« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 638 - Sir Patrick Stewart

2015-09-16 | 🔗
Marc and Sir Patrick Stewart together in the garage? Make it so. The cultural icon engages with Marc about his life as an actor, from the English stage to the Starship Enterprise, culminating with his new show Blunt Talk. Sir Patrick also talks about the traumatic events of his childhood and how he turned them into motivation for his activism and charitable work.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A guy. I would do this. How are you at the fuckers what the but buddies, what the partners, what buccaneers, what the plucky knots how's it going? mark marin. This is my show this wmd after podcast. Thank you for joining me. I appreciate listen or ship might yet I do, but why might those are just tar ground. Even dare does I don't realize what I'm saying to after comes out, sound very professional was pleasant. There was true gratitude there anyway, thanks listening. It's amazing shouted. I added an incredible conversation with Sir Patrick Stuart. This is the second sir. I've had on the show and and an equally as using a conversation, as I have said, in macao and not less go I was thrilled to have him and I'm not even that huge. Well, let's be
I'm, not a star trek guide all, but I am a patrick store. Guy isn't very press of character- and it was a very surprising and candid in an emotional precision I was there. I was happy have him here and I think you'll enjoy that talk. Listen to me set up the talk like a professional, I'm gonna, be in Australia october, fifteenth at sydney, Australia, the state theatre october, sixty eight that the patent theater near melbourne october, seventeenth at brisbane city, hall and brisbane, please go to my website deputy pod dotcom swash counter for the links. To the tickets. If you're in Australia, you're gonna be australia, I'm excited though, shows- and I will be there- some other bits of business you're on the show today I can tell you about personal struggles with my roof and my tools. I can do that, but I think I need to address the situation that happened in the press and happiness on my phone. I got a call for you,
years ago attacked from my for my friend sd ran his easy, is a comedian, and down thought he may be. I don't know what it was about, a thought he might want to come on and talk about his special turns out. It was much more dire. I got em down with him and this is for any news broke in and I said, what's happening, guys will look. This is, it's about me and, and I I need to apologize to you ah for lying to you and I was like what Annie said you know. I was on your podcast and I talked about being in the world trade center on nine eleven in and I wasn't and I just I need I need to apologize for lying to you, I'm sorry
it's not true, and I'm just not that guy. That does that and just him coming clean and indium, and I'm just I want apologize to you and I said: ok. Okay. Ah, I appreciate that ben yo good for you for meaning it, but buddy you hit the news in the new york times. I guess in it. It obviously is gotten. traction and and you know the pod, I said I had him on that. And that was almost six years ago and know that's out there. So I know some people play dad and you know it's been. You know it's a it's a big, and down. I dont know that he necessarily owed me an apology. I think it's a you know the the right thing to do to help judge for lying, but but I need you guys that. Yet this is not sixty minutes. If someone comes on the show and tells a story about their wife. I will take what they're saying at face value
if people come on here and make stuff up, I mean that's on them. This is obviously going to be a life changer for steve. And he's got away with this. That's where that sad. I appreciate the apology. It was and is a bad thing to do by day- that's on steve now in and that's yo, his crossed a barren his conscience in and he how to live with the repercussions of what he did and and and now owning up to it. So so that's that's where I stand on that, so she in gears the other day reigned in l. A I'd like to thank you ever was responsible for that, or maybe just a universe her weather patterns are, what the fuck man did. We need the rain or what my eye. I think that the structure my house was literally drying out breathing is drying up and the rain It comes, and I was so thrilled, of course,
my new driveway inaction to see those drains working do not see sandbags in front of my fucking garage to see my dream. Why dry and water free, because the drainage system works, I was surprised to wear got the day. The reins terrain in my kitchen, water was raining into my kitchen, so I was alone in the house. It was early in the morning. Water was pouring in my kitchen. It was raining the drains we're working, but there was a problem, obviously not enough, happen one time before when the water on my roof got so high because of a clogged. The we got her. I had there's only one outlet for water up there in that got caught and the water level rose above the scheme of the roof, but it meant I had to get up on my if I get on a ladder- and I can't tell you how much it took, how much personal strength it took not for me just
angrily climb up that latter alone with no help no one spot. no one there to see if I fell and cracked my head, I it took a lot and I think it's a sign of growth that I wasn't. So stubborn that I may not be here today that I wasn't so stubborn that I might to you not be in a hospital babbling or in a coma so I would like a little credit and a pat on the back for not being a fuckin old, proud idiot and just making it up that ladder in the pouring rain. Add of anger to deal with them. of embossed, we hardly myself. What I did was, I sat there and I thought well who come over right now. Who could come of her? Who could come? four and help me right now immediately, because I need help. I called the contractor. Who did my driveway? I text at him dude trouble water coming in your back from him thought. Maybe right.
Singer. There is no way that fuckers up at eight o clock in the morning. Maybe my neighbour, when my go knock on my neighbors door, how bout my girl, How about the woman in my life? I don't want to bother her she's got her own shit, going on making her own house you're right and doing her Shit by told you happening, and I was just to wait out how to get the latter out she's like I'm, coming so there we were. The rain in my rain gear earner hacked climate up the fuckin ladder, so I got up to the roof in there is about fuckin water said not there like a little goddamn lake I were wasted a pull that great out and just before the gallons of water.
just ran through my new draining system. It was exciting. I was happy there was a solution, so I guess that what I'm telling you is that I think we should all be happy that, ah it's not raining in my kitchen and that, ah I didn't a main myself or lobotomies myself or die by being stupid on a ladder. see that maybe the lesson story- maybe I dont know those of you who have been listening for a few years. I think remember when I felt fifteen feet off that latter onto my back. and the woman I was living with, came out, yelling screaming and crying at what idiot? I was. She was just inside. Why didn't I tell her, oh because on the proud, stubborn old fuck, so learn. My lesson. Ok now said: oh, I saw straight out of compton. I thought
Particular I don't do what a movie reviews here, but man here's the deal. I miss that whole thing I missed it because I remember when it was happening, but I just was not. It was not my music my world I don't know how I mr, but I missed it, but the amazing thing about going to see a bio pick where You know very little about who's. The vile is up I'm off obviously familiar with doktor dray, I'm familiar with ice cube, I I don't know much about easy. I don't know anything about any of em so. I don't really know enough about them to sort of have. at viewing you I got. This does not like the real like these. It was an amazingly acted movie. Historically, I met Its fairly accurate, was produced by bike? rubin I think easy he and his widow was involved in an and dead. Ray was involved, so I just ought to be an amazingly acted. Well, crafted movie. It was
writing was compelling. I learn things I won go listen to all the music now like It's a beautiful thing about the internet and about the fact I now have to support this again again. There is no late to the party. You can just go get that stuff, but man the whole life I decide. I just thought it was great and I I need I really. how I want interview ice cube. I mean out of the whole crew that guy seem the guy, wait and was amazing and that the sort of depth that it seem like that The righteous spirit of the whole undertaking was sort. on his shoulders and that huh world of the music business is- is really new to me. It shouldn't be. there's an ignorance to my on my part, but damn I thought it was an exciting, and I thought it was a great movie that I guess that's all I'm saying
I am ignorant about rap music, and I I love that movie and I learned something, and there was a fuckin that the spirit of it was just amazing. So now it's my pleasure to her Two to bring to you my conversation with Sir Patrick Stuart, his show blunt talk. new show airs on saturday nights at nine pm on starz you know, I'm from my the other things I amazing guy. So here we go You are the second night. I've had a dream
in macao? Was here that's right, so he was talking about MR holmes. Yes, and she is, I think, he's brilliant enough. He was great I don't. I don't know how much we got an into that ultimately, but we did talk about shakespeare. Yes, yes, because is there something about that? He's a he's pretty on top of the shakespeare busier as he is, and I I am one of those people that never really locked into shakespeare. Why was that it? as I do. I don't it's just that and understand it did seem to take a long time. You know when I saw it was like. I don't really get it, not diminishing him dumps are certainly not going to say that shakespeare with some new nodded. greatest writer ever I just I wish I could relate to add more and then he can. We talk about the big men at the anti performed shakespeare to my face directly and delivered the message yeah yeah. I don't know that was intention, but he did some.
From Thomas more, I guess sort of which is a little off the beaten Oh yeah, that's an alleged authorship. he said. That was the only one that is in shakespeare s, handwriting supposedly in the british museum that there is this. and it was a monologue about immigrants is indeed it. Looking right at me, out of nowhere- and I was like I get it now- I understand Did he do that of book? Was he yes? He was prepared, lately he didn't show up, but you must have, of shakespeare monologues in your mind, it on hand it will. They have been cluttering up my brain for decades I mean I can remember speeches that I learned when I was a teenager. Really sure that it's all there and my wife this morning quoted, is she quoted something from hamlet and and She's a singer say I do not suppose right expert. She got a couple.
Wrong, better realizing tat. It was a very good quote, and I could I you had the words that were missing but yeah I've. I have speeches hours of speeches in my head Just don't go away, there's something about shakespeare. There's something about the nature of the blank were half even his pro which is a little trick here right, but its sticks right it and it's almost like a song. Yes What? Because there is a rhythm right and there there is, two, there is music to write shakespeare and you find yourself or are you one of those people that can quoted appropriately in conversation like out of nowhere, that a situation is happening and, and you dry, and do you do I'm in shakespeare in that year. Well, I have done it a little bit pretensions continue.
But I do it's in blood talk in episode, one side, I watch here last night, quoting omelette from the roof of my car. In that way, you didn't have to that. Didn't have to write that in for you. did write it in, but it was a line that I've spoken several hundred times. So I didn't have any difficulty, remember even done hamlet, several hundred times performances, yeah, yeah yeah, I would advocate, but not playing the prince playing the king. I I never acted hamlet. It said appointment in my life, partly because I feel really ready to do it now. Probably the right with the best time in my life, however, I'm probably about fifty years too old to play hamlets. But there's? U can interpret shakespeare. How you'd like any way like? Yes,. I mean there's been a very notable production in England yeah his pulse year when hamlet was played by a beautiful young actress. I was at risk.
if I really was received marvellously lot of enthusiasm for her performance, so you know I I I wonder sometimes about the radio. Maybe I could come and do hamlet here, we could do hamlet. It would be an interesting experiment. It would probably be more comedic if I did it with you, not really knowing it. That would be the way to dia. I think now would be hugely entertaining, but we'd need to get a lot of other actors in here, because it's a big cast of characters or it's going to well, you can do many voices. You can do You can do writing so it could be like a one. Man show yeah. Why don't? Why haven't you tried that yeah great idea, because you know who I had in here yesterday- I had peter bogdanovich in here. Did you I wish I had known that at the time I was seeing Peter a great deal yeah. I came very friendly while he he recalled when I said you were coming. He recalled the performance of your one. Man show with a christmas carol, show yes, and he said
did he had to compose himself after the performance before he met you? he was too emotional and then he said he could not help but crying anyway he did it was a memorable occasion. First of all, I was thrilled to meet him business. I've enjoyed his work enjoyed. No, no, no! That's too, light a I've loved his work, nea and and he s. I was was ready to leave the fit right when you he showed up and down it's true, he started to talk about the performance and began to weep, but you know that's. The christmas carol is very potent story, two very simple story, and often people think of it is just a christmas story or even just a children's doria. But in fact it's about redemption and and if you have a life for a history that maybe needs a little bit of redeeming. Then I think her christmas carol is going to affect you. I need that
redeeming. We we all of us would be helped by a little bit of redemption. What compelled Because I didn't really know about that. But that is something that you you did you know once you what you want you got here. you are in los angeles? Well, it was My response to this The growing realisation that start right, the next generation was not going to the failure that everybody had predicted it would be in my own agent, when I balked the idea of signing a contract for six years here he said, don't worry, don't worry, I can help you been lucky to make it through the first season you cannot revive and iconic show light like the sergeant the idea, so you know come make but a money for the first time in your life get a suntan, meet some girls dolly way exactly exactly anyway. This story turned out to be very front and it's only under
and watch the great william goldman sachs? about in hollywood. Nobody knows anything about anything yeah. and we were ahead, so I I knew all of those stories about english actors that had come to hollywood, like what you are the ones it stood out. Well, I mean you, I mean I english act as great english actors, Olivier richard bernier Piero to re tony hopkins yeah. All actors who came here and didn't come back right, you know. I mean Tonia. Somebody by miss a great deal of ours is stage work is concerned about. Understand it's a very pleasant life in los angeles to understand, and even though I was here for seventeen years till I could take it anymore and I left, but the one I was scared of was that that would happen to me right and that
I would lose my nerve about being on the stage heard stories from so many actors. This had happened. You stay away too long. I saw age from the state. You can't get back on their we get a fear. I demand indeed exacted that so I was determined. This was not gonna happen to re. So during the second season of star trek after I'd done, my lord, ray on Saturday mornings, which was my system, I had. I am, I still do my own laundry. I was doing it all day. Yesterday. It's it's just a ground obsession that it it. As somebody said to me the other down the platform of the subway station in broken and where I live, a man you can We need real. They said and the launch these budgets when those weird things like I union between these last two interviews, I been don trying to make or china the mexican drink the rice drink, and there are things that you do that that really sort of
ground. You and connect you yeah too, to just being a person exactly there is something therapeutic, I'm not exactly sure what the nature of that fact really is, but it it's I just like the routine Are you you had a you like, a bad guy who needs have his things folded a certain way. Yes, I wash my t shirts. I do underwear socks, antigua, seattle, nothing else right, so don't think about it. We are sure of tat day. I way we have to know what the bag and now we are not. Now that I couldn't cope with better the t shirts. I have aware folding the right hand it some it. Pleases me. Some people think it's eccentric anyway, these weekends, in the second season at outbreak I spent most saturday. Devising solo shows for myself. I actually created about six of them in a few weeks.
And one of them was a version of christmas carol. I'd had the idea, When my I used to be a choir boy, my church in england than they they wanted to raise money. I think the organ need needed, restoring oh it was called murphy's parish, church of england, it as yes church of england. Lookin, birch, and so said. I would I would put on this performance for them before christmas and they pay, sold out the the church and I would as you just said, and how old were you then? I was I was in my book. Forties
I thought you were. I had you, oh no! No, no, no, you say no arrests of doing. I dont think anyone would have cut a disease reading your christmas carol when I was a kid, so I did this thing and, and unfortunately I didn't cause it enough said the audience sat there for nearly four hours in this rather drafty gothic victorian church. But the story got to me and when I was thinking about compiling shows yet I could easily perform that. I could pack everything I needed into the trunk of my car and take it to a college a community centre right, for some water and and in that way keep my stage chops in You know that you want to be at a touring act if you're a sort of way. It's almost like a comedian might anxious throw this in the car yeah yeah exactly but self contained limited lighting absent
I needed nothing at all, really ripe, minimal lighting and some decent closed rack, admirable clause that yeah, yeah yeah, then I'd wash myself, but I took- and I took this christmas carol idea very seriously- and I remember I- I cut it properly this time I got it cut down and I wanted to tell a version of the story. because it always seem to me that the sentimental side of christmas carol was what had been emphasised, except in the great alister sims black white british film version in which he played a real, amsterdam scrooge. I want I too am the proud that the piece to be more about what we've been discussing redemption so- and I read it for a group of a a teachers, professors, the english department at you see allay. I read it one evening on the hearth. Rug of
my friends house with all of these. Callers sitting around me and they all said you gotta show there. You know you should put it together, so I I did it the script in my hand, I have piles of script, dotted about the stage, because I couldn't it was I to our show right, but then a good friend of mine said taking you'd broadway with this show it's it's it's too good just to be taking. Campuses any man I had then I had to learn. It is so it was in things are you decided to to showcase it academics to make sure you were on the level with yes exactly I wanted. I wanted to have confirmation. What I was doing with the story was not undermining. It was not in in some way being disrespectful to what the great dickens had down daunted diminished, you you don't at your peril eight. So they gave me a thumbs up and I went ahead and then finally, I had to sit down and learn. Forty nine pages,
but not, but not unlike shakespeare, you get the rhythm, I imagine you do and its six I mean I haven't performed this now for many many years, but you know if we had the time. I could start right. You know right now. Marley was dead to begin with is absolutely no doubt about that. The euro, and now you go on for sale, but but you don't wanna, hit dickens this morning, Do it the idea that the fear of not doing age work and the fact that you know when you think about anthony hopkins, that you have some nostalgia. Melancholy that he's not being what are used to be unsafe? You have no idea really about who anthony hopkins on stage or I have not seen you work on stage either, but there's something because I awesome theatre recently in. I don't go a lot in there's something now sorry near irreplaceable, but the experience as an audience members in a performer for stage and- and I,
No, why it is. It is because, unlike television or fill the the air that is being breathe and that there should be breathed by the performer and by the audience to and the the un's become a part of the performance. Sometimes I I meet audiences after play and that they always seemed surprised when I insist that they are a very important part of that unique performance, because every stage performance is unique death it nothing is ever simply repeated the euro. So many things, can affect how you perform, how you feel are you? Well? Are you unwell? Did you have a good day? Have you but I had a didn't have enough to eat dinner to modulate you awake, you drunk exactly all of those elements, gotta be taken into account, and so it it
is a one off experience, and and that's why I think theater has so much power potential power to change the way people feel- and I I do remember and have friend of mine coming to see christmas carol on when it was on broadway one of the occasions, and she said to me, I wish you could have seen the people leaving the theatre by the looks on their faces. I knew they were. Not feeling the same things they had been feeling when they walked into the theatre. In other words, what you did you and dickens between you had changed them that evening made them think differently about the world and that's the best possible comment. You can yet about a stage performance and yet because everyone has their own human experience with it? Where we're if you go to a movie, it's very controlled situation and it'll most of the time you leave a movie and it's gone, it's it's a it's. It can be
yeah can be. I mean there are movies, it stick for me, but it If you're talking about a certain type of yeah yeah there is, there is a distance effect I find by film and television. But when you're watching flesh and blood riley actor is experiencing these things and commute Creating that experienced directly inaction live to an audience. It's very potent what is built in vulnerability to it, because it is just flesh and blood up there and there's a moment like sometimes what just wanna play starts. I almost dark Even it doesn't matter what it is because you're beginning this, this thing with these people, their people and there's a lot on the line. Yes, there's theirs, it there's a built in vulnerability to it, no matter what it is and- and the key to that I think, is that everything is happening for the first,
right does matter how many performances you ve done at the play when I put to go on for the first entrance. I know nothing about the next three hours. My mind is a blank All I know is that I have one thing that I gotta take one step and walk on stage. Then I have a line to speak, but beyond that I know nothing. For instance, and you just hope you take off. I mean you don't want to be thinking about that. If you're thinking about the or whatever you're in trouble disaster happened, then it's it's living in the moment right, which is a cliche about performance, but it really really important. For example, I did a production of that great twentieth century american masterpiece, whose afraid of Virginia wolf edward out yet astonishing play and that power The current goes up on an empty living room, and then you hear a keeping put into a lock. The lock turns the door opens an
into the living room, walk george and Martha and Martha says her first line. Well, I asked the the set elders if they would put a real lock on the outside and give me the key because went when I was standing behind them. door waiting to begin this three hour, long mammoth of a player All I knew was I have this key my I put in the lock- and I turned it here and I dont know anything else at all, it's It sounds a bizarre way to approach creativity, but it it. allows you more convincingly to be in that moment to react spontaneously. like somebody who is had fired of rehearsal right done, twenty performances orbit already, but it is literally happening posing as at present yeah, yeah and its it makes it makes it exciting,
yeah. So when what I mean, but when did this all start for you I mean when he uh where'd, you grow up exactly. I grew up in north of england in the west riding of yorkshire and- and I grew up speaking, not just with an accent but speaking dialect. We, we were an eye. What does it sound like? Are you an example? Yet, ok m: I will go to a friend's house here to see if he could come out to play right and I would say to him at all. I cannot what that's a leg out. Ok, utter! Not thou yeah, because it because I used the endow when I was a child really. Yes, yes, it was kind of standard. The no good at all. They cannot eta Nor are you lake in is a dialect word for playing and actors in the sixteenth. innovating century were known as lakers salt lake. Can mean acting or it could mean playing soccer
was just what your family spoke. Yes, friends and on all the neighbors. Everyone around spoke with this dialect, so we understood one another. It was both from another part of england whose of in Heaven for fan another country who would be very very confused by what we say, and this is the your other dialects in englanders is widened. Many many and you know there were those of dialect experts identified just in the area where I grew up, five different accents and what is this these. All these are old, english words usually or they are, as I said using the word laker is, is one of them for play a middle english. Would it be yes, it will have its root. Certainly in middle englishman, my my mother sister, we were a kind of performing family, You were not thought weirder show off if at a party or christmas time
stood up and recited something or sang a song or played a musical instrument. My aunt used to recite this poem every every christmas here, It was not an actress you another perform, but that it was this employment started like this. I was sitting Acid must evenin memo in further by yourself cause that he had that meow not susanna. Will aid of a bad we cough? She is some brass is meow, not susanna? That's reason. She's looked after saw note- were unknown, but above all, as a sample we owed uncle John, not that's how people talk to have my community, so I think I understand it. The first idea her sentence. If it was a slightly dirty, you didn't understand. No it wasn't you a thing of the word. Awesome. Arson is version of fire, they saw her. I was sitting by the fire playwright last night. I was it We are sinless the right us and because it comes from ash, the whole way when we were, you burn the fire, so
yeah so that all had to go right. I got an acting teacher when I was twelve, which is a little bit presumptuous. You have other siblings, two brothers to older brother, and it was my older brother who got me interested in shakespeare because he loves shakespeare and he would read bedtime stories to me when he was in the area when he came home on leave, but bedtime stories he wrote, he read to me- were macbeth and king lear and charlotte horse heavy and I need to go to sleep till I guess I didn't I I stand very much yet, but I were a I loved it that my brother was reading to me. That was great because he was seventeen years older than obama really, and I I I loved the sound of the word, the air, but there was a phrase in hamlet. He used to love to do hamlet, said
the, but there was a phrase in the most famous soliloquy have all to be or not to be. When hamlet says When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, when, when we have ended eyes, the other words well it in my part of the world we pronounced co cc, a year as coil right see. Oh I out. Right so when my when brother, red shove, shuffled off this mortal coil yeah. I heard shuffled and thought well, he must mean shovelled. So it's a lie. about somebody shovelling coal right, and I believe that until I was well into my teens like? Not knowing the legs of the song, and you say, I'm wrong well for exam Let me give you another instance, because it'll it'll give you an idea of how I was brought up and lived,
my brother and I listen to the radio and every saturday morning there was a record programme for children, calls children's choice and you were right in requesting it for a birthday a friend who was sick and we got the songs, will repeat so. We learnt the lyrics of all of these songs, but there were one dean Martin song earlier, and we had many times, and we learned the lyrics and I thought it went when the moon hits your eye like a big piece of pyre that are, but it's not big piece by notes pizza, but why? I sizing piece of pi because I didn't know what a pizza was never seen a beach a never the dumb sure it was something completely foreign, so we decided he must be singing rather clumsily piece of reply other incident. Is you really do young even probably take in the idea of the mortal coil interactive? If you knew,
that then it would probably be disturbed. It would have been disturbing confusing. So I happily settle for shovelling robin talking about the necessary end to life, so your oldest brother was seventeen years older than me in the middle brother was how many years older, five, oh okay, so the first one was a like a long time. four, oh, oh yeah, and because my my father got my mother pregnant and immediately joined the army. And didn't marry her and went off and he was in actually station in india, with the british army in india, the raj all through the twenties and early thirties. after ten years, he came home in america, and that was there. world war, what about between world war, one world war two year, but of course, he was old enough to be conscripted during the m. My my eldest brother was so he was in the area for his warriors. Have what year what
Where was that that would be the second world war Nineteen, thirty nine to nineteen. Forty five, he really was he was old enough to be in the area and of course my father was aware the war over time. I I I hadn't dylan for four and a half five years of my life born in nineteen, forty thinking it I've cause I've worked out dates, because I know when he left home to go. The arm at your father, you brother, might my father. I was probably conceived on his last night in england way or last night is civilian sure if it works out properly and so for the next four years. I live with me mother and my brother and we had it and I had I, it delete life and then this big mouth, suddenly showed up when I was foregoing on five and changed everything for us that you knew from pictures only from pictures. and, of course he was wearing uniform and he was he finished his
my career as a superstar, he was regimental sergeant major of the parachute regiment. He was He was an abhorrent division and, as such at a very, very important job, an end you. You have spoken about him publicly alive and he came home a volatile person. Yes, he and I didn't know this until a very few years ago that they call it shall shock in those days and his experiences in nineteen forty with the british expeditionary force when we first invaded europe after the outbreak of war. It was a disaster, it went horribly wrong and what led to the evacuation of the british forces from Dunkirk yeah. In fact, my father was in cherbourg. He was on the last ship to leave cherbourg for england and the the nazis were already in the suburbs right. And when his boat actually sales in those very fortunate to get out. Otherwise, he d spent those for years
the prisoner walk, and so he saw a lot of action in other. We saw a great deal of action. Yes, and once he joined the parachute regiment, which he did, I think in nineteen forty two he jumped into action. I think four times I mean into action, meaning that his parachute opened and he was being shot ass, sober tipp to find a death sean for whatever you experienced. Yet how are you framing it be were you able to be sympathetic to two too? Well, you were brought up, I mean did did, did, did deal with post, traumatic stress and and to to see it that way that I imagine it created an empathy that you didn't have before. It certainly did a huge empathy because- and I have talked publicly for a number of years now for a long time I couldn't about about the violence in my home. My father proved to be a weekend off,
colleagues, the weekends were dangerous times and not always sometimes he would come back from the pub or the club, whatever had been in a good mood and then was lovely and we could all have a good night's sleep. Sometimes he would be ill tempered and, and it could lead to blows, and the police to everybody in the family or to no. No, no only my mother, he never never struck myself or my brother and so when I became active in, the world of of domestic violence is used. I joined it, one brilliant organization. England call refugees which provide safe houses for women and children to women. In the. U k die every week at the hands of a partner lover, husband, what it's it's the figures are terrifying, and so my father got a very, very bad press for a very long time.
and then I learned this thing about him being suffering from ptsd in nineteen forty, which was never treated. There was no treatment, for it is man up the eggs, actually me, I'm gonna, be a man right Poleos altogether and be a man. That's all help he would have been given, and when I talk to an expert on ptsd- and I told him about my father's behaviour in his life, he said all of these are classic symptoms of sufferers from so I resolved then to do for the memory of my father. What I've been doing for the memory of my mother and I joined another organization called combat stress which specializes in providing care for veterans who suffer from pdf. It's it's amazing work in its it's beautiful that you're doing that. I can't see like I can't imagine what that turn must have been, how much light it too. Because everyone has problems it will most people have problems with with their parents. I think
and in something so dramatic that is so traumatized for so long to define relief. that just by having a different way of looking at it? Yes it. It was a very emotional moment, because I was given this news on camera. They were filming me for a program called who do you think you are here and it's a wonderful bbc programme where they they they look at a person's life and history and an does and choose someone if there is some one interesting to find out about and to take the living subject, person back on a journey into the life of grant ancestor like this is your life kind of thing. The yes exactly in my case to my astonishment, because they tell you nothing in advance. The cameras began rolling and I realized it was my father's life. They were going to examine and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that.
I but were you to where he was he alive? No, no! Now when we, how long, how old were you when he passed and I was in my late thirties- were you guys able to have a relationship? Yes, but it was not a very sustained one. the anger. Yes, yes, indeed it into it. It was difficult being in his company and okay so that you say you're on the show and and they say it's going to be your father's wife. No, they don't say that they just lifted up to me to work it out. and- and I just read- start reading, you stories you. Yes, that's right. In this case it was about my my father's military history we in the end. We were in the the boar museum in london and they Are you nothing? You see an idle. I've been advised pack a bag for, knights away put in some whether gear and bring your passport
This was when I went to do this interview the imperial war museum. Well, then, we go. into a car when the interview was over and it was only by looking at the road signs. I realized we were going to Portsmouth and I thought. Aha, we are going to get on the ferry and go somewhere. I where we were going and we went to France the next morning I was standing in honest spot. a railway line where they millet historian. I was with told me my father would certainly have stood because they knew exactly what happened to the train that he was on outside a french town called Advil did. They know what happened in your family. I don't think those that I dont think that particular man didn't but later on, I was to meet someone who did and he is the one who showed me this newspaper, cutting that that's corporal alfred stew. It had returned home severely. Shell shocked.
I dont know, even if my mother ever knew that but set move the boys we'd. We we didn't know that is suffering- and I was assured, nothing would ever have got better form for him all his life. He would have stayed with the trauma of that those expire says because what happened to him when they were outside Abbeville, they were bombed and strafed and shelled they had to a ban that train and then they had to walk back to cherbourg from who had the waves along hike, And, along the way, there were all kinds of horrific incidents of civilian columns of refugees and civilians just being gun down on the highway from from planes attacking the a lot of this month, that would have witnessed in the experience and m it. It left him marked for life as a united sad, but it s an amazing gift that you were able to be given this new information
yes to us too. I can imagine. The unburdening did too go have some of their anger and yes, and that that was most important, because anger is a bad thing Dodd onto and but but yet it also left me feeling that I should. I should find some way of making it up to him him. I'd said all these two told these public stories about what he did and how ebay, saved and of our being sympathetic, yeah. Exactly and now I wanted. I can now put it in a context. My father was sick, were ill and don't know what it was had control over what he was doing. I that doesn't mean to say that I condemn the violence. Violence is never a solution by anything and it you you. You know that this is why I am very recently movement in this area are saying. Domestic violence is not a women's issue. Yeah it's a man's issue, yeah, ok, that all some women who beat up their husbands- that does that does
it's very rare and also its we're with domestic violence as theirs is weird, stigma around it to do other he was supposed to get involved. They don't get involved exactly and its humiliating and embarrassing for everyone, and that was- of the things I struggled with as a child was the sense of shame. I carried with me because, when fights arose in your house and they would be yelling and so forth, things being thrown. We lived in a community where people were cheek by jowl, and so everyone would that in fact we had a wonderful neighbour whose name was lizzie dixon had lizzie dixon worked in a weaving shed and had done all her life and she was a big powerful woman and I do quite clearly remember one night- huh throwing front door open. We, whenever locked doors, throwing the front door my father was in one of his rages and standing in front of him.
And raising her fist in his face and saying come on I'll. Do it Try it on me. Let's see how far you get with that come on, have a go at me because she would have flattened there's. No doubt great great woman I wish I wish I could meet her again to say thank you to her because she often stepped in and stop things from getting worse, really a lot it was. It was embarrassing. Was humiliating and there's no consistency in the house. You don't know you know where there's no way to define love. No, because you know Who is he gonna be? It was a truly chaos and when you look back at you, Creative career, you how frame that liking? You know your desire to to act.
In relation to two that emotional situate slope thanks to my seventeen years, living in los angeles and some expensive, but high quality therapy. I have been able to put those pieces together. I think the initial attraction to me of being an actor area was that I could avoid being myself I could be someone other than Patrick Stuart and in a different environment from the one that I lived in and from the first moment that I ever walked on stage in front of a dark and auditorium with a couple of hundred people sitting there. I was never afraid I was never fearful. I didn't suffer from stage fright, because I felt so safe
in that state june. I wasn't patrick Stewart. I wasn't in the environment that frightened me and I was pretending to be someone else, and I liked the other people I pretended to be so. I felt nothing but security for being on stage, and I think that's what drew me to this strange job of we make believe, which is what we do. It's interesting to me b here because when I spoke to to sir ian you know he knew guys are friends like he was able to What, if identify that the shame he out from being closeted. It did. It did not able him to have an emotional life. Yes, so he could play these parts where he had a full emotional life. I have heard here until we we have shared out experience. Hocker's, we we shared a dressing room for six months when we were doing waiting for godot, and we talked often about these things and it's ah, for instance, I could not.
Act anger for many, many many you, because you are too afraid of it, eggs. While I was fearful what might come out if I really, because as it is an act of youth up into real experiences are really motions. You know we have this. We have these life experience, which only those in bills and get more and more profound yeah each year that you live and nothing is ever wasted on an act. No experience is ever wasted because you store it away. It goes into this bank account of experience, and then you want to. You want to be thought to be a having a true. A genuine ex authentic experience, onstage you tap into those things that will help you to provide that to give the appearance, and yesterday and I couldn't do
faked anger for years and years and years and years, and indeed a directive would say to me: that's not quite working. You know We find another way getting stuck somewhere, where of course, it will have to be at the two too to be witness of rights oh unbridled rage. How would deal a m must been terrified to put what was any had to assume on some level that party or father was in you. I I know what an I knew. What was in me It was many of the same things that my father felt. I know that now without doubt I I have occasioned, very rare now, because I like to think that I
more understanding of myself and more in control of myself, and I I like to think that I can go into a place of anger, of rage, of fury and kane, contain it to the character that I'm playing and not let it break out the costs. In my ordinary private life, there have been moments. It happened with a paparazzi a few months ago, really yeah. Just a few months ago, just a few months ago. This incident lasted seconds, but after I was shaking from what I had done and ashamed that I had lost control even though it had worked, and I got into the safety of my car with a driver. I had let myself down, but it happened. So fast scared. There was no opportunity to say I'm feeling there.
I'm gonna get control of it. I wouldn't let go! No, that there was. It was totally impulsive was no reasoning behind it. I did not prepare myself for that. It happened to me as if it was happening. Somebody in that's the scariest part a radius, oh my god, it's true! If you like up its possession and then There's an immediate moment like on my god, my fuckin father, yes, an isolated, and they they put the wiring and why it did make sense, and then the shame comes back. Oh so, when I played macbeth, a few years ago, we did it as a sort of cold war production it was set set as if it might have been in a soviet satellite commissioner, you know after the second world war and I'd were has this for six or eight weeks, but it wasn't until the first restaurant so when I was in my military uniform with a forged cap on my head and I
little ritual my my dress. Her would stand by the dressing room door and hand me in a cave, forty seven, which I took on stage with me, tucked under my arm, and she would give me this thing and I turned to look in the mirror. I grown a mustache withdrawal and I Why I mean a mustache macbeth, it consumes a little bit weird. I dont know why. Until I in the mirror, to check that I had. the I need it and my father was looking straight back. I actually created him It's interesting that I wasn't gonna play a good guy or playing one of the worst monsters in drama macbeth, and I had made myself look like my father and there had been no conscious rational choices behind those decisions at all. Until I saw what I looked like in the mirror, and in did you find that you are able to process anything in those performances that leave very much so
yes, very much so big, because I knew then that I could let the rage the fury, the the the violence out authentically and nothing bad. What happened and in fact I would be helping myself because this therapeutic absolutely and how are those performance has received a pretty well, we did We open that production in chichester I sat down on the chichester festival theatre. It was so successful. We transfer to the west end of london that so successful. We show to brooklyn academy of music in new york. That sold out before we got off the plane, that the equity very kindly allowed us to transfer the whole production to broadway where we played another twelve weeks. So you I'd say that my father had some hand in making that production such a success, because when my son's mother in law came to see it in new york daily
on long island, my son and his wife, and have parents we're going to come backstage. My daughter in those mother refused to come back state. She said no way I'm going back, If that guy she had met me before, and we got on very well. She said you'll find me in the bar across the road and she went in there to have a drink, to get macbeth out of her system have you been? you're in hollywood, seventeen years and he made a choice to move. You were brought here at an opportune, yes, exact so before where that happened, you were just primarily a stage actor and you done television in britain in some movies, I'd I'd done some tv or not a lot, and I had appeared in quite small roles in some movies and might my biggest break that I got while I was still living in england was to be cast in David lynch's movie dune,
and that was that was, I guess, the first time that anything that I had done had really been seen in the united states. And so how Where were you like in terms of your your ad who'd about acting. Were you comfortable you happy to be? He was your career, ok, yeah it it was, and it was, not long before that that I had had this kind of epiphany as a result of a conversation that I had had with a director who is about direct me in a show, I was going to play a character called Leon teas in the winter's tale. This is another macbeth type he's a very, very bad man. I mean he kills his own son. The air kills his
I've, a horrible man and this directive said to me. I can I want you to do this, because I think this man actually exists inside you now. I had never talk to him about the things we have been talking maya, but this man was a director and the psychologist. I have asked all relevant and he says tat. He felt when you do this role I want to to tap that leon, tease, which already exists inside of you, and I said woo. I don't think I can do that. He said. Listen, you do this trust me and I will always be at your side. Nothing bad will happen to you, because if you fall, I will catch you. I mean that's an incredible statement for a director to say, but I believed him and trusted him. I went on stage and I played this monster a friend of mine and english, professor, you see, I lay came to see it several times and actually said to me,
you would have had more success in this row. Patrick, I had a modest success with it, but you would have had more success if we had not felt we shouldn't be watching that what was happening to you was to private to internal to it, Joseph here too shocking to reveal ease had all the time I was watching you. I wanted to look away really to say so I put that down as a success and from that moment on, I couldn't fake it anymore. Any more yeah cause I'd had the experience of tapping my own feelings and exposing my own feelings, and I wasn't going to go back. The fakery, it's it's it's it's interesting to me that that now, with the with blunt talk- and I know Jonathan ames- I know a couple of the writers that Duncan Birmingham used to write for my show that he is. who's that, after years of of doing
art and then then years of doing a professor Xavier that these are a relatively controlled people, yo as key does it have been rounded there? There intense there that you have their leaders, but they are in control of them's rights. Right now, blunt is sort of this exciting comedic opportunity he's a fly character, has had to yeah he's been married. Several times, you've been married, a few times yeah. I I imagine, as the series goes on we'll meet those wives and we'll get more of that backstory. We we meet to the most recent wife in the in this first season and I'm looking forward to meeting walter's first wife, because I've got to go dear who I would like to play that an english actress hide my very much and it would be fun to have her on the show, but At the moment we ve met two sons ages- about forty years difference in their ages.
A five year old and a forty five year old, actually I can talk about it now played by my son. I'll get my own some place some has your relationship now, each year on year. Third, wife right can we refer Is that a little better? I'm sorry? I mean you're married to the woman. You love that you go kate, I knew you could do is a hand and you're on your thirty. I review finally found happiness Indeed, I have cast oh yes, I shall we refrain that and you have you have two children or three I have to when for grandchildren from from all those wife, yes now review design to personal now and in the in in the course of their upbringing. I don't know Did you like? We talk about your father, but you're obviously live long enough to see work, he did and he came to see me a lot. I think he was quite proud of what I was achieving when I was in regional, and then particularly when I joined the royal edgeware company
saw me them many times and in was there a resistance to the pride at first, and finally, you you felt did would we did? That means something to you, even with your anger that that this man was so impressed with you, it did mean something to me has meant a great deal to me. I think at first he thought that there was that this enthusiasm for acting and then wanting to become rational actor was was pretty silly. Nobody in my family had ever become an actor in a week. They worked in fact, whereas in industry they went down the coal mine juno, but and he saw that I was making a career arbed, albeit a modest korea. I was, I was out of work for three weeks when I left drama school and then I got a job as an acting ass him in we the rapid, a different play every Monday night right,
I was never out of work again for about eighteen years and I worked continually and I think this impressed him because my father had a terrific work ethic and, and he could see that I could make a living I I could afford to get married. I could buy a house, I could educate my children, and this was all through this peculiar job that I chose to do and I think I think he felt real pride about my achievements. I wish very much
both. My parents could have seen my star trek experiences, because I think I think my father would have appreciated jean luc picard and I think he would have been happy to see that I could make something of a military figure and and give him a three dimension which perhaps he did not think me capable of and and to be aware that suddenly and it was suddenly, it was overnight and my my reputation, my status as an actor went from well. If you didn't go to the royal shakespeare company, occasionally watch obscure programmes on the bbc. You didn't never heard a patrick stewart and then sartre came along and it, namely women, a worldwide phenomenon, not me, but that the series, but you as well yeah- I mean to an extent yeah. I to say your father never saw the rolls. Were you tapped the fury of him now
So I guess my question is and we'll talk about the cargo there you have it. We have finally grew bright talk for a long time. The well, I guess along the personal lines, were there is your relationship with your sons. touching go. Did you find that you were still battling? The goes to your father and bringing these kids up, and occasionally I have a son. I'm sorry, ok- and I I remember We once feeling violent towards my son and it it he had yet some irritating habits. One of them was it when he came home from school at when he was a teenager, he would make himself cup of tea and then take a poverty. Upstairs he had a little like bed sitting room at the top of the house and he would start doing is at work. He was he was very rigorous and on that, but he never brought
the cups back down, and I would go to the cupboard eventually and it would be bare empty and nothing to drink. A cup of coffee or coffee and I would go up to his room and there would be twenty five mugs all with a scum and a half drunk cups of tea and coffee and- and you know with with the stuff growing in her. So this had happened once and I did grab him by the front of his shirt and shake him, but that as bad as it got Was it so irritated? You know what he still does that thing today, so that we have a fantastic relationship, when I was arriving outside your front door yeah. It was my son I was talking to on the phone because, sir, we we we had a great time when he came here to to be in blunt talk and we're hoping that there will be more opponents for him great, so the opportunity to do star trek
was a fluke in a way. The way described it. You're, like you just get in and out will make a few bucks and then it became a sort of a defining a role for you I get you are associated with it forever. You'd go to comic con and people one they they they expect that they expect picard's the reason they want the you meant. You meant a lot to a lot of people. I I'm not a trekkie, so I don't have the depth of the the the what you must this all the time because come at all right, don't don't feel bad about that, but in an outdated, X. Men franchise is also a huge any very to me that you end sir. Macao and have these recurring roles in these fantastic franchises? You must sit with each other, like it's, I'm fuckin believable, exactly that. We would often set in a trailer when we made the first acts by moving. How did this come about? How did it happen I'll tell you how it
about an hour, and I think the fact that the two of us and other actors will come into this. Sir, into this genre, spend so much I'm on stage with heightened language, Graham MAO's playing kings, emperors, you're, a tyrant's villain, yeah clowns, whatever, and and so we fitted very comfortably into the world of fantasy and science fiction, because we'd already been in it for a long time right and that there is a there is something heightened about both star trek and x men, something that not totally one hundred percent real. There is as there is, of course,
A theatrical letty about it takes very yeah, absolutely shakespearian. I've, I've and greek is well yeah. I do remember the day sitting on the bridge of the enterprise very late one evening and under looking at the set and suddenly realizing may be. The reason I am so comfortable on this set is that actually it represents an elizabeth and theatre. You know there are entrances downsides, and down right. There are entrances up stage that absolute right. There is even a raised area because in the original globe, or are the play house They had a raised balcony at the back where they could play seems that either you are meant to be elevated or they just wanted to separate them from the rest of the action that I had been inhabiting this this space ship bridge without realizing
that, in fact an and what about the captain's chair right, it's a throw. Of course I mean I had I had to chairman of the joint chiefs of staff I had one ex president and One am secretary of state say to me: oh and one astronauts buzz aldrin allies say to me: can I sit in the chair and it's either have such or such a reputation. Yes, Ronald Reagan came on the second, and thus, of course, the old actor. Anita looked grace in that chair, so, yes, we even had a throne and once early on in the series when I was getting very irritated at the inference made by numerous
Listen that, given my role, shakespeare company, shakespeare background that I was somehow slumming. Do you know what I mean by that gem sure I was going down market selling out, but by selling out by appearing in a syndicated science fiction, what they expect you guys to do? Well now we're just adding on ebay, but so I turned on this journalists I said, listen, understand one all those years of sitting in all those thrones of england was nothing but a preparation for sitting in the captain's chat of the enterprise and and that night got driving home. I thought how accurate that really is. Sitting in that exposed a ritualistic seat had all of the connotations of a throne. and again I've been doing this for a long time without realising it.
Can I tell you one thing, of course, there's nope there. No pockets in in space suits none. and an eye all those years awaiting, tight and and and hose dublin who is no pockets it or you can put your facts in that way. You know your light at all. You changed for the telephone, not at all. I was no reason to carry things in space. It fifteen fit on the belt her. What is certainly not on the enterprise. All you have to do is ask off the computer, something and you ve got is so yet you know is one of the things I say to student act is trying to put your hands in your pockets when you, when you performed, because it actually it. It doesn't seem convincing if relaxing to you, but actually it has an artificial look about it, artificially relax bait way back in two thousand, that you remember,
presidential elections of two thousand and twenty as well. I I had been introduced to come to the vice president when he was vice president. At at an event at the white house, I was able to have a little conversation wet when he was campaigning for the presidency in two thousand about about his physical presence He was giving speeches on stage vice president go. I had a habit of putting one hand in his pocket and gesturing with the other one. Where then, taking that hand out of his pocket, putting the other hand in his pocket and gesturing with this, had I any bless him. He listen, I said: don't do it looks in secure and weak the strong thing that you can ever do when you are facing, is just let your arms hanging by your side
apart from anything else it showing how relaxed you are not a stiff but relax, but it is also making you look vulnerable and for a politician, that's a good thing. You told them in time. He crept up behind hind legs an event a few years ago in tat me on the shoulder and said: if I listen, where do you get things gotta be hurried differed from me, he's a visa, very delightful man and the relationship with that with MC clellan got straw. Very recently right. You would you guys we're not friends necessarily in england or you were not friends now in you understand was a start from the beginning of his career. He was mine for stardom when he was still at cambridge university and he was giving outstanding performances. Then I saw him work as a young actor, and I I was astonished by his versatility and range and and or and excitement that he brought to estate.
for missus and furthermore, I knew I couldn't do what he was doing. He was better than me and would always be better than me, so I was just at a distant fan. Then we worked on us age production together we only did a handful of performance is when news tom stop at play, and I saw him in close up. Will that only just cemented even further what I felt about him, women and I was a little intimidated by him. He was very slight, had no education and says that I'm obsessed with my bad education, because I always bring this up- I left school fifteen. He went to cambridge university, so I, was kept a distance from him until that we were in adjoining luxury trailers in toronto, filming the first x men movie and as with films like that, you know, you spend much more time the treasurer, then you do I'm set acting because setups a so take so long and So we are not in one another's trailers and in conversations began, I think, to realise how much
adding common, how many things I love of shakespeare of being in the raw shakespeare company. The actors, the other directives, we admired the things that we like to do think we had a great deal- is learned all on the job. Yeah. That's amazing, really profound. an indian through union developed this relationship in that's where europe, europe, both in being in godot, happened it it is. We were in, was always going to do waiting forgot out with this one for direct ashore matthias, and they were. They met to have a conversation whose you play the other tramp and it was in who said, I think you should ask Patrick stood
it's an I I I I was asked. I said yes instantly, because it's a great ledger, replay and and the two characters are onstage for the entire play writer and much of the play is a dual log between the two of them. So the idea of sharing the stage in a sam beckett play with surrey in the car was irresistible. But Ian said to me, I think, before we began rehearsals one day we were talking about what was coming up and he said you know. I don't think this play would work if every night we meet for the first time that day on stage,
I think we have to begin the play at least forty five minutes earlier. I think we should share a dressing room well by then we were both actors of a certain status here that who expect it to have their own private dressing room. So this was a very unusual thought of his, but he was absolutely right. Those two trumps have been together have been friends for over Fifty as there's a line in the play, oh, I dunno over fifty years and the universe, poverty rights the audience had to believe that this was a fifty year old relationship addressing so we should. We shared addressing them and with all that that means yeah it's, but like a marriage, a ha, that's hey man and he paid off it. It paid off. so well that it meant by the time he said his first line. Nothing to be done, and I responded I'm beginning to come around that idea myself
we had already had dialogue rights, an end at whether if it was just recounting what we ve done during the day and we looked into one another's eyes and you know we ve got addressed. We ve got dressed together. We put all this crap that to where I am because we were dirty ramps and making ourselves, look as horrible as possible, so that lay was already underway now but it wasn't written by samuel back. I know you, gotta go do cordon, so it's in there. I got two more things I wanted. First, the it seems like, walter blunt and blunt talk as it is in your mind, is it at junior up against the typecast of of picard to some degree that there is an expectation of that you're embedded in the the global imagination. Is that guy, yes, and sometimes just in a professional imagination, I'd prefer trying to persuade a director several years ago.
that he should have me in his film playing a very nice supporting role. I've been campaigning for this role and we had a great meeting went so well, and he said to me you know: you're terrific actor I get it. I really enjoyed meeting you, but why would I want jean Luc picard in my movie attire? Yes, you know that almost going be you can do about that right. But now this is like very different from a car is a very earthly being very sort of flawed. Exciting characters of them. Ass, Madame it must be exciting to play its so exciting and perhaps most of all, because I'm having to think a little differently the work, the preparation is always the same, its consistent with with how I work to get the most out of the room. But now there is the question you have to
he is, and where is this funny, so you ve done all the other word, but now there's an extra layer, the an extra element of performance or of behaviour that you add. On top of that that stop something from being just stupid or melodramatic rod, unbelievable and becomes funny right and you're working with comedic actors, oil in and blunt talk I and all around the far more experience than I am right in playing comedy its grey mean we have richard louis, on the sheriff. For instance, I watched him he's been in here as the usher playing a friday and Emily anything. Everybody was born to play a friday and analysed it, but it's interesting that for a guy, that's built an entire caribbean, the patient, to two to switch it's like that. Can I watch at first episode in part of the second one anyhow, you know he really did it control performance, I'm heat here. Some looseness an insult
it's like locked in. Yes, your your that's, an excellent way of put it lewis, nes was was was taken out of it and I look into his eyes- and I think I could trust this guy, not that I wouldn't trust richard lawyer, maybe should reconsider that statement right, but trust him to listen to you. That's a anything for richer. Indeed, the other question I have before we wrap it up is: what was your experience being knighted? Oh, it was. It was I think where your parents at either or why? No, no, they they. I I was fortunate to be awarded an ob in a two thousand and in then two thousand and ten m that the knighthood to my astonishment came. I came in a brown, a plain envelope, except it said on the top of it, a a a
cabinet office cabinet office and it had been sitting in a plastic bag with a lot of other mail that had been in a positive, a motel when I was filming for about ten days while an eye forgotten that I put this bag a male in there. very early one horrible com in november morning, I I realize I've got a few minutes. I should look through this and there was this letter cabinet office. What the heck is this I opened it up and it said we are pleased to tell you that- and I remember you think, they'd special for that. Wouldn't you wouldn't you yeah? You know some kind of regular pose to somebody in some fancy. Uniform should have brought it to me. I know it came by the mail. I don't think it was stamped. However, Let us now cabotage on vehicle for free- and I remember staring the brown wall of this motel room in complete disbelief that this had happened. I couldn't take in the news that
when I was when I was a young actor. I admired beyond words, sir Alec Guinness sir John g o Sir Laurence, Olivier sir Cedric Hardwicke. These were all people we're heroes of the year, and suddenly I was been asked: do you want to join them? You know, and what I wanted to do was to rush on the set that morning cause. We were shooting the big dinner party scene in macbeth. We were we film, add me as well and say guys: you'll, never believe what has happened, but you're not allowed to do that until the ceremony. No, you mustn't speak about it at all. Ever Have I mean there are stories that people who have kind of yellow know eps the telegrams through spoke. The beams have found that actually they didn't get it after really yeah
so he did you. Then the ceremony with the queen was that it was the queen that I got my ob from the prince of wales. I got the knighthood from her majesty and that was an especial pleasure and, and she was so impressive she gave out one hundred awards that morning she was on her feet. I think she was eighty six yea. She was on her feet for the entire hour. She spoke a few sentences to each person receiving an award. and was absolutely delightful, but it all kind of happened in a bit of a blood. That's the only thing that I was obsessed with was that I wouldn't fall over, because you have to walk backwards away from after the count you're igniting that's where you got the two shoulders and then the been around the neck and then standing up in a brief conversation, and then you have to take three paces away from up while still facing and and your on the top of some steps. You know, so my horror was that I
fall backwards down a year, the your lifetime and theater and three steps. I I mess up the stage management of it and it's beautiful now do when did your other, which you live long enough to see. You work. Yes, a dead dead. They died only two years apart and my mother I know, was proud because she told me and she loved that I was having success in that they both of them were pleased that I was actually able to have a quite comfortable life. I'll say graduation. Thank you great agony and you thanks very much what an honor you ought to have,
the guy, just a solid guy and thoughtful and amazing sort of that, the idea of of giving him being given the opportunity and taking it to find empathy and love in your heart, for a sort of injury that that lasted. That long is will asia with his father is just what a phenomenal turn. That's really really a great great experience. A talker surpass stewart
the the.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-13.