him. I am a weirdo, I've, I've The song of I have arbitrary things than fine. I like to do, and I just do it when I know just during songs about coral it that's all
how about that fish tank regularly when dining room is a little bit and what's so I'd like now hurry right? Do you sell tickets? you know when you go out and I haven't been on the road since last June you just been shooting the shell by spend about four months filming the show I then holidays, and then you know- and now this new tourism kicking off a detour as that, what's gonna, that's yeah! That's what actually, what I'm here to promote of not the cabinet known a cash cap now now I'm do her to her I'm doing like fourteen data from now. Every other week, Yell July or whatever, but so when you go out there and I have been to its your cause- I've spent selling tickets well in the court's until now. This is like a leap to another sort of their size. For me, my heart, so I have high hopes by a ah When you go out and you having a show, you wanna do your set and then once you ve done it an especial you, don't you never do it again or
yeah, but it's like it's our policy with me. Just so happens, that's the way it works right in a way and of war. Me too, I don't even remember shit anymore yeah. Why, like I'm not gonna, do bits from ten years because I don't remember, can alighted, try to see those bits to work, but here's my question yet was sure they would. But don't you think that your fans might want you to do a bit that they love from way back. When I know you know it's like you, it's really hitter miss with that. I just want to see a band even like don't player. Well yeah, I know, but like songs, are different area for sure like you. You know it's all in music to hold different thing: it's magic yeah yeah comedy some sort of trick. We hear that I don't know I agree with you on that. I always end, but I mean like like. Can I like, like when you watch a comedy special again? and if your show and somebody else you hours ago, but with music I can sit there and I
Listen to me You Abbe Road record. You have you, isn't the release, ex road now, Martin Insane amazing yeah it sort of like unanimously almost crying. Happening with Germany, and I have to go right. But no musical. Definitely bring more emotion, We can begin uniform. You learn, I don't stand a parent carrier grouchy it it's treating the sense it like this. The first time you hear joking. I know it's coming right, but do you know what I mean yet there is sort of like you, never gonna get that back, I'm only if you do, like a long thing in it. Like you know it's it's a nuanced that might be worth send into again, but I dont go back to too many specials more than once. That's what I do. My former bitter long. Yea. Ninety seven, eight ten minute chunks
no and its heart and saying on some beautiful orchestrating, but I've seen lying. I know you say, but I also there's a thing of lake, even with like some of my were like the first five cds I know that I wasn't very popular then, and I know all that stuff. It lives five or six hours material. That most of my fans now have never fuck in her so there's always pardon me that sort of like the there's, no they could hurt someone that shit and its good shit. You know it, but then you always deal with the one asshole who, after Joe comes and goes another do new stuff the idea that uneducated either way they haven't. We and do your Google bit now. I don't get that much. I get that. How can it do you I wanted you to do your nearly flightless birds bit bits that I love and we have done in ten years and then a feat and then someone else come up. I thought I thought you're gonna do new stuff, like you can't he can't please everybody that I wanted to ask, and I am so fuckin mad because I want the England sooner than I should.
Like I was building the set for the special, but I went back there. I did like half of What I done there, the last time but another forty five minutes of new shit on top of like forty five that I was working on before and someone was like I'll, even though I buy tickets, unlike fuck, like I thought you had sex. We should get our money back. It's like fuck what, because it was the same as you did some of the same at off right. So you know I do, ten to like, after a point out, even know. What's what is making me angry? They did it to you and make me a fucking made me with piss me off. But again I do respond to that shit. I did that. When did you it's a struggle not to write, I then went back and forth governed by them like. Where do you want me to send your fuckin money? Be I'll, send your ticket Maria and then I did in they make me but she had given Jane lying one C4, that's a thing people, so they just want to gets get a response from you. I know
but it's hard to know that in a moment you're triggered you're angry. But to me it's like very, like I dont tour, I dont bus, my balls some guys do I go out a lot, but, like you know, I've serve more. It's a? U really well in supermarkets are not great in rail users. I can draw like you eight to twelve? during the most places ran into a couple He'S- writing self two thousand in change, but that's the top of it. You know what that's great yet great, it's it's a living and it's a nice living in its good bodies in their good people like no like there's no problems at my shows I give I do have some club dates to write me. The waitresses rights of these people are now, people there, adults yeah, I'm not gonna, walk in and look at a table. Fuck that's gonna, be a problem in Turkey.
Yep, you tell him, you could spot him away and here they come in. I agree. I still do those club dates like that. Were you could be heard her miss by one. I'm writing shipowners. Clubs destroyed through, but am I am my point, is this, like I dont like, I don't drive myself crazy. I just wanted to be good experience in I'm happier from doing stuff, I'm engaged in and in new and not worrying about like old shit like I know that these markets that some people will drive to come see these chosen going and I've seen it you're somewhere else goes like ripe old drive to see me, but some of them are not going to and in its pretty spectacular kind of button pushing set- and you know it, but even ok, for instance, like I'm agents, I bore, have trouble with Orlando and I don't know what that means on. Finally, today: calm up and you want a fuck me man is, can be embarrassing or what
he's like, while the other place it's eighteen hundred and right now, three weeks you know left for tickets, Algeria like six in that I wish I could show you my Orlando numbers and you'd feel a lot better, but you're not of the same value. This I am So Crimea, river body. Apparently they can close the sides in helping the idea where you're going to be on its whenever it I've been told, like you you're, not going to note, as you know the though dark in the balcony, and they can cause the sides with the work both can have a great time but Abdul your fans love you and they are going to come out. We are not aiming saying allow many years. I think you know it's gonna be fine! I just like it isn't it is it's a stressful thing. Now it's like she's, weird you hit. The certain levels have been dude. I mean it's like I used to go. I would prefer a half a room, Youtube
but it's a manageable situation. We came up doing that. You fucking go on stage of Boston for linking twelve people. Sometimes it be the best fucking night. You hide dude bickering, just talking to some of them, and I hope it. I clung. I there is a point where I could go in there. Boston comedy CASA comedy only work and at the end of a weak night right and do a half hour yeah for like tat anywhere from five to twenty five. Right and was awesome. That was like. It was like such a great thing for me as a comic. Would that's how you learn how to connect with people like how you build that relationship with an audience like he was like an idea I made him. I did some Norway shows in there to show That is why we have set a life sucks. The life parties, who is working hard facts like what we're going to stick it out, but she's dead. Can I do that we walk in there and you walk in and it's you like six people sitting replace enabling all got to show we got it just happened and yeah. It's too.
They we gotta show great yeah. You want, like all factors, only six people who I really want it. I didn't come all the way and for nothing one time. Oh, my god, I've had a phone. Miss story. What drove in from Jersey to go to a spot at the Boston I get there and their close up more. We had no crowd right. Son of a bitch re. Well, yes, have announced their here too to the bag, to learn what was the Sun Mountain hire? Some cafe then went down there. I got a beer sentner, this other guy, Arnold Ecevit, I'll. Remember that really he's gonna, like my my class, readable laelia, so he's removed from your lobelia. He and I are sitting there. A bus pulls up front and a person gets out go this trend opened a door to go upstairs and club and were like what's this so we we go out, we talk them like we're here, for the show, with his whole boastful hold tour group was planning to come to that China will come at the boss
Domini club, oh my guy, we're like holy shit. Let's let him in so we go down and we get the guy behind the bar Patrick arrangement, yet no magic, Patrick Gareth brothers. He goes up an open door, forcing us go ahead. What are we gonna? Do voice will run drinks from down here. You know so with we did show weep. Forty people got off a bus, it came in. We charge him a cover and, like three of us, the half hour each and it was like the made the money like normally we'd, have like no money for the shows or, like his allies, we're Jason, given If you get a twenty dollars, he was the one who was there that might be closed down the club and he was again or show no show re always awesome. It was a triumphant night. That's what it was like nights, the guys in Shawshank drinking beer on the roof likelier just like this is amazing.
We may like forty two dollars. You that's what's going to happen in Orlando feeling, Scooby landowner, I had a great run, a shows. Last time I was there like. I've never died. I literally fucking avoid Ford whole state for is a unique place. No, I have nothing against it. I just don't find night like day they owe you like they don't like you, you won't you sort of. Like I don't know you. I think I have some PTSD from a couple of shows. I did there in the past, like the regime, other was down there over those involved them coming. One was it that fuckin hard rock ass. You know right and Lauderdale which agenda mom lives in Hollywood. Ok, innovative before they built it up like now to huge guitar shape hotel with every bit as before it was. It was when it was an improv at the hard rock right and socks and my fuckin family
imminent sought, and then there was another time arrives at the Palm Beach improv any fucking stunk, because you The FUCK and Middle ACT Yo closed with, like hey, let's, let's give it up for the fire fighters you're. It was just like you know too much and it was just- and I think the fuck me. The ice to do that, camping, improbably or serious ones. Yet they do and it was ok. But yet- and I think I was a different comic answered via at in a drawer anything by, but still some analysing, stick with it have you known. Yet I cannot do it when you're fairly com. Is it the worst when friends or family are like. I want to come to a show and you're like ok, I waited here's one that you should come right and I've had. This have a few times of yours. I think we can do this one I'd know I chose one. I only come to that one. I don't want that one! It's gonna be lucky to be what I want you
you think my life any easier when we do privately and furnished strangers. If you want it, that's that's! That's that's for strangers, not for a family of juggling actor that whole thing. I don't care anymore than Cairo. Neither up! Remember that you never read jolly and around I do they both alive yeah. Ok, TIM is to make us what the fuck man the wrong guy yeah because do just who cares show MA. You live who gives a shit brain? What do you want to pretend you're not performing in these? In our great these, like shitty, blindly claret, you are that your life, you fuck, you're right man, you're, absolutely right is our life. When I haven't read Johnny Johnny, is the voice. Now he's good was happening around our TIM is not enough. Curly anymore, but like he does video production, frolicsome, metals company up in Connecticut Man and wife and kid I always well
I respect the people to get out well good for him, we're still in it here and you doing good. Thank you. Man is good time. Were you yes, good talking to you? We good. I think I think we're good good, where we I feel like we ve, always been pretty good. Oh no! No! We have no problem. Just why make sure we are closing out nicely? Ok, I think we're Using up nicely come and see us both we need. Yes, I take advantage of it. Aquariums folk aquarium? I didn't realize. Well, while I was talking to that, it was it so now the reprieve man Amenia whatever was whatever is going on in this house, don't even want to talk about being underwater or were the course is, he could be. The underwater was where he felt peace he's doing. Ok, he's on cash, Abby can Bravo go to the real bamboo dot com for his tour gates, and I was happy to talk in this way you can also go to.
W deified, dotcom, Flash tour, then you and advocate information for all my went to tour dates. I'm not going Didn t again, I've got everybody, I'm gonna get Grand Rapids maybe they're on the thirty first tomorrow tonight even Cleveland tomorrow The Grand Rapids and so yeah. So do this with our land or to be more land of hard rock lot hard rack hard work life that boy. Forty that's Valentine's day by I'm telling you everyone I've it get nowhere. Do I've got no music in a hotel them
Transcript generated on 2020-02-05.